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COMMON DESIGN MISTAKES | Bedroom Design Mistakes and How to Fix Them | Julie Khuu

Jun 04, 2021
Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel, I'm Julie and today we continue with our top




for every room in your home. Today we tackle the


. I invite you to watch this video from your


so you can take a look. around and see if you are making these



or if you are doing it right all the time,


is about experimenting with the result and editing the style and redesign until you are no longer inspired and ready for an update before you start. I'm very excited to announce that this video is sponsored by Skillshare.
common design mistakes bedroom design mistakes and how to fix them julie khuu
If you haven't heard of Skillshare, it's this amazing online learning community for creatives. It offers thousands of inspiring classes on every topic imaginable, from art to photography to managing your productivity. Cooking, commercial writing. and yes, even interior design, these classes are taught by the world's leading professionals with the main goal of helping you learn through video lessons and then complete a project at the end, which I think is great, it's a way different from consuming content. really practical, I mean the classes are designed for learning, so the advantage is that there is no advertising whatsoever. Many of you have asked me if I knew of any online interior design classes and Skillshare is an amazing resource, one of the most popular.
common design mistakes bedroom design mistakes and how to fix them julie khuu

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common design mistakes bedroom design mistakes and how to fix them julie khuu...

The classes right now are called How to Use Minimalist Interior Design to Live Your Best Life by Erica Fogelman. I'm a maximalist by nature and I like to keep it simple, especially with a toddler running around. I would love to learn a little more. about minimalism, so I can't wait to dive into this course. Most classes are less than 60 minutes and some are even less, so you can watch


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common design mistakes bedroom design mistakes and how to fix them julie khuu
Members get unlimited access to thousands of inspiring classes and are constantly adding new classes. Daily membership is usually lower. ten dollars a month with a subscription, but Skillshare is offering the first thousand subscribers who click my link in the description box below a free trial of premium membership. There is no commitment, you can explore your creativity and look at your own pace and pace if you are feeling a little stuck and uninspired right now. I advise you to click on the link and just look around and see if there is anything that excites you. Get ready to learn new skills, explore the creative arts, and discover your passions for a more inspiring life, so without further ado.
common design mistakes bedroom design mistakes and how to fix them julie khuu
Then, let's jump right into the 15 most common mistakes made in the bedroom. I started getting into interior design in high school. One of my best friends, Jenny, had a birthday and I thought the most creative and cool thing I could do was paint and redesign her entire room and surprise her at the end. I knew she loved blue tones and chose this crazy loud turquoise paint. We painted all four of her walls in this super saturated color and when we were done it looked like Crayola. had spit on his walls it was horrible it was horrible needless to say he came home and repainted the entire room in a really relaxing white color it just wasn't a good look one of the most common mistakes I see the bedroom color is Too cheeky.
The bedroom should be a calming and relaxing place for you to retreat to at night. It's a place for you to relax and recharge, so think about colors that inspire that type of mood for a more relaxing environment. environment Go for lighter, softer tones for a more turbulent environment Go for something deeply dark and saturated, perhaps like charcoal or even black Make sure you have contrasting light furniture so the entire space doesn't feel like a dungeon Think about something calm, peaceful, relaxing and yet you use color to interpret that, but if you love a burst of bright color, use it sparingly in your accents and decor.
Another common mistake is incorrect bed placement, whether or not it follows feng shui principles. The location of the bed is crucial for a good night's sleep. The idea is that the bed should always be in a command position, meaning that when you open the front door you can see who is coming in. If your bed is placed on the wall that shares the front door, there could be a lot of noise since it is most likely right next to it. to a hallway or if your bed is placed on a wall that backs up to a noisy room, it could also disrupt your sleep.
You want to choose a wall with the least amount of sound and that is usually the one facing the door, another common design mistake. I see that in the bedroom there is a rug that is too small or no rug at all. If you have a hard surface floor, you can really benefit from something soft and cozy underfoot. Make sure the rug extends beyond your bed by at least 18 inches on both sides. It will make sure you land on a soft mat every morning instead of the cold, hard floor. I've been getting some questions about whether runners are okay, if that's the case you could place runners on both sides of the bed for symmetry and balance.
If the bed is too big for your room, how do you know the bed is too big? big for your room? Well, you may not have room for nightstands on either side and you definitely don't have room to walk around the bed. What's wrong with it is the lack of hallways and very little storage space. You know that scale and proportion are imperative to great interior design. You want the bedroom to feel light and airy and never too cramped with a large bed, especially in a space that is already too small. The ideal aisle is between 30 and 36 inches on each side of the bed.
You can fix this mistake with a smaller bed or you can change the orientation of the headboard so that it is on a longer wall with more room to walk. Another common mistake is the wrong size of nightstands, scale and proportion can make or break a room that is too tall and you are too tall and too short and you are bending over. These awkward movements make it worse when you have daily essentials you need to get. Whether you're turning on a table lamp or reaching for a glass of water, the optimal height for nightstands is usually around the height of the mattress or even a little above.
Personally, I like my nightstands just a little. a little higher than the mattress, but no more than three inches, another common design mistake in bedrooms is having too much furniture, start with what you need, nightstands and perhaps a dresser for additional storage, beyond that, You need space to walk around your furniture easily and you need to be able to pull out your drawers and cabinets without anything obstructing


, now see if there is room for an end of the bed, a bench, a group of seats, a mirror if you need it or even a dressing table if you don't have one. that room reduce the amount of furniture you have in the space the goal is to keep your furniture minimal but significant another common design mistake I see is too much clutter if the energy in your bedroom feels dull, it's usually my first suggestion is always purging removes the things that no longer inspire you to make room for the things that do remove all the decor from your surfaces, the pile of clothes in the corner of your room and definitely not those 20 little pillows that are messy on your bed. you need them the solution is to keep only what you need daily vitamins in a box a remote control in your drawers and journals and books on a tray to keep it tidy and organized have a place for everything and designate a drop off point like a single chair in your room where you can throw things when you're in a hurry a headboard that's the wrong size a short mattress and a high headboard can leave a gap where all your pillows can fall on the other side a high mattress and a short headboard makes you rest your head against a bare wall and that's just not comfortable, adjust the height of the bed base or invest in a higher headboard.
Your design blocks natural light if you have no other option but to place your bed under a window. If you are blocking natural light, the solution is to change the headboard to a lower profile headboard to let in more of that beautiful natural light or you can also opt for a lower profile platform bed that sits a little closer to the ground, as I have always liked. Adding sheer panels as a first layer of defense on my windows to let in more of that beautiful natural light. You could also add table lamps and strategic layers of lighting like wall sconces if you lack natural light.
Ill-fitting window treatments are none at all. Remember function first: The typical needs of most rooms are privacy; You may need to block morning light or block views at night, especially if you're at street level, but everyone's personal needs are different, so find out how you sleep and how you like it. Wake up and look for window treatments that work exactly for your needs. I always like to install scissors and then blackout panels for my clients so they have full control over the layers of light and privacy, but in my bedroom I only have one layer of curtains.
They are opaque panels. I always open my windows in the morning to get this lush natural view of my yard and landscaping. Another design mistake I see is not enough light or the wrong color of light. Proper lighting is practical and also aesthetically pleasing. Low light can make the bedroom look dark and dim, especially at night, two cold light bulbs can make the room feel really institutional, like an office or a hospital, always opt for bedside table lamps to create a little atmosphere, you can also install wall sconces for homework and reading at night absolutely avoid fluorescent lights at all costs, they tire your eyes and do not promote a restful sleep.
My favorite light color is soft white LED bulbs, it has a warm feel and isn't too yellow. It looks really cool with candlelight. A really easy solution for your lighting is to put everything on dimmers so you have full control over the layers of lighting in your room. Don't forget those lamps. It's a great way to add a decorative touch and personality. Your room, another common mistake I see, is that it doesn't have enough texture. The bed only has a sheet and a thin blanket. You don't have a rug under your feet. You have plastic blinds hanging from the windows.
It doesn't feel welcoming at all, which can lead to a cold, sterile and unappealing appearance. The solution is to add different textures and fabrics to your bedroom. You can do this with your bedding, rugs, pillows, blankets, window treatments, and even wall coverings to soften the look of the space. mistake I see and probably one of the things that bothers me the most about the designer is that your furniture matches too much, it's a traditional old school dated style to have a bedroom set with all the matching pieces, you know, the one I'm talking about , it's the one where you turn to page 12 of your catalog and there's your bedroom, matching bed, matching nightstands, matching dresser, maybe there's a vanity mirror on the dresser, I mean, everything looks Still, what this tells me is that you didn't try to think about anything and Consider the interior design of your space.
I think the only thing you should match in your bedroom are the nightstands. The rest should be separate pieces that appear to have been selected over time. The solution is to split them if you currently have a matching set. in your bedroom now leave the bed or the nightstands move the dresser to another room definitely remove that vanity mirror and look for pieces that can show a little more of your personality and finally your bed is on the floor it is on the floor without a box The spring can harbor dust allergens and potentially mold because the mattress cannot breathe, which is why a box spring and even a frame are very essential for your bedroom, even low beds almost to the floor are hard on the joints.
Loft beds look larger, more exclusive and especially elevated. For a room where you spend a third of your life, remember that when it comes to designing a bedroom that is beautiful, calm, relaxing and elegant, functional, first beds, nightstands, dressers, furniture should be minimal but significant , your bedroom should be a place you look forward to. Retreating to each night take the time to find pieces that reflect your personality, then add some accessories, artwork, personal photo memorabilia that feel authentic to who you are and share your story as a bonus in today's video. I'll be linking my favorite sheets. in the boxDescription Below No, I haven't tried every sheet out there, of course, that's really impossible.
This list is compiled from sheets I've previously owned and loved, ones I've bought from my customers over and over again. the ones recommended to me by my designer friends in the industry, if you like this type of content and are enjoying this series of common design mistakes, give this video a thumbs up. Are you currently making any of these bedroom design mistakes? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be happy to help you fix your next living room mistakes. Comment below and let me know what other rooms you want to see common design mistakes for. and be sure to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring today's video.
The first 1,000 to click the link in the description will get a free trial of Skillshare's premium membership. Thank you very much for watching. See you next time

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