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Jun 06, 2021
What's up guys, welcome back to another episode of the life of the outdoor chef. I'm Taku and today, by the way, I'm back in the bay area and it's low tide. I haven't been here in a while. The low tide is forged today and pushes. surveys, yes, but I have David and Jessica with me today, they're from Seattle and, in fact, when we were there last month, we were with them and we went to their house and they had some chickens on the roof, they had chickens on the roof and We have to eat the chicken eggs and we made some fried rice and some omer rice.
coastal foraging for hotpot ingredients catch and cook spicy hotpot
In fact, we're going to edit that one and I think I'll post it on the second channel we have addressing the world, but we don't. No, we don't post much there, but I think we're going to try to start posting a little more again on that channel. Okay guys, if you're new to the channel, this is a poll I did. a tomato stick here, you can take that David, all it is is a tomato stick. I taped a hanger there and hooked the swivel snap on a swivel snap to a hook, uh, that's about a one hook, or size one, maybe we'll put some squid and some shrimp in here and we'll stick them in.
coastal foraging for hotpot ingredients catch and cook spicy hotpot

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coastal foraging for hotpot ingredients catch and cook spicy hotpot...

Lots of holes and we'll


some monkey-faced fish and spines. I usually


squid pretty well, yeah, okay, that's ready to go, so I don't do it. It's like putting any kind of thread on it because it can fray and cut, so I just go off the swivel straight onto a hook and that works pretty well. Let's go find some holes to drill. You will see crabs as if they too walk. What should we look for? Like deep holes, yeah, not particularly like a deep hole, it's not like going down, but even going right inside or right under the ledges, if you see a rock ledge, yeah, yeah, you can just go under it, it's been Although since I've been


at low tide and bowling, I miss it.
coastal foraging for hotpot ingredients catch and cook spicy hotpot
I know a lot of you have been asking for more of this content too, so I'm very happy to oblige, so let's start poking some holes. Hey? There's not much of a hole underneath, I know I've been doing a lot of fishing content lately but winter is seafood season so we're going to be doing more seafood related content, mussels and hopefully some scallops that we'll try. this rock here, oh there's something there, oh my bait's gone, something there guys, something there, it's a monkey-faced thorn or it probably could be a rock crab too, so let's hope we catch it, Oh, I caught it, I caught it, I caught it. there it is there it is there it is there it's got one guys, oh wow, that thing is huge, it's pretty, it's pretty good, it's a solid spine with a monkey face, they get bigger than this, but it's good, yeah, oh , slapping me, that's how you guys do it, pushing, pulling is super easy, it was something that took no time.
coastal foraging for hotpot ingredients catch and cook spicy hotpot
I have a rockfish, although cool, it's a little small, but yeah, you can let it go. Now let's harvest some seaweed we have. this this here this is, I think, this is a rainbow leaf and every time you harvest seaweed make sure you use a knife, cut it right there so it can grow back and this is going to be cute and cute this is very young cute very elastic of this kind of seaweed but it is very similar to wakame, I think it is tasty, so let's take some of this for hot pot like this, even when it is this big, it is so good and looks a little dry because it just got out of the water for a few hours and in the sun I also see and then this is the same type of algae right here, but it's a little too big and now it's a little thick and it looks a little strange, all bumpy when it comes to algae.
I always like to eat the younger ones, the younger ones are always more tender, take a look, these are a few green sea urchins. I don't see them that often, but they are always small when I find them very good, although check out this big old one. killer seaweed crab very careful oh it's a little it's a little small yes it's missing a lot it's missing a call look at it reach reach behind yes very attractive looking crab the bottom is all red bright red I'll let it go there you go buddy oh my god great rock crab right there, oh my gosh, look how fat the claw is, look at that, look how big these claws are, fat claws, super fat fat claws, hey, that's a muscular male red rock crab, we'll get 'em in in the cube, the sun.
It just set but we're going to start


ing right now so it's going to be a little dark, we have a light, hopefully it's enough for you to see, we're going to make hot pot right now with a bunch of crabs, we have some. seaweed, we got the monkey face spine and we're gonna make fishballs out of that and david did that on his channel so yeah guys go check out his channel moogoogiefishing if you want to fillet the eel oh no, it is not. You're okay, I'll play with the eel, he'll help me


everything, prepare everything because we have a lot of things to do here, I have to dispatch this eel and these heels are so hard, there you go, he'll probably squirm a little.
Still, just a heads up, let's make this quick buddy, just cut off the backbone, here we go, get all that meat off the skin, monkey face, sprinkle the back, they produce a lot of meat, at least two rockfish, okay worth turning the board over. A little bit of bones here, so I'm going to cut half of it and now it should be all boneless and we're going to cut this out. It's too fast for the camera, too fast for the camera, it's too fast for you, you need a blender we need to have two knives come on we're almost there everything is crushed and that will become fish tanks here I have chopped carrots onions and serrano chili and we're going to add this directly to the fish here we go to add a little bit of cornstarch, kind of a little bit of salt, a couple pinches for my fish balls, I like them a little


so I have these peppercorns so I'm going to crush them .
I'm going to use my knife, crushed peppercorn works well. Now we're just going to mix that in, maybe you need to add a little bit of water. David, you want to mix this up real quick. Yes I'll do. I'm going to heat the oil. to start cooking some rice here, oh yeah, look, it's got a pretty good consistency. We will make a kind of ball. I think they will be good. I'm excited for these. Oh yes, yes, that's a great idea. Okay, let's leave this. there they probably put like five at a time, there you have to make sure it doesn't stick to the bottom.
Oh, these fish balls look amazing. Oh one bit, should I try it? Oh wow, that's really good, that's really good. Okay, they're ready, we have the seaweed here, so I'm just going to cut it into smaller pieces,


and David, what did you say? That's the flavor, yeah, so we have a mala flavored hot pot soup base and mala is basically like that. uh Sichuan peppercorn, where if you eat it uh that peppercorn actually numbs your mouth and that soup base is just full of mala so when we eat the soup base or when we eat one of the taros or vegetables similar that we put in uh your your uh, the mouth is going to go a little numb, so it's okay, it's like that Szechuan pepper, uh, yeah, exactly, okay, I like it, yeah, yeah, the cool pot is list.
Can I have my beer? Thanks, we worked hard, good David, good job today, yeah. that was solid yeah, that's a lot of work for all of you, it's worth it, cheers, man, yeah, cheers, cheers, oh, that's good for the forage


, we got our crabs in the pot authority, we got oh, the fish balls with monkey face, spines, oh, those look good and We also have some algae, we have three types of algae that you guys want to try, try the fish tanks, oh yeah, let's do it, thank you, let's try this, that one pepper, oh, that pepper, yes, I like it, oh yes, it gives it a nice touch. in the sesame sauce which is fantastic, yes, tasty, crispy on the outside, super soft on the inside, I really like it, it's really good, great idea for this David, yes, thanks, you didn't realize how easy it was to make mm-hmm, so easy, oh, it is. boiling, put some enoki mushrooms in there, so guys, right now the park ranger came and she's kicking us out just when we're about to eat right now, we're about to eat right now, let me get us some rice, oh, she It's taking 15 minutes here. you want a new rice, yes, so we have a ladle to serve and also chopsticks to serve, so I'm going to get all the flavor of this hot pot to my fish tank ooh, very spicy, that's good, it smells very good, it's good with bad sauce. the crab hits the place, eh, yeah, this place is open until sunset, that's why it's only 6:30.
It seems like it's 10 p.m. m., but it's actually only 6:30, that's good, guys, we have to pack, let's go somewhere else. and we're just going to eat, I don't think we'll get the cameras out, maybe we will, thanks everyone for watching, see you next time, peace, oh the fish balls, okay.

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