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CMD v10 How to Post ERA Payments

Mar 06, 2020
In this video we will look at how to process and view your electronic submission notice, also known as ers, which is the electronic version of the EOB er AAS, which contains information about whether a claim was paid or denied final status and any adjustments that have been made by the payers. done to the billed amount users with ER an auto-apply permission can


and process er as we begin before you can receive er as most payers require you to complete an additional agreement once the payer has authorized the agreement e re will start receiving er a s to review the er a s that are coming in, navigate to the


section, then select er a, enter your search criteria and then click search.
cmd v10 how to post era payments
Payments in the ER are applied to charges automatically, but should be reviewed before


ing. to your account let's review a new ER a that just arrived locate the ER a from the list then click start review each claim will show the amount billed to the payer the allowed amount paid not applied and adjusted the most important column to review is the status column since it contains actions and information that you must review before applying your payment, depending on the remittance codes sent by the payer, you will be able to click on the icons and see informative messages, alerts, warnings and errors, although the informative messages do not interfere.
cmd v10 how to post era payments

More Interesting Facts About,

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When applying the payment, They may contain critical business information about the payment of the charge and are important to view, for example, this message indicates that the payer has not made any payment to this charge, although it is important to know that it will not interfere when you make the request. Payment warning messages should be reviewed before applying the payment as there may be items that need to be addressed. You may receive a warning message that a charge has already been marked as paid or that a large amount does not match the contracted amount, for example.
cmd v10 how to post era payments
This warning message indicates that a payment from this payer has already been applied to this charge. The recommended step would be to eliminate this new CRA payment. If you decide not to follow the recommendation, the payment may be applied, which will create credit errors on the account. are notifications that prevent you from applying the payment You may receive an error message indicating that the system cannot locate the claim or patient All error messages must be resolved before a payment can be applied, for example, this error indicates that the charge for this payment cannot be found, you can manually locate the charge to which the payment should be applied or delete the payment from the ER.
cmd v10 how to post era payments
You can view more details for each claim by clicking on the claim line. You can view each charge with the specifics allowed and paid. amounts along with any remittance code, you can also apply discounts, credit and debit adjustments, account credits, or add information lines to charges once you're done reviewing, click Done, click View, a report OB will show you a system-generated AOB for this era. Referenced If you want to see a detailed breakdown of the payment once the payment is completed and all errors have been resolved, click Apply Payment If you are not ready to apply the payment, you can click Save and Apply Later from the room emergency, on a search results screen, click an ER a line to edit any incomplete ER view the EOB mark any ER A that you have manually posted as applied or change the verification date if you want to start this ER again open the ER a and click restart er a to undo any resolved errors, warnings and


Now that you know how to publish ER and payments, you can try it yourself for step-by-step instructions, FAQs and other how-to videos in the payments section, Visit our knowledge center at help.imis. com

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