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Cleaner Left SPEECHLESS at Hoarders Home | Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners | Episode 28 | Filth

May 26, 2024
a very hard and strange OCD. It used to be very clean and tidy, but I went the other way. I'm really stunned, I really am, I really don't know how to take it, saying that she was diagnosed with OCD, but she has trash everywhere in her house, a lot of people just. I see OCD as just cleaning, checking locks, turning things on and off, but it's not just that and it's very difficult to get rid of and understand. First they start in the living room. We will have a blue bag for charity. The black throwing away where sarah has accumulated unused toys and games for over a decade oh put them away oh yeah they're brand new i don't even know what the games are clearly they haven't been played in a long time not because you didn't know We had it, so she's not going to miss it, what's that?
cleaner left speechless at hoarders home obsessive compulsive cleaners episode 28 filth
Oh, those are dollhouse furniture, do you play with them? No, a moth just came out of that drawer and you want to keep them, this is more than a joke, I mean. If a moth flies out of something, it's surely a sign that you haven't used it in years, just throw it away if you're not working and get rid of this whole tattoo, it's not all turtle. I feel very excited for the staff. that I have not gotten used to children and that they are already outgrown and I feel very guilty about that. What we are going to have to do.
cleaner left speechless at hoarders home obsessive compulsive cleaners episode 28 filth

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cleaner left speechless at hoarders home obsessive compulsive cleaners episode 28 filth...

It will be a five second role to make a decision in five. Seconds, it's very difficult, I don't think Lauren really understood how my OCD has overwhelmed me for years, she has no empathy, she doesn't grasp emotional attachment, she just sees it as if she has to get rid of it. or I don't think I can do this five second thing ah I just want to grab everything you just threw away and skip it, it's annoying because they're things I've buried and hidden and they could have been used and then I still want to let it go lauren doesn't have kids She doesn't understand I know she's trying to help Obsessive Compulsive Disorder affects hundreds of thousands of people across the UK Those who suffer from it have their lives dominated by


thoughts and


acts I feel like now I've steamed it.
cleaner left speechless at hoarders home obsessive compulsive cleaners episode 28 filth
The germs that were


are now burning in hell. Haley, a mother of three, was diagnosed with OCD seven years ago. She is afraid of dirt and germs which can cause her to scrub the house for up to 19 hours a day. like if I don't perform certain rituals and clean things up in a certain way something bad will happen, facing my fears is really important because I think it reiterates the fact that OCD is just a flaw and nothing bad is going to happen if you don't go into it. come into contact with things that are dirty, but Haley wants to confront her


thoughts that are so disgusting every week that she's inviting two equally obsessive


s to join her in using her extreme cleaning rituals to tackle some of the dirtiest places in Britain. .
cleaner left speechless at hoarders home obsessive compulsive cleaners episode 28 filth
Oh, together they will face! your fear of germs in the face i feel very anxious now that i am going to end up with e coli or salmonella this week they will deal with the mattresses after demonstrating how they clean theirs they will put their methods to work with these mattress bookies in a patio recycling first is Hayley's method to clean my mattress I use a dry cleaning solution that is almost like white snow then I put the attachment on my vacuum which will massage the mattress smells like the most delicious marijuana mash now it's time to dispose of it because These are panel beaters Now I'm sucking it all up I feel like all the germs are being sucked into the vacuum The bed bugs turn to their loved ones and tell them this is it, this is the end now Isn't it?
Hayley will be joined by Lindsay, a mother of three, although she has not been diagnosed with OCD. She can clean her mattress up to three times a week. After vacuuming, I get an anti-back spray and obviously put on a deodorant too. To eliminate any unpleasant odors, the last thing I do is dry my mattress, but I also have a routine to stay in shape while joining Haley and Lindsey as an industrial


. Mark also has no diagnosis of OCD. Mark can spend up to three hours a day. week cleaning his bed first of all I steam it this should kill the little pests now let's attack them with some chemical warfare I give him an antibacterial spray hopefully that will polish off anything else


on the mattress Then I can clean it with my industrial shampoo, just go over it, suck it all up and hopefully dry it off.
If something can survive, then it will defeat me. Cleaners are cleaning their own mattresses to establish how sterile they are. 500 means the surface is clean enough to eat oh, that's not so bad. Two have to be happy with that. I probably have the cleanest mattress in Britain, so everyone has their own extremely clean beds below. to apply their methods in a recycling yard with these abandoned mattresses the guilt of sleeping on a mattress like this I would rather cut off my toe now it is the right thing to do, monkey, how will the


manage? I'm sorry, I think I'm going to get sick.
And can they bring them up to their standards? It has more skin marks than the m1 in the peak district. Retiree John is waiting for Emma to clean and clean the living room, kitchen and lastly the bathroom, which could be a struggle for the germaphobe. emma I can't do it I can't go to that bathroom again that for me was just the turning point I know he's full of bacteria there first, the kitchen floor where John keeps his food among the mountains of garbage oh it's just a bit like a clipping I'll eat it you have to put it on the bed you can't eat it no I don't hate throwing away expired food the food has to go straight in the trash okay it's perfectly drinkable So you just have to throw it away and forget about it.
I hate throwing things. I hate it. It is a legacy from my childhood. I was born in 1940. Rationing and things didn't end until 1954. But we don't waste things. on those days that's still with me that's why I find it so hard, especially with food, it's very hard to throw it away there are cookies in there yes, they're fine, how do you know there aren't bugs in there, they're eating them I'm sure? they're out there they may be microscopic I'm sure they'll be fine it's a tooth that's one of my teeth yeah that's why if you have it on the side I kept it as a souvenir it's disgusting how can you have sun on it sitting right inside in the kitchen there's nothing wrong with those teeth perfect throw it in the trash I don't want to throw it away I'm just going outside to me that's pretty gross after fighting off John's germs and Emma Nash needs to resort to her method to Eliminate stress.
I'm just taking a look at photos of my house on my phone to calm myself down, so I'm just taking a look at my kitchen, my bathroom, and my bedroom. and I hope it gives me some inspiration to go back to John's house and finish the task. I know everyone thinks I'm dirty. I don't think he isn't. Not in an extreme way. There are no bacteria or germs. According to Emma, ​​it would be. I would miss all the time what you're saying, but I'm not on the south coast. Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. She would shake your hand, but with a clean floor, Sarah has called her daughter.
Emily, to help her let go of some toys and games, have you tried to help your mom in the past? She's been pretty reluctant to let go of things, so it's very frustrating trying to explain why she doesn't need them, she needs to see them. why she herself doesn't need it I know I need it I need to let this all go so clear and that will clear your mind okay but I need to go ahead and move your stuff this is new I would be happier to have it get rid of it than to see it sitting here just because I played it 10 years ago, does it make more sense? okay, children's activity book, do you want to throw it away, okay, okay, but you really have to think, when are you going to do it? use it since his daughter Emily walked into this, we're actually getting somewhere, it's good to have you here, I mean I can see the floor and I can see the couch, that's an achievement in itself.
I found a bag full of clothes with seats that you I had just sat on the couch when we finished this, you could be about four grand richer. My mom needed me there just to help her realize that she doesn't need it, which I think has helped her a lot and now she can listen. to laura moore because she knows lauren is trying to help her, well bye, the experience so far is challenging my OCD, but it has positively given me motivation, I guess I'll continue this for the first time in years, bye, sarah is finally making it .
Let's put the mess aside in Sussex with a clean living room and kitchen. Sarah's daughter, Emily, is optimistic about the progress. I'm excited about the change, just to have a nice house that you can come back to and be proud of. I think she's going. to make a big difference in our lives at


lauren cleans hulu every day it doesn't matter if it's a wii or a po you have to get it down really well you have to invest in a lubricant I really think they're disgusting you say like I'm going to see your OCD.
What happened in the past that triggered this. I don't know. I guess growing up I always had this kind of feeling of not belonging and I ended up experimenting with drugs when I was 15 or 16. When I was 19, I was introduced to heroin. You know, I just did different drugs like crack and cocaine. I went into senior year, which was just a place you would never want to go, and I got down to about seven and a half stone. Now I'm recovering from this. I've been drug-free for about 14 years. Places I went it was just terrifying. I lost Emily for a year.
Wow, they are really painful. Those years I should have played with Emily. It's a focus on what they can do as a family what they can do with emily because they can't do anything about it now I'm doing the best I can, they can do it it was a shock, I would never have looked down on her for having such a serious drug addiction, But she got over it and I just judge her. I wanted to finish all three rooms anyway but this pushed me even more to do it because she deserves a yes, when Norman first came she started judging me, now she knows and understands that I'm not just a lazy jerk who Sit on your butt all day.
I am so determined now to beat my OCD. I'm not being. I have been a prisoner. I have been a prisoner all these years that germs live. Everywhere and most people come into contact with millions of them every day. For those who are healthy, it is not a problem, but for some OCD sufferers it can be a problem. I don't think I'll ever be happy with my


, ever. Feeling completely germ-free, Hayley has invited two obsessive


to help her deal with some bucky mattresses at a recycling yard. These are like the mattresses she gave the Grim Reaper because they are disgusting.
There's probably urine and feces everywhere. Now he's the real monkey, Haley hopes. It will help them reduce their cleaning routines in their own homes. I feel like there are jewels, bed bugs, bacteria, everything I fear most is stuck in one of those mattresses. The worst thing about the matches I have to clean are the marks on the skin, which has the most marks on it. skin that absolutely disgusting m1 wouldn't put a pig on that mattress let alone a human being first the cleaners clean the beds to see how much dirt they have to remove a reading of over a thousand could increase the risk of harmful bacteria being present Oh, that's big, these beastly beds have a reading of up to two thousand three hundred and forty-three, which will test me to the limit, I mean, yes, they have each been given a mattress, now they will test their own methods of seeing.
If you can make them almost spotless, I'm sorry I think I'm going to get sick, so how does this work? Then you spray the cleaning chemical liquid deeply into it and then almost instantly, you take the back out again so the dirt can be removed. I went out and went down the drain. You look like Lara Croft with your double cannons. All I do is just shoot my beds. I'm shooting it with an anti-recoil and a deodorant. Once I've sprayed it, we just pick it up and shake it a little and that's it, after two hours of effort and five cleaning products, the mattresses have improved dramatically before the beds became saturated with germs, a swab will quickly reveal how clean they are now. a reading of 500 or less is considered clean enough to eat, it's 34.
I feel like this is not going to be as low as yours, yes I'm satisfied with that, oh dear, it's embarrassing, I'm 182. I think everyone Together we have lowered the scores, but I think the most important thing is that we have all been around these disgusting, disgusting mattresses. I think it's been really good for all three of us. I feel a little dissatisfied. I can clean it, but I showed them. a couple of amateurs how to do it, so it's a result, although I got my mattress very clean, there is no way I can sleep on it unless a hippo makes me do it because I am so afraid of hypocritical hopes, John , Yeah.
Are you coming to help me please, back in the Peak District. John and Emma have cleaned the kitchen. Emma now has to take care of the bathroom and has brought reinforcements. I'd like to think that she might be strong enough to withstand theJohn's bathroom. It's the room where I. What I fear most is that I will take Mr. Bleach and hope that he will help me get through it. It's that piece of used toilet paper that isn't used or anything. It just has crap. I'm sure you're fine, Emma, ​​yes, I think. we just need to get clean im here to help you disgusting absolutely disgusting have you ever cleaned your toilet before john?
No, never go, you think it smells good. He's just cleaning up out there. It's much better. John hopes the bathroom ordeal will help Emma rethink. her own cleansing rituals, but how do you feel about bacteria? Now you're thinking a little less in terms of cleaning. I didn't think I'd make it this far if I'm honest because I was pretty green when I got there. Up here, okay, but what you have, I have and I'm pretty close to your bathroom, so yeah, right now we're making good progress, okay, that's still my content, it wouldn't be much different if Will you clean, no, I guess not, it might be when I can relax a little, like not taking out the vacuum cleaner yourself, yeah, maybe to sit down. down as soon as I get home from work before I start making dinner and everything, yeah, I think it's worth thinking about, yeah, the fact that I actually did it, I was there, I cleaned it up and I get out and I'm not sick, I'm fine, I really feel like I've really accomplished something, yeah, but I spent the day, yeah, cleaning up germs and I mean, she really went to town in the bathroom, I think I might possibly be able to get her to do a little less. in Sussex it's the penultimate day of the charity clean having cleaned the bathroom and the living room lauren now wants to deal with the kitchen sarah what where sarah has accumulated months worth of food that the bread i I've been putting things on top without even opening it.
Sarah works with people who also have OCD. I clean my closets every week. Now you want to know more about Lauren? Were you diagnosed with OCD because I don't have it? I have not been diagnosed with OCD. I'm not going to go to the doctor because I'm afraid. Because if they say yes, you got it. To me, that's admitting there's a problem. You'll be surprised. Actually, work. With people who have OCD, I really need help and you haven't been diagnosed simply because you haven't been to the doctor. I think I'm afraid that if I do it and they say yes, you have OCD.
Yes, then I'm going to vote for them. My mind will go into overdrive. Do you have a boyfriend? Yes, and that affects your relationship. So, I didn't think that was the case. It actually puts stress on our relationship. I mean, no. We don't really do much together because OCD encompasses not just the person but the entire family unit and affects relationships. Don't know. I guess I feel sorry for you in a way. Why do you feel sorry for me? I only rest when I go to sleep you only rest when you go to sleep it's like we're two sides of the same coin ah it's not easy it's not easy to confront things sometimes it's easier to keep your head in the sand isn't it?
I've done well, I guess there are things that need to change. This is the third bag, right? Yes, I think Sarah understands me because she knows the signs of OCD. I'll probably have to seek help and get the answers I need. I need to instead stick my head in the sand and say it's no problem. Back in the Peak District, here we go, what is this? Having cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, Emma has one room left to clean, John, yeah, what do you want me to do with these? What are they? John's living room, where they come here first, they deal with John's couch, they get to the bed, damn morning newspaper that hasn't been cleaned in over a decade, that's 2002.
I think you're telling me that that newspaper has been on your chair for 13 years. It's been yeah, it's definitely time to jump, that's it, bye bye chair, yeah, who's a hundred John last year? My mother was 100 years old even though John's mother died 15 years ago. He bought her a card last year. Do you think your mother would say yes? She could see your hair, oh, she'd be horrified by this, yeah, oh yeah, sometimes I think there's some colorful doves sitting on that thing up there, sometimes I think that's what one of them is here, yeah We ordered it, are you going to try to keep it?
Yeah, well, I have to find some way to prevent this from happening again. He's obviously never been shown how to do anything. She was never expected to do anything, so it doesn't surprise me that her house has it now. Finished as is now I'll show you how to clean your TV cabinet. As I would do it. Okay, yeah, it's very interesting to see the other thing. Alright. I'm going to give it a thorough vacuuming when you lived at home. Your mother didn't really get you to do much housework around the house. If she had taken out a vacuum cleaner, she would have been surprised, I think she would have been surprised.
Do you think that's why you don't have one now? motivation to clean because you know you don't know how and you don't really know what needs to be done. I don't find it difficult to do housework, that is, if I do it for an hour at most and then my head starts thinking that there must be something else in life for this, but if you used to spend an hour every other day on your house, no, no, you're right, you're right, you're right, I know how it happened. no, it wasn't at all good because for me I don't think there is any excuse to have a dirty house, since I go to work five days a week, my partner also works, yes, I will accept your point, there is no excuse, look John.
He has shiny ears and I think he looks much better yes, of course he does, yes, he looks enormously bad. I think I've made a breakthrough today with John once he starts to see the reward within the cleansing, then he. I'll start to understand where I'm coming from in the Peak District after four days of cleaning and a bin full of rubbish. Emma has one last tip to help John keep a tidy house. John. A couple of containers here for you. If we have. one for your plastic and then one for your newspaper, so when you're done with your stuff, if you put it here, obviously yeah, yeah, sure, yeah, that's great, I mean, it's going to be very good, very useful.
John's brother Graham has been trying to persuade him to clean for years, he came here a week ago and frankly he's never seen it this bad, it was worse than ever before. John's living room was a waste paper dump with the floor buried under a foot of newspapers, now with a new armchair. It's a comfortable space to live in Oh good luck, nice to meet you, I can't believe it, what do you think? Yes, absolutely fantastic John, I bought you a magazine rack now I like it, you like it, yes you are going to use it.
I'm going to make it work for me. The bathroom was Emma's worst nightmare, with dirt in the toilet and on the walls. Now, after Emma overcame her German fears, the lu is pristine and bright. What a difference. I can not believe it. Actually, it's so clean. Well, it looks super good, it absolutely does four days ago. John's kitchen was a breeding ground for bacteria with moldy food on every surface. It is now a clean space for John to cook and eat. My God, what an absolute transformation. I can not believe it. There are no food packages. the floor without newspapers the tables in one piece absolutely fantastic I think Emma has been a really positive influence on my life I feel much happier with the way I live now than before she has been tremendous, she has done an excellent job I just want Thank you very much for everything you have done, proud of you.
I'll be proud of you if you keep your house nice and clean, okay, so don't let me down, no, this week has been extremely difficult for me. facing a lot of my fears, especially going to John's bathroom, okay John, see you later, bye, I've been to John's house and I haven't died yet, so I think when I get home I'm going to relax and then enjoy my life a little more on the south coast, we have it pretty good, after four days of battling her OCD, Sarah has managed to let go of her children's unwanted toys and junk, don't let me go back to do this ever again.
Please, seriously and donated over 30 bags of clothes to a charity. Lauren is putting the finishing touches on the house and comes to see how things are going. She is Sarah's neighbor and friend, Bish. We are a very close-knit community and we like to be together. other people's houses for drinks and parties we never go by sarah's house we would avoid her house because it's a dump oh hi oh hi sarah can you wipe your feet please wow look at this why in the same place four days ago the kitchen was a mess messy and claustrophobic now it's clean and clear with space to cook and eat here we go here we go there we go oh my god it looks like a showroom I know where things are I mean my closet I couldn't even close the door door it was absolutely horrible amazing absolutely amazing before Sarah's bathroom was a dusty, dirty space that hadn't been deep cleaned in years now it talks and shines and shines once again wow amazing difference look behind the toilet the dust is gone I have a plan wow detroit now It was there, wasn't it, it was just surrounded by other things, finally, Sarah's living room was full of toys, games and clutter, with no room to relax, it is now a spacious and cozy room for the whole family to enjoy, oh my god, oh wow, what.
An incredible transformation, isn't it? It's like this isn't Sarah's house, that's the big difference. The main thing is that even though this is your family room, you can relax after you get home from work, you can really enjoy the space, thank you. as if without you she couldn't have done it. I'm really happy that I'll be here a lot longer, even having people around and being able to all be in the same room and not have to shout from above or whatever because we can't all sit together so we spend a lot more time together I think just I said words didn't fail me because just thanking you doesn't seem like it's big enough, you know you've really made a big difference.
You are an amazing woman and you deserve this. I've learned that my daily cleaning isn't really necessary and I actually spend time with my partner, my friends and my family and just enjoy the company of others, okay, yeah. I have 110 satisfied results, it is extraordinary. In fact, I feel like a stranger in my own house and remember to keep it clean. I will be forever grateful for Lauren's help. This is the beginning of my new journey towards freedom from OCD. I need to control it, but I can do it. I feel very motivated now.

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