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Claudia Cardinale: Die italienische Filmdiva | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

May 03, 2024
Article 1977 Claudia Kardinale shoots her 55th feature film in Sicily. She appears barefoot and without makeup in a simple set with a small crew. An unexpected scenario for a world star. I will define you this in some parole that something is more than I don't love to define myself perché. è una delle poche cose che mi sono rimaste preferisci restare so indefinibile un po' no las personas che mi deve define che mi deve vedere io ho poche cose che mi sono rimaste For this interview, Claudia Kardinale is 40 years old and can barely hide her tiredness with the journalist's questions, as if he didn't like being reminded of the trip.
claudia cardinale die italienische filmdiva doku hd reupload arte
She has been a radiant sensation since her first roles in Audale's first films in the film changed completely in 10 years she has become a sex symbol of a completely different kind, brooding and shy, sensual and yet chastely feminine and burchikos But in the mid-70s, Actress made a U-turn. Why doesn't she play in the star system anymore? What happened that she just throws the crown away from her? May 1961 at the KH festival, the 23-year-old appears in two Italian films in competition: The Girl with Light Luggage by Valerio Zurlini with Jack Perin and The House on Via Roma by Mauro Bolognini alongside Jeanp BELMONDO l shortly less than In 3 years Claudia has already made 14 films with the best directors and the biggest stars of Italian cinema but she still speaks like a beginner, but she should stay as she is, of course, spontaneous without flirting and not gaining weight.
claudia cardinale die italienische filmdiva doku hd reupload arte

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She constantly looks at herself in the mirror and seems completely unaware of her seductive charisma. Claudia Kardinale is different. In 1961, noted Italian writer Alberto Moravia interviewed this unusual young woman who later achieved cult status. What effect does she think she has on others? who are you an actress the public sees in me an imposing figure huge majestic monumental you like that a lot why I like to be perceived as something that in real life I am not what are you in real life a completely normal girl? completely normal girl who becomes a star like in a modern fairy tale but appearances are deceiving the story of


cardinal is neither smooth nor simple but it is full of secrets and suffering it begins under the burning sun of a country that does not yet exist on the world map of the film Claudia Kardinale was born in 1938 in Tunisia, a city under the French protectorate.
claudia cardinale die italienische filmdiva doku hd reupload arte
She grew up in a simple neighborhood where Italians, Maltese, French, Muslims, Jews and Catholics live in a Mediterranean melting pot. XIX and Mais has remained in Tunisia since then, the family is oriented towards French culture and the eldest daughter was not called Claudia then, but a given name for girls and boys. When she was a child, I was a tomboy. Always alone and very reserved When he touched me at school, I didn't respond. As a child I was extremely shy, I was ashamed of my breasts, I was ashamed of my curves and instead of showing myself I tried to avoid them. be observed Education is strict, there is silence at the table and on Sundays we go to church instead of the cinema prisp Norm dansunis dans le sud tunisien Presque dans le desert oui jeis je voulais aller dans ona kissintitut dansch der den dieunes Faith. v In 1955 a short film about the life of fishermen was filmed in Tunisia.
claudia cardinale die italienische filmdiva doku hd reupload arte
The director looks for pretty girls who cheat on the fish women and finds them in the l Claudia is selected and appears in the image for a few seconds with a. veil that is moved by a fateful wind The MAK lets it shine for the first time and the good star continues to shine Page of another future world-famous offspring, the passage to the SCC les oranges meurleur comme t jours ma que. jeux que dans le Studio improvisousour pour laière TIS PE éipe de machinist français quiette à Paris malhe but neither Claude nor her parents dream of Paris and the filming of the film was just a welcome change and the young woman returns to school, according to the beauty of her. her destination is bienis la plus belle it Tunisia may be just a vacation trip, but the Mostra Venetiia is one of the most important film festivals in the world Chance does the rest in Rotenich There is no need for something like that on the beach. or at one of her concerts, her inexperience and the two-piece suit that her mother made her turn her into a sensation.
The filmmakers who populate the lagoon city during the festival are enchanted by the natural and untamed beauty of the young woman who wears it all. offer with a charming smile, the 19-year-old leaves Venice with the new name given to her here Claudia jeouoursour compl but the film people in Rome do not give up and then world history gets involved and the future of the Europeans in The country seems insecure in this new situation and the great promises of the producers attract Kot's father. He can now imagine a film career for his daughter. She finally reluctantly obeys because EXP clude doesn't speak.
She is Italian and she has not prepared for test shots. She clumsily and monotonously repeats the text desfleurs while Jen talks loudly about the little mute Arab, insults her, runs out and closes the door behind her, surprised that they are bringing the girl back and. She gives the prize to temperament. Clude gets a scholarship to move to Rome and learn to act. The producers are delighted but she doesn't want to know anything about the dream factory and she keeps rejecting all offers but destiny is her lucky star. At the airport she meets a journalist who notices her confusion.
He compares her to Cinderella, who leaves the ball early. The house is already closed when the article appears and therefore, unintentionally, she becomes the center of attention because she wanted to turn her back on him. In the film, despite the new situation in Tunisia, the young woman just wants to return to her old life with her family, but she thinks about it shortly after turning 20. Things changed completely unexpectedly in May 1958. Claudia was back in Rome and. She signed the contract with a producer she had disdained a few months earlier. What happened? Where did this come from?
Her explanation is not entirely conclusive but she accepts it, the truth is much clearer and she has to remain a secret. maktub has chosen a difficult path to bring Claudia back to Rome in Tunisia. An older man has been making advances on her for a long time. Claude doesn't know much about her feelings and nothing about the desires of men, blatantly exploiting her youth. and her naivety when she discovers shortly after that she is pregnant, she can only trust her sister Blanche, who is sworn to secrecy in a traditional family of the 50s, an illegitimate pregnancy is a shame, a abortion is unthinkable.
In his silence and fluctuating between panic and despair during his interview, Alberto Moravia is one of the first to unconsciously touch this abyss. He tells her about a nightmare he had back then, I dreamed that I fell out of a window into an absolute. lesson, then I heard the loud dull sound of my body hitting the ground and breaking into a thousand pieces. Claude decides to stay with the child and forget her father in order to live as a single mother, but there is only one way: she has to leave Tunisia and sign the contract offered in Italy as a point of escape and the cinema as salvation.
Her fate forced her to make her first decision as an adult woman. She wanted to bear the consequences of my actions myself. She had made mistakes, so I had to deal. with this only not out of pride or maybe I don't know she the producer franco kristaldi director of photography with open arms the 30 year old girl is in love with clot but she also recognizes his economic potential offers him an exclusive contract with a fixed monthly salary and wants to shape his career completely according to his plan pl Claudia, as they continue to call themselves, should sign with the distributor sont très costaud alors il peut jou il peut prendre a fille et voilà on va dép 200 million 300 million Lou 500 million 1 million dollars et on va briquer uneedette il Arrivalnt siaoren concurrence the details of the contract show how Kristal wants to mold her newcomer, everything has been thought of, her personality, lifestyle lessons and general education, her image and articulation, her appearance, diet and sports, makeup and hair, even contact with her family is regulated, a real investment plan Claudia is supposed to be the new star Sofia Loren and Gina Lolobrigida will dethrone the two queens of the city of Roman Chinese cinema since its foundation.
Mussolini in the 1930s, more than 3,000 films were filmed there, some even won an Oscar. After the war, American filmmakers also come to Rome. Filming takes place continuously in the 21 studios in Rome that have become Hollywood on the banks of the Tiber. Swarming with international stars, hordes of extras and legions of technicians in this focal point of international production, Claudia will soon shoot her first film, Three Foreigners in Rome, Franco Kristaldi's protégé is also a stranger in the city, she modestly follows them. Receives instructions from the director and diligently learns his lines and Italian vocabulary during breaks in filming.
Her behavior is serious and, above all, careful because, unlike other young stars who enjoy the limelight, she avoids the paparazzi at all costs. knowing that her new colleague is an expected girl she was desperate she was alone in a foreign country she had no friends no one could trust my four walls at night she cried her eyes out Christaldi has no idea and Claudia's pregnancy in seven months puts her in three films without rest and she does not show the slightest weakness when she gets sick from the glue and varnish in the studio with the help of a corset and thanks to the fashion of the time she manages to hide it.
With her loose dresses, she films an Italian comedy that will give a new boost to her career as best foreign language film, nominated in this story about two. Failed thieves who fail in a robbery, Claudia plays the small role of kmelina, she does not have a single scene with the stars Vittorio Gasmanto and Marcello Mastroani, but through Carmelina she will reach a wider audience for the new Italian film . shine and he finds it more and more enjoyable Franco kristaldi can congratulate himself on his feeling BR keeping the possibility of dipendono in p


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dallattore cioè no possibiamenteareare che possibilità ma non possiamo improvvisamente far diventare Oro una pietra noi possiamo mettere This means that the possibility of the maturity of the wind increases by a voltage the voltage of the points of the carattere di arrivare poi muto dipende da lui quante sono the probabilità beh è difficile fare a calcolo diabilità diciamo il50% ma è un calcolo così moltoativo des no Four weeks before the expected date, Claudia is exhausted and can no longer hide the pregnancy.
She looks for Kristaldi, tearfully admits her situation and wants to terminate the contract. He decides to help her, under the pretext of one of hers. language trip, he sends her to England, where on October 19, 1958 her son Patrick is born, that was simply a human reaction. I think he was touched that I handed him the film as if she were my daughter. For him too, who knows, but even as a savior, the boss who once again keeps an eye on his goal is a child, could hinder the rise of his protégé, so he builds a version of Patrick for the press. as Claudia's little brother.
One lie replaces the other. The secrets don't stop again. Claudia has the full support of her family, who moves to Rome and is strengthened by the new secret. United, they will take care of the baby as long as the baby. The young mother is still in front of the camera. In Chinechita no one has noticed. The powerful Kristalde can continue her seduction offensive. She has the same means and the same strategy as her competitor Carlo Ponti from a few years earlier, Sopia Loren. At the launch he chose Claudia for small supporting roles, but always alongside stars and with well-known directors.
Some scenes with Al in lucino viscontiso and his brothers. An appearance in Austlz von ab alongside Jean-M and Vittorio de Sica. The strategy is advancing rapidly. In 1960, Claudia Kardinale landed her first leading role in Mauro Bologini's Bellantonio. Her partner is none other than Marcello Mastroani, the superstar and great seducer of Finis the Sweet Life Barbara, she resists her seduction skills both in real life and on screen and in Mani. She quickly realizes what she is facing. She says that she is the only simple and healthy girl in a world of neurotics and hypocrites who differs from the others in Chineita.
Does she compare herself to Brigit Bardaui je crois que Brigit Bau personnage Unique de briit Bau compl part ne en communem Diff que the comparison? It is flattering but double-edged evil tongues say it is just a commercial success a nice PUE but not a real dramatization of vous concurrente direct bcfor de Publicity suivant la méthode Américaine tout à fait espè de Bata certain côtés en Pit Pens qu' comme - Audias unexpectedly quickly gets up wet and please defends himself against accusations as best he can est-ce que vous pensez c'est a handicap d'êre Belle c'est pas plus facile d' talent when on est dis la Nature tellementelle je suis é Belle tout do Claudia is, in my opinion, a pretty girl who appreciates the director above all for her acting, a quality that is very useful for cinematography and especially for a record è molto duttile cioè si Plasma bene sa passare da un da give a genere all'altro può fare il genere umoristico può fare il genere dramatic può fare the camera può fareBaronessa ed è e quindi e Questo fa con molto and, as she did as a child, she has exactly the right temperament For elegant female characters, French director Philipp de Brocker is the first to turn this feature into a success on the big screen .
In Kart the Bandit, Claudia doesn't have to pretend, she's just her adorable friend in her body. of a goddess, a seductive tomboy with a cigarette. The French audience is captivated by her unusual voice, but in Italy she is considered a liability due to her strong accent and in Italy she doubles as Claudia, which also has painful consequences. In 1962, for her role in The Girl with Light Luggage, she obtained the silver ribbon, the highest award in Italian cinema, and she had to return it as soon as the regulations did not allow the synchronization of winners. That same year, 1962, he recovered his voice from one of the greatest Italian directors in I myself interpreted, my original voice was important


e final seut it was a shock I hated this squeaky voice if it has become a special characteristic of me then I have to thank Federico Fellini for inspiring everything strange, the baroque universe of Federico Fellini in this strange film within the film Plays the alter ego of Mani alsini ivisseurative Blade unorodoenoden fight ha dat unaegi no unaegi non l'ho AVL Set era tutto soon le erano pronte non si sapaente io mievo lì federicoca di non preoccupars che tutto anda benissimoa trqua PR ma darooltinrto Claudia is in chinita felinis creative anarchy and at the same time bows to the rigor of another master in Sicily, filming in parallel with Lucino Visconti, a true demonstration of strength on the set of the Leopard, there is not a millimeter of space for improvisation Visconti's claim is as gigantic as his magnificent historical fresco, a colossal budget of 500 million Liere international cast 600 extras 1000 technicians a baroque palace with 21 rooms and 15 months of filming just for the legendary dance scene. is filmed over 57 nights nothing is good enough for the tyrannical genius Lucino was described to me as a perfectionist who could destroy his actors he was protective and kind very graciously gave me everything I could absorb in return she gives Visconti this laugh unique, you can feel the tremendous power under its apparent docility claudiaardinale splend gat gatta persiana gatta siana che per il momento graffia i cuscini del salotto ma ho l'impressione esatta che uno di questi giorni ci si accorgerà che Claudia è una Tigre e darà una di quelle unghiate che rischierano di ammazzare il domatore Visconti, protégé and beautiful muse of these two masterpieces of the two giants of Italian cinema, Claudia Kardinale has cleared up all doubts about her acting talent The Leopard wins the Palme d'Or in 1963, obtains the Oscar for the best foreign language film in Hollywood, she has achieved her goal before the eyes of the world, she follows the films of Gina l and Sia Loren to the starry Italian sky, but her salary is hers.
She is still far away, although her salary has been increased to 500 per week, not a large sum considering the millions she brings to the company pour vous princi pour dans Pré Pré jusà prent comment secaupch dis pas She is successful thanks to the family She lives in a large house in Living near Rome, she In none of the photos can you feel the warm and original atmosphere of her childhood. She is very attached to her sister Blanche, her brothers Bruno and Adrien, and her parents and enjoys a simple life among them, away from the talky film industry. for the press you can see his son Patrick the secret is jealously guarded even the child does not know that Claudia is his mother the producer isolates her and has everything in hand the communication the house the hairdresser the driver the wardrobe the jewelry and even life successful family producer and mentor in love has ambitious plans for his star Claudia celebrates a great success in Europe but that is not enough for her Claudia Cardinale says hello and part of the mountains with Robert Wagner no niente vacation è tutta una Trupe del cinema internazionale a transfersi parte anotherche The worldwide success of The Pink Panther brought Claudia Kardinale an enthusiastic reception on the international stage. and the unanimous affection of his film companions For David Nien, it is the best Italian invention since spaghetti themselves, a living legend like John Wayne, with whom he films in Spain in the Arena, is impressed by the beautiful woman that she herself When he praises you, you are a true enss that enchants the American public, so Claudia allows herself to be convinced by Kristaldi to leave her refuge in Rome and go to Hollywood.
With her support, she conquers popular American cinema. all genres, filming alongside the most sought-after male actors a thriller with Rock Hudson, a comedy with Tony Curtis and a western in the valley of death where he surprises everyone with his resistance under the song of the terrible desert sun Claudia Pendant longemps vousvez Hit rendre hlywood qu coméneéne de la Transformer oui bien s qu'on essé mais je meis bien bat quand j'ai derrière tte de fa changav qu'onou vous FA exle maquillouper allux under the leadership of Kristal, Claudia


is a She se has become a safe bet at the international box office without having to worry about American women.
She makes four films a year and travels from set to set all over the world. The price of her fame is the insistent journalists who are no longer satisfied with Kristal's stories and who ask questions. Mrs. Claudia reacts to those who still try to hide with good humor and an open smile, her most effective weapon against curious questions, but how long can she keep the mask on? During the interviews I was paralyzed, especially when the journalists tried. to see through me and look into my soul. I was so afraid of giving myself away that I said stupid things.
A rumor was already circulating that she was Kristali's lover. When they discovered her secret son, it was only a matter of time. before the producer, who was actually having an affair with Claudia, protects himself with a counterattack at the end of 1966 he marries her in Atlanta it is an unconventional marriage the two live separately and Franco Kristaldi remains Claudia's boss but she is finally able to support her son whom Kristaldi adopted in the spring of 1967 Claudia confides to a journalist that Patrick is her son Italjet important Italian conversation the Italian PR claudiaardinal on enfin après 8 ans pourquoi elle a dissimulé aux Italia l'existence de ce fils c'est sans doute pour conserver son prestige de star et de jeune f the revelations, as expected, cause a certain stir but Claudia frees herself from a secret that she almost crushed Patrick was a wanted child he was the most important man in my life my work my success I thank him he gave me the strength to overcome my shyness and assert myself in a difficult world.
She emerges from this test stronger and is now ready for the role of a screen heroine whose courage will not be forgotten in Sergio Leone's legendary novel. The Italian star play me the song. of death Claudia Kardinale embodies one of her most striking moments in 1968 Alone in a world of men without law or order, she plays a woman who does not fear anything or anyone West rem With this character, who, like her, is a At the same time shy and extremely attractive, Claudia Kardinale is finally writing the history of cinema. She is 30 years old and is considered one of the most sought-after actresses in the world.
At the same time, the film reflects a turning point in the times of the early 70s, sexual liberation and feminism were in everyone's mouths. Women no longer want to be objects or victims, they want to be independent and decide for themselves. themselves on their body - this also applies to the sex symbols in the oil persist in the cinema Brigit Bardau only then make two more films before ending her career. Claudia Kardinale, for her part, is at the top of her career. In just 10 years she has made 40 films with the greatest directors of her time and has received several international awards of all kinds. of women performed simple bourgeois lustobjek and even business women for each of them.
Say something about me from my deep secret self. I was the best actress of my own character because I staged my personal dramas and emotions, but what does the real Claudia see behind her? a thousand movie faces, who would she be if she took the freedom she dreams of? one thing she does not love and puts everything at risk. In 1974 the Neapolitan director Pascals Guitieri reluctantly chose her for the revenge of the kamora that the producer had made her a condition. The shy and politically active Sitieri does not have a high regard for movie stars and The glamorous ladies of Hollywood are not very impressed by the cardinal rum.
Claudia falls madly in love with him, she wants him at all costs from one day to the next, she returns to Rome and Franco Kristaldi and follows Pascale to New York, traveling with him by bus Through the dusty rural roads of America, his life as a movie star ended with Pasale I discovered true and sincere love, he gave me what my life had. Until then it had been a fictitious life I was a luxury object whose beautiful exterior only served as a money-making machine I was a prisoner of others in a golden cage Visconti was right Cat has become a tigress and has freed herself by escaping from Your marriage.
She has made the enemy of Italy's most powerful film producers. No director wants to mess with her husband who is offended by her and that is why the scandal over her ends as suddenly as it began. Claudia takes D years and it's my fault until she can come back from the black. In her new, no-strings-attached life, she takes the stage and shapes her career. Over the next 40 years she embodied numerous wonderful characters. Her private happiness with Pascale seals the birth of a daughter who also bears the name Claudia. Finally free, she is completely herself during this shoot in Sicily alongside her true love and her grown son.
She is free of the secrets that accompanied her rise and the masks that she had to wear for it, transformed by the truth, Claudia Kardinale is more beautiful than ever.

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