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Claire Saffitz Makes The Best Oatmeal Cookies | Dessert Person

May 31, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm Claire Saffits, welcome to my kitchen today I'm going to show you one of my favorite recipes from the book. It's one of my favorites in the book. One of my favorite layer cakes in the book. one of my favorites in the book, this is getting ridiculous, whatever it is, I really like it, what do I say about it? They are all good, what can I say? I wouldn't put it in the recipe if it wasn't good. Hello everyone. I'm Claire Saffits, welcome to my home kitchen today, I'm going to show you the most delicious cookie recipe that is also extremely complicated.
claire saffitz makes the best oatmeal cookies dessert person
Full disclosure. You will use a lot of equipment and dishes, but I promise you it is worth it. I would not do it. put it in the book if it wasn't worth it and to me it's like the ending was all


. It's my


walnut brittle cookie. Do I firmly believe that, as a recipe developer, I'm not going to do it? Telling you to do something in your kitchen at home that I wouldn't do in mine usually means not asking you to take out a bunch of equipment and not having to wash a bunch of dishes because I don't want to do that. at home neither, but from time to time I make an exception because the recipe calls for it and it's worth it, so for these crunchy


and walnut


you need a food processor and a stand mixer and you also have the brown butter and make a nut brittle and then you have to chill the dough overnight.
claire saffitz makes the best oatmeal cookies dessert person

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claire saffitz makes the best oatmeal cookies dessert person...

This is not for the faint of heart, but you can do it with the equipment, the food processor, the mixer, the small saucepan, obviously the baking sheets, the ingredients are actually very, very simple and we are going to do a lot of transformations important of those ingredients, we have nuts, I already cut them, eggs, butter, cut into pieces, you actually want the eggs to be cold from the refrigerator, that is contrary to what you see in many recipes where you want everything to have room . temperature, but I will explain why old-fashioned rolled oats don't use the type of quick cooking that you want, then flour, dark brown and white granulated sugars, we also use baking soda, lots of kosher salt, these are Pretty salty cookies, vanilla extract, and most of the ingredients we use in a couple different places, so the ingredients are humble, probably things you already have at home.
claire saffitz makes the best oatmeal cookies dessert person
It's the method that actually


these cookies. The first thing you should do is toast the nuts. I already chopped these nuts and I like when I chop nuts, you often get some of these like little dusty things, that's okay, I actually like to have all different sizes, so place them on a small baking sheet. I burn nuts all the time, so I always put them in the oven thinking like "oh, me." I'll remember, I'll know when they're done and then I'll forget and then they'll burn so just set a timer, the puzzle is like a type of candy, it's a candy or a caramel that's aerated with baking soda and tofu candy.
claire saffitz makes the best oatmeal cookies dessert person
It's acidic when you add baking soda it reacts it produces gas and you have this kind of bubbly mixture and then you want to spread it out before it cools on a slab and you have this delicious crunchy caramel so I have baking soda right here. I'm going to add baking soda and salt at the end, so I'm going to measure them out ahead of time because I want to have them ready as soon as my caramel is just right, so I have half a teaspoon of kosher. Salt and I'm going to measure out half a teaspoon of baking soda, granulated sugar and then four tablespoons of unsalted butter just to dissolve the sugar and keep the fat and sugar from separating.
I started with some water. this helps bring everything together so like I'm making a candy I'm going to stir it at first until it comes to a boil and the stirring action is for the sugar to dissolve and now I'm going to switch to spinning so spinning is one way of equalizing the heat and equalizing the temperature without stirring because stirring tends to encourage crystallization and we don't want a grainy brittle, we want a smooth brittle now that I'm boiling. I'm going to continue cooking this, this is going to cook until the mixture starts to turn golden and then amber and then deep amber and that's our stopping point.
I'm going to take a look at the nuts. They're on their way, but I could use another minute. or okay so I'm just going to sit here and wait for them to arrive and wait for the nuts to be ready I feel confident about that so now my brittle mixture is starting to turn a golden color so this is where it's at Where I go. To pay attention, I have medium heat underneath so I think I'm on the right color which looks like a very dark golden brown so I'm going to turn off the heat and now my nuts stir that so you can I want the nuts to be well coated a once you have everything mixed, now is that important step where I will add the baking soda kosher salt which will cause a foamy effect and as soon as I incorporate it well stirring a little bit quickly.
I'm going to go to my little baking sheet and while this mixture is still hot, try to spread it out in a single layer. You just want it to extend enough so you can cut it. This is our really brittle nut if you just wanted to get this far. in the recipe, divide this up and put it in a bag, it's a phenomenal treat, it's delicious, well, I know where to put anything so I'm going to put it in my trash can because sometimes that's where I need to put things to that brittle has cooled down it's a little warm but it's totally ready so you can see we just have this solid block before we cut it I'm just going to break it up into pieces to make it easier but seriously for the first time it was just done I understand why it's called brutal, it's very crumbly, I don't know why that never fit, okay, I'm going to start chopping in the recipe, I say let's cut it so that the largest pieces are the size of a pea, like this that you already know something.
I like it, but irregular is fine. Some larger pieces are fine. Some smaller pieces are definitely okay. I love oatmeal cookies. I mean, I love oats in general. I really wanted a chewy caramel-pecan oatmeal cookie so I have two eight ounce sticks of unsalted butter cut into pieces half of these will go into the bowl of my mixer. I'm only browning half the butter, the rest will go into my saucepan. This butter is melting. I have it on medium high heat and add the butter. Butter tastes so amazing like caramelized caramel and I love it so much that I have to actively try not to put brown butter like in all the recipes because it


everything more delicious, so when you brown the butter you have to pay attention.
Because those milk solids can burn very easily and you also have to stir it almost constantly and not just stir but also scrape, those milk solids tend to want to stick to the sides and bottom of the pot, so if you you keep it moving, We're just going to keep it from burning, so now we're starting to get some golden colors. The darker it gets, the more flavor you will have. I'm going to turn off the heat because there is enough heat left in the pot to continue toasting. The butter smells very good, so there is a very fine foam.
Now I'm going to pour it into the mixer bowl on top of the cold butter that's already there and the idea is that the cold butter inside will help it fall. the temperature of the brown butter and I want it to stay until the butter is at room temperature. Put every last one of those specks in the bowl. I mean, I'm sorry, it sounded really bossy, but I just want to say that you'll want to do that. because that's the whole flavor. I have a love-hate relationship with my food processor. I love the quick work it does, like doing basically anything, but I hate cleaning it up, but in this case I absolutely need it because I need to grind my flour mixture. so I have all purpose flour right here, this recipe has a relatively low ratio of flour and that's because I'm using oats which absorb a lot of moisture so I don't need as much flour, two teaspoons of kosher salt and one teaspoon of baking soda I'm adding half of my oats to this.
I have two cups of old fashioned rolled oats, so one cup in the food processor and I'm basically like making oatmeal. I'm grinding these oats into the flour and finally half them. of my nut brittle, the remaining half and the remaining oats, these are mixed into the dough at the end, so I just want to continue until it's very fine, it's all crumbly, it's all pretty good, no, no big chunks, yeah If you had a blender, I think you could. By the way, make this in your blender so you don't have to have a food processor, although I haven't tried it, so let me know how it turns out if you go that route.
Here's the butter you don't even need. To make it this solid as long as it's not hot, I actually want the eggs to help set the butter so the cookie dough is firmer, so I have two cold eggs. I'm going to start by adding the sugars that I have granulated and this is it. dark brown with cookies, it's always good to have a mix of granulated and brown sugar because the granulated sugar will give you that crispy edge and the brown sugar will keep the center chewy again. I'm not actually going to beat it, I don't want a light fluffy color I just want it to be well blended and smooth and a little bit satiny, so now I'm going to add my eggs one at a time, I want them to emulsify and they will also cool the butter and they will thicken it a little.
I forgot, I almost forgot, okay, I almost forgot about the vanilla, the presence of the vanilla extract is so important, it's that mixture of vanilla butter and brown sugar that gives it that caramel flavor that I really want and crave of cookies, so I use a full tablespoon of vanilla extract, okay, now it's time to add the dry ingredients, you don't have to sift this, it will be a little lumpy, but that's okay, it's going to pulse this if I turn it on, It will just explode everywhere. Okay, I gave it a full mix and now I'm going to mix in the last ingredients, which is the remaining cup of oats and the remaining chopped walnut brittle, it looks concrete but it tastes great, so now you went.
After all that trouble and you can't bake it right now, I highly recommend chilling the dough before baking it. Chilling the cookie dough and simply letting it sit in the refrigerator helps the final cookies a lot, improving the texture and improving the flavor. it gives you that beautiful crinkly edge like it looks better, so if you need to eat a little bit of the raw dough and then chill the rest, then I divide them into two ounce balls. One tablespoon is really great. I used this tablespoon to divide the same. dough from last night that I'm going to show you, I have it in the refrigerator and now in hindsight I don't think it's two ounces, so I'm going to measure it, a quarter cup of water is two ounces, so let's try it, these are not the The same thing they are, it's definitely smaller, so I think this is, damn, I think it's only an ounce.
Where's my two ounce scoop? Basically, two ounces is a quarter cup, so if you don't have a two-ounce scoop, you can use one. quarter cup measure, which is what I guess I'm going to do because I don't know where my two ounce scoop is, so I like to scrape, you know, pick them up and then scrape them against the side of the bowl and then you can level it out and then just go around and make a small mound, so this recipe makes about 18 large cookies. These drops are not the most visually appealing, but they will bake into a beautiful and delicious cookie.
These will be placed in the refrigerator. I'll cover it, it says even two hours is fine, but I think eight to 24 hours is better and here's a tray I made last night. In this one I used the one ounce scoop, so I'm actually going to mix two of them together in a cookie, anything you don't need at the moment to bake and in your freezer. I can't emphasize enough how amazing it is to have cookie dough ready to use in your freezer, the idea of ​​it being like a


al warm cookie. at night it's up, let's go to the refrigerator for now, I'll put it in there later, okay, I love nothing more than my own warm cookie from the oven for


, you know, I don't necessarily trust these to be just want to double check the size of an ounce and a half, it's so annoying, what a pain, so I have to make a third of each so that each of these gets a third of another drop sometimes you have to improvise, I'm destroying. a third of my dough over my existing spots, let's see two on the nose, so they're obviously pretty big cookies.
I like to give them enough room on the baking sheet so I think you can fit eight of these safely so here I have my eight two ounce portions of dough that's nine ok here I have eight these are going to go inside and how are they? large cookies take a little while to bake, 16 to 20 minutes oops and the recipe I say is to make six pieces on each tray Everything will be fine, here are my cookies. I'd leave it to myself on the actual recipe, which is better to put six instead of eight, but they actually look pretty good.
I love how crinkly these cookies get and I like seeing that dark golden brown color. edge and then the pale or the center, I just know that they will becrispy, chewy and then soft in the center. I'm very excited, but they need to cool because they are so thin and soft. Let them cool for a while while baking. sheet before trying to transfer them to a rack so that when you take them out you can see that the center still looks a little shiny and that's okay since I like to bake the cookies a little in the center and then they harden while they cool down.
Here are my pecan cookies still warm but ready to eat. I'm going to try this one. I'm so glad I toasted those nuts really well because it's a really nice balance to all the kinds of caramel flavors found in this cookie. It's crazy and totally justifies the also incredible amount of work that goes into them, but I really don't think I've ever had a better cookie. These are great for parties. Let me know how they turn off for you. Leave a message in the comments section. Make it like a community thing. Can? show you which one I like because of its beauty okay, I think I like this one look how cute it is how I paint it rick are you there hello how are you look who it is when I think of cookies I think of rick and it was like it didn't matter what was happening or the recipes that you were working on, you're always making cookies, and in particular, you're very well known for the Heath Bar Chocolate Chip Cookie, which is like one of the most phenomenal chocolate chip cookies. cookies I ever wanted to show you these because I feel like it's a very tasty type of cookie, I really want it right now, so this is an oatmeal nut brittle cookie and it's a rick cookie for a couple of reasons, one is super delicious, but two I feel like the method would really speak to you and it has brown butter um but it's so good so I have so much frozen cookie dough of these so I'll try to mail them to you and see how it works so I wanted to tell you about this one and then talk about cookies and ask what are you going to bake for the holidays and what are you going to bake for the holidays, tell me your plan, um, yeah, it's definitely going to be for the holidays, you know, it's sad because actually cookies aren't that important here as I would like them to be, so that means I have to bake them all myself, so okay, things I really like here.
I've been incorporating pilocio more into my cookies, which is Mexican brown sugar, but it has a very distinctive flavor of smoky molasses and caramel, but also coconut because, like in this area, a lot of coconut grows, so coconut here is amazing, even dried coconut is just I think it's phenomenal, yeah, so every time I can put coconut in something, I'm like I'm there for it. Well, I miss you. I wish we could bake together, but I'll talk to you soon. Let me know when you get the cookies, okay? Bye, okay, I miss you, bye, hello everyone, I'm Claire.
I want to thank you for watching me make recipes from my new cookbook, Dessert Person, and I wanted to take a moment to highlight the work of another Penguin Random House author. This book is called Time. to eat by nadia hussein I met nadia for the first time, like many of you, because she is the winner of the great british baking competition and she also has her own Netflix series and this book is about super clever quick recipes, very delicious among week. Nadia has a family, she knows how busy people are and this book has solutions for you.
She also has a book on baking coming out in 2021, so stay tuned and check that one out.

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