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Claire Saffitz Foraging for Best Homemade Clam Chowder | Dessert Person

May 12, 2024
we have to go we have to get out there the


s don't move and they don't go anywhere calls away from no one holds or waits for everyone because they are stuck in the mud you don't have to get up early to go climbing no You don't have to get up at 7 :30 in the morning on your vacation to go climbing Paris. You have to get up too. I'm going to prepare you. I'll make you some coffee. Come on, are you dressed? Where are you going? Are you going to run away from that camera? I'll tell you, so we went


ming a lot, like when we got home from the beach, because it was like everyone was hot and Sandy and then they were wearing their bathing suits, so we jumped in the pond and clammed and then the We cook for dinner.
claire saffitz foraging for best homemade clam chowder dessert person
They bought the sauce in 2008. I was almost out of college so I didn't start coming to the cave until I was like a pseudo adult and I won't start eating clams right away because it's like I'm from St Louis, that's what they are. clams, but we quickly realized because we all wanted to eat clams and I grew up eating canned clam


and as always, I loved it, but then making your own is 10 times better, okay, let's take things. It was really my older sister, Emily, who took it upon herself to be like the family clam expert.
claire saffitz foraging for best homemade clam chowder dessert person

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claire saffitz foraging for best homemade clam chowder dessert person...

We just had this great place. I love this saltwater pond that leads to the ocean so it's tidal everything is like ocean water and the quahogs are easy because they don't move when we first moved here we went like the local fishing spot, We're like, what do we need to scale and do we have? the bucket and we got the rake and everything and then we got in the pond and started doing it and we were like no good, we didn't get any clams, so Emily was really the one who said, "I'm doing my thing" and we, I'm sure other people do this, I don't know, we just made it up, we just feel with our feet on the super soft ground, like it's silky, silky mud, what's up?
claire saffitz foraging for best homemade clam chowder dessert person
Claire, pretty early to go swimming and in the water. cold, actually, oh god, I'm hitting the mud, oh my god, oh god, what's your technique right now, let's explode, just float, just feel the smooth shell and then my method, some people dive in and pick them up with His hands, my method. is to pick them up with my feet and then put them in the bucket, they are mostly buried, but the shells, the two halves, the shells are like that and they reach the ridge and it's usually like the ridge sticking out, so if I feel something symmetrical with a ridge, it's probably a clamp.
claire saffitz foraging for best homemade clam chowder dessert person
I don't feel the method matters as long as you end up with a bucket of clams. I have a good one, a big one, this is a Quahog, look how big it is. actually a soup tong, which is what we're going to do, it usually goes out if it's deeper and you drop one, it just disappears, we'll get one that actually sounds like a big bug oh oh, I have one of my own, I'll probably just I put like 15 to 20. In not too long, this is a little piece where if the clamp goes through this window, it's too small and you pull it back.
I mean, it's obvious if they're big, but I have a smaller one. If I can find it, maybe this guy, but it doesn't fit, so put it away and now I'm going to go back out and try to fill the bucket, uh, oh, this came out, how did it happen? So surely not. I don't want to go in, yeah, what happened was Harris sat in the chair and 10 minutes later he came back to the house and I ate all the clams until Vinnie and Calvin decided to buy them. Paris is a little squeamish and he doesn't like mutt and he didn't want to help you here this is out I don't know why I didn't bring him his coffee let's sit there and drink it if you're interested in clams you have to like it make sure it's allowed, so we have a shellfish license, but it's easy to do it yourself, look how pretty we usually cook them outdoors because they take a lot of volume because they're big and the shells are big, so we open them up. the grill, which is what we're going to do, quahogs aren't really like eating clams, they're like clam


, clams that you want to chop and cook and cook, so then we like to strain the liquid, say the liquid, so you clam broth and then you can do a million different things with them Clam pizza, of course, clam linguine, which you can watch the full episode on my patreon.
I remember my dad making this dish and we grew up in St. Louis, so it's not like we were becoming like, you know, like clams in the Mississippi, but I used canned clams and I remember being five years old or whatever. I was thinking to myself that there was no way there could be a better smell on Earth than the smell and I still think this is one of look Harris fell out of the car one of Harris's lottery tickets I don't think you won they're not so dirty but I just like to rub them I'm always the only one I don't clean our herbs well enough, some very large cohugs, the grill is preheated.
I'm going to sort the clams. I have these, we use them a lot, like reusable but disposable aluminum pans, so I'm going to classify them, it doesn't really matter much, into three. sizes just because they're going to be cooked at different times and again, I'm really just going to open them up, not cook them all the way through because they're going to be cooked again, so I'm going to make it small, medium and large, this is a small fish. I would say medium. I think I'm mainly going for medium ones and it's okay if they're on top of each other, obviously that's small because I'm going to move them around while they're cooking.
These guys are big, size is. just so there's not a little clam that's covered by a bigger clam and then you don't know if it opens, let me put them on the grill and then I'll close the lid and let them steam and that's it. I'm going to take them off. I'll be able to place them close enough. Now wait, we'll make it fit. Yes, I'll be fine, so this may take a while. I'm going to give it like at least 10 minutes before I start checking and then I have a bowl to take out the meat and then this is going to be for the liquid.
I'm going to grab the bucket. I'll put the empty shells in the bucket. As much as I love the beach I don't love the sun and he doesn't love me either I'm the


on the beach I have like sunglasses and a big hat and a towel around me and a sun shirt and I'm under an umbrella , what is the SPF of at least 50? I don't wear 150. I should put my hat on. I really have it. I'll be right back, so let's see what's open. Well, none. I'm a little messy. there's a little bit of liquid in there so it's starting to release, longer time, false alarm, any opening, yeah, yeah, summer opening, okay.
I'm going to open these guys up. I'm going to open it up to you. I'm going to open this. That one is open. what we're doing great, they opened up so now we're like things are moving. Look how the joint is completely open. Get it out. Look at the size of that clam too. I remove the meat with my tongs. I'm using my tongue, I need second dogs, okay, this is going to go here for now and then it's going to take out the meat, so they're not even fully cooked, they're still a little bit translucent, so it's kind of raw, which is the good thing. shell will simply be here open again, it is already down and that meat is the brain, count well, I don't know what it is, it's a lot of things, it's everything, it's a muscle, it's like a tongue, it's a clam, for sure . there's a lot of stuff oh my gosh we have a big opening how exciting oh my gosh it's happening who's mainly cooking the clams me or my sister or my dad my mom and my other sister Jane they don't eat much clams.
I don't really participate much in things like eating clams. I think it's opening. Am I imagining it's like the ugliest flower? They don't open, that means they're dead, so I'll just say it, I'll probably throw them away, but. In the meantime, I'm going to get this liquid out of here. I'll strain it when I come in, but I'm just going to pour it into the measuring cup. There's some sand in there that I won't pour. I'm going to turn off the grill, close it. I have all the meat. I'm going to go in, chop them, strain the liquid and then make some clam chowder.
Most of the work is already done. That was the hard part, Cal, do you want to do it carefully? drink that liquid, it's super hot, okay, thanks. I guess what I like about it, besides the fact that we like to eat clams and they're delicious, is that it's


, it's like using what's plentiful and local, so it's fun to go out and pick your own food and do something with she so that's what we're going to do here let me leave this you can put it right on top of here excellent thanks to me clam chowder it does the same thing as French fries you can have a salad that's great I often like them like If I was in the mood for salad, it sounds like I'd want that as something nice on the side and a cup of clam chowder perfect for that, your son.
I was thinking about this. I feel like clam chowder, no. just that it's delicious and I like to eat it and not only is it in the category of my favorite things to cook, which are like, you know, big things like stewed soup and a big bubbling pot, but it's also kind. One of the


uses for clams because it uses both the tongs and the clam liquid and there is a lot of flavor in the clam liquid, so this is a dish that is really about the flavor, not even so much about the pure volume . of clams, of course, it's there to give it a great texture, but it's about the flavor of the clams, so I have this is the liquid from the clams that I opened, this is the meat of about half, so I drain a little of this liquid through a coffee filter. just to remove the fine particles that will be the main type of liquid component of the soup, other than my heavy cream, obviously because it's a New England style clam chowder.
I have some bacon that I cut up and started cooking it this morning for breakfast. I yelled from above and you better get the bacon out of the pan because I need it for the soup so it's not completely raw. So I have some aromatics. I'm going to add a little celery, a little fennel, a little leek, which is very good. clam chowder I have a yellow onion and then of course potato, which is like the starch component of the chowder, then of course my clams, clam liquid, a little bit of white wine because I like the acidity that it adds , it's actually not something typical you would add.
But I'm going to add and then flour, which is my thickener. Oh, by the way, I forgot to say that I'm going to make some oyster cookies because there has to be some type of baking involved. I can't feel the oyster cookie so hard. I'm just going to make it. the most basic, like lean cookie, so flour, a little sugar, a little butter and, like, water with milk, maybe I don't know, we'll see. I'm going to use Fanny Farmer as a base. recipe is something like the first steps of the classic New England cookbook. I'm going to put my bacon and my butter in the pan, so I have like a Dutch oven here, my parents are very proud to point out that this is a cookware from their original set that they bought for their wedding, so I'm going to turn it on this heat to put my bacon on low heat to start rendering it and then while that's just hanging out I'm going to Cut up all my aromatics, they were four big thick strips of bacon, they're probably more like six ounces and I want to use four .
I could have just told Harris that he might have cooked one of the pieces, so he's starting to sizzle. I'll keep it low and while that starts to give out I'll cut everything else, so celery is definitely a must in clam chowder, however, I think celery has a very strong flavor and I don't want to overdo it. I think for some people the tedious part of cooking is the chopping. I love it. Chopping celery is the


ingredient for practicing knife skills because it lays flat and curls, but celery does. easy, you can do it if you are going to make a lot of soup, buy a package of celery, okay, then you need to wash the leeks.
The leeks have a lot of dirt in that spot of the leak where the light green parts meet the dark green parts where they meet. I start to separate them, so I'm going to rinse them, look how dirty they are, you know? One of Harris' signature moves is, uh, it's the split. None of his signature kitchen moves is leaving bacon on the stove and then leaving the house. It's not my favorite habit, so I'm dividing the leaks in half lengthwise and then in half again. It's easy to fix and I don't need to cut any of this very finely because it's all going to sweat. and cook and I'm going to cut this fennel.
I may not use it all, but we'll see, fennel is a delicious vegetable that pairs very well with seafood. Maybe I used half a bulb which I don't want. "It's too strong. I think one of my favorite ways to eat funnel is to just grate it finely into a salad. It's really good raw. I'm going to cook it and then put some onion on it so you can see." I'm using a lot of alliums, people will forget about this, but I'm very much under control here with this knife. This is a fairly large onion, so I may not use it all so I can smell the bacon that is starting to fall apart.
I'm going to create a bit of a stir. I make radial cuts toward the center from each quarter-inch interval. You just follow the lines. I just follow the lines exactly and although it makes the cuts a little less even on the ones that arecloser to the center they're going to be smaller, the variation isn't as big and I'm making soup so who cares, I feel like it's easier and the onion holds up better when you cut it and then once I pick it up. towards the center, I'm going to cut it flat, so I'm probably going to do the other half of the onion, but I want to put them in the pot because I feel like the bacon smells pretty cooked, so now I'm going to add four tablespoons of butter.
I'm going to add flour which will thicken the soup so I don't have a classic creamy clam chowder consistency the flour will bind with the fat and I make a roux and then I can add my liquid so the fat is really important so I'm going to complement the bacon with a little butter. The bacon looks like it's at the stage I want it to be at, which is starting to crisp around the edges and mostly rendered, but not completely crispy, so now I'm going to take this entire cutting board and add all my aromatics . I'm probably going to lose at least 50 in volume, so that seems like a lot, which is about to start to smell so good, so I just want to cover all of this with butter and bacon grease.
I'm going to turn the heat up a little bit more like medium. I had it on medium low heat and I'm just going to let all of this sweat out so to speak so I'm also going to chop the rest of that onion and add that now when it comes to seasoning the soup I'm basically not going to add salt because the brine of The clams are super salty and when I was cooking them there was some evaporation on the grill so it's even more concentrated and salty and I'm going to let that season everything. I don't really need to add any additional salt, I will definitely add some pepper towards the end it has been a good idea for the video make good skills vegetable soup which is a good idea without carrots in this by the way I feel like this needs carrots let me make sure that All this is cooking, there is a lot of advantage.
I'm going to turn it up a little. I've got all my aromatics on this, it's going to cook for probably at least 15 minutes. I want the vegetables to lose volume and I want it to cook a lot of water, so let me eat it. I'm going to keep it at medium heat here and start every once in a while and in the meantime I'm going to cut up my clams. I pretty much have everything else prepared, but I'm also going to turn it around. To me oh I can make the potato and I'm also going to dedicate myself to making some quick cookie dough to make oyster crackers that you have to have in clam chowder.
I changed the filter because that one was very oh God, very slow. and I'm just not going to do it, I don't want particles in there, no sand, no bits of whatever, so now I'm going to cut up the clams. I have about half of the total clams that we found this morning in the pond so this is about half of them this is the total amount of liquid and I'm not sure how much I'm going to use so now I just want to cut them up because Quahogs clams are pretty big and that's not what you don't want. to bite into a whole one, they are quite chewy, so I'm just going to cut them up.
Make sure you use a sharp knife. Keep those fingers out of the way. Do you want to do the United States? I couldn't tell you what. of the parts is that it's a clam and I don't like to think about it too much. I know it tastes great and I'm okay with that. You can make this with handmade clams and they come out like bottled clam juice. You'll probably get a really good flavor either way, okay, this looks really good, you can see they've lost some volume, the vegetables, this is going to continue now, that's a lot of clams, this will make such a delicious clam chowder. so now I'm going to peel and cut my potato into cubes and cook it, I'm also going to fill it with water and put it to boil.
I am using flour as a thickener for this soup. There are other thickeners you could use. Potato is actually a great soup. thickener, but I don't really like the kind of silkiness you get from a flower-thickened super stew. I don't really want the potato starch in there, so I'm going to cook the potatoes separately and then you'll have more control too. about cooking and how cooked it is and I feel like sometimes when you cook potato in soup in the liquid, even when it's fully cooked, it maintains the kind of texture that I don't like as much as when it's just cooked separately I'm using a Russet potato , you can use whatever type of potato you want Yukon Gold, you can use them like small red potatoes I don't know what you want to stir, so I want to cut them into small pieces, how?
I want to do that and then as soon as I cut them, I'm going to put them in the water because I don't want them to rust and turn brown, okay? So I'm going to let this hang over the stove I don't need to turn it on either I just didn't use my bacon this morning you use my potato but one should be enough so now I think we're at the point where I'm going to add my flour to this mixture. It's starting to stick a little to the bottom which means the vegetables have lost a lot of their water content and I'm going from steaming in the pot to starting to brown, now this isn't I'm going to start with a quantity accurate, probably two tablespoons so you can see this fat bubbling up there.
I want all of that to be mixed with the flour. I'm going to stir it up. I can already tell you that I need more, so I'm going to add a little bit more, probably at least another tablespoon, or so you can see that it's starting to form a little film on the bottom, which is good, so I really want to cook that flour. I could add a little. a little bit more, maybe a tablespoon more, so I probably added about a quarter to a third cup and this is going to be my thickener, so I'm making kind of a roux which is a mixture of fat and flour, but that's it.
I'm also doing it with the presence of bacon and all the aromatics. I just want to cook this. What happens if you don't add enough flour in proportion to the amount of fat? You will get like little droplets of fat in your soup. and it's not a bad thing, it's just that you're not going to have that really smooth classic texture that you associate with New England clam chowder, okay, so I'm definitely stirring constantly at this point because that flower is going to start to brown. I don't want it to burn on the bottom of the pot now that I have my wine.
I didn't measure it. It's probably about a third of a cup. You don't need to add this, but I like it as a deglazing tool and it's also I'm going to add a little acidity, which I think is appropriate, they are very rich flavors with the bacon and cream, so it helps cut that a bit. little bit so I get a little bit of a brown layer on the bottom which is good it will be the flavor and it means I'm cooking the flour so you go in and this will basically completely evaporate and cook but what it will do is to start to dissolve that brown flower type layer on the bottom I definitely don't want a raw alcohol taste so I'm going to let this cook for the people at home who are against cooking with alcohol yeah I mean , you can skip this completely.
You don't have to use this at all, you can go straight to the next step which will be adding my clam liquid. You can add a splash of apple cider vinegar or something if you know how. get that acidity, but it's not necessary, so I'm going to take the liquid from my clam, which is still filtering, it's like making another new filter. Maybe it really caught a lot of silt, look at all that sand and silt, so I want to continue. with this, but I'm going to start with this amount that we had some evaporation with when we were cooking the clams, so I really think there is a non-negligible risk of over-salting this just by adding the liquid from the clams, so I'm going to To start with, It was probably two cups and you might just have to add a little bit of water, which is totally fine.
I feel like water is a really underrated cooking ingredient and people think you have to add broth because broth has flavor and it doesn't. enough flavor in the water, but it doesn't always work that way, so what I'm doing now is just stirring this and scraping the bottom to dissolve the flour that's in there, but this definitely needs more liquid, let's find some cheesecloth, ah, much easier, my mom, look. If anyone is wondering where I learned how to keep an organized kitchen, that's definitely from my mom, so I turned that mode down right while I'm doing this part, because the coffee filters were effective but very slow. put a double layer of cheesecloth in a fine mesh strainer and let's try this much faster, hopefully almost as effective, okay, it's probably another two cups.
In fact, I'll try what I have because I want to be really conscious of the salt in it. clams, I add more salt because I want a lot of clam flavor. I add a lot of liquid. Also bacon has salt, by the way, it is very salty. I'm going to add a little bit of water, maybe a little more clam liquid, but call it a cup and one half of the water equals three cups of clam liquid total, so now I'm going to let it cook for a little while. I'm going to light the potato. I'm not going to put salt on the potato, so I'm going to get that cooking, it's almost ready, I'm going to let this simmer, reduce it a little bit, we're going to add the clams, we're going to add the potato, the cream, I keep repeating about the cookies, I'm going to put together the cookie dough the The nice thing about crackers is there's no yeast, there's no waiting, I'm just going to make them and also the oyster crackers, so it's like they're just here for the crunch.
I'm not too technical here, so I'm not. I don't have an oyster cracker recipe nor do I take the time to develop one. I'm going to use a recipe from Fanny Farmer, author of The Fanny Farmer cookbook, which is like a very old, very classic New England cookbook and it's like an all-purpose cookbook. a million recipes and there is one recipe just for white cookies. I'm going to start with a cup of flour which in my book is about 135 grams plus or minus a teaspoon of sugar, so I'm going to take sugar. eyeball call it a teaspoon then about a teaspoon of salt it's not very accurate so there's a teaspoon so I'm going to take butter I just need a tablespoon forgive me I'm going in the refrigerator so there's a little bit of fat in this recipe and the fat will soften them, so I'm just going to cut this into some pieces.
Basically, I'm going to incorporate all of this fat into the flour mixture, but unlike pie dough, cookies, or anything flaky. Basically, I want to fully incorporate it into the flour, so I'm using it as a rubbing motion. I'm really trying to break the butter into small pieces, so that the soup bubbles up like a very smooth paste which I like. keep an eye on everything behind me so that the butter is fully worked, without large pieces. I'm going to grab a measuring cup. You can do this by sight, but just to have measurements I can share, I'll grab a measuring cup. cup, but I basically want to add enough milk to bring everything together and make a soft but not super sticky dough, so we're going to measure out a third of a cup, but we're going to add a little bit of that, so I'm going to leave a little bit. the measuring cup is whole milk, pour that in and there's about a teaspoon or two left in there and I really like to mix the batter with a fork.
Harris has a Danish dough whisk that my mom gave me that used to be hers. I never really use it, but I just like it because it looks cute. Harris hates him. It's the least economical thing in our entire kitchen because it's so big and gets in the way a lot, but I really like it, so I'm going to go. Go ahead and add the rest of the milk just a little dry flour is still fine, that seemed to work, a third of a cup seems like the magic amount, everything comes together, no dried flower stains.
I'm going to scoop this out on my work surface that I have, it actually feels like a nice hydration, like a soft but not terribly sticky dough. I mostly cleaned the bowl, so I'm going to knead it very, very lightly to even out the texture a little bit in the smallest amount. of flour I don't want to overwork it because I want them to be tender, so now I'm going to spread this out on my work surface. I'm going to grab my rolling pin. I have my grandmother's old rolling pin here, so I'm going to put some flour in it, okay, I'm going to turn off the water, let me stir a little bit, I'll probably turn this down a little bit, it's my newly preheated oven and I think I want this pretty. thin, it wouldn't be bad if it was a square shape which would probably help me more when cutting, but it's a little difficult to get it to the shape you want so I probably add about an eighth of an inch. thick, which suits me well.
I'm going to put this on a baking sheet. I'm going to put some parchment under it and then I'm going to cut it out. I'm going to try cutting it into hexagons. I hope it works. You have to cut in three directions to make six sides, so first you cut into strips horizontally. I think I should sprinkle them with a little Old Bay. Yes, you will be very salty, because the old base is very salty. Now I'm going down this path in parallel and then. I'm going down this parallel path my calf looks very skeptical you don't think it's going to work I think I'll try it Did I do this wrong?
No, but this way they will be parallelograms and then the other way around. nice, no matter what he's trying with each hex. Yes, you're right. so I'm going to have a mix of hexagons and triangles, anyone care? Not well,That sounds good, okay, he made hexagons. Am I doing this right? I think this is correct. I really feel less prepared than normal, well it worked and my plan is this: bake them long enough so that they are done and starting to dry out and then I will separate them on the baking sheet, make sure they don't touch each other, improve circulate the air around them and then continue baking them until they are nice and barely golden.
I would say I'll check them out in less than 10 minutes and in the meantime I think I can go ahead and finish my soup, oh it's bubbling so I'm going to add my clams for the amount of soup, this is a good amount, generous but adequate of clams at the same time, okay and now I can also go ahead and drain my potatoes and go ahead and add them and voila, the potatoes there will be more liquid. because I'm going to add the cream probably about a cup or a cup and a half, but to me this seems like you're getting a nice, rich consistency, so you're getting a little bit of veggies and potatoes and clams in every bite, so it's no. you just know it's not too much broth so I'm going to add the cream which is like an essential ingredient here it's just not clam chowder without cream so I usually have heavy cream with a creamy soup you don't really want to boil it. hard after adding the cream because there is always a chance of it breaking or basically the cream separating so I won't like to boil it any more once I add this to help reduce the chance of breaking it, it's good. add it at room temperature and you can even temper it like you can add some hot soup to your cream and then add it, but I think it should be fine.
I'm going to start by adding about a cup. I actually don't need that much cream to make a really nice creamy soup, so that cup of cream looks like it did it. I'm very happy with it, I just want to try it because I'm still a little worried. salt I think the texture of this is great as it is the right amount of flour for the right amount of liquid. I wouldn't want it to be thicker but I wouldn't want it to be thinner either. um salty, I mean, I don't like it. not in a bad way, so good flavour, the bacon really pulls its weight as it adds a subtle smoky flavor which goes really well with the clams in particular but is a bit stupid overall, really complex.
I think that little bit of wine doesn't matter to you. a slight touch of acidity that helps eliminate everything. I'm going to turn this off, it's basically done. I think thats enough. I think I'd like to dilute it, probably just add another half cup of liquid and we're probably. Well, don't add more salt. I'm not going to add more, but that's okay. The cookies look good. I will separate them because they need a little bit to reach the point where they are going to take color. there's just a little bit of Browning around those edges and I separate them.
If I take out the triangles now, yes, it will be perfect. Well, I'm also going to cook the triangles. I'll take them out later, before they're fully cooked. I just want them to separate so they all dry at the same rate, otherwise the edges would get really crispy and the center ones would stay a little soft, so I've mostly separated them. I'll do a final pass when I separate them. all the triangles out and that's it, you're just going to go back in the oven and I'm going to cook them until they're completely dry and a little bit golden, okay, I can smell that the oyster crackers are ready oh, they turned a little brown oh no , well, the hexagons look great the triangles maybe I went a little overboard on this oven it's powerful, right, most of them look great the triangles not so much, okay, you don't sound so bloated and Airy, they have to dry, they have to cool down, that makes them swell, no, does it make them swell?
Do they put baking soda in them? I don't know, they probably have some yeast in them, some of them burst a little, so what you're telling me is that these are a total failure, okay, Cal likes them, it's like one of those flavors, yeah, deeply satisfied, yeah, It's super soft, yeah, it's just white flour, it's the flavor, it's good, good job. Sure, he made it, it's just supposed to be pure texture. to eat with the soup now it is very hot it really burns my hands so these need to cool down. I'm going to finish separating them but then we're going to make a bowl, we're going to try it.
I'll probably chop up a little bit of parsley, maybe a squeeze of lemon, but basically we're done, a little bit of lemon on top, lemon and seafood, then some parsley and some of my oyster crackers that didn't puff up much, okay I think it has great consistency. It is super soft and silky. I don't have drips of fat on the top so I know I have the right ratio of fat, flour and a liquid and I tried my oyster crackers. I would definitely put some clam in there hmm. I love the texture of the clam. I especially love it against the smooth and creamy potato type.
Hmm, I think there's too much bacon. I know you love bacon next time. Sorry, Harris, we yelled at you but it's really delicious, so delicious, so we have this. as a series of really fun Cape Cod episodes, we'll definitely continue to mix it up a little, get out of the kitchen, expand a little, of course we'll always bring you


recipes that you can share, but it's fun I like to be on the road a little bit and in a new kitchen, especially where my mom can help me with all the dishes I have to prepare after the episode, so thank you very much for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe to patreon. and patreon sign up to receive original recipes from patreon several times a month drink water linguine clams drink water why do I look dehydrated?
No, it's just another good life.

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