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Chuck E. Cheese is ruined for me now after this video [SSS #042]

Mar 16, 2024
mistaken? You're not alone because he won't confess doesn't mean he isn't. It's true, she texts you back quickly. You are right, as always. I'm sorry. No, I know you still love me. No, you don't know anything. Hello, she watches my talks. It's 8:21 p.m. If you don't want to hear from someone, you don't. Gotta keep


up for as long as it takes, yeah just cross the line stalker you and I belong together kell his name is kell as in Keenan and Kel what the hell are you doing? What did you change? Your Facebook status is a monster.
chuck e cheese is ruined for me now after this video sss 042
I know it's facebook look you think I was already writing kelly morris is in a relationship with todd powers oh hey I didn't do that well someone did and I bet I know who I need to see you I can't. I think you hacked my account. This is a new low even for you. What I'm in tick tock. This is not the way to do it. I say, Kell, seriously, I don't know what you're talking about. She says she didn't do it. Stop texting him. He is a liar. Has she given you a name yet? No, let it go and change your passwords.
chuck e cheese is ruined for me now after this video sss 042

More Interesting Facts About,

chuck e cheese is ruined for me now after this video sss 042...

He is a psychopath. And if? It wasn't him, who else could it be? It's toxic, take his number,


is what I said, let's talk about this, can I come, no, I'm in Ohio, no, you're not, yes, I am, yes, call your friend, come. I think he knows I'm here how your doorbell you don't even do it you don't even do it this is exactly why I highly recommend everyone to invest in a doorbell that rings you can go to your phone check the app you can see who's at the door You don't have to go there you even had a little microphone there you could hey get out of my house you know I do it all the time I'm telling you you actually have to go to the curtain God knocking is outside the door He heard your phone ringing ggs what's going on I don't know there's no one there it's probably the kids from across the street try to relax pour yourself a glass of wine warm up the food I left in the fridge for you your roommates I'm too eager to eat you'll feel better if you eat finishing at work I'll be there in an hour that's fine I just have to survive an hour that's easier so cheer up live did you take that aluminum foil off oh?
chuck e cheese is ruined for me now after this video sss 042
She put on the explosion Can we please talk? I have nothing to tell you and that's it. I have something to tell you. Say it. I prefer to do it in person. It is not an option. Hey, that look looks buzzy. I'm glad you didn't explode. Although, where's your entertainment? alone sad quiet dining room oh, you ate too fast, it happens to me, have a drink, have a drink, oh, oh, she got it, oh, she got it, oh, oh, oh, come on, heimlich, yourself, well, you really want to. I know he poisoned the fool. I thought it was Liv.
chuck e cheese is ruined for me now after this video sss 042
She seduced me. Why didn't you text faster? What's up with these twists today, bro? Live, it was you, tell me what I could do to fix this. Damn, in the parking lot tent. You already know. The next one is called room tone and it was uploaded by our friends on alter. This was sent to us by oxy who said: I hope you enjoy it and I really enjoy your


s. I appreciate you oxy, I really enjoy your face, pause or not. pause if necessary here we go a chicken bone tone leave me alone hey, that epson, those things are expensive, there's no space, okay, oh, what's happening in real life, hey, come on, I have a call in 30 minutes, you could have announced the lips the teeth the tip of the tongue the lips the teeth the tip of the tongue Sajajawea how is that? it's us lips teeth tip of tongue jack we're okay yeah, just picking something up what oh, gotta pay attention to everything Okay, uh, let's try it, I guess, Jody, will you get those big brown eyes?
They are yours, your dad's. I think I always had a way with the lady for that brother of mine. Okay, voiceover, but again your mom doesn't want to slouch either. She still weighs. It weighs on my heart what happened with her death is just as natural, my own mom taught me it never occurred to me that nature could be so great, she killed it, I saw your mom that day, the way they found her way, that son. for a big laugh, I guess I always thought the lord said we're here to love each other instead of the other way around.
The phenomenon is happening, honey, Federico, honey, I think they will come to get me, so do you think it works or does it work? Uh, I'm going to check something, let me, actually, I have to go, can I come back after I'm done? Yeah, if this is going to take a minute, I always had a way with the lady for that brother of mine, then again, your mom doesn't want to slouch. What happened to her still weighs heavily on my heart. She didn't do that. I'm closing whatever app it is and will never record anything again.
Oh yeah, he just heard it. Take off your headphones, take off someone's headphones. do you have the microphone or not, oh my god, uh, nick crawford, you killed him. Now the last one this week is long, that's why I saved it for last, it's called hide and seek and it was uploaded by real horror stories in point of view, yes, two of them in one episode and now they deserve it, this is for us sent rhyme who said this one really scared me watch at your own risk good luck I'm the show guy let me turn this up turn it up I want you all to switch I turn up the headphones, increase that immersion.
In fact, you guys don't even need to see my face. Huh, everyone needs to see my face. I'm getting darker. I can do that butt. I'm sorry, oh. Shoot, are all the subtitles cutting off the screen? Well, I'll summarize it for you. He tried to take her helmet off and she said, Hey, why are you taking off your helmet? He's like he's trying to be. a gentleman and he goes with you she says no because you know he's trying to get something else trying to get some coffee if you play gta san andreas you know the reference she likes no keep your helmet on I got it so that that's basically what they I'm talking about, I got it, they say goodbye, so you didn't listen to that lady.
I know you heard that. I don't even know what she was talking about, but this apartment complex is haunted. There have been three scary stories in this complex. just, I don't know if it's different people this is happening to, but everyone needs to move out of this place, didn't we see three people almost die, oh okay, listen, I'm nervous, this crap lasts like 15 minutes. so I don't know how they're going to make this so long, look where my friend is clapping on the stairs, remember to do it from the last episode, uh, why is he moving so carefully?
After dark I thought you had your own crib very quiet look in the past your son used to sneak in all the time I'll go to parties ranger uh you know girls' houses used to be loved he's like what time is this? There is no hotel girl, give me your keys, those are her privileges, they are mine, now you want to stay outside all night, you really like being outside, go ahead and sit outside, that's what all your parents are like in Singapore. Is this in Singapore? It's not bad if it's not, imagine someone walked by and then both doors were closed so you can't even go anywhere, look she's got the pov bag of real horror stories, hey can I have one of those , please? give me an email I'm a big fan I heard something yeah I heard it sounded like a bottle rolling anyone rolls in the bottle hey pick that up don't roll it hey who's there what are they doing hey we're good , cool, oh, a little blanket, her dad really makes her sleep outside, damn bread, we're about to hear that bottle rolling, bro, she likes it, I can't sleep here, yeah, this was that same day, hi Wow, who is that, who was that, show yourself girl yes. don't you open your eyes uh oh boy yeah get up get up get up you're okay you're seeing things you're hearing things get up damn get up she get up she get up hit the door we've got us let's why do they always close their eyes like you're giving them time to attack you , smart, smart, smart, make yourself a little curtain now look, all we're going to see is a shadow someone is trying to kill me here, I think they will? let you in at that point maybe hopefully uh-oh why do you have eyebrows please don't stick your head up oh she's too tall why are you so tall isn't she going to be a floating head we well we well look up look up up look up let's do it oh girl what are you doing what are you doing?
I knew it, I knew it, pick it up right here hello, what have we learned today? Kids don't miss curfew. Stay locked outside and then a demon will kill you. Sorry, but that ends this week. Creepy and scary Sunday. I'll give them all a strong nine. There were some hits there, but not enough. They might be saying Corey, you would do it. shout out for a similar day around everyone but it wasn't like memorable scares you know not like the one from the other week remember to do it with your eyes like that these were pretty good but we need a 10 next week send me more i I'll be waiting until then creepy and scary Sunday.
I guess my name is Curry King. You will win perfectly.

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