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Chrono Trigger - ProJared

May 31, 2021
let me put this to rest Chrono Trigger is amazing, it is without a doubt one of the best games ever made, man this game is good, really good. I first played it around its release 20 years ago and it still lingers in my mind as fantastic. game, but I only played it that one time and since then I accepted the fact that yes, that game is great, but I never asked myself why this game is so good. What is it about this that makes it so much better than others? Role playing games, I mean in essence it's like any other role playing game, you have a cool main hero, you get a collected character to join you, fight monsters, get experience, level up, buy things, plot, fight harder things, Thrones in time, travel, group, no.


and its most distilled yes, it is Chrono Trigger, but when playing it for this video I realized that this is one of the best crafted and expertly crafted games in the RPG genre.
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The presentation alone makes it stand out by perfectly capturing Akira Toriyama's art style. With some particularly inspiring bosses, the time travel mechanic takes you to environments you wouldn't find in most games. We've seen medieval type stuff a billion times before, but having that along with the distant future, the distant past, the Ice Age, now is Cool, damn, that was a pun. The game begins with the silent main protagonist, Chrono, being woken up by his mother. It is 1080, which is considered the present for this game, and there is a big celebration festival in the town square. Chrono goes there to party.
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He meets a young woman named Marley, they go to see Luca, a childhood friend of Corona who has a career as his new invention to show off at the festival. Mistakes are made in the two, they are pushed 400 years into the past and Kronos' journey finally begins. You will learn that in the year 1999 the creature known as the voice breaks into the earth and destroys life as I know it. By the way, I realized that everyone pronounces names differently, so I'll continue how I've always said them, without saying them. That's right, I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just going with what I'm familiar with from the Marley Magus era, although I know that last one is actually the British way of pronouncing it, but whatever, which is more cool than epic , it's great that this is the story. it starts the action, gets people involved, and is usually the opening hook, but




ing issues put players on a fest where they can spend as much or as little time as they want goofing around.
chrono trigger   projared
Typically, most games introduce mini-games that are rock art locations. To give players a break and a moment of relaxation from the tension of the main story, right at the beginning of Chrono Trigger, it's immediately fun in the traditional sense, there are a ton of mini-games to play and you're immediately having fun, except when you keep picking the wrong person the four man race never wins jesus christ come on Kara the opening minigame fest works wonders in so many ways, starting with something so light hearted and fun makes the sudden danger have that necessary contrast to feel urgent . from closing sodas and punching a robot to having your new friend disappear in front of your eyes, it gives you that moment in the ocean that gives the player motivation to keep going afterwards and of course Chronos steps up to chase after Marlene because that's the kind of person he is.
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We will see this repeatedly throughout the game, of course, these are more than just mini-games, they have layers of importance to them, this is extremely integral because, unbeknownst to the player, these effects are not one but two main points of the game. plot in the game's story, but I. We will reach those with


who travel to the past. This is where the real adventure begins and players get their first taste of the chrono trigger battle systems. This is one of the strongest points of the game. The battle system is so cool and surprisingly simplistic that you have three options. in battle attack use a technique or magic spell or use an item for each character, that's it, they were able to have depth in each battle without it being complex, which is a mark of an excellent battle system, each character learns a Lots of techniques or texts that are unique to them, many of these texts can hit multiple enemies, whether within a small area, in a straight line or maybe all of them, their battles are not static once a fight starts, Your party and enemies move into position while waiting for the time bars to fill the enemies.
He wanders around the field or maybe knocks down your party members or uses each other to attack. This wandering move adds depth to the battle system. You can use the Chronocyclone technique to hit a group of enemies in a circle or you can try waiting. At just the right moment to get some extra objectives, some enemies will launch powerful counterattacks and be right next to another enemy, so maybe it's best to avoid hitting them doesn't seem like much, but this is what makes the battles so engaging. to make fights. As efficiently as possible, you should pay attention to the enemy's behavior and position instead of simply pressing the A button in every fight.
What makes the tech system even better is your party. Eventually, your team members begin to learn double techniques, allowing two members to be ready for an action. combine attacks and these are great. Luka adding fire to Kronos' cyclone was a great change and who doesn't love using chrono and frogs. X hits these doubles. Technicians encourage experimenting with different party members just to see what kind of sweet attacks they make. They can create together and if that wasn't enough, even later in the game you start to learn cripple techniques that allow all three party members to create a devastating combined attack.
It's the spectacle and usefulness of these that keep the battles fun until the end. the game and they weren't exclusive either, all party members can learn double and triple techniques with all other members, except Magus, because he's an idiot. The double and triple technology system also exemplifies another strong point of Chrono Trigger. Every character is good, maybe. Surely you like some more than others, but none stand out so badly. You already know that in other role-playing games there is a large playable cast. There's always at least one person you can't wait to get out of the party.
Chrono Trigger does not have them. They are all unique, developed and interesting, seriously, it's hard not to have a frog in your party because she's so cool, Gala is so powerful it's hard not to have her, etc., it's a big deal to have when it's hard to decide. who doesn't bring very few games consider that even chrono triggers NPCs get more development than some main characters and in other games you can hear about their personal relationship with other people, their family members and how they are struggling with the current events they present. people and not dispensaries of information and you see how people change because your actions alter the past.
By the way, this is quite important. Have a game about time travel where things you do in the past actually change future timelines. I realize that's such an obvious thing to consider in that ocarina of time, it worked too well, yes, I get it, but no gain has done it to the extent that Chrono Trigger has it. There are too many examples to mention, but play the game and learn how the NPC works. The dialogue changes and resolves around your time travel antics. I asked the question online and to many of my friends. If you played the game before, I will ask you based on your memory alone without looking up how long the game is. is Chrono Trigger I got a lot of very similar answers and they weren't really that shocking a lot of people said at least forty hours some people said around thirty hours if you know what you're doing Even some people said It's about twenty five hours or so the actual length of the game, 15 hours, seventeen, if you choose to do everything, it took me just over 17 hours to play the game again and for the record, I didn't exactly remember everything I haven't played in this one. and over 15 years, so I remember very little, especially about the late game stuff, so 17 hours of gameplay was essentially playing it blind again.
Chrono Trigger is a very short RPG and that is another of the most important keys that I noticed while playing. Going over it again is that at no point do you need to strain, that's a bad word when it comes to any RPG, strain in that process of spending too much time just accumulating experience points so that you're strong enough to fight any boss. that Chrono Trigger doesn't do. You don't have that, as long as you're not running from every fight imaginable, the game expertly guides you to get the right amount of experience points and levels needed to get through any difficult part, sure you can work if you get stuck , but it's never your numbers that stop you, the only thing that stops you is how bad you stink the first time I died while playing this again it was the boss fight against the Magus guys, hard, it will ruin you again, no It was because my level was too low, all I had to do was change my battle tactics and try again.
Indeed, I defeated him without having to put in any effort. I've seen tutorials online that suggest you don't face the final boss of the game until you're at least level 70, which is ridiculous. I won the game in the low 50s and even that was more than necessary. I'm so good at games, guys, not trying hard is not the only thing or tribute to a short playing time, although it is the complete one. Lack of nonsense in this story and I mean on a positive note, the story never loses its pace, never drags on too long and progresses quickly to give you a refresher.
In the future you end up finding Robo in just two hours, something you never do. deviates from the main objectives, defeats the voice, many other games introduce side stories or quests or whatever and you completely forget what you are supposed to do in the first place, not in Chrono Trigger, all in the plot main returns to lavas. Not only are you helping Frogg defeat Magus to break his curse and fulfill his revenge. That's what Frog wants. You are there because you heard that Magus was the one who summoned for the voice. You don't go to the distant past because you want to see dinosaurs. or some go there because they believe that was when Lavos first arrived.
Anyone they help along the way is because there are dangers related to Lavos that keep the story moving in parallel, never sideways, because the game is so short that it is extremely replayable at every moment of the story. It's important and because there are so few of them, they are memorable and some of these moments are just amazing. At this point, I'm going to spoil the game if you haven't played it yet and are planning on doing so. Go ahead and click here or skip to this moment to avoid a lot of story bits. I'm being very serious right now.
Major spoiler warning. I always remembered that the game had amazing moments in this story, but it wasn't until I played it again that I realized how brilliant many of them are. The first one that comes to mind is the trial to give some context. Marley, whom Crono met at the Millennium Fair, is actually Princess Nadia of Castle Gardea, when Crono returns from the past with her, he is immediately accused of her. kidnapping her is brought to court to be judged by the witnesses who judged the character of Kronos based on his actions during the Millennium fair, therefore your actions this was long before the morality system appeared in all games role-playing game so that you suddenly had a game that showed that there were The consequences of your actions are pretty mind-blowing.
You thought it was harmless at the time, but they say a lot about you taking Marley's pendant before making sure she was okay or stealing an old man's lunch to heal yourself so you could punch a robot. Plus, these are some of the little things that make witnesses suspicious of Chrono, this was practically unheard of for console RPGs of the time and the best part about the trial is that they warned you the moment you wake up in the house of Kronos, you are preparing for the fair, you are about to have a good time and your mother tells you: I want you to behave well today.
This seemingly innocuous statement was prepared for the trial and, like the effects of time travel, it shows you that your actions have meaning and consequences and let's face it the first time we all played Chrono Trigger we all received the guilty verdict that we still so we launched we tried to get Marley's shiny pendant first we were not patient while Marley chose candy and he probably lied to the jury as I mentioned before all those fun mini games around the fair were not just mini games where you were being judged all the time, another of My favorite moments occur in the distant past when the defeat of the representative meshes coincides with the landing of the meteorite on Earth, the same one thatkilled the dinosaurs of course it wasn't just a red meteor it is revealed to be The Voice flying through space and crashes into the earth and for the first time in the game you hear The Voice's terrifying screech to me that sound is Just as iconic to the game as the swinging pendulum at the beginning, traveling through time in the era or using the future. its destructive power now the mystery of when The Voice arrives like salt and it's about you preparing to destroy it the explosion of The Voice causes the Ice Age and the dark age has another fantastic moment in history the parties in the kingdom of heat floating high above the clouds and are chasing Queens Eel, who is being controlled by the voice to feed it more energy so it can become stronger.
She uses her daughter Sharla's magic to do it not knowing the destruction she is causing, naturally you try to do it. stop everything I'm this causes the voice itself to be summoned and then you fight him and really fight him; this is not the scene that plays out or a predetermined battle, you don't fight him and then run away or the story continues only when you cause him so much damage that you actually face The Voice with the same amount of strength that he has at the end of the game. You get a real sense of his true power and of course this power completely destroys the group.
It further reinforces how horrible the voice is and strengthens your resolve against him. Being defeated by him only makes you want to fight back harder. This leads to what is easily the most crucial moment in the entire game. The group has finished. Shaw is unable to stop or control the novels and Lavas prepares to attack once again Chrono, as stalwart as ever, rises once again to continue fighting. Lavos refocuses his attack and in a single blinding flash, Chrono dies. This was unheard of in other games that had character death, sure, but Chrono was different. He's not one of the extra party members you get along the journey nor an NPC who helped you through the entire process.
He was the proxy character of the game. He was a silent protagonist, so it was easy for the player to protect himself. He looked super cool. character that we all wanted to be he was the main hero of the game it was you and he dies this leads to another crucial moment and that is to recover the chrono and you can only do this by doing the mini games at the Millenial fair one of them prizes You have a chrono doll and through a series of events you can use the chrono activator item to freeze this moment in time and swap the chrono with the clone and then you get the chrono back, resulting in a very touching moment.
The amazing thing about this is that it's completely optional, you don't have to get Chrono back, in fact there are probably people who couldn't figure out how to get him back. Technically it's a secondary question. I'll be a question worth asking. One is the best party member you could ever have. It's not a fourth story moment, it's not something that happens every time you play, recovering the chrono is up to you from here, you're essentially at the end of the game, you can take on Lavos whenever you're ready, but there are a handful of side quests you can do, but the good thing about side quests is their importance.
They don't just exist to give you more experience or rare equipment. Each one is about character development. You're not raiding ruins for loot. You're helping the frog put Cyrus' ghost to rest from his friends. Getting the rainbow shell not for sweet things ends up being a key element in restoring Marley's broken relationship with her father, the king. Yes, you restore the forest, but more importantly you see why Luca. He got into the machinery and the guilt he's carried with her since her youth and, oh my God, I just want to hug her. You're doing the side quests because you want to help them, not because you want the reward at the end, much like the short one. story, the small number of side quests makes each one important and relevant to the plot and characters, by completing the game you get what may be the most significant thing in the chrono shooter legacy and that is New Game Plus, that term did not exist until the chrono trigger. and numerous games have it now, but unlike many other games that have it because it's fun to do.
New Game+ is tied to the story and the chrono trigger mechanic, there are about a dozen endings, the one you get depends on when you choose to fight Lavell using the new game + you can fight him long before staying in the story, There is even a new entrance door to a right at the beginning of the game, remember the underwater palace when The Voice arrives and kills Chrono and the new plus game mode is possible Beat him and win the game right there and of course, that will give you will give an ending you wouldn't get anywhere else and the PlayStation 1 and DS versions of Chrono Trigger each added an extra ending to help tie it better to the sequel to the Chrono Cross game. another reason why the game's short play time is so vital, doing it so quickly makes it easier to go back to a new game and get different endings, it was more than just a way to extend play time, it was necessary to see everything the game had to offer and that's yes, I realize I haven't been doing anything but singing this game's praises.
You're probably wondering if there's anything I don't like and yes, I think it's the final boss fight. against the voice is boring the voice is cool this big parasitic creature that we've been teased about all game is the voice and then you kill it and go into its shell where you fight this thing okay so this is the real voice within the voice okay, I'll accept that, but then you kill that thing and this thing appears that is the real voice. These guys are dumb regardless of the fact that they are well designed and have challenging fights or whatever they do.
Doesn't all this built up intent belong to the lavos creature and it draws all this is who was really behind this, the whole Troma type of villain, devalues ​​the creature the voice, who I think is the most memorable and coolest fight and the boss type fight. it does if you confront it, black omen is also pretty boring. This isn't a huge subtraction from the game as a whole, it's really just a detail I have and it's the only detail I can think of. Everything else is too good. I don't think I can say enough about Chrono Trigger.
I've always loved it since I first played it, but playing it again helped me realize how amazing it is. I appreciate it now much more than I have before, which is why my final rating for this game is a 10 handless watch, it's elegant, everything is finely designed by the dream team of RPG creators, the battle system It's simple so anyone can play it while allowing for depth, strategies and tougher fights, the art style makes it stand out like no other on the console with every piece, every enemy, every character and every party technique looking great, the story never gets old. deviates from its clear objective and each side mission is important.
For characters, its short duration naturally lends itself to multiple endings enhanced by the new plus game mode. It still stands to this day and will likely continue to do so for years to come as a clock without hands. Chrono Trigger is timeless. If a list is ever made of the essential RPGs you must play to truly appreciate the genre, Chrono Trigger will be at the top of the list if you haven't played the game before. I hear you do it if you've played it. Come back and do it again with a newfound admiration for everything this game is, and then I invite you all to join me in writing angry letters to Square asking them why they haven't made another Chrono Trigger game yet.
Hey, thanks so much for listening. For me, rave about Chrono Trigger, if you haven't already, subscribe for more videos in the future if you want to see something else, check out the video I made on Megaman X 7, it's fantastic.

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