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Jun 09, 2021
we go at night when there is a moon I go out on the road my body shakes I think the politicians are pushing us I want to live my life the way I want to live my life I have a coin at home I should have brought it a quarter from the US and it says rate in your currency Live free or die right in your currency, well that's what I'm doing you know, everyone in our society has to bother someone and, but we have broad shoulders, so pick up and we don't leave the bands will be from coast to coast and that you can take to the bank it's my country I was born here my relatives died fighting for the freedom of this country and I'll do whatever I want you know that's basically it, I really don't, no I don't really care, they can take his holier than thou attitude, keep it, you know, I'm a biker through and through, I've been a biker my whole life, I can.
chrome thunder
I don't see myself any other way, so if you want to look for an expert, stop because you found it right. My definition of a biker is a guy who eats, breathes, loves and dreams about motorcycles. The average person who buys a bicycle, the average age is 43 years old. making over $60,000 but our customer base is, uh, I like to call it 8 to 80 wild people. Evil and crazy party people are mostly good people when they say it's a family, it's a family, it's simple, good people, party people and I like to party. They're my kind of people, if it's R knocking on the door and all the guys who pass by tonight have to show their penis if I take my right, my mother will pour water on them.
chrome thunder

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chrome thunder...

I'm telling you, I can't, she is. really against it, she thinks I'm going crazy and that I bought my first trip at 47 years old. I'm old, I'll be 51, so she thinks I'm going crazy. I like it, I'm having fun. We got involved in motorcycles about 12 years ago we were on a course and the guy teaching the course asked us if we wanted to be 80 and talk about what we didn't do or if we wanted to go out and have some real life stuff so we did it. we did. I always wanted to ride a bike, so I bought one.
chrome thunder
It never occurred to me to ride a motorcycle. It certainly never occurred to me to ride one myself or belong to a motorcycle club. We belong to a group. called The Silver AOS, which she and I found a couple of three years ago. The definition of Silverado is someone with silver hair and silver jeans who looks for the bright side. Our motto is to make a contribution and enjoy the Ride and it will cost you a hundred dollars to be a Silverado and that money goes directly to the Young Street Mission. It's an incredible rush when you're going to feed 150 kids who haven't eaten maybe that day.
chrome thunder
Children on the streets are incredibly high when you know that the work you did was the difference between a baby receiving the correct medications or not. What we have done is we have taken motorcycles and given something to ourselves and many others. what to do I'm a waitress girl who shoots it's pretty good it's a lot of fun I get paid to have a good time I work at a strip bar I like to party for a living oh Caesars um we have quite a few bikers that come a lot of good friends of mine come there and they have fun, okay, cheers, for being single, seeing double and sleeping triple, cheers, bikers and strippers go hand in hand, that's generally not why I ride a bike, it has nothing to do with, oh, I.
I have Harley t-shirts I have Harley boots I have a Harley watch I have Harley jewelry Yes, I have shopped in the Harley world I can't fully explain it People who own a Harley take a lot of pride in their motorcycle, it's not just a motorcycle, it's a hobby, he adds. more


, makes it louder, keeps it shiny, keeps it clean, you see someone on a Harley, there's always a big wave on the road or highway no matter who it's not just about getting from point A to point B, it's just getting on the motorcycle and just having that feeling of being free.
Ary Davidson already seems to be as much a lifestyle as anything else. I mean, it's uh, it's getting to Act like a bad boy on the weekends, you know, and like someone you thought you'd like to be, so you can escape your everyday life, whatever you do for a living. , whether you're a dentist, a factory worker, a doctor, a lawyer, whatever you do. You do your thing all day at work and then you come home and if you have the time and the inclination you can hop on your Harley and all of a sudden you're on the road and you're in a state of euphoria. mentally you can be whoever you want to be in that instant moment or that instant hour that instant three hour trip there is no wife there are no children there is no boss there is no one but you on your motorcycle we also do our thing in grah Ben it's like an event two days of drag racing and live music on Saturday night which has been very popular with our customers because they like to come and watch us go crazy on our Harley and burn up a track and have fun, there are always guys when they are sitting around, you gather to two or three guys, eventually the conversation gets to who's bike is faster, oh my bike is faster, your bike is faster, it's a perfect place for you to take your bike there, you pay your $35, you You turn in and See, start running and prove to yourself and all your mates that yes you have the fastest bike or not, maybe you thought you had it, but maybe you don't, yes, but this was posted on the first dat Marlon Brandle James Dean and The Beatles all wrapped up in one.
I think it all started for me. Not with motorcycling, but with Harley. When I went and saw the movie Easy Riders, Harleys were the cool bike. They were the only motorcycle the mod has to suppress his impulses. You'll see people on the street, they're in cars, they're going to work, they're talking to Melves, you'll see them shouting angrily, they're having what I call a fit of rage, you know, that's it, it's how they react. to life now and that's how our society has disappeared and the Hells Angels and Harley-Davidson defined a certain type of manhood that, uh, when you put them under those pressures, you can get into the Freudian concepts of why a man.
I would want a Harley Davis and you know, a penis extension and that kind of thing and I guess that's a big part of it if we were being totally honest, but the basic reason is just fun, hold daddy's hand, hold daddy's hand. When I was a kid, the sound of a Harley pack roaring down the street made my hair stand on end. um, you know, it seemed like a kind of freedom to me, you know, you didn't care what other people did. I thought you weren't trying to impress the neighbors on your street. You weren't competing trying to keep up appearances.
It just seemed like you let everything pass and did your thing. um that's what you know that attracted me. No one really cared where you came from or what you were as long as you were a like-minded person you know you were accepted you had to let dad put it down one day it was like my whole life fell apart you know someone in my life walked with me huh I lost my business like all these things that I thought were the Canadian dream disappeared you know what I mean and there didn't seem to be a lot of sympathy and you know the only people that were Sort of there besides my immediate family where you know to some of the club kids I've known my whole life, you know, but I'll tell you what.
I could count on my hands the number of people who still wanted to be my friend, we don't ask anyone to be an outlaw, you know, it's like spreading the word of Jesus, you know, like Jesus says, you don't have to go to the door at the door if there are people with you and hang out with you and you are a godly person, they will do it and they will like you because you are a godly person, well, they will just follow in your footsteps, you know, and people come out and hang out with us and we probably have.
We have a couple more parties a year than just the normal Joe and, but people come and go to parties with us outside or in the city and enjoy our company and a lot of guys will go out or a lot of guys Say Hey, how can I become in member? Well, I have to go get a bike and come back and talk to me later. You know I'm married, I have a couple of kids and I own my own business or partnership with another club brother and I run it. repair and build custom motorcycles every day, show his dogs as a hobby with my wife and kids, and would never do anything to put my family in danger, not just my immediate family, like my wife and kids, but also to my brothers and then to my friends, after that.
I know I would never do anything to put them in danger and, like I said, I sat down with my wife before I became a member and we talked about it and my wife is not stupid and she understands, you know? and uh there's no problems and there's no uh initiation like us no uh yeah Hazing we don't make you no Big fat Brads or you know things like those days of the past or no one I heard was you I have to kill someone it's like no, no I believe it and there is a big difference between motorcycling and motorcyclists a motorcyclist is someone who enjoys the sport of motorcycling and a motorcyclist is a motorcyclist has always been in the sport of individualistic motorcyclists for the first 50 years I never rode in a pack.
I am a motorcycle operator for the operation and have been doing this type of patrol for 10 years. It's a Harley-Davidson. The model I ride in is a 2000. It weighs 850 pounds. They are heavy, they are a great bike, they have a low center of gravity and are very forgiving, there is just one thing you can't forget who is the boss and that bike is the boss, and I wholeheartedly respect that you have bikers. and you have outlaw bikers in between, you have wannabe people who like to ride in packs who aren't outlaw bikers, whether it's the Blue Knights who are cops, whether it's your executives or mom and dad who like to wear leather. kind of people who go to places where there are half a million people who like to bike and pack, and very few of them would ever ride a motorcycle cross-country alone.
A lot of people in Sturges just called me Canada. Look at my badge and say Hello Canada, who are you traveling with and I would be like no one else, so people would praise me and call me an idiot for traveling so far. It was a happy moment to arrive at Stur alone. I made it. Job. At idel Quebec my exact title is commercial advisor. When they have trouble dealing with their stuff, I go there and solve their problem and I also end up downsizing, so I don't like to talk about it because people hate me afterwards.
Yes, I have two daughters, one will be on September 21 and I have another daughter who is 17 years old and will turn 18 in March. My eldest daughter in Ary, when I go with him, he says like this, he even hates the sound of but my other daughter will ride early one day she loves it they even call me ladam now they don't even call me by my name my first Rite in the AR yes, I remember it was in 90 97 there was a national ugly rally in S. I used to live there so I saw this biker that I found cute and he needed a place to stay and that became my boyfriend for 3 years that's how I got into sitting on the Harley and I got tired of sitting in the back after two years because we had a sticker on the back that let the side riders and they used to piss me off I said, I'm not going to, that's it. , I have to travel, I think it is one of the best.
Something that has happened to me in my life I used to play golf and do that. Not anymore, I don't even want to see a golf club. I think it's very boring. Many of us have this. design to rebel against what we find is a confined life, you know, life is confined, we all work too much, uh, we are all tied to the economy, whether we want it or not, so these are the icons of rebellion, uh, now You know. uh we have an aura to us and we approach them, how else can you explain it? uh, you know, the interest in gangster movies and the interest in uh uh, the outlaw in general in our society who appears in all kinds of different forms, can't.
I remember how old I was when I was 19 or 20. I was still in school. A friend of mine wanted to get me involved in motorcycling. He had no interest in it, so he plied me with a lot of draft beer. The next thing I knew I was at a dealer buying a new Triumph and then my friend showed me how to ride it and I tried to keep the secret from my mom but that was impossible and um because I knew she would disapprove and then my dad found out that that It was Only one and only time I got kicked out of the house and told you were going to wear one of those black leather jackets, so I went to the closet and pulled out this black WWII leather bomber jacket that's different, which is different.
You know, waves of bikers and bike clubs have always followed a major war and the prominent people who joined bike clubs or founded bike clubs were disenchanted returning veterans who didn't have much respect for society because they got out. to fight the horrors of Nazism and returned to be disenfranchised, so the same thing happened to a greater extent after the Vietnam War. You know that bikers have their own falsehood. You know it doesn't matter where you go. falsehood, but I found a basic honesty in bikers that I found extremely refreshing compared to what I had experienced elsewhere and that is why I was drawn to the club and became a memberI was an avid biker for 29 years and at that point I joined the Hell's Angels, I used to sit in the clubhouse on a Friday night and it was like you knew everyone was crazy drinking and partying and scantily clad young girls. running around and having a good time, the music was loud, I was sitting. in the corner reading James Joyce and everyone thinks I was a weirdo, well I try to go to a lot of regular parties, but like every weekend, I usually only go out every other weekend, because so I say, You know, work.
I work a lot all day 10 to 12 hours a day and after that I go out like I'm old. I need to rest. Terrorist B Terriers, they are Canadian champions, in fact, the real champion. Sam's class knew I owned a bike shop and rode a motorcycle but they didn't know I was a member of Outlaw Motorcycle One day I was leaving town on my bike and if I'm beating him somewhere I always do it. know my wife so she doesn't Don't worry I'm going out of town on my bike so I figure I'll stop at the park until Samon leaves town so I'll go there and she knows I'm going because You listen, oh yeah, and I'm thinking in my head, oh my God, please don't come and I stop in this park and I'm like, come here, come here, I need to talk to you, well, this whole class is waving at me because Sam could hear.
I go and say oh, that's my husband, she says oh no, that's my husband coming and the class says okay, we'll say hello and he says, oh no, don't say hello, please don't even look in that direction, so everyone Sam, I'm leaving, I have to leave for a while. I walk away while they miss my back like, oh Sam, we knew you had a life after yoga, but we didn't know it was this extremely holy God, just a common interest, you know? It's like uh, you, your bowling league, you know, I mean, or golf, you know, you have four guys that you play golf with all the time or whatever, you know, it's the same thing, you know, we'll try this new putter, It's graphite or whatever you know, it's good, look at this bike, look at this thing I got for mine and you know it's just the bike, it's about the bikes, the parties, you know, we go to parties, we throw parties. and they're always good parties, you know, it's not just the club members who enjoy the parties, you know, like the normal Joe's down the street, come to our parties and have a great time, you know, girls, women, we like guys bad guys, we don't say we are bad guys or anything else.
You know, they like that. A lot of people like that. As if we were on a parcel of property, it is said that property goes up when we are on equal terms. Everyone thinks it's degrading or something. I would say not. People are going to come. For you, if a guy goes to Comey, it's better to avoid it, just don't do it, it's like saving yourself a big headache, that's how I see it, you know, it's not the old days anymore, you know, I guess. You could do a Liv and sell drugs and rob banks, but you know everything is very high tech these days and that doesn't happen and you know most of the guys in the club have jobs, now you know you have to pay your way.
You have to work to make money, you know, we were, uh, I spent 30 years not caring what people thought and I still don't care what people think, but it's, um, I think it's time to say some things if you don't. we make. Don't get up and stand up and talk to people and talk to the public about you know how ridiculous this is, you know if then you know like you said, if you don't have anything to say, then you know you can you can bury yourself. Sometimes with your silence one percent was coined by U, the sheriff of Southern California, in the late '50s or '60s, who basically said that 99% of motorcyclists are decent, law-abiding people .
The different clubs of that era were supposed to represent the 1% of society or the 1% of bikers who live outside the law, but you know that, generally speaking, it's a bunch of nonsense because it's more in spirit than any other thing, because you know that a lot of members of all kinds of clubs work, pay taxes, and don't get into any kind of trouble with the law, other than maybe a speeding ticket or something. You have nothing to really worry about with the club scene or clubbers. I mean, they have their own lifestyle and their own things. whether or not they're not going to go out and bully John Q's audience into being one of them, that's not their style, they have their way of living life and if you want to be part of that lifestyle go and take a look.
No, they won't bother you, we don't have to fear wars and biker violence in Ontario like they do in Quebec, although we do have Hells Angels. We have to remember those guys who are the Hells Angels in Ontario. Right now it was Paradise Riders, Satan's Choice Lobos, and Last Chance. Last year, these guys all know each other and know that if they start violence, the police will come down hard on them, especially in light of several laws introduced in Parliament giving the police extensive powers. To abuse rights, we are seeing an increase in extortion of bar owners, an increase in assaults, an increase in intimidation, and these are all things that the public is not aware of, but we certainly see it almost on a daily basis, now in fact these people are not someone to admire, they are actually someone who is involved in corrupting the morals of the society and really disturbing the community.
One of the roles of moral panic and demonization, the creation of folk demons in society is that they allow the uh, the State and agents of the State to legitimize and justify what many of us would see as legislation that actually produces intrusions into our lives. In fact, it repeals civil rights. There are no laws against wearing a patch and yet we are treated like common criminals. on the street by police officers, yes there are members of all the clubs who have criminal records and criminal records, but there are a large number of people in the clubs who have no pretense of being criminals when I turned the corner in a regional water exchange.
The team turned around, chased me, pulled me over, gave me a ticket for driving the entire team, you know, water at the Woodstock regional center and give me a ticket for the handlebars because they happened to be in town on a training or something like that. They saw him, so they ran him over and threw him away. they approached him and gave him a ticket and then they had the nerve to show up in court and they actually came back if you've never seen a police stop complete with a motorcycle club, it's kind of scary, scary, because what are they? all these militaristic SWAT teams and anti-terrorist squads uh I mean what are they doing on this country road?
I've never seen a serious charge at a roadblock and I've certainly been through hundreds of them um that's not to say it hasn't happened you know because I'm there all the time roadblocks are a very valuable tool for the Outlaw motorcycle gang investigators, you know that there are certainly parameters that have been set regarding what we can and cannot do regarding roadblocks and we fall. We follow those parameters to the letter of the law. The importance is basically the intelligence that we can obtain. It's the fact that it's one of the few times we can stop and talk. uh, all the members of the motorcycle gangs and they establish a relationship, the cops spend most of their budget attending social events watching the Angels drinking beer taking notes on who's dating who and I call the Martha Stewart squad because The only thing they are doing is documenting. the social life of a motorcyclist unfortunately I pay taxes for these people to sit on the side of the road and watch me have a party, you know, that's my tax money that goes there because they want to see who's coming, you know well, listen, you weren't invited anyway basically I'm going to paint them all with the same brush they are organized crime they are criminals they are involved in drug trafficking they are involved in extortion they are involved in anything that makes them money they are involved in corrupting our society if they Motorcycle club members are the arch criminals that the police and authorities would like the public to believe why are they issuing the scratched helmet law, helmet tickets and confiscating helmets why are they not investigating this Terri these terrible crimes like because as for the clubs, I don't see what the problem is, you know, the police are around us enough to know what we do, and if they were, they imagine they know what we do and tell the media what we do and if we do what they say we do why we are here criminality is not the precursor to becoming a hell's angel I mean, I'm not a criminal and it is, and I never have been and never will be, but It's just a label they've given us and that doesn't mean there aren't criminals within the Hells Angels.
I'm not trying to sanitize or whitewash anything here there are all kinds of people within the Hells Angels there are building inspectors. store managers there is a hells angel in ontario, designs, builds and installs climate control wind tunnels for major automotive manufacturers. Generalities are often difficult and misleading, however, certainly the main source of income for outside motorcycle gangs is drug trafficking and you know, the statistics have made it. proven, we analyzed the membership of Outlaw motorcycle gang members up to April 1 of this year and did a statistical analysis and found that 85% of Outlaw motorcycle gang members in Ontario have criminal records, of which 85, 52% have convictions for drugs, weapons and crimes of violence.
The Outlaws motorcycle club has never been declared an organized crime in Canada and you know we haven't, you know people think what they want to think, the police tell people what they want people to believe and people are going to believe whatever, but we are not organized crime vikings, like any criminal, he will make his money wherever he can get it. Gangs are made up of people with different types of talents, different interests, different connections, one guy can do his thing and never commit it. a criminal act with any other person in the organization they don't know what he does he doesn't want to know what they do they get together for social life the parties and everything that runs but they know that this guy is a mover and shaker, he has connections, but generally most of these guys still know themselves by their nicknames, so when the police say you know they wanted an anti-gang law that they finally got to take down the Hells Angels, that's not going to happen, the Not angels.
It doesn't work like the mafia, there is no godfather telling the leftist tenants to tell the soldiers to do something. The truth is, there is no president of the Hells Angels, there is no boss, and again, this presents a big problem for the police. Because who are you chasing? If not, if your theories are correct, there must be the mythical boss. Well, who's the boss? He does not exist. The moment you become a hell's angel, you are equal to everyone else. Things are executed. one democracy, one man, one vote, and that's how things are decided, angel, well, there was a study.
I'm not really sure what the group is but there have been several think tanks or educational guys that have done studies and you're looking at 7. to 10 billion dollars a year to organize crime in Canada guess try to guess how much money they make drug addicts how much money it would take to solve the problem is a fool's game if someone, when the police say they believe someone is involved in a multi- a million dollar business that they don't know about because if they knew this guy was making two million dollars, they would know exactly how he's doing it and they could arrest him, so they're lying, so if they really want to go after the clubs, they take away from the economy, uh, we know that the prohibition of alcohol in the United States in the The 1920s and 1930s fueled gangsterism there which led to the establishment of organized crime groups.
My suggestion is how to deal with these problems of systemic violence, associated with drug prohibition. is to stop prohibition to allow people the freedom of choice to consume any type of substances they choose on the condition that they act responsibly. It's like if they legalized it, tomorrow it would be $5 a grand. for Coca-Cola instead of 100, you know what I mean, well, if it's five dollars a gram, then all these people that are connected to it, hey, you know, they're not stealing and stealing because it's only five dollars to go to the city. It doesn't really matter what they do with their lives, but alcohol is fine because the government can make money off of it, they can tax it, they can control it, they can bottle it, they can sell it in their stores, so it's fine and then they can charge you for it. when you're in it too, yeah, take off your license, they cando everything.
I mean, they make their fortune on alcohol, so alcohol will always be good. You legalize drugs. What are you going to legalize next? The fact that if drugs were legal. you're just going to take things underground, you're going to detract from the biker, you know, discourage bikers from getting involved in drugs, maybe, but they're always going to be involved, they're always going to be there because there's always going to be a market to make money that it's outside the bounds of the law I think the authorities need a boogeyman if they want to stir up the public skin that stirs up the politicians that releases the purrs at budget time so that the police can, um, don't get me wrong .
We need and want a good police force, but also on the part of some officers, not all officers build their own personal empires by investigating. Outlaw motorcycle gangs are labor intensive and we could always use more people to do the job . Technology is also something that has become an important tool in the fight against motorcycles. Well, if I could have something right now, if I had my Christmas wish. list, I would be looking for more human resources and uh and additional technology, they just want to keep perpetuating the same thing and get more money every year and it's their job, that's how they make a living, they incite fear in the public for more money every year and that That's all, otherwise everyone would have to look for a job, right?
The ones that really stick out of my head are the kids who are going through their second childhood, you know, and their kids are growing up and I'm looking there for whatever midlife crisis you want to call it or whatever and they decided, you know. , that the kids are out of the house, now married or going to school or doing whatever. I'll make something for myself and they buy. a bike the first time you see them you know they get their bike and a couple weeks later they got the traps and the gloves you know and then 6 months later you know you see them walking around they put on the full bike badge and They're cursing and they're swearing and they're trying to be really macho and cool, but like there's still that CPA who comes in on Monday morning, they're back in their three-piece suit and they go to work, but they make it three days or two days. or someday be who they think they are, that I think is the funniest transformation for me, yes, I'm bad, you're bad, I'm bad, you're bad, I know you're bad, but I'm badder than you, whatever whatever your mother is.
I wouldn't let you do when you were a kid that's what we do you can't have a motorcycle you can't belong to a biker gang you can't stay out at night you can't do any of those things you can't We don't stay on the corner, well now we can, except the worst thing we do is we have seconds and probably the riskiest thing we do is eat too much, like I have a couple families where mom and dad travel and all three kids travel, you know? They've all bought their bikes here and they're all serviced here and it's a good way to keep the family together.
My daughter's name is cherish. She is quite organized. She aspires to be me. She has all of her leather outfits and things that match mine. She is pretty. cute, it's okay biker girl, just wait until I leave and then you can get on, she is comfortable on the bike, she is a good rider, my son's name is Riley, he is shy, do you want me to help you? They're good kids, they just train the kid to ride a bike he's a little shy about it he has a little scar he's afraid of being on the back of the bike no, no one I grew up with really turned out like me.
I don't have girlfriends to ride with, but I ride with my mom, so that's cool, I thought that's weird when I've been around bikes my whole life because my parents rode, my stepdad used to put me on the gas tank and he'd put a bungee around so I could hold on and we were cruising. so I guess he got me into this, so kids and family structure are a huge part of Angel's life and I know that's not the stereotype, but that's just the truth. Police departments enter the public school system to educate children from a very young age. age about how evil the Hells Angels are, um, our kids are in those classrooms, I'm just telling them, I want you to do better in life than anyone else, okay, I want you to show them that our life can be a little different, but is not.
The police are worse and they may have good intentions, but I think it is very wrong, why do you mess with a child, you want to bother someone, you bother me. I have big shoulders, please don't mess with our children. I've been in three motorcycle accidents and one pretty serious one where I was off work for quite a while and I've got some pins and screws to prove it and after that spill I just went back to it, taking it easy at first because it's scary and, uh , when you arrive in an accident and you don't have a lot of protection around you, it's scary, you always have to be alert, you never know what's going to happen and you have to be ready to move or perform evasive behavior.
Actions if necessary. My mom loves it. She loves the fact that I am a police officer. She loves the fact that I am a member of the golden helmet. She is very proud of me and she carries all the photos of her in her bag. and she tells all her friends that she's such a proud mom that she may be worried but she never says anything and I'm not good with names so does it matter if I call you, I like that one, I like it, right, it's called The Apocalypse, like that Yes, the name is correct. there's $43,000 invested in 3 years, a lot of money, but it's all very expensive, I mean, like my footpegs, the support is uh 350, this is 200, I mean, you know, 200 here, 300 there and this and that, and it keeps adding up and I don't.
I don't realize it, but I always kept my bill and one day I decided that I'm going to start counting. The coming ship cannot prohibit people from having long hair and wearing patches. Acting dirty, talking dirty and riding motorcycles. The ID itself is ridiculous. Motorcycling is about being an individual and if you want to be like a hell's angel like me then you know that's great but if you just want to get off and ride your BMW or whatever brand of motorcycle you choose. like then that's also great you know there's room for everyone in the world of motorcycling.
I had houses all my life and my needs are no longer the same if I have a roof over my head and I have bread on the table, that's all I need now. I don't give a damn if the curtains are purple, the floor is yellow and I have a poker chair now I don't, I don't know, I just live for myself Ary it's really a thing now, I'm going to keep going until I can. Not anymore, when he's too old, then I'll make a three-wheeler out of him and move on. I would say that, above all, the motorcycle for us has become a bridge that connects us to other people with whom we could Otherwise I would not have met Jane and I have done everything in terms of owning a sailboat.
We have skied a lot. We have played golf. We do all those things. I have never met nicer people than on a motorcycle. I'd rather have one of them watching my back than have 20 police officers standing there. He would do it because I know he's going to die for me. Where will the police stand there and say? Oh, did I miss it? Sorry, I don't understand how. They want to make it illegal to be a motorcyclist. You know there are police clubs for cyclists. The police have the thin blue wall or the blue wall and we have the red and gold wall.
You know we're careful, since they say your brother's name may not be it. You're always right, but he's always your brother and you have their back no matter what you know, and this is something that, you know, the cops would probably be upset if you ever mentioned it to them, but they're really not that different. police the police forget that we empower them, society asks them to serve us and protect us, they believe themselves above society and now, with a new legislation above and outside the law, the police, despite being laws , lie and cheat, now they have become outlaws and we.
Stuck in the middle it's very easy for people to sit in the quarterback chair. I can't tell you the number of Family Cups I've won and to be quite honest, landscapes change so quickly unless you're at it day to day. I'm really not an expert. People love to read things in the newspapers that are juicy gossip and that kind of thing is great propaganda. The group of guys who got together and donated 50 grand to the Salvation Army that gets a little blurb on the back. section one, a guy who is a clubber that you know is arrested and harasses the police who will appear on the front page and will know that all of this is blown out of proportion.
I mean, you should take everything you see and see with a grain of Salt somewhere in between. both stories, the real truth lies in the night, when the road is shit, my is the world, you gotta get in, when you gotta get in, you gotta be, I'm going out, people I know, keep going, let's paint this city. Make sure everyone knows I'm a red daddy on a midnight R. Look at me moving back and forth. I've been watching you, sweet mom. Let me take a right step inside. I'm here. I stand like I'm red hot. daddy on a midnight walk come on baby next to me you have to go out you have to go out you have to know when it's time to say see you later

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