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Christmas Movie Cuddles & Fun At The Farm | Vlogmas Day 6

May 21, 2024
off the road she just got off her motorcycle while she was in front of me and then she dropped everything and the whole motorcycle fell off yeah she was fine but I was like what was going on so I jumped out of the car and like to help her pick up the bike and see if she knew where she was going and things she was missing oh mommy I was trying those cookies before I left them Wow, we should have half of each so I jumped up to help her. Pick up my motorcycle and see if it was okay when I jumped.
christmas movie cuddles fun at the farm vlogmas day 6
The phone fell out of my pocket. You are trying to do a good deed for someone called Reverse Karma. one two three four oh I can't see you seven backlit seven hits on the screen of my phone in the front you dropped it face down foreigner that's not good oh okay Mommy needs to hide the cookies as a mother as a daughter we have a little issue of snack them. They are very good, right? They ordered them at the grocery store. We have come to the


. Come to the fun. Sunset put a little hoodie on her favorite of hers, yes, the snowman, which is not a snowman, daddy over there with a snowman.
christmas movie cuddles fun at the farm vlogmas day 6

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christmas movie cuddles fun at the farm vlogmas day 6...

There I thought you would call him a snowman, they have a proper little area, oh my gosh, let her go and look at it, look at that or tea, look at that, um, I just realized what we all agree on, oh oh gosh. God, we have our jackets, that wasn't on purpose, I promise, when we were walking in, she probably said, oh, see you later, then I'll see you in an hour, we'll wait here, you'll see the little bird, Tim, okay, give him a kiss . You see, she blew a kiss, yeah, this is the time of day to go anywhere with a little kid, that's just the dream.
christmas movie cuddles fun at the farm vlogmas day 6
Normally, this place is full of people, it is very popular because it is very good here. Well done, what do you think of yourself every time we come? Here she is, she's obsessed with this guy, she keeps saying like a big kid, I don't know, beep, beep, big kid, big kid, I don't know what she's trying to say, but she sounds like a big kid and no. I'm sure. Where would she have gotten that from? Okay, I'm going to go in and have a coffee. I'll see you in a moment. You know what's really funny. She is now at an age where she can choose what she wants to do.
christmas movie cuddles fun at the farm vlogmas day 6
Yes, she can choose. that's it, she's going to fall on her face first oh no, she's not wow okay oh nice good job good job good job yeah, this hat looks similar huge I don't know what I've done with you today oh no, I can't do that Lo We tried once before and it was a big failure. The zipline, no, no, take this


camera, do you know what I did to my hat? It's a little big here, isn't it? Tonight's sunset is beautiful. I don't know if you can see it through the trees, but it's so cute, oh my god, what's up, duck, duck, what are they doing?
Oh, she looks towards the bar, taking a little stroll, it's like they're laughing. they're looking back, there they are, oh my gosh, they've done it, they've made a nativity scene, they've made a nativity scene, oh Matt, and they even have burritos there, look baby in a manger, oh wow, there really is. A baby, oh, having the time of his life in the sandbox, oh, well done, naughty, you're going to build a sand castle, look, look, daddy, do it, yeah, how fast can you, can you destroy? , oh, that's good, you're helping me, oh yes, are you? ready three two one oh straight down where does she go again? are you going to fill it this time oh good oh it might take a while yes good where are you?
No Cheeky Monkey where's daddy? there's an elf in the tree there's something about flashing colored lights that instantly makes me very happy. I love this situation. I have about 10 minutes until Otis's dinner is ready, so I'll try to solve yesterday's puzzle, which I think has bigger pieces. I'll see how far I go anyway. I may not get very far, but we'll try to see how much I can do right. This has never happened before. I thought, "Oh, great, yesterday Otie threw the bag across the room and lost two pieces, but no, we just replicated three pieces and we didn't put these pieces in randomly, so yeah, we have an extra of this piece and two of those two extra pieces of that part and then an extra piece of the piece that goes underneath that for no reason all um so yeah, Aussie could have lost these two or these two were never there, but we had extras of this one. part.
I just hope there isn't anyone else in the world who has the same calendar and on its fifth day doesn't have these pieces by the way, guys, if any of you are wondering where the adorable and beloved Otis hoodie is from. , it's from a brand called oof, it's probably my favorite thing she has, it's so cute, but I'm scared she'll wear it I'm not going to lie, it was kindly sent by a small company called Palsy Pre-Loved who sells it. the most amazing second hand used baby items so I will definitely check out your website. I'll leave a link below and you can go and see what other awesome things they have, but look, it has a zipper in the back.
I don't know, I love it so much and she looks so adorable in it, but she worries me that she'll ruin it because it's so charming, um, and also. This coat that Otti is wearing a lot in the Vlogs so far is also from there and it's from a brand called o d o d a o d a. I'm not too sure, but it's so beautiful, but yeah, definitely check out Parsy's favorite. I'll leave it. a link because they have some absolutely amazing used items for babies, toddlers and children this is H that goes there with a hat smart girl this is n and that goes here which I think might be for the Lake Monster Ness.
I'm actually not sure how Nessie is Nessie I don't know where the pigeon is where he is down here there he is yeah can you see the orange sandwich? Yeah, smart girl, yum yum, you can say this one, Teddy, I know which one you are. I'm looking for what that is, yeah, oh, balloon, you can say balloon, it's only on FaceTime. Alfie, why do we already have a teenager? She's just watching, can you, no, volunteers? Guys, I'm tired, so I'll end the Vlog here. It's been lovely. day was not because it was time to go to bed, it was also past my bedtime.
Alfie just set me up to six minutes to eight, yes that's very possible, long after my bedtime, yes. Alfie just made me and listen to that, oh, a frozen pumpkin, um, but I just wanted to come and say thank you so much for seeing us again. Can you believe we are on day six sailing smoothly? Also, day seven is tomorrow. Does that mean we've been doing it for a week? Does that mean we have been? do it for a week tomorrow no, Thursday is a week, but yeah, I just want to say good night, I hope you enjoyed the video.
I'll see you again tomorrow night, give me a thumbs up, subscribe, say nights, Nala, look at her behind my pumpkin many times. people actually read the comments a lot of people want more than half of the content sir I don't know what content could be Nala what can you do come on Nala come on are you going to ask a question with me? Hey, I think she's ready for Guys, if you have any questions for Nala, leave them below. Good night.

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