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Chris Barrie | Carpool

Jun 09, 2020
We're going to lunch, I think I should explain this to the


ers, oh yes, we've had lunch with our executive producer, the ugly Charles Armitage, born alone in the beautiful surroundings of Shepperton, the rest are being escorted, call it a canteen, it's a restaurant, hey. Is this a restaurant? It's not the canteen. It's not that there are no technicians. There are no armies of film crews. Russell Crowe can come in at any time. But that's what you expected. But he was suspecting that he probably didn't graze frequently at the restaurant. one piece here now is because they're filming, it was called Nottingham, that's right, no, I'm sure I know what that is, Chris, a little bit of car observation, is that an Aston Martin is genuine, that's a Jackie, we're sick , there you have it.
chris barrie carpool
I saw it from the side, although it was an Aston, you know it's new so I don't really give them a buckle and the monkeys give up, so you're not impressed with a new model, you shouldn't explore directly, no. I'm not too into new cars and I know I'm obviously observing my surroundings, yes, and I'm thinking this is clearly a veteran of many campaigns he's done, the old couple are also moving long muddy kids. I'm thinking of you. I know where I'm sticking my fingers here yeah you have to be sweet so you can be sweet what I play football for dads says the local dads team and of course you know we go to the pub afterwards and they have to go out to have your details and they're walking into the pub it absolutely smells like yes right now, one in the very long bit I'd like to point out when I don't smoke, which is most of the time, actually, and then someone has a fact.
chris barrie carpool

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chris barrie carpool...

I know he comes to our house and takes a cigarette out from behind and then comes back. I'll wait. Do I ever think that when I smoke a cigarette kids don't know a hundred feet away, which means it still smells really good? school, these kind of fifth graders would go back, you know, to class, you know, yeah, between periods, next class, a piece of gum, you know, it absolutely reeks of that spearmint medley from Wrigley and I know number six, number six, so just look Look at the sky and think who are you kidding. I know it was just absurd. 60 miles sixty-three point five months is a little over a gallon of gas, so this is just to scrape the five inches high and that's garbage accumulated on the screen, no. exact use for a car sixty-three point five miles per gallon, okay, I'll have the cleaning bill, they fill sixty-three point five mpg, okay, what are you trying to tell me?
chris barrie carpool
Well, that's pretty good for a fairly large saloon that could carry five people and if you don't scream puppy but don't see 3.5 miles. I admit I sure talked to a few people about what I did before researching to boost my energy, but I had an idle conversation with the wrong taxi company, for some reason he traded in his Mercedes and bought his book, he's the guy and he said that on average 49 an average 49 my life, so they are not as good as everyone says, but they are not as bad, but Now I still prefer to do 40, well, you know, in a decent car, well, 49, that's just because it seems that we are with the planet well, yes, now on that side, I totally agree with you on the notion of greenness and I wonder when.
chris barrie carpool
I saw them in London, these cars and under the two green flowers painted on them it was "you should be sure", although yes, in the end it is offensive, it is just stupid and it is also stupid from the point of view of Toyota, which had also never said that. Yeah, now I'm checked just to make sure they never said it's a green card since that's a green car type car, but you can't really, I mean, look at all the CO2 that's been used to make it to begin with, Yes, I know. I had a little Drive on a g-wiz the other day.
I was part of this program called CRISPR is a machine in the mind. What I'm doing involves the 1980s, of course, we had to do the c5. Which I can tell you now, it's disappointing, it's such a magical piece of him, oh yes, even the one that was in the shoot I'm afraid, was and wasn't an operation when he was four feet before I posted an ad for the seller walking. Saying 15 miles, the batteries are not the last for analysis within about 300 yards in our country and this is basically a grown up c5, I'm really doing it now with this, you know, and the g-wiz thing that got me. and the first thing I thought was that it's actually so quiet that in an urban situation it actually becomes quite dangerous.
Well, I guess I see, I don't know, I think that argument is very popular, no, no, that's people's approach. In the same way, if someone tells you that arguing is very popular, it means that the argument is yes, because most modern cars are very, very quiet, the engines are very tight, you know if you are standing next to a car new that is working. It's nothing to them, you know you really can't, I can barely hear it, they're so well silenced, so if I show up with my tr2, they'll probably know your race. I don't know, I'm going to go, you know? gr2.
I've done it but I've realized at some point you know we're moving at slow speeds there's nothing there yeah I can make it now to be all electric so go up to 30 basically okay if Not that person. I don't cross the road and have to stop suddenly, so 2629, because they can't see a real engine starting and you can even hear it, you can hear it, no, there is, yes, you know, the most exciting thing, the driver says there is shipping. I said yes, there is a delay such as if you were taking notes in particular on my circuit where those tractors and you are behind a tractor that is going 15 and you can see a long straight road, you know the road well, nothing came in sense Otherwise, I will pass him now in a safe and sensible way and I will point it out to you and I will make sure that when he comes behind you know that it is really very sensible, do that and then you step on the floor and push your foot down hard, nothing happens, It's that now or I'll take it.
You, I put my foot down now, so there was a pretty long delay, yeah, and the car that I drove before it existed, you know, you had to drive with you, the hairs on your toe because it stayed there as soon as you touched on it, yeah, I think although the difference was pretty dramatic, so has anyone ever done any long term test reports on these in terms of reliability? I mean, I can go two years and eighty-four thousand seven hundred and eight miles, that's fine and nothing has ever gone remotely wrong even a little bit.
At this moment not even a light has gone out there are no hits that is the increase of that I do to my son building skateboard ramps on the road and leaving huge nails not small ones be huge I have a now well it got stuck in the tire like a six inch bent nail, oh that's a pretty subtle kind of idiotic: test diagram there and they were spinning, they spin fine, so you have battery, battery, a motor, it says motor next to an output motor, yeah, it's all those kind of reversible arrows there with They are really the most glorious routes, so this screen intrigues me.
Does it turn into a satnav if you want? Or rather, you have to read that, obviously, while driving. I can't read the safety instructions and then. you can get there, it comes down to all those things that work well because I had another satnav built into a Volkswagen, she was just an intern, probably not, she's probably a member of the Green Party in Germany. I know I'm very intolerant of patience, turn left here now, but there's a mute button to turn off. Yes, but she is kind and when you make a mistake, she then recalculates and puts you down.
The other woman really looked down on me. She was quite unhappy. I just got a new satnav. I like to watch it a bit like a new channel, but I know both rows that night, of course, being a 26-year-old Jaguar. You know, at night it's the brightest of all. Yes, all the lights. They are quite low, which means that our excuse gives it as an absolute, that is, the gear shift, everything that sticks to a man who is not threatened, if we fail in the design to shave, it would just fall off. I'll put you in reverse. that's designed quite cleverly, no, yeah, it doesn't really work, I mean, that's the poor thing, a handbrake, right, it's a brake like a brake with a motor.
I thought it doesn't really say that, but it is like that, if you're going down a hill, you don't have to use the brake, the foot brake, you can actually stay where and well, yeah, I guess so, and it locks the transmission somehow that your impulse turns the gasoline engine, but with all the valves open it is not fun for you. Not really, not really, I don't know if I've ever had anything that you personalize, that's the lament of the world we live in, you know all the old parts, yeah, I'll always remain the size that they are and all your new horrible parts . it will just get bigger and more horrible yes, you think you feel that then that is modern, is there some modern architecture, for example, that you admire, everything thinks it is good, one or two isolated things, but in general no, in general , look at that building and you know what? you can really tell it's an unattractive building where it's not one that I know, you know, nobody gave me that kind of red brick Victorian thing with certain proportions.
I mean, that's what I find. The difficult thing is the kind of human scale and then the bravery of modern brutalism and you know, we all know that people want to leave their stamp, their generations on the world, but the stamp of the seventies was a bit like a dog, yeah, the '60s and '70s, those skyscrapers and things that you know are no good, but you know we should always accept the fact that for almost half a century we've been saying that, actually, the Edwardian Victorians, you know, the Georgians, in They kind of got it right, so, Just maybe you'll stick with it, yeah, but you know, millions of people shoot me down in flames and say a lot of people will probably be tweeting. it's some architecture tweeters that will go, he just doesn't know what he's talking about with modern architecture, probably that before, oh dear, now, well, now, interestingly, coming down, we could actually go through two, we could be going into a little bit of one.
The most dangerous housing estates in Britain. I'm going to feel that it seems very, very respectable. It's actually what I'd call a sort of 1950s model Britain, as long as it's not such an old road, this old gem in Feltham. with those houses that you never thought that on 21st Street you see as much traffic as you know, a pretty big place, it's not that they are pretty big foundations. I think we should go to Felton there, you can see you have a Felton, the center there was. a big prison for young criminals, it doesn't exist, yes Jungbaek, I'm glad to say that I made it through my adolescence, when I visited Felton too, but calories visited ten years in the movie, there is a shady past.
Oh my goodness, working with you is an absolute joy. It really was before I was you're an onion Purdue was a worker. I feel the same about your good self, sir. I can't believe it, no. I find it difficult to turn off your entire audience, yes. it's clearly AMA in its immunity to the screen, we're done with that, okay, it was so much fun to be back and what really amazes me is that it's been ten years since we last did it on a scripted set like that. Yeah, and how quickly it all seemed so normal to do it again, you know, about ten weeks, not ten years, but I also think about anything, this time we turned out better than me, I mean, I always think that we always get along, I think , but actually, there was more to it than that, everyone was more relaxed about their lives, their careers, their jobs and our whole life, yeah, which is interesting or did it without considering it at all before we started dating of that.
Well, I think you know when we all start. Well, obviously, for Craig Danny, we were in our twenties, yes, and you have certain requirements as a twenty-something man. You know they're going to put your head on the greasy old pole. now your career and all that kind of stuff, then you're in your thirties, you know, you think about settling down or something and you become calmer and then now we're in your 40s, what's a machine, yeah, there's no nothing like we're already in our 50s or not too far from that FIFO, so let's say we're all around 50, like Craig probably hates that a few years go by with that job in the space where we are, we really are, there's no bail, I can't deny it, yes, but me.
I think you know, yeah, you're right, we met her, we were pretty happy and we don't have anything with Grover, but luckily I don't think that did anything to take away from the canary now on screen, you know, so no, it's been very funny man, it's so exciting to see some of what I'm really looking for. I actually really want to see it, which is weird because normally when you shoot something I want to see it, don't you think this is it? the roses the road so I take a it's a great moment of escape I have to go I'll go straight and we'll cook out there that's what that's the job is what we need to be we can go around but let's go through the old Shepards Embankment wonderful you can say as if it were salvationthis retread that happy road these are the Red Dwarf cast we could do, but I mean, I've seen the scripts you have to read to make them pretty tedious if you don't tour You're competing right now, aren't you Boynton?
That's something or go ahead now, go straight, just don't go straight, you know, I mean, I don't know. you know, just look at us, look, look at it, it's not going well, always doing that donut, recalculate and the cat, Now you have to do it with all of us, Chris, you can't stop there, but now you're crying, be the best. Know that it will surely not be very calm gentlemen, whatever the matter of this, whoever it is, they should have turned around right there completely recalculating the knowledge. I talk so much, I expect so much nonsense, so it's not true, it's so brutal.
I hate all those things. Save it now, I become a problem. I think maybe it's very good. A little bit again that I hadn't thought about for years. I'll do something at home. I'll make a little move. I'll go there and make me look. me because of the way I pick up the clothes, but the fact that I'm picking up the basket is a joy, so the shine you're getting right, well, I mean, I think I was always my character, no, you know, it's not It's fair to say that because it's actually like that. I did it.
I remember doing an interview at State years ago with Craig where we were talking about that riff, you know, Danny's like the cat man, he has a lot of clothes, what does he love to iron? I love a big curry, big mystery, nobody. that's anally retentive that's nice it's not Lyra Santa but it's so bad no I'm not but you played it exquisitely well Mabel yes, enough, yes, there has to be a little bit of you just to be able to do it like this Well, this is the center of the joy of this, I remember and I used to live like there was no Jim Taylor, yeah, from the bank, that that West in your bed, sitting in a lovely little seat, learning those lines, dressing the damn kitchen for a trial alone, my long speeches I like the cameramen, they always made me laugh, because I love the cameraman we used to have, you know the team, they had to set up a long series, including probably four or five more series on the red dwarf.
Yes, tell me it was a telegenic rocket, yes, Rocky, his group, right? They are a good group. Remember that they were great and were always very helpful in their discretion. I loved them showing up, you know? I made a camera, I rushed them and the courtroom, yeah, that was that kind of point again, probably when you do that, you mind when you say yours just back off about half a piece and then I'll get Chris tonight, You know they would make a big fuss. that and you go of course, brand Airlines, what they were saying was down, yes, the way because they would see that we are closed, we made the injection of money, you might think Mr.
R is going to deliver some important points. Dad asked Chrissy Blaney. The lens is new. I'll just tell you I'll just bring Mr. Berry come into the studio where we go hello, hello, actually we're just going back and forth, don't worry, I'll bring out the Jaguar. I'm sure it's the right car. I love steak. Do not start? She is going to lower the


r on top of me, that I need to say more, yes, absolutely, I am totally corrected. I know I didn't guarantee she would be there. I realized that yes, back in the throbbing in Saigon ibrid shit, but she is. a j2 fan, she obviously loves you in a jeep cherokees, you're saying, well you'll bring your right car please, are you kidding me?
Oh yeah, girls don't notice anything, so yeah, maybe the lesson that could be this, my whole problem in life was that. I never had that kind of classy class that you see in a cool car, yeah, but look, JimBob, you're not strange, they had that Volkswagen, which there are 32 Clarks, but it's a short nap, his problem was that he really loved it. I love driving that car, I wasn't in India. I hated looking at it when I was outside, I didn't like the color and plus it was real and one shouldn't be rude to footballers, but I think it was a classic footballer's buggy like and those who couldn't afford the Bentley, yeah, practice or the next one boat they row down, oh my god, look, wait, what are they doing and are they moving?
Oh, thank you very much, well we have it now, look at how Russell Crowe's caravans move, so it will be better. see, but thank you very much, it was a lot of fun, it's kind of nice and informal and they realized that we're not coming in here, okay, thanks Bobby, just what this basement thanks you for over and over again.

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