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Choose Your Pokemon Team By ONLY Seeing Bad Drawings!

Jun 13, 2024
It's going to change, but I have to play like him. to play like no, he goes back to this thing. No way, no way, you


the hydropump. Here's the play. I'm switching to Metagross for one reason


because Metagross has Earth Eater, if he hydropumps it's whatever. Metagross. I can't beat this thing anyway, but if I make the switch now and turn on the read on earth because he's going to try to kill Diaga, he wants to kill Diaga right now, but if he dies, he dies, that's 6 hp from everyone modes. He would die no matter what he hits me with, even if he hits me with a dragon move and if he does, Draco will meteor me, he will reduce the special defense or special attack and he will do it, there is nothing wrong, there is no reason not to go. in this because, yeah, like I could, you know he could go.
choose your pokemon team by only seeing bad drawings
I could predict the Metagross and go for the hydro pump or whatever. I have the space Ren. I think it's like the happy medium. God changes. It should, but that's the point. Don't click hydropump Assuming it's so obvious, oh, it's too low, okay, no, this works. I didn't realize it was that low, that actually works pretty well, yeah, yeah, okay, I play safe, I play safe it worked. Metagross comes down, thank goodness he was. Hoping it was because of the Draco meteor to draw him in and lower his special attack, but it definitely didn't hurt Ren, this is bad, this thing could still sweep me over, dude, call me crazy, oh now I should have done this in the first place .
choose your pokemon team by only seeing bad drawings

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choose your pokemon team by only seeing bad drawings...

I can't waste a Terra now, wow me man, okay listen, I know it's been a tough battle, but looking at the rest of his


, we might be able to pull this off because I mean, just think about it, his entire


is weak to the ground if we like it doesn't have anything, it doesn't have anything like now that Metagross is gone, it doesn't have anything to absorb the power of the earth, we can, we can just click on the power of the earth the rest of the game. I think we can still have this, maybe I think it just depends on how fast.
choose your pokemon team by only seeing bad drawings
Iron Boulder is how fast is Iron Boulder bro, bro, I wouldn't get into this unless I got picked, which is why you're probably SWA at this point too. He could break a steel if he goes for the facial R. He would live well. If he goes for the power of the land, he doesn't do it. It doesn't matter and I just waste it and die if he, if he has ground powers here, I made the right play, if he ran, I made the wrong play, he thinks I'm hooded, he thinks I'm bloody, oh no, he could have done it. horrible game glitch, hangs out with exeggutor, this is fine, he definitely thinks I'm hooded, he definitely thinks I'm hooded, okay, wait, mind games are going to come in here, heh, there's no reason he wouldn't do it , I would.
choose your pokemon team by only seeing bad drawings
I haven't, definitely think I'm in a scarf going into Draco Meteor and kill, you're not going to get me with that, you're not going to get me with the chosen scarf, Draco Meteor, yeah right, honestly we didn't need a big tree , that is. Well, I will say that it is a worthy sacrifice. However, if this thing is a scarf of choice, that is his


hope. I guess he'll defeat Glob Troter, which means he definitely keeps her, definitely trades her here, which is fine because then we'll get a free land power. out with someone, yeah, okay, this is crazy, okay, this is what we have to do, this is what we have to do.
I'm going to switch to Calamy and he's going to look for space rental, oh man this is getting close to the end. Up to the wire I don't even know what to do here Space Ren no, he went for the power of the earth I live, oh my God, he took it, he took it, it's okay, we outspeed unless he doesn't, no way , he is also hooded, yes, yes. Well, now the DI is coming back. I'll probably have to fire Samot again. I tell you. The power of the earth just wipes out my team. The power of the earth destroys my team.
I have to make him think I'm torn and change. here, yeah, oh my god, dude, I don't know what to do, yeah, yeah, dude, you can't, you can't hide that choice. Scar from me, come on, come on, be like this for the power of the earth, maybe he's not CH, no, he definitely would. Not to keep talking about this if it wasn't his choice, he's probably really confused right now, man, this sucks. I wanted him to kill me there, maybe him. Aqua jets for chippies oh man what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to get a speed boost out of chat that's what I'm trying to do I need a speed boost to get out of Aqua Jet he did Aqua Jet yeah that's what he wanted that's what he wanted that's what he wanted oh my god brother his defense is that defense stat oh we won he shouldn't kill me with an Aqua Jet there's no way you kill me please tell me you're not killing me please tell me you won't kill me please tell me you won't kill me I needed him to get in I needed a speed boost I needed that speed boost that was the only way I won but he wouldn't have killed the And God there was no other chance to get in here oh yeah yeah okay wait no wait wait maybe not yet wait no I think we got it I think we got it because he has to click on Draco's meteor he definitely chose Draco oh no , Earth powers, oh, I mean, yeah, I guess that's also an option I would have, Draco, I would have.
Draco, sure, I had to change because I needed a chance and I can't sit still with Terra because he's going to kill me. The iron package has 108 special defense, maybe a land power would have lived from an engine extracted Pia, no way, no. The way I live, I guarantee you, he thinks I'm a scarf, but he's going to come in here, he's going to power the earth and he's going to kill me. I don't think it all comes down to whether my iron rock could have survived. in the power of the earth, but I don't think that with a 30% increase in a Pia with 150 special attack it will be super effective.
I don't think he ever lived GG Frank, he definitely thought I was a scarf, he just, it really comes down to it, dude, balloon? trout gets hit I'm like 99% sure he will, if he doesn't we're going to be in trouble, oh my god he's not engulfed what you're not engulfed in, I know the whole battle, I'm like him. he thinks I'm enveloped he thinks I'm enveloped I have to keep that in mind I have I have a speed boost on the iron rock so I needed him to take one of those with a Terra I would have outspeeded an earthquake, an earthquake, that's it so It's funny all the time you change.
I think I need to let him continue thinking about this. I need a chance to get my tits off quick because I don't win.

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