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Choose Your Blox Fruits by the ELEMENT!

Jun 18, 2024
Too much for comfort, this is my spin, yeah, yeah. you dodged the bullet, honestly you haven't, just wait, okay first things first, Karate SharkMan, okay, not bad, respectable fighting style, next up is Dragon Trident, here we go, that's


build, that It's my construction, that's all, imagine I only have two things, it couldn't be me. Come on, you know, I really want toxic this time. I have a plan. I mean, poison. No again. No again. In fact, I have the perfect idea for this skull emoji. Don't forget the skull emoji. Yes Yes. That's right, that's me.
choose your blox fruits by the element
Look, it's time. for something a bit devious wow, you've completely changed, you've got the cosplay going, yeah, it looks optimistic. I've never actually used this in PvP, so I'm about to get C, it won't be a good first time. Impression you're ready yeah come on let's do this I hit you with one of those really fast oh wait that's sick look at the AOE of this and then you can't escape I'll draw you in I'm dead actually I'm already dead that's a madness this cures me here we go I'm remembering what mine does sorry wow you want a better two out of three to be fair yeah I was stuck there's no way I'm winning I can't remember what my moves do and that's match points Oh no, this was a mistake, no, son, I don't think death is made for you, no.
choose your blox fruits by the element

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choose your blox fruits by the element...

I think it's made for me, that's the problem ooh, a natural man emoji, oh no again, what else is something unnatural? The music is kind of crazy. I'm going to


D. Is there any cool sword I can use? I found it. The portals are. unnatural are not maenad I think I need something crazy right now if I don't get something crazy it's just that it's over come on this is what I want yes you have the test tube no I know exactly what I'm choosing a second Where is it? I


this because it is actually toxic.
choose your blox fruits by the element
Oh, Venom. Wow, very original. Yes, I am super original. Also, I don't think there's a sword, honestly, that reeks of toxicity, but there's definitely one more weapon. that's what I've got, I'm ready, okay, let's do this, I have to stay very far away from you, oh, Sky Mammoth is toxic, he has such a range, it's crazy, he'll make me win the game, so it doesn't matter, okay , win. You, the game is not like that when I have the I missed my combo. In fact, I'm going to lose and then I'm going to cry. Missile hit. I'm going to left click on


choose your blox fruits by the element
Oh, that was close. Okay, bigger goal, now it's okay, oh no, this is okay, come on, wait, what's happening to me? No, I missed my combo, no, no, no, that set me back. And come on, I'm dead. GG, yes, better two or three, oh, he's calling it. I have to be the last round, otherwise, okay, this time, transform immediately, not Ming. I mean, I did it last time too, but what difference did that make? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter huh, oh, you're too good right now. I'm locked in waiting I'm actually locked in I'm actually locked in don't get locked in that instant jump oh no I'm cooking brother Mammoth it's not delicious stop oh what a success oh haven't you transformed you silly silly skeleton n no it was all part of my plan I W who needs to hit that needed to hit no yes you no yes I'm not losing like that I'm not losing like that let's go oh no way come on come on come on come on, that's it, that's it, oh mammoth, it's on the menu from today, no, it was very easy, it's one, it's one, let's do this, that's what hits me right, okay, do one of these in one of these.
I don't even care if you've transformed, I don't care, I care because it's just a little resistance. Hitting you with one of those itself, that was all part of my plan to get hit, there it was, it was part of your plan, oh, it was, oh. it was wait you're dead you're dead you're dead die F no wait that hit that hit come on combo please no no no no no just yes oh my god oh I had a z lined up I was spamming I think I broke new keyboard so hard that I pressed the Z button.
I guess the only way to win is if it's unnatural. The only unnatural thing is the fact that you haven't picked up my new stuffed animal that just came out, yes, that's right. Pick it up, don't buy that, that's toxic.

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