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Jun 16, 2024
wow, talk about perfect weather, huh, and having the day off makes it even sweeter and speaking of sweet, I know it sounds like what not, it's mine, come on, there's enough to share now look what you made, no one's eating it Now, what is happening to him? Is this place safe enough? It is


heaven. Just look at that thing. Can we start eating now? Nothing smells better than this. Yes, definitely milk


, but what is that other smell under here and is it pearl onions? I think they taste better with chocolate. My stomach churns thinking about it. that and for me marshmallows now we're talking about a huge marshmallow coming straight up hey there's more than enough to share look but they would serve me better this way come on get in there you stupid little nostrils I can't smell the onions.
chocolate fountain fondue challenge chocolate vs real food for 24 hours by 123 go challenge
Now it's time to give it a little dip the chocolate is so creamy I think it tastes so bad I better give it a second coat it looks pretty good um I swear I can only taste the chalk oh god I can't look actually That's not all Bad, something tells me the marshmallows will taste much better. My mouth is already watering, oh yes, that doesn't taste like onion at all. Why waste more time? I could


ly use a drink. This shouldn't take long. Fill the. That's enough, right? beautiful, which one do I eat first? I guess I can mix them up no, I just got the chocolate drizzle, those things


ly travel, hey hey, life is unpredictable, well at least I have a good snack, still not good, this is interesting, definitely not suitable for chocolate.
chocolate fountain fondue challenge chocolate vs real food for 24 hours by 123 go challenge

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chocolate fountain fondue challenge chocolate vs real food for 24 hours by 123 go challenge...

I mean, this is a fruit, right, maybe it's like strawberries and chocolate. I want to have a lot in there, how can it possibly taste bad? It's just chocolate, oh, that feels pretty hard, hmm, I barely taste it, oh, there it is, it's so bitter, for sure. I could use some sauce, but lemon will do, hey, what are you going to do with that now? This is much more appetizing, but not with chocolate. Let's rock, baby, look at all that delicious chocolate. I've had thighs like these before. There's still much to do. I wish I had nuts to sprinkle on them.
chocolate fountain fondue challenge chocolate vs real food for 24 hours by 123 go challenge
Claire has finally lost perfection. All for me. all the chicken in there I would eat the bones if I could take one more double trouble coming your way you're like an animal a very hungry animal you're still not satisfied Claire I think I'm finally reaching my limit maybe you should take a break you disgusting go , no, I insist, ugh, okay, all this cake is for me. Can I put this here? I know, say hi to Minnie. I'm so cute, just hang out here thanks to this barrier. I can pour the chocolate. up, come on, get in there almost enough maybe if I raise it a tear or two now we're talking perfect, watch out Minnie, the chocolate blood is here and it stays here, look, but what would a cake be without these drops of rain?
chocolate fountain fondue challenge chocolate vs real food for 24 hours by 123 go challenge
Oh, it looks fun there, huh, and now it's about picking it up and letting it ooze, baby, isn't it beautiful? It's the coolest cake I've ever seen. It looks professional, huh, and I barely had to lift a finger. I want to go deeper because I sure do. spoons really give you a perfect scoop look at it give me space do you want to know how it tastes like heaven what do you think is under mine what do I do with the omelette I will definitely need my spreader just one cut is all it takes? that and a lot of chocolate, that's it, don't be shy, I need a lot now for the really fun part, but first we have to spread it like a cake, it looks pretty good now that I set the stage, it's time for Our star players watch all those sweets.
I'll start with the marshmallows, but they'll only fill a quarter and then move on to the mm. They look good, eh, bitter belts. Anyone I'll take a handful now for the gummies. are you ready for this, you fold each quarter and you get a big fat layered wrapper, holy cow, talk about sugar overload, gotta have all four layers, mission accomplished, be a genius, tastes great, I'll be hyper after this, bon appetit, let's do this. Claire got lucky with this one, that donut looks so good and the chocolate takes it up a notch, yes it definitely looks tastier, now it really melts in your mouth, this is so unfair unless while she's concentrating on that thing, change this egg for this one. chocolate on chocolate I don't care if I do this this will taste epic and luckily I'm a chocolate fan I can't even tell it's not a real egg come to mom you're going to eat that thing there's cream in the middle but Claire doesn't You don't have You know that, it's so gross you can have this one if you want, I guess I'll try it.
I mean, how bad can it be. This is going to be very funny. Maybe it cancels out the taste of the egg she's actually making. Hmm, it's definitely different, but it's far from horrible. I can't believe I've never tried this before. It was counterproductive, but I'll stick with mine. I wish you had a chocolate


to play with right now. What weird


do you think it would taste like? good dipped in hot melted chocolate, don't forget to share this video with your friends, subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more amazing videos like this.

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