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Chipping Vs Pitching

Jun 05, 2021
Hey guys, welcome back and in this video we're going to talk about probably the most common question I get shortly, which is what's the difference between




and what do I need to do differently with those techniques, so the main thing before So let's get into the technical stuff which I'll go over in quite some detail towards the end of this video, let's talk about




strategy and a lot of people think that chipping is around the green, pitching is further from the green and I don't mind. that we can even talk about throwing, it would be higher in the air, taking the ball further, getting it closer to the hole and chipping, it would be getting on the green as quickly as possible, letting it roll, we could even think about it. that way, but I also like to think of it as a turn on goal with a throw or a chip shot which here I have as a shot from 30 yards away from the screen, if I'm going to chip, I want to get it. on the green as fast as possible, get it rolling as fast as possible, but I want to keep the spin off of that and I'm going to keep the spin off of this ball by using a club with a lower loft, so if I can imagine it, Remove loft of this club using maybe a 9 iron, there will be less and less backspin that will transfer to the ball, so if I'm using a 9 iron here I could probably use an 8 iron, some people even use the low. like a 7 iron, when they are chipping, my goal is to get the ball rolling onto the green as fast as possible and then really roll, not bad for one of the first chips of the day, the goal is to get the spin back on. put it out and get it to the green as quickly as possible let it roll as far as possible now that's a chip, that's the goal of the chip.
chipping vs pitching
I think it takes the least amount of technical skill to make successful chips. In reality, it's more about managing speed. You don't have to get too fancy with the effect and the different things when you make a chip and I'll go over that here in a moment, but now that we're doing a release, we have a different goal this time. I'm trying to get the ball as close to the hole as possible, use the maximum amount of spin I can get and then get it to stop close to the green, that will be very helpful and for a lot of the better players.
chipping vs pitching

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chipping vs pitching...

In the world there are phenomenal throwing players who create tons of spin on the ball because it gives you many options. Maybe with the shot I can chip, how can I throw? I could even putt if I really wanted to if my chip and shot were really struggling, but let's imagine there is a bunker on the way that I have to charge and then stop very quickly. Let's imagine that there is some kind of obstacle bar that needs to stop you very quickly and that will be very difficult to do if I try to crash. about a 7 iron, so with the pitch shot I have to use an elevated club.
chipping vs pitching
I have a 60 degree club here that will give you the most spin if I use a 56 that will also get a lot of spin, but those are really your two options. for a 56 or 60 pitch, maybe you could get away with a gap wedge and still create some spin. Another thing to keep in mind here, if I try to hit this shot today with the dew on the ground, it will be very difficult to get much spin. so the ball just rolled down the face because it's wet out here, that's going to go a little bit higher.
chipping vs pitching
If I really get it, I'll try to get the club out of the ball and see if I can get the better quality shot. here, but it is very important to realize that when there is water on the ground, it will be almost impossible to get really high spin rights and what happens is that the water gets between the ball and the club face and the metal of the face He doesn't grab the stick. that ball, so the grooves, more than anything, just remove the water and help you get more spin that way or if there's residue, maybe if you're in the rough you're not going to get a lot of spin whenever there's anything between the ball on the face it's going to be very difficult to get that high spin pitch shot, but again here the overall goal is to get that ball as far as possible, I'm going to make it spin as much as possible.
I got a lot of spin, I just hit it too hard and you can see how it reviewed very quickly since it's up there, so those are the general differences: one chip, hit it on the ground as quickly as possible, get as much spin out as possible and I'm going to do that with a club with a lower loft. A launch. I bring the ball as close to the pin as possible. I'm trying to get the maximum amount of spin I can and I'm using a higher club. The lofted club to make that happen can't really make a successful high-spin pitching shot, but rather a sort of parry, jump, and stop shot that you hear a lot of pros talk about if we use a 7 8 9, you, the pitching wedge.
They're just not going to understand it, so now that we know the difference of what the target is, let's talk about what the details are and this is where we can really get good at this, so with a chip shot first again below. High club using a 9 iron. I'm going to go ahead and have my feet pretty close together and really with any of these shots, whether it's a chip or a pitch, I'm not going to have it too far behind my front foot, so if it's my putt chip, you know, maybe you call it the club head, behind my front foot, my front foot, my feet are maybe two and a half widths from the club head, so I'm making this a narrower stance of That way, I feel like I can rotate. a little bit easier, I want to rotate my body, so when I come back and through the general movement the wrist is very small.
I have a little bit of forward shaft lean to take the loft off and then from there I'm going to rotate my body back and forth, you'll notice my knees start to rotate as I come into my follow through with this shot. I'm not going to put a lot of wrists on the backswing, so I'm not going to get a lot of wrist action. I'm not trying to get a lot of speed and quickness at the bottom of the swing. I'm actually trying to take that velocity off of it to get the spin of the shot and as I go along I think one of the biggest things is I want to keep this nice and flat as you get into more advanced pitching techniques, so it's not a jump but a lunge, then you could start bending that wrist, but I think that creates some inconsistency.
You have to be really good with your hands, practice a lot to be good at it, what I want to do is make things as easy as possible so that they are bulletproof when the pressure increases and if I can keep that left wrist nice and flat like I'm doing that and letting the pivot end up here, so that will make things a lot easier. I also don't have to because of the lower lofted club. I don't have to lean the shaft forward much because it already has low loft. I'm just thinking about letting the club or the bounce of the club jump across the grass right where the ball is and I'm staying nice and soft with my hands, so a little bit of wrist play is okay.
I can do this a little bit, but I don't want to have all kinds of things. I don't need it when I'm getting this ball rolling so it's almost like a putting stroke the only major difference between a putting stroke and this one is that my knees will turn and on the putting stroke I'll stay very still with my bottom of my body and I'll do like this, my knees won't move In this chip shot, I'll let my knees turn a little bit and that's how it allowed me to rotate, that'll keep my wrist from breaking if my knees don't turn and I try to swing my wrist It will break. down if my knees turn now my body my hips my torso my arms my hands everything is working together as a unit and that allows it to stay very nice and connected there, so if I do those things it will be very easy to get it clean contact and make roll the ball, you know that well, so the last thing here I'm going to favor my left side.
They'll probably have about 60% of my weight on my left side and I'll feel like I'm holding it there. Actually, there's a little weight shift all the time, but I don't think that's the feeling you'll get when you're out there, you'll just feel that you are on the left side all the time. To summarize feet closer together, the weights on the left side of the ball are maybe the width of the clubhead behind my front foot if I were to widen my stance, so if my feet are close together, that's a great position for the ball because now it's more or less centered over my sternum and my sternum stayed above the ball the whole time if I had a wider stance like this I would be too far forward because now my sternum is back here and I want to keep it in the middle of my body over the ball and just rotate back and forth as I make this shot, so that's my ball position using a low and high club, a little bit of forward axis tilt is fine, let those knees turn and let's end up with this nice flat left wrist.
Get the ball rolling as fast as possible and get it onto the green. We're just going to do the easy stuff, so that's the lowest technique shot, so you don't have to have tons of skill and technique to make that happen, all you have to do is. It's just keeping things simple from back to front, putting the ball on the ground and running now with a pitch shot. I need a little more skill but to get that effect some things have to happen really well to get the effect you don't really have to do anything special just don't mess up anything just let it spin back and forth but to get effect on the shot, I need to have a really good angle on the clubface.
I need to have a really good grip between the clubface on the ball and I really have to create a lot of speed here at impact, but I use a club high enough that it doesn't go as far to make things a little more advanced. I guess I would say my rule of thumb is if I can pitch, I'd rather you pitch and when I used to do some clinics when I first started doing clinics and you were in front of 15 or 20 people and you were doing these demonstrations, the last thing you want to do is completely cut one or put the grass on top and as a player you know I always like to throw it because you have a lot more spin there and it's cooler, it's controlled next to the hole, but when I got in front of a lot of people, you realize it's a lot easier to do chip you're not going to mess up that many but if you have the skill to make it happen and you practice a good amount you can make that jump and stop that shot with really good spin so with this once again I'm going to use my 62 you're here today I think you need to use that or your 56 the difference here is there is a lot of loft in this club I can take some of the loft away and it will still have a lot of loft when I get that extra forward shaft lean what that allows me to do is let the club go a little a little more easily and that allows me to be a little more consistent because now my hands are more in front. the golf ball I am also the difference of the chip in a pitch.
I'm going to use about the same stance and setup, but on my backswing I'm going to go ahead and let those wrists adjust a little bit, so I'm going to let those wrists as I go down I have to be really sure not to catch too much ground. I'm going to hit down and through the ball, but I need to hit that ball on first contact and be a little lower. the face that way is very clean there is nothing between the face and the ball as I move forward. I can still keep that left wrist flat as I go, but I really feel like I'm accelerating, everything is accelerating very quickly through the ball to get that extra spin, grip it more and I'll take it much further, that's why I'm swinging harder but I'm going to turn it on, let it spin, grab it and stop it, long story short. on this pitch I throw the same ball position as a chip, you can move it a little bit, it's fine forward or backward to fine tune it yourself, that same general ball position is fine.
I'm going to lean the shaft forward a little more at contact. Because I have this club with a higher loft, it will allow me to be more consistent, the ball will come out a little lower than it would if I just chip, use the chipping technique with a 60, but it will still come out quite high, so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to let those wrists turn a little more and then really accelerate. I feel like I'm very aggressive with my knees making everything speed up to get the club going, but I'm not going to break this left wrist, if I break that left wrist I'll start adding more loft, the ball will go higher but it won't spin as much when do it, it will be more of a failure.
The shot wasn't a full flop, but it will be a loft of sorts. This shot is going to be lower with more spin to stop it, so those are the things I'm focusing on, so let me go ahead and try a few here. If I can make some clean contact on the slightly wet terrain and we'll see if we can get them to bite a little bit more than I seem to be a little more aggressive with to get the spin there. I'll see if I can get a setup where no water gets between the club facing the ball and we can get it to grip a little more, but notice thatwhen we land those first shots, we're probably in the front third of the green or the front third if we divide it into quadrants from the flag to the front edge front third middle third back third I'm going to land with my knees almost to the back third very aggressive over there and you're going to realize that they're going to spend a decent amount, it was great until the back third and you really saw it.
I reviewed a lot, so again the difference is setting my wrist rest a little bit more. I am much more aggressive. I'm really trying to get down and be aggressive with that ball, generate a lot of speed. letting the LA in the club give me the spin even though I'm lofting the Ford shaft, the tilt of the Ford shaft allows you to get that perfect angle with the clubface to get the spin and also gives you more consistency because now my hands are leading. there in front and then lastly, I'll make sure that everything that comes in stays nice and flat like that.
I can be consistent so I hope it helped a lot. You guys got tons of good information out of that great luck. working those chips and those throws I'll see you soon Hey guys, I hope you really enjoyed that video on how to increase your accuracy with your chips and throws, if you want to take it to the next level I have a great bonus video. I'll play in a second. I'm going to play a preview of one of my best short game videos out there. You will be much more accurate once you see this. It will appear in just a second.
Just go ahead and click on the I. card that will appear on your screen and that will give you instant access to that video, plus you will get five additional videos of the top speed golf system, good luck and I'll see you in this short video of the game. from the green to probably fifty or sixty yards or so and that's what you want to do when you want to get a little bit more spin and get the ball a little bit higher in the air. We're going to go ahead and let the wrist adjust a little more, have a little more club action, get the ball a little higher in the air with a little more spin, so let me go ahead and describe what which is a good launching shot so you know what you're really looking for.
I think we have to start from there, start from contact, so when I make contact I want to get very little close to the ground, so I don't want to be taking too much movement, I don't want to hit the ground when the club comes loose and we have a flat spot where the club travels very level with the ground for five or six inches on these field goals, so when that happens, let's go and exaggerate as my hand goes down, my hands are closer to the ground as this club gets closer each once more to the ground, my hands move up as the club moves down, now you see them with this flat spot.

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