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Chipotle Conspiracy Investigation

Jun 19, 2024
I just can't believe Spencer was going to go in there, pick him up and then go back in, there was a cop there too. I don't know, he said he was filming, I like, oh, there's a policeman here, like he feels much more illegal than he was, the order is ready too, oh, do you want to follow him? Sure, but don't be obvious, no. getting shot about the question is should I pretend I'm a new guy or say hey I was already here? I think accept it. I don't think we need to pretend I'm that hungry here guys, it's okay.
chipotle conspiracy investigation
Let's put everything in the trun there the energy of like you know in school when the teacher leaves and the kids are at the desk like yeah, they go crazy, yeah, that's what happened, that's literally what happened, it seems a drug dealer, okay, so how are we going to do it? do this, do they feel lighter, do they look lighter, does it feel L, okay, let's all pack up in the van and weigh our food, thanks, okay, wow, it stinks in here. Okay, so where are we going to weigh all this if we're going to look? weighing place where we parked we parked a little far from Chipotle I don't want to be obvious let's get to work wow this is scary so before we weigh everything let's compare where J is going he has a pair he's farting there are people having dinner right there, oh.
chipotle conspiracy investigation

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chipotle conspiracy investigation...

Oh my god, okay, he just yelled at them and oh my god, I'm getting my loud pants on, it wasn't loud, it was aggressive but not loud. Fries should start with burritos. This seems crazy. Oh my god, they look crazy. Well, so this was it. in oh my God, how heavy, juicy, okay, so this is in the store, a beast two sheets. I feel like we're selling drugs on Snapchat, oh my god, oh my god no, oh my god no, some questions, were you pushing them? more no, no, no, I said I wanted to do the right thing, my God, right, oh my God, on that H, how is it obvious, it should be a matter of density, that's crazy, does anyone need that much food?
chipotle conspiracy investigation
Okay, that's not the question, yeah, but it's the same thing. price, that's the problem, okay, we'll wait in a second he's farting again, he's farting again, okay, it's still that bad, you have to wait, it's obviously different, the picture is crazy , okay, it's a day and a night, it's a grower versus a shower, he didn't even show up I always show up good, ready, good, this one was in the store, right, good, in the store, ready, good, nice, looks delicious, it's quite filling, I could have Fork on that and this was online, oh wait a minute, it looks a little less look a little bit of meat in the cheese wait, that's right, it looks a lot less.
chipotle conspiracy investigation
They slid on the cheese inside because they were almost out of cheese, but yours looks better, yeah, yeah, they don't care that much about presentation when it comes to wow, yeah, that's for sure, okay, we'll weigh it in wait a second, okay, this is, I think, my meat bowl, oh, I can already taste the difference, really, yeah, so this was in the store. The Rim, yeah, okay, and online it's different, it's hard to tell. It still feels like a little bit more, a little bit more, yeah, but not a crazy amount, yeah, okay, so I think let's weigh it all up and see how real this is.
Is there cheese, oh, cheese, yes? I don't know, you need to be online, I mean. you can see there's less, oh interesting, you can see there's less. They do it to me every time. It's okay, the store is so full that it's showing up online a little less. Jared is passionate about this specifically, it's not much less, but Jared is very upset, it's less. oh, it's visibly less oh oh wow, okay, let's all take an item and weigh, okay, ready, okay, so this is online, this weighs 70 7 5 G, it's worth 75 75 and in the store 839, okay, so that's more, a lot more, that's a lot more percent or more and make it quick, you're lying 13.7% more.
Usually I'm almost right, listen, I think this is enough to confront them, yes, no, honestly, 150 g more, that's crazy, that's a lot, this first one was online 854, okay ok oo ok and in the store oh in the stores more yes again wow this is real wait this is really happening santa okay that's much more online 670 wow low that way low or are you hungry after that in the store 682 each no way cheat To people the thing is that none of us are good enough at math to know, oh, it's a big scam, it's like we don't know, oh, I don't need to be good at the mountains to know that I'm being scammed. so there you go yeah okay so this is online garbage $199 doesn't even come close to a hundred.
I'm going to guess that's my goalkeeper, no, it's 208. I can see it in the store, close it, I got you. I spell it, the class action lawsuit. It's crazy, they are ruining lives. I have never ordered online again. Can I also say that there was a restaurant full of people right there? Everyone left. I think literally oh no okay so we successfully proved that bre not enough to wipe them out yeah we're not trying to wipe them out we successfully proved that when you order online it's less crazy, oh wait, no, we still have to do the Tik Tok, so Spencer, do you and Lizzy want to be Tik tokers and go find them? another, should I come in and recognize you from you?
Is there a famous 30-year-old Tik tocker? I can't believe I've been robbed all these years. It's crazy. I'm eating my feelings right now. in rag wow, all the theories are going to end with us having a car full of really bad food. Is there a Ralph theory? I have to pee, okay, who's one at Chipotle? He won't go to Chipotle. Look, wait, I don't want to. wrong if you're wrong I'm peeing in your mouth okay bye please promise okay so what is your Tik Tok channel about? So what I'll do is pretend like I'm filming on my phone, like it's okay.
Guys, I'm at Chipotle today and I'm going to make this bowl shrink, you guys do that, make sure you film everything like you're filming a Tik Tok. I'm going to go pee, no. I'm not going back to Ral. I have PE, so go to Chipotle. There is no bathroom. Yes, there has to be. Chris is lying because he wants to get angry. I don't try it. Chris. I think you should do it when you go. there ask if it's cool to film Tik toks here oh right from the beginning let them go I'm just going to do do you know who I am?
I'm a world famous Tik tocker let's do where there's more cheese the TRU you want to get an easy grapefruit I'm down good luck you guys I believe in you wait so what's my role you're just my friend I'm here to help I think you make me look younger okay they make me look a little less pregnant let's go to the black rice bath right there i think you should be the Tik toer good luck guys hey what's up guys we're here toot let's try an order you guys remember this is oh no I think it yours should I know like I'm going to push and I go like this and you I'm really hungry I'm guys today I'm really hungry at Chipot okay we do it twice yeah I'm hungry yeah that must have been terrible for you guys you recognized us . there like ticktockers not like real Jared came in to pretend to recognize Spencer and then someone recognized Jared and then she recognized me recognized Chris hi hi nice to meet you I'm Maddie um and I was filming Spencer doing it and I didn't want St, I think you're great, thank you very much.
It also made sense to be the Tik tocker because I got angry very quickly, okay, it was also the sloppiest, they had to use two tortillas to wrap. Oh, on the forum you said I'm a hungry boy, that was my Tik Tok. What I said, hungry boy, side note, side note, hungry boy should be your Tik Tok, did you just start a Tik Tok, oh my god, it's a literal brick? the size of a brick that's huge that's hungry boci okay before we wait don't worry guys I thought of you during my trip to Ralph's bathroom.
I got everyone the really cemented dessert, yeah, so here we go, let's have a party. party again okay? Alright? I don't know I'm not surprised, my God, there's a family of ducks. I told you not to eat the cheese. Should we weigh it at home? Should we get out of here? Yes Yes. I think we are like attracting other minivans, how do we open this


? No, I'm just watching it go into my mouth. It IS kinda sweet after all, salty right, they're small so I can eat like five of these and it's still considered under a cupcake, okay where's the hungry Tic Tok burrito guy coming?
This is heavy, the Tik Tok burrito is crazy. It's like Len, wow, the guy had so much trouble rapping that the guy behind us in line was like you're not. I'll do it with a torti it's beautiful Beau okay so I don't remember what that first one did which was when we went in person to the first one that was $839 and that was the biggest one yeah. 8:39, okay, Tick Tock burrito. 9:26 Grand finale What is it? What is it? 982 Damn, the real thing is getting the one you ordered online, okay, online, online, 76 off, no way be a Tik tocker, are you kidding me with a Tik?
OMG, that's why Tik tokers talk. that's the trick, so next time you go to Chipotle, OMG this is going to create the most annoying experience for everyone. This video is the worst lesson you will ever do. Make more Tik Toks that weigh more than 2 pounds. Is it really crazy how you know things like that? 44 G is a pound, oh my gosh, that's 2.2 pounds, so if I ate that right now, I would gain that, let's do it, no, but think about it if you ate that and weighed 200 pounds, let's say you would be 2002, no. you would officially be a 1% burrito, think about it, eh, think about it, think about it, yeah, I get it right, so what are we going to do?
Take a couple of these gifts home, let's sign it, sign it, sign it, sign it to someone, who are we going to? shoot down below. I can't believe this worked, honestly, it bothers me and I feel like it's not just, I feel like it's anywhere that has an app or anywhere that you order online because why not, why wouldn't they do this? Yes, good. I guess that's it, follow Spencer's Tik Tok. Hungry, I can, I'm hungry, someone else has to get them, let's get our weapons out. What do those knees achieve? She's pregnant, she's not thinking clearly.
I don't know what I'm saying, okay, where is she? cupcakes, go away all of them, no, they're over there, let's get this Chipotle out of our house, it stinks, it stinks, oh

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