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Chinese Remnants | Fallout Lore

Jun 19, 2024
abandoned and forgotten, that is the fate of those stranded on foreign soil after the great war, most perished long ago, others may be found waiting patiently to return home and in some cases have disbanded to create a new life In two hours, humanity was reduced. almost nothing this event was known as the great war most of those who fought in this war were left leaderless no structure and those on foreign soil were left wondering if there is even a home to return to a case of


soldiers stranded behind enemy lines is the naval crew of the xi huang tea that washed ashore on the beaches of san francisco shortly after the great war, the crew had no choice but to head inland to search for trash and came across the remains of the neighborhood Chinese seeing the architecture and other similar features reminiscent of their homeland gave them comfort and it was soon decided that this would be their new home.
chinese remnants fallout lore
Parts were taken from the wrecked submarine and used to build what they called the palace. The descendants of the naval crew now known as her still inhabit the palace and truly deserve their own dedicated video, not as


of a fallen empire but as her, a new faction forged in the old world after the dust settled, many companies that once served as a front for the Chinese government were left to their fate within mama dolces. a pre-war food distribution company are Chinese remains of spies and special forces who remain loyal to the regime for 200 years and have remained operational awaiting new instructions from their leaders, no matter how long this may take, not all the fronts continued to function after the great war.
chinese remnants fallout lore

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One such case is that of Lob Enterprises. It is unknown what the company did while it was under surveillance, but when it was not, employees worked tirelessly developing a new incendiary weapon, formerly known as Project Zoo. A unique gun that breathes fire. Rumors will soon emerge about the company's true intentions. It spread throughout the area and employees were treated with suspicion by both American citizens and authorities. In response to this treatment, employees were allowed to carry low-quality military weapons, received training for those weapons, and were taught what to do in the event of a federal invasion and even nuclear war, although the latter was primarily engaged in completing paperwork. , taking iodine tablets and taking the oath as a sovereign republic, their activity was soon discovered through their trade with another front called Happy Liberty Imports, leading to the military invasion of the US construction and the deaths of all those who were inside and refused to surrender, all that remains of this operation are a handful of terminal entrances, a band of wandering US army robots and a Chinese pistol that possesses the ability to breathe fire, not all of the remains can hold on to hope for 200 years and continue to believe that there is more to life than waiting and wishing to return home inside the drainage chamber beneath the kt8 transmission tower there are the bodies of two


spies surrounding them there is an operations training manual Desperately trying to contact their leaders in mainland China, it is unknown if they manage to do so, but what is known is that they cease to exist when they take their own lives, probably in the form of a cyanide capsule, a common tool used by Chinese spies. to avoid interrogations, speaking of transmission towers and radio amateurs, the radio of the People's Republic of America continues to spread propaganda more than 200 years later, heard both in Mama Dolces and in the vicinity of the citadel, the transmission is in English and speaks of the recovery of the anchor and the wall street gang, showing just how obsolete the loop message really is the origin of this broadcast was to break the morale of American soldiers and citizens alike in the hopes of turning them into loyal subjects other broadcasts They are remains of a more recent era such as can be heard when crossing paths with the fallen Chinese commando whose transmission when translated into English means winning every battle, although his battle with gravity seems to be lost along with the appearance of Chinese remains, There are several specific Chinese training manuals that seem to have a deeper meaning in At the entrance to the flooded subway there is a Polowsky preservation shelter, inside there is a training manual, two stimulant grenades, and the skeleton of what I believe is a Chinese spy who tried to survive the end of the world in what is essentially a talking can in the atrium of the Nuka-Cola bottling plant is another training manual, this one was found inside the file cabinet sticking out from the upstairs, he was an employee , a Chinese spy, if so, what could they have learned from a corporation that bottled soft drinks if they were going to add something to the bottling process to alter consumer opinion of their own government or am I just overthinking the location of a skill book deep in the wasteland is the satcomary nw05a tower inside there is a chinese training manual and a ghoul scientist was this ghoul a spy from before the war who still continues to collect data for a dead nation or was he given the training manual to the scientist to translate the chinese signs passing through the area and let's not forget the chinese monkey, hat, assault rifle and manual inside the taf tunnels directly beneath the citadel that was once the pentagon, the Headquarters of the Department of Defense before the war, demonstrating how deeply planted China's fingers really were.
chinese remnants fallout lore
Perhaps the best-known Chinese spy is Wan Yang. Other aliases include the Five-Clawed Dragon, Jamie Patrick, Maria Lopez, and Stanley. Derek, despite the many names and people the odds were not in her favor and she was quickly captured by the defense intelligence agency and sent to the Turtle Dove Detention Camp. The camp is still standing once used to detain suspected spies. Chinese who were supposedly working against the US. Camp conditions are less than favorable: no running water, spartan bunks with minimal space, fences, guard towers, searchlights and even security robots that patrol the perimeter day and night, As expected, many died due to the poor living conditions and negligent treatment received by the few human soldiers guarding the camp. quickly filled the camp's mortuary (the yangs included), leading to frequent use of the camp's crematorium, it would seem that about a week before the great war the prisoners had had enough and fought, while the majority died in the fighting, a small group of them were able to escape through the morgue's drainage canal.
chinese remnants fallout lore
It is unknown what happened to those who escaped, most likely they tried to find their families, provided they were unjustly imprisoned, while those who actually They were spies probably heading to the nearest safe house to report their findings today, the camp is a disheveled shell reflected only by those left behind after the great war demons, both Americans and Chinese, completely indiscernible from each other wander the camp together Beneath the shallow waters off the coast is a Chinese submarine that was once used to observe military officers in the detention of turtle doves. The camp and naval recruiting center, its mission was a failure as American forces quickly captured it. the submarine and the crew in command, although only two crew members are mentioned, both unnamed except for the rank of captain and another coined by John Doe.
The interior of the submarine is quite small. with only enough room to accommodate two bunks that could have been for the captain and crew member, but could have alternated sleeping patterns 24 hours a day with up to four members taking turns and sharing bunks to preserve space, it doesn't seem There are no signs of defensive weapons, no missile hatches or torpedo launch tubes in sight. This is because the crew was given strict orders to only collect data and, in case of contact with the enemy, initiate the self-destruct sequence, although for some reason the crew could not. In doing so, upon being captured by enemy forces, the captain used a cyanide capsule stored in his tooth to commit suicide.
John Doe, the unnamed crew member attempted to follow his captain to the other side, but failed due to his own cyanide capsule being a failure, leading to his imprisonment at the Turtle Dove Detention Camp where after a long and thorough interrogation was carried out for his crimes. Xiang was a Chinese spy who voluntarily surrendered to the American forces stationed at Point Watching and in exchange voluntarily gave the enemy information about the captured submarine. For his freedom this may have been a common occurrence among Chinese spies who finished receiving orders, but Xiang had an ulterior motive: he was a double agent who was simply pretending to help the Americans while trying to destroy the submarine.
His mission was over before he had begun. Thanks to the Great War, his remains can be found inside the Homestead Motel. Little did he know that even if his mission was completed, his destiny would remain the same through the use of a special code and cryptochromatic glasses. The entrance to a secret intelligence bunker that belongs. to the chinese can be opened this is where agent xiang was supposed to report once his mission was completed instead of meeting other chinese agents as he expected, a protector would have been waiting in his place who, after receiving a code word , I would have taken it. go down the stairs to receive the orders to extract him, all this, of course, was a lie, he should never have been extracted, but rather executed using poison gas.
Imagine staying loyal risking the life and limb of your leaders only to be eliminated. I get that the last person we're going to trust is a double agent, but Xiang deserved better. Chinese remains are extremely limited in the Mojave Wasteland, aside from two sets of Chinese stealth armor at Hoover Dam, there are a few manuals scattered throughout the map, and there is no war memorial at Yangzi. There's too much to even suggest that the two countries were at war, but one of the dlcs tells a different story: the great void is home to the little yangzi, a concentration camp built to house relocated Chinese Americans, these prisoners Little did they know that the camp was less of a prison and more of a holding cell for what they would soon realize were test subjects grotesquely titled as a human farm by think tank scientists during the farm's first day of operation. human being was full of subjects, three trainloads to be precise.
Most of these Chinese Americans had limited English speaking, which led to camp guards treating them with more suspicion. The inmates were soon kidnapped for research purposes and brain extractions, some of which can still be seen wandering around the crater, albeit with a new body. Fear of being the next inmate to be kidnapped, violent encounters with guards, and poor living conditions, if you can call it life, soon led inmates to try to escape so much that guards had to work triple shifts to be able to keep up to date. Seeing that the guard's capabilities were at their limit, the camp commander ordered the prototype explosive collars that the scientists had been working on to be immediately attached to the necks of all prisoners, reducing escape attempts to a minimum. and restored control to the guards. prisoners with the choice of becoming the next test subject or death, what could have been the saving grace for those who wanted to continue living was the great war, shortly after the bombs finished falling the military abandoned the great void leaving behind the prisoners who were still inside their cage with bomb collars around their necks, those who did not die of starvation became demons transformed by the radioactive


carried by the wind, this extended their lives, but still They could not leave due to the explosive collars that these survivors have had for two centuries.
They waited fighting among themselves and hoping to return home and then one day after all that time, someone found them, but he was not going to be their savior like they might have expected, instead, this man, Elijah, an old man rebel of the brotherhood of steel, he was only interested in reversing himself. designing the bomb necklaces and once he did it, he too left, leaving the demons with little to no hope of leaving little Yangzi alive floating off the coast of Boston. is the yangzi 31, a chinese ballistic missile submarineNuclear powered Before the Great War, the submarine was sent to patrol the Atlantic coast of the US carrying six submarine-launched ballistic missiles This submarine is different from the others seen so far These were unknown or simply built for reconnaissance and collection intelligence this submarine was built for war when the great war began the captain followed his orders to launch all the missiles reducing the community to a wasteland shortly after the missiles were fired yangzi 31 was severely damaged after colliding with a sea ​​mine the reactor was compromised and left the crew with no choice but to seek refuge in Boston Harbor the crew was trapped and thanks to the damaged reactor that filled the submarine with radiation, the crew died from radiation sickness or were transformed into demons The captain of Yangzi 31 is the only member of the crew who still possesses the ability to reason. 200 years of isolation have taken their toll, but his will is not broken, he rises to the surface alone to search for what little there is and fight the descendants. of the land he helped burn keeps him sane and may be one of the reasons he hasn't gone feral yet.
He waits patiently wishing to return home. but he also wishes he had the strength to put his crew to rest. One thing rarely seen in Fallout is the opinion of what those directly involved in the great war really think about mutually assured destruction. Zhao is remorseful and plagued with radiation and guilt. Lamenting the damage and destruction he unleashes on the Commonwealth, the sole survivor who once served for the other side can do what his former superiors would have considered treason. They can relieve the crew of their duties, help the captain and give him the long-awaited opportunity. to return home.
We already know about the persecution of the adult mother in the wasteland of the capital, where once Chinese spies pretended to defend the values ​​and traditions of American society when in reality they were gathering intelligence information. This food processing facility is no different. Beneath the corny name and the promise of candy is a deep and dark secret the Fujinaya intelligence base led by station chief Americans in the West Virginia area. Due to the importance of their mission, they could not afford not to maintain secrecy. Security was on high alert. ID cards were mandatory agents. They were subjected to random searches and those found carrying contraband received corporal punishment.
Those suspected of being a double agent were interrogated for counterintelligence and within 12 hours of their arrest were executed. Agents who could be trusted encountered many problems with their mission by reallocating resources to others. projects they believed would be most promising exploring watoga for useful technology including new laboratories focused on the development of new technologies based on camouflage and stealth, as well as robotics whose researchers focused on renovating the notorious liberators that still roam the wasteland To this day these ambitious projects attempts to infiltrate the nuclear silos were mostly thwarted and unsuccessful due to the mechanized army guarding the perimeter and very limited opportunities to enter the facilities.
The new camouflage and stealth technology had logistical problems and received very little of what was needed due to the war. The effort combined with limited workspace and working hours due to the secrecy of the project meant that very little progress was made to make things even more difficult. More than half of the outside people they could find to help and, more importantly, could trust, were killed by facility security because not having the correct credentials further reduced the success of the facility. The only real achievement achieved within the facility was improvements to the liberator robot. The new model was deadlier, cheaper to manufacture and easier to deploy.
Given more time, the base could have achieved more but progress was stopped completely by the great war. The agents stationed inside were not given any warning and were left to fend for themselves. Station Chief, she thought that all the party leaders had left, leaving all the remaining agents to act independently in response or lack of response. she ordered all agents to abandon their posts and attempted to blend in with the locals, believing this was her best chance at survival. Those who remained had not seen the end of their problems as the enclave soon discovered their presence and broke into the facilities where the Chinese agents who refused to surrender were located. mastered and executed the contents of the facility were transferred to external servers for analysis and the local servers were wiped if it were not for the few remaining flags and personal notes, you would never have guessed that the Chinese had even been here the remains of a Chinese scientist of the Fujinaya intelligence base can be found during a random encounter following orders to abandon his post and mingle with the local population, it was almost impossible for him to endure having to surround himself with the very people he intended to destroy, eventually the scientists stopped interacting with the Americans completely, his only wish.
He was going to be home in China, this was, of course, impossible and he knew it, which led him to ask his comrades for forgiveness before taking his own life. An elaborate cave system chosen by communist infiltrators as the ideal base location for Motherlode interception operations. Somehow the station. It has evaded detection despite its proximity to the White Spring Bunker, but this says more about the infiltrators than anything else. Their secrecy is due to strict security measures, including orders to shoot anyone without authorization. Those who were stationed here at the time of the great war have been transformed. in demons for 25 years and continue with their mission without any hope of returning home.
One of those agents found in the depths is Mochu, a former spy for the People's Liberation Army before the Great War. She spent her entire life training for a singular purpose of working alongside other Chinese agents against the American war effort. She was fiercely Loyal until the bombs fell, but then something happened Mochu began to think for herself and realized that both the United States and China had deceived her people, manipulated them into killing them. each other and ruining their lands for generations to come Mochu had had enough, he saw the nuclear holocaust not as the end of his life but as the beginning of a new one in which he could follow his own orders and for years that is exactly what That Mochu went on to create a new life with her husband, who was also a former Chinese spy, and they had a daughter named Jen?
Everything seemed to be going well until another pre-war asset, loyal to the Chinese government, located her via a tracker. In her stealth suit, the asset gave her an ultimatum: follow her orders or she would die, not wanting to risk the lives of her family. She disappeared and fled to Appalachia, where she awaits her fate at the hands of the resident to be forgotten or, in some cases, persecuted and forced. Serving is a burden they have to endure, some have waited centuries to fulfill their purpose, others try to run away from it, and some simply cannot endure another day.
They have suffered for their actions and now seek forgiveness or to protect the only ones who are gone. Left at home in a foreign land has to be the hardest thing for a soldier, a spy, a remnant of a shattered empire. Be sure to show your support by liking the video and subscribing if you haven't already for more


. content if there is anything you would like to see in a later video leave a comment and I will see what I can do with that said thanks as always for watching and see you on the next adventure.

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