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Chef Reviews ‘Smart’ Kitchen Gadgets

Mar 08, 2024
Hello everyone, today we have some


and technological



for our


Ben and regular home cook Jamie to try out. They suggested them. We are going to try them. Guys, raise the CL at number one. Wow, this feels like a modern recipe. version of a recipe book stand is a tablet stand with built-in speakers this is the


multimedia base from Bosch now you can simplify your busy life with the smart


base you can control your smart home appliances and also use Amazon Alexa services like Additional cooking services through One Central Hub Follow a recipe Set the timer Check the status of your smart appliances Add items to your shopping list Many things in the kitchen that often happen at the same time Has a built-in speaker to access the music recipes apps gesture control to enable hands-free use of your Smart Dock so your iPad screen doesn't get sticky.
chef reviews smart kitchen gadgets
Splash proof and Alexa enabled. Would you like to try? Okay, if it still works. I got it all right, so guys, we've downloaded the app and synced everything up so you don't have to go through all that. It was relatively simple which we talked about a lot because we have an application product that fits the market, so do you think there is a Do you need something like this in the kitchen based on your personal experiences, it is very kitchen-centric as it will give you useful functions in the kitchen, while I feel that the other Alexa Google devices and all the other Google Homes are probably designed more for others. living spaces I feel so, however those other devices do this as well and so if you already have one I'm not sure what value this adds beyond support but if you're just starting out then maybe this is one a good place to go if you want. your kitchen we should try a recipe fast foods quick meals Sun wheat salad with asparagus and hazelnuts sounds delicious can you tell me the instructions?
chef reviews smart kitchen gadgets

More Interesting Facts About,

chef reviews smart kitchen gadgets...

Alexa reads the recipe. I can search by dish name and ingredients, not just what appears on the screen, you follow it. it tells you the ingredients and then you can swipe swipe swipe swipe yay six Lucky time, what did you do in that one? I put my hand around the bar now, it's going great. Next step perfect, you need to take it in a cup, mix, place the r I've made that oh no, I went too fast I want to go back no, I went forward wait back I'd go crazy but there's probably no stop up down close Alexa play Heart London so we put on the radio Alexa music up Alexa louder I'm frying Alexa streaming Dua hey I'm Dua listen to all my she's in my kitchen she's there Alexa stop Alexa actually hates me stop stop what you got say what instruction stop there we go as simple as swipe swipe yeah I got it right now I get it I don't know how often I would use it given I already have two devices that do that and talk to each other even if they aren't sitting on top of each other really useful It's the hands free swipe, do you want to guess the price?
chef reviews smart kitchen gadgets
I think it's probably 100 pounds 82 pounds. This is priced at £3722, obviously a lot cheaper than I thought. I think at that price level you're not going to get the same sound quality that you would get from another speaker, but I think it's a good starting level. Alexa playing Classic FM as loud as you can sounds pretty good. I think it's appropriate. Alexa, make a wet fart. Here comes a wet fart. It's very clear. I have kids Alexa, what kind of fart does he make? Eevee makes extra farts like this. Eggy like a


with a little hiss at the end.
chef reviews smart kitchen gadgets
Enough farting. Now you can also turn off the FM classic. Thanks, that was a Triumphant, but goodbye now to farting five times in a row randomly, so Bosch's intelligent media base asks if he is smart as a BOS or not, farting like a BOS now plays Mr. F Farting around the house, stop farting, it's Mr. Smart. dog full of hot air let us know comment now tell us what you think next one guys I wonder what it could be I want to take a guess before we pick it up yeah what's so clever about this end of a frying pan temperature temperature temperature yeah look at that Pro Cooking War Jean Patrick, so yes, this is the Meat Master Smart Skillet.
This smart skillet from Jean Patrick makes it easy to grill and sizzle meats to perfection every time, simply use the built-in thermometer to check the temperature of the meat so you know instantly it's safe to eat without having to overcook it. This fast and accurate probe measures accurate and precise readings time and time again so you can cook with confidence. It's literally just a place to keep a thermometer. Now hold the sharp edges without that. In it you can't lift or probe oh, can't you? Well, you can. I was being awkward, but it's not comfortable. This is cast aluminum and they claim this ensures the pan heats quickly and more evenly for better frying, usually the bottom.
The iron is flat so you get even heat, whereas this one has the middle part, which I imagine is the middle part so it works on induction. If the claims about molten aluminum are correct, that shouldn't affect it because it should heat up. Evenly and quickly I feel like all metals claim to be very similar. If we try, let's try so that you have beautiful skin on salmon beers. Well, rub it, remember what we learned before, even if you leave it open in the refrigerator for a couple. of days it really dries out and gets crispier less each night it sticks a little w it's good to sizzle the middle one on Ed The Edge very not my first rodeo guys let's set the time I estimate 2 minutes I want to see if I it beeps a lot of volume that's pretty good it's good volume I want to see if it's non-stick oh very non-stick slippery nice and crispy it's even on this side not bad not bad for cooking fish I'm impressed with its non-stickiness obviously not oven safe .
I mean, one of the advantages of having a traditional cast iron skillet is that you can put it in the oven. That's a good point, so even if I took out the thermometer I still can't put it in the oven. It's a shame and it looks like it's been heated enough to get that crispy skin. I know any pan would do it, yes, because it only conducts heat and I think that's where the claims don't make sense because any pan you put on a heat source is going to get hot. get hot so claiming it gets hot is ridiculous unless your pan is made of ice that's going to do uh let's check the thermometer look at this AB test mine registers 36 37 C M's rering 28 I mean we could be separated by millimeters, so it's not the fairest test.
This is a glass of warm water. We can calibrate our thermometers because we may have been poking different parts of the fish and that wasn't fair, but at least the water will be the same for both of us. What is it? checking in, mine is slowly going up, you're at 36.9, I'm at 36, I have no point, but now I'm at 36.3, so it's within Dee of this other one, which we don't know is exact either, but at the same time less Both are similar, yes the pan itself is good easy and non stick which also makes it nice and easy to clean because even a single cloth will remove the grease and a little gentle cleaning with a soft cloth and some soapy water will mean you will keep that non stick at the same degree what P is still hot yes what is the internal temperature of your salmon NE solid 52 skin nice and crispy good grill marks completely non stick and idiot proof the thermometer works too can tell time and count?
It's been doing everything for a while, but I'm not sure it's necessary. This pan comes with a 25e guarantee, do not turn it upside down. I would like to read the fine print because it probably says except for the non-stick surface because there is no way the ontick surface used in a home will last that long because someone will make a mistake, it says no claims against misuse, yes, yes, sorry say it, but it doesn't feel like a product that would. I'll still be in my kitchen in 25 years. It is a convenient place to put the thermometer.
It will always be there if you remember to put it back. Yes, and if you don't remember to put it back, you'll know it's missing because it will hurt. your hand, yes, do you want to know how much we paid for this smart frying pan? I'm going to say £50 for a good non stick pan, will it be aluminum? You're probably looking at 40 and maybe 15 for a thermometer so £55 £69.99 you paid for this I think for that price you could get a decent iron and a decent thermometer. A job well done. The question everyone wants to hear the answer to: Is the Meat Master Smart Griddle the hottest frying pan on the market? or moderate expectations I would moderate your expectations in the same way, plus we use it for fishing, there is always good news, better, isn't it there?
You already know the drill, let us know what you think. Okay guys, next one pick up the CL, it's a cooktop, but the side. It looks like a laptop with HDMI ports and SD card slots. This is a smart induction cooktop that takes core temperature if you're working with something like candy at very, very precise temperatures. This is the Tocket smart induction cooktop, an ultra-slim induction cooktop. with a knob control system that offers stepless fine adjustment from 0 to 99. With this feature, you have full control over Firepower, allowing you to cook your favorite dishes with precision and ease and obviously, it is a smart product, so which comes with an app that you press and hold to To start, how does it feel compared to other tabletop induction HSs we've used?
It's a very thin line. It's a very thin line. It is not like this? It is much lower than the work surface, only 20 mm. Wow, it's also relatively lightweight and I feel that way. It works in spaces where you might not have a plate installed so I can see this working very well in something like a camper or camper which, once you have limited space, you can even slide it into a drawer or store it away. or hang it after and then you can take it out and you have an induction cooktop, a pot to prepare things, yeah, so what options do we have in the app?
Jay, the hob is in standby mode, the device is ready, select a mode to start cooking uh, I have a lot of different standard things that I could cook so I can cook steamed soup and fried egg pancakes with fried fish SED, so I guess these are all going to be different temperatures and different settings for the So when we talked about this with Kush and the food team, we thought, why don't we cut the steak and then sear it at a very high temperature? It was a great idea. Okay, so we have a sous function, click on it. take an hour, start now, what are you waiting for, you can't let him set the temperature, no, you have to set the temperature because he doesn't know what he's settling to, so guys, what's going on?
We don't know what temperature it will reach. SED in and you can SED things in 53 or 60 or 42, that's it, but you can do it manually, so add custom, add custom by temperature. I do 55 for this steak, steak cooked at 55° for an hour, let's come back to that in an hour and then we'll increase the heat and use the hottest pot. Do you mean we will raise the Stak? Let's raise the temperature of the bets. Yes, the cooking ended up great, so I hope everything is at 53° from time to time because I don't trust it. these things I was testing it and it was within a degree the whole time at 53, so now look at it, yes, we have the fried steak setting, we can change the duration, but it's more the temperature we need to get it to start instantly. now press to start absolutely done your job good steak obviously there are many different forms of SV most of them you need separate equipment to maintain the water temperature to have it on your cooktop it's really useful.
The question is whether you need a single hob that does that in addition to having a hob and other items, however I can think of many cases where it would be useful, such as bakery kitchens where you may have many ovens and refrigerators but rarely have a plate set, so something like that is pretty good for jams, custards, purees and anything else. Small college kitchens or small apartments are really good and you have slim, hidden extra features and it's a single use hob. I can see its validity there, I don't know. If you need an app to control it from afar, particularly when you need to press, continue here anyway, the only thing the app allows you to do is set the exact temperature and it has a lot of inspiration with recipes, generally I find the recipes preloaded. they're pretty rubbish because cooking isn't that universal, you don't know how thick the steak is, you don't know what temperature it is outside the oven, so most of the time you cook using your head and your heart, without using smart technology, right ?
I would likeGuess how much it sells in the UK for £9,085 (£119). It's much cheaper than buying four induction hobs. If you only need one, you can also buy a smart one. I agree, I think if you are looking for an induction cooktop then I would buy a smart one that has this kind of precision because I think that will help you, so the Tucket smart induction cooktop is either a precision fine tune or a dumb decision, good rhyme and is the old precision fine tuning. Yeah, well, we've heard your thoughts, but what do you think? Comment below now, let us know what guys left CL oh, it's a box, oh, it's a Smart Box because it has a button.
It's a steam box that's for your water, no. I would say that the water sinks in here. I would suggest a selection of things you want to steam, maybe tone down a bit and then you also have room for chilli or soy oil or something that can be packed up and taken to your place of residence. work, sit at your desk, plenty of room to put your pens, your rulers and your you know, your stapler, and when it's lunchtime, you think I'm going to take it off, put it on and steam at my desk. I like it is that what it does is the steam box.lunch box yes Self-heating lunch box enjoy hot food anywhere and anytime be in control of what when and where you eat, that's not the case anyway, that's right life steaming is a quick and healthy way to reheat food use our autonomous drive technology to reheat up to three meals on a single charge and obviously it has an app we're on and we're on the app so on your tray you've got some leftover spaghetti bowls.
I hate to break it to ERS, but that part isn't for the cheese, it's for the water. It makes more sense, so the water goes in, obviously, when you carry it in your bag of rocks, it kind of squishes, but I think it's important to try to spread it out because that will help the steam heat up faster. Cover and unplug a little. strange reason it won't start steaming until you unplug 12 minutes to start the steam come on oh interestingly it's already counting down from those 12 minutes even though the water is cold so we're not going to get 12 yes we're not going to get 12 minutes of steam, we could get eight nine something like that, it's connected via Bluetooth, it says it's doing everything it needs to, it stopped when it got to 3 seconds, it's okay, it heated it up, we can hear it bubbling inside, this is nothing hot, let's hope. there is steam inside the steam box we don't have much steam spaghetti buttonet very cold you shouldn't be able to pick it up I mean there is steam but you shouldn't be able to pick it up it's hot at the bottom that's the only place and it used about a third of the energy of the battery, so if you had to do that for 25 minutes, don't get me wrong, just put it on your desk, it's doing its job, it could last 25 minutes. to take advantage of the battery power I'm trying to think what we've done wrong I don't think you've done anything wrong it's smoking it's only working for 12 minutes it's not enough and with that in it what it was I was hoping the steam would be everywhere , so actually the steam would heat the top as much as it did the bottom because it has heated the bottom but hasn't reached the top and yet if you had something in a steamer, it should be heating up all over parts, I mean, it's hot at the bottom of the pot, but the top is stone cold to me.
This looks like it could be really good. We were both excited when we opened it. I think it has great potential that maybe not. Be there yet Would you like to guess how much this sells for £30? I'm worried it's more £45 174 OMG save your money. Heard it here first. Take out all our possible irregularities if that would make everything the way it is. I'm supposed to, I still don't think I'm worth £175. I would use a microwave and that stays permanently plugged in. You don't have to keep unplugging it and charging it and then and getting your app, you just press one button.
I'm sorry. I'm away, so the steam lunchbox is a steamy dream or a load of hot air. Someone has put a lot of effort into this, but it's just a load of hot air. Warm air is better. It's not even hot air. Good that? Did you think about giving us a like if you liked this video and if you see any other smart devices on the market send us the links and we will review them.

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