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May 31, 2021
wikipedia says that baya is a Mexican dish that is a meat stew traditionally made with goat meat, but occasionally made with beef, what we make today or lamb guys, what is lamb, lamb, what kind of lamb ?, there are different types of lamb, well, older lamb, young lamb is lamb. until 12 months or so, but apparently after you get your incisors you turn into a lamb, I'm not 100 sure, I just know I've always known lamb as an old lamb, which sounds gross, give me the lamb older Old man you got, wait, there's an episode of Seinfeld, Seinfeld, he.
cheesy juicy beefy birria tacos wow sam the cooking guy 4k
He goes, he goes to that restaurant with the woman with the giant hands and she orders lamb, yeah, right, oh, that's the sound of freedom, the sound of freedom, you probably can't hear it, we can hear it all, uh, but That's right, today he is one of the best. Things I once told myself: I better not eat breakfast because I want to eat a lot of meat and berry


, they are very good and we are using them as dried chiles to make the sauce, it will blow your mind, here we go. we start with our chiles that we need to soften but first we are going to get rid of the stems and the seeds inside first the guajillo chiles without stems without seeds without sticks without stems without seeds without sticks you don't understand it I understand it just like I used to remove the stems and remove the stems of my grass in the days when grass was grass and it wasn't designer, it wasn't fancy and there were stems and seeds look, look, look, look what came out, it's crazy, there are a lot of seeds, we don't need them , there are no seeds, look, I live in Southern California and dried chiles are available in almost any supermarket here.
cheesy juicy beefy birria tacos wow sam the cooking guy 4k

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cheesy juicy beefy birria tacos wow sam the cooking guy 4k...

If you don't live in an area that has dried chiles available, order them online, no. sweat and if you don't get all the seeds out, don't worry, just most of them, so we'll put them in our bullets, hopefully, they work to turn them into a delicious sauce, so let's get all the seeds out here. and let's move on, how spicy are these guys, not too spicy. I mean, when you get into this, this is going to bring a beautiful hint of spice, but nothing over the top, but we do know that the seeds and the membranes are really where most of it is. the heat in a chili is so if you take away most of this you'll be fine, it's actually quite fun and when you have the guajillo ready, go to the pacillas, there's not much stem here, we don't want it for Sure, let's open to this guy and there are Hamas.
cheesy juicy beefy birria tacos wow sam the cooking guy 4k
What this will do to the flavor of this dish is truly exceptional. You want to find them and if you can't find them, email Max and he'll send you some. Of course, you have a small chance, but I'll tell you, so this is what we do: we get rid of these seeds, stems, no sticks, and that's what we're going to do: we're going to add two cups of boiling beef broth to this is like this, let's push these guys down a little bit beautiful, we'll cover it, let it sit for 15 minutes until they soften and while they're doing that we move on to the meat and this is what we're at.
cheesy juicy beefy birria tacos wow sam the cooking guy 4k
Dealing with I have approximately three pounds of boneless ribs in front of me. Beautiful, isn't it? You could use a stew meat for this, like roast beef, that kind of thing, but this boneless rib was Holy Sh Max's stupid robot almost pulled it off. these pasillas steaming and guajillos, Jesus, I was going to say, but this boneless rib was practically the same price as the other things, so I'm using this, so this is what I'm going to do: we're going to sear this in a pan. I just want to cut it into smaller pieces than this and then we're going to season everything with just a touch of oil.
Distribute to everyone and put a little oil everywhere. We'll turn it over to the other side. Now we season this way. dot just with kosher salt and pepper and that looks like this and you can be quite generous, turn them the other way and when they're done they go into our hot dutch oven waiting for them to brown on all sides so throw our pieces in if you want to hear the sizzle because that means it's hot enough in two parts to not overcrowd it and lower the temperature too much. The goal is just a nice golden color all around, we'll take that out and do the other half.
I hear people talk about making dishes like this and say, oh, you could skip this step. I tell you not to skip this step. It's all about creating flavor because this color just adds flavor, so don't do it. Don't ignore it and remember that we are not going to cook them, we are just going to color them, so when you have a beautiful color on all sides, we will just take them out and then put the other half in the same so that they get color. everywhere and when these guys finish too, but they come, now it's time for some onion, it's a splash of oil and a yellow onion is dropped and we start to soften it and you see all these things in the background.
I've talked about that before, remember what funny affection is called. We'll get it ready in a minute. It just needs a little liquid, so let's soften these guys up a bit. Give the onions three four minutes. Now we're ready for some. garlic and that was about oh, I don't know, six cloves chopped with a little bit of oil, we let it sit to get a little fragrant for two minutes and when it smells really good, we go with the liquid that will help lift the honey and add a little flavor. Apple cider vinegar, so it's about three tablespoons and look, you just see the liquid vaporize all this deliciousness from the bottom of the pot again, that's just straight up flavor, that's why we want it so badly, wait, I'm not desperate for it, but I definitely want to take advantage of it you're desperate I'm not desperate I'm desperate you're thirstier shut up give it a second to boil a little get rid of some of that liquid and then we come Back with our meat, remember this, these guys come in and maybe the most important part of the meat is the liquid that came out of it, so it's sure to come back, give it a little push, now we can turn off the heat and come back. to our sauce in the soaked chiles, here are our steaming companions, oh, that's going to be amazing, okay, here we go, first we put about a tablespoon of oregano, Mexican oregano, of course, then about a teaspoon of cumin that looks like a teaspoon, yes, a couple. teaspoons of cilantro, I mean, is it really going to make a big difference?
I don't think so and two chipotle peppers or their equivalent because I have this jar of the already crushed ones, mmm, the smoky heat that that will bring. for us it will be fantastic, a pinch of salt and pepper, and now a 15 ounce can of diced tomatoes, oh god, I hope I don't burden this guy too much, oh no, this is just going to be a problem, it seems like something Lo you would, but I don't care, my blender isn't here. Normally I would use a blender, but I don't have one here, so now we seal it up tight because we don't want any mistakes if only you had come prepared.
Here we go, here we go and remember we're missing an ear so I have to use a toothpick to make this work. Please don't explode or anything bad. Is working. I'll open this carefully and look at what we need to do. You realize how much magic this is going to be, how amazing this is going to be, okay, let's watch this, we'll pour it on top of our meat, here we go, oh God, if you only knew that you were about to be beautiful, you would just we will give this is a little mixture to cover everyone you want the liquid level to reach the top of the meat and this is ok if it was too low for some reason if you had too much meat but you didn't increase this part just add a little more broth or a little bit of water just to get it to that level, cover it and that's it, this is now going to go into a 350 degree oven, it's already heated up, you don't have to wait for it to come in and it's going to cook.
Get two and a half to three hours if your oven isn't up to temperature, you can give it a little more time, but when you can take a fork and push it into a short piece of tape, it just becomes like a deflated balloon. You know you're ready if you don't have an oven on the stove, no problem, at about the same time, put it on the stove, let it boil, lower the heat to a simmer, then put the lid on and then walk away, maybe check it out. at the 2 mark 2 hours and 15 minutes just to make sure everything is okay if it needs more liquid add some broth but I think you'll be fine I'll see you in a second with this done we're back and here we are oh, look at that, let's have a little reach here, oh, did you see I moved that piece of meat and look, it's just falling apart, oh my god, it's amazing, it's amazing, so come on? we take out some pieces, we cut them with a spoon, this is what makes a little time, ladies and gentlemen, it just makes it glorious with these incredible deep and rich flavors, so on its own this is pretty special and we should try a bite , this is what I like to see.
These little bits of fat here are just adding flavor all over the place so I might as well say someone has to try it before we chop it up yeah so here we go all out and the opportunity thanks for three one two and three. oh oh my gosh I need to sit down oh my gosh it's not spicy and rich in flavor but this camera is working well amazing amazing and I would use ribs ladies and gentlemen but wait, I have one more kid here who has to eat, take a bite this, that, honey thank you oh my god damn son damn son okay let's make a taco come on let's make it this is pretty simple so here's how to explain this it's rich delicious amazing oil from this so We move forward a little. our tortilla, the clove of the tortilla goes right on the flat top, come on, so we want it to be a little crispy, so let it sit there for a second, don't rush it, where do you see how simple this is and a corn tortilla?
It would be traditional in this case, so I'm not using corn right. I'm using half corn, half wheat. It's a hybrid, but I like this hybrid, so I'm a fan. I'll use it well, so this is what we do. We take our friend, we turn him over, look that's what you want, we turn him over now we take a little bit of our amazing meat area, okay, we'll put it there, some cheese on top and then we'll fold this kit. there you go, maybe just a little bit more drizzle of that's what we're talking about now this guy we want it to be crispy on both sides to eat them so now it has a flip and guys, I don't know about you, but you know what that I'm ready and that's it, it's that simple, that's a couple of things: open your friend, a little bit of white onion, a little bit of cilantro and a little bit more of this juice inside, well, my goodness, it's well, a little more. because I know this is where the magic is, that's something we want to eat right now, honestly, are you kidding me?
OMG, what some people like to do is serve it with some of that stew juice sauce for dipping. but this is a


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