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Jun 08, 2024
So right now I'm sitting in a


that should have been a long time ago, my home office, where life got in the way and I never got around to it yet, but in the meantime, I've had a lot of people. asking questions about the


way to brew Brew for


because you go online and watch a lot of videos on how to sample for 20 bucks. Well, I made a video talking about that video link right there and the thing is, if you go to watch those videos you're going to be pretty disappointed because if you follow that kind of advice how to ring for twenty dollars how to ring for fifty dollars usually doesn't work, you're going to keep buying. the products that they recommend to you and I just searched online and tried to find alternative products that I recommended in the past, but the prices went up so much because one thing that I also learned is if you buy a product that has the word acoustic in it, like acoustic sealant. that is just one way to increase the price, the sad truth is that if you search online and try to find some products that are for Acoustics acoustic sealants for example, it gives them more reason to think that the product is much more than what on It's actually like this, I found some products that are comparable to the products I used to recommend at a fraction of the price and I will have links to all of these products in the description below.
cheapest budget way for soundproofing a room
The first thing you need to do is where is the sound coming from? The reality is that most of the noise coming into a room comes from a door or a window, so if you go ahead and soundproof a wall, it's You might be quite disappointed because you could have soundproofed the door and also used the The word


can also be misleading because what we are really trying to achieve is sound reduction, so let's start where most of the noise probably comes in, which is the door, and these things are not going to be used to soundproof the door because a lot of people online say just grab these little acoustic foam things here and they will soundproof the door.
cheapest budget way for soundproofing a room

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cheapest budget way for soundproofing a room...

What is this for sound deadening, not


? If you stick them all over the door, you'll be pretty disappointed and they're not exactly cheap anymore if you want about 24 of these, you'll pay about 50. We'll talk about these a little later in the video, but don't use them for soundproofing. The best way to do this is to seal all the cracks. Watch the door swing. Turn off the lights in the room you're in, close the door, turn on the lights in the room across the street, and is there a lot of light leaking around the door, under the bottom of the door?
cheapest budget way for soundproofing a room
If there is a lot of light filtering, there is noise. bleeding, they say and who they are. I have no idea about the experts, maybe they say just one crack will allow about 50 percent of the noise to come back into the room now, if that's true how about we seal that gap with acoustic caulking now that you have it? that word in front of acoustic so the price just went up we have to find an alternative that works the same the difference between acoustic caulk acoustic sealant and regular caulk is that the biggest difference is that it doesn't dry out or crack with regular caulking will dry out and as the house moves when you get really angry and close the doors the caulking will crack and let the noise back in, you wouldn't think there would only be little hairline cracks but now it does what I recommend instead of acoustic sealant.
cheapest budget way for soundproofing a room
It's called Red Devil caulking, it's 779 in the recording of this video on Amazon and this stuff is guaranteed not to shrink or crack, so where do you put it right on your screen? This is exactly where you place it, where the door meets that little box. What you have to seal that gap, what you need to do first is take some small nails and make sure it is properly fixed to the wall, after doing that make sure the area is clean and dry and then add the caulk, let it dry after that. Done, you want to create a better seal when you close the door because a lot of times, if you close the door, the door wobbles a little bit, if it wobbles, you hear noise, you want to stop that wobble, how do you do that? use weather stripping weather stripping is cheap you can get weather stripping for less than ten dollars however you can go a step further and add something called a door seal kit and it costs around fifty dollars and in the recording of this video it is at selling for, I think, $45. video I install it right there I test it and it works pretty well it works better than a weather stripping but it's five times more expensive and it's more work to install now after it's done you'll still have a gap at the bottom of the door that lets in a lot of noise now there's a problem here because if you don't want to restrict the airflow too much, there is something you can do just to see if it restricts the airflow, just add a blanket to the bottom of the door.
Now, if you want a more permanent solution, you can add a lower door sweep. Now the door sweep that I recommend is less than ten dollars and it is a U shaped door sweep. I think these U shaped door sweeps work great, order it and it comes. in one size and simply cut it to the width of your door and you will notice a huge sound reduction now that you have added the lower door, sweep door seal kit or weather stripping and couscous caulking. No, it's not great. school caulking you are a red devil caulking your room will be much more soundproof than before the amount of noise coming in will have been reduced it will cost you over twenty dollars it really doesn't have to if you go with the caulking and weatherstripping and then I threw a blanket on the floor to prevent noise from leaking.
Yes, you can soundproof the door for those under 20 years old. It works much better than sticking them on the wall. I can tell you that now, after everything is done. You can still go a step further and add something in front of the door to make it more soundproof, block out some noise, and also make the room sound better. No, they are not these. It's one moving blanket or two moving blankets. Moving blankets are thicker. Heavier than normal blankets, they are better than just using some curtains, they will block out noise and make the room sound better.
The way you hang the curtains is also using velcro. What you do is you just staple the velcro or you can. In fact, sew it onto the moving blanket. Industrial Velcro works much better because the blankets are quite heavy. You may be wondering how much these blankets cost while moving blankets don't cost that much. You can move two while you can move one. blanket for 17 dollars, but let's forget about that, let's get two moving blankets for twenty dollars, which are much cheaper than acoustic foam and you can actually use them for different things. Plus, moving blankets will not only block out the noise coming through the door, but it will also make the room sound better, it will do what these things are meant to do: add that plush material on a flat, hard surface, It will absorb some sound waves, it won't absorb enough sound waves to block out much of the noise, but it will make a small difference and won't break the bank, which is nice and you can use it for other things.
That's it with the door, let's move on if you have problems with the window. The window is a bit. uh it's more of a challenge because adding things to the window to make it much more soundproof will cost you a lot of money to change the windows from very thin single pane windows to double or triple pane windows, that's quite expensive, there are ways to reduce it. the amount of noise coming through the window using the caulking I was talking about on the door, you can use it around the window frame around the window where the window meets the frame and those cracks will bleed the noise out without much noise. but if you already have the caulk, bring it to the window.
Once this is done, you can use the moving blankets. Block the window by removing the blankets. Use the double sided velcro and that will work, but you can also use blackout curtains. Now the blackout curtains muffle the sound. curtains, in fact, yes, they are more soundproof curtains than soundproof curtains, but they will keep some of the noise out. The question is to try if you can buy a single panel, a single panel, because a single wide panel will do it. It works better than two panels because you will prevent that portion right in the middle from causing noise to leak into the room.
Doing so will reduce some of the noise coming in from outside. It won't be huge. Can't. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that you're going to reduce the noise by 50 or 25 percent. What it's going to do is especially dampen road noise if you're dealing with a lot of road noise. those high pitched noises will be muffled a little now, by muffling that noise the noise will be much less annoying but it might be enough to make the room in the house quiet enough for you so now the walls while the walls are a little more complicated because I'm not going to sit here and tell you to add this to the wall.
Adding mass to the wall is what will soundproof your wall. It's that easy. You have to add dough. You have to add mass minus sound waves. You can get by if you can do it yourself by adding the drywall on the wall that has the most noise, then you will be much happier than adding some acoustic foam that I threw away somewhere or some acoustic panels if you have to hire someone. It will be more expensive now you can increase the amount of soundproofing by adding some mass loaded vinyl (a sheet between the two layers of drywall).
Now mass-loaded vinyl is a very dense, very heavy but thin rubber that acts as a sound insulator. and also as a sound deadener, so it will not only block sound, but also absorb noise or help absorb some of the noise. Mass loaded vinyl is quite expensive, so it's not the


way to soundproof a wall. It will cost you around 100 or more for mass loaded vinyl because the more you need the more it will cost. The point is that if you buy in bulk it will be cheaper. However, it comes in a roll, the roll will be bigger now.
Mass loaded vinyl will weigh about one pound to two pounds per square foot. Keep this in mind. Now let's take a step back if you're not willing to add some drywall if you can't afford it or you're not willing to add some mass loaded vinyl. What else can be done to the wall to make it more soundproof? The electrical outlets would now think there is no noise coming from the election outlets. Let's imagine that there is a wall between the rooms that is not insulated, there is no insulation in the walls because most of the walls. between rooms they are not insulated and now most of the electrical outlets will be one after the other, many of them not all if you go straight to the outlet and start talking and you have someone else on the other side of the room at the outlet and they can Keep your ears open and you will hear it quite clearly because there is a hole in the wall and yes, there is an electrical box, but that electrical box is also full of holes.
It is now the best product to use for soundproofing electrical systems. Boxes like that are putty pads, now putty pads are great, you just wrap them around the box to prevent bleeding noises and it's also fire proof, it was actually developed to contain fire if a fire will start inside the outlet that needs the wall. to be open so you can do that now your wall is most likely finished you can't get behind the electrical box so what do you do? I can't use caulking pads, well let's go back to your red rooster caulking or not the Red Devil.
Caulking and no, this video is not sponsored by Red Devil Caulking, find your Red Devil Caulking and remove the electrical box cover. What you will probably notice is a fairly large gap between the electrical box and the drywall now if the crack is too large. for the sealant, then there is a lot of noise right there, if you can't seal it with sealant because the crack is too big, then use a product called backer rod, it's cheap, just cut a piece and wrap it around the electrical boxes and then add caulk around all the cracks to make sure it's all sealed, put the faceplate back on, you might be surprised at how much noise has been reduced, so that will work even better if you can go into the other room and do it. which on all outlet covers and light switches you will definitely notice a bigger difference than just sticking an acoustic foam on the wall after everything is done, let's talk about acoustic foams and acoustic panels because a lot of videos out there that's all they recommend acoustic . foam, what that will do, it will make the room sound better, it will dampen the noise within the rooms, so the room may seem to be much quieter and if you remove all the echoes from the room, the noise that you are doing inside the room will not sound as loud on the other side of the room, but if you want to soundproof your room to prevent outside noise from coming in, it is not actually going to soundproof anything, therefore it will muffle the sound and therefore therefore, domake the room sound better, but do you have to spend hundreds of dollars on acoustic panels or acoustic foams to achieve this?
Actually, you don't have to; You can do it with things you already own. Another way to absorb noise inside the room. room and not have to spend a lot of money to do it, have you added your second moving blanket to the wall? That won't soundproof the wall, that won't keep noise from coming in, it will just make the room sound better. and it's much cheaper but uglier than adding some acoustics to the wall. Well, that's it, what do you think? Do you think these tips can be achieved? But if you find value in this video, I usually don't ask this, but leave a like because hopefully the algorithm will place this video above the videos that are giving you bad information and those videos are getting a lot of views and making you Many people buy many products and spend their hard-earned money on things. that will just disappoint them, so when trying to improve this video, like it, leave a comment, just say anything, if you don't really have a question, you can say things.
I really appreciate the time, thank you very much for watching until next time.

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