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Chatting With British Army Guardsman Paul Boggie(Author Of HEROIN TO HERO) | #SmartCherrysThoughts

Jun 27, 2024


in and I couldn't believe it. I thought: How was he? How are you still alive? I asked him how are you still alive and he told me you can. Don't do it, you can't do it and that always stayed and always will. I will always remember the name Francis. I always remember that meeting with him all those years ago. And that was probably the first thought he gave me. I realize it's possible, but I wasn't ready yet. I went to many drug rehab places and none of them worked. Then I did a course in Edinburgh and Scotland.
chatting with british army guardsman paul boggie author of heroin to hero smartcherrysthoughts
I took a course that is not like that. It's not about drug use, it's about the power of the mind, it was for three weeks and it's like the course should show you that you make the decision like I know it, aren't you too? you know, you make the decision in your life to do something good or bad and I used that knowledge that I learned in that three week course and I applied it to my addiction and the first question I asked myself in my head would be what do you want and my answer was that No, I don't want to be a


anymore, I don't want to be here like an addict, so in my head don't ask, you won't understand. in the mirror and it worked, you know, and it was all through the understanding that the power of the mind, you know, the mind controls the body, the mind controls everything, our entire life, from the child to the old man, Your mind controls everything you do, everything you do. deciding to do in your life is controlled by the mind and it was an incredible experience to be able to understand that I can choose, you know, I can choose anything, you know, I decided to go and be a soldier, but I could have been a police officer. firefighter and paramedic, a doctor I could have chosen, I could have chosen to do anything I wanted to do and I still believe that now, because I'm an


, you know, I'm an


, a proud author and I'm getting a lot of information.
chatting with british army guardsman paul boggie author of heroin to hero smartcherrysthoughts

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chatting with british army guardsman paul boggie author of heroin to hero smartcherrysthoughts...

I'm doing I'm doing a lot of podcasts I'm on the radio now I'm in the newspapers um and it's amazing to think that I can be an author a little bit old me that nobody, nobody really knows um You know I can do it and that's amazing and when I make a movie and I help direct the movie, you know, author, film director, maybe, what else can I do? I think I can do anything I want if I just put in my effort and work hard, you know, don't give up, don't listen to negative people, there will always be negative people in this life for everyone, you know, there will always be people who just won't be very, very nice. but they should never stop you, if anything they should put fire in your stomach to keep going.
chatting with british army guardsman paul boggie author of heroin to hero smartcherrysthoughts
You know, if people say horrible things, use that energy, that bad energy that they've given off to you, use it in a positive way and be stubborn. I'm a stubborn man I'm very stubborn use that bit in a scene oh I'll do it I'll show you I'll show everyone that I can do it you know and that's important for everyone you know not just for me not just for addicts for everyone they just use that energy positive and a good place to put you in a good place, definitely, as addicted to drugs as an


soldier and from our


soldier to a filmmaker, yes, filmmaker, I'm I'm I'm writing more. author yes, I already started my second book um, you will be mentioned in my second book because my whole journey since the second book um the last chapter of this book ended eight months ago okay and my new book that I am writing now starts from eight months ago months um covert lockdown, okay so I write about covert, I'm stuck in the house, I go on social media and then I talk about being in the papers, I talk about being on Instagram making Skype calls all over the world, you and Lo you know and I will, and I'm writing and documenting my entire journey to making the movie, you know, from finishing the book to publishing it to making a feature film, it's going to be my second book, um, so there will be a lot of people like you who have helped me. to spread the word all over the world and I will write to you, you know, and in my second book I will write about these people, so you have to be careful if God wants you to go. for a long time and I inspire people, I think that's why you're here and you talk to me and your words not just through your book, just to the audience that reads your book, but also to the people that watch my videos and they subscribe. to my channel and who did not subscribe and who can watch it from anywhere, like any social platform, I will put this clip and social networks so that anyone who is addicted to this alcohol or there is a


or anything. a kind of drug that destroys, that actually creates a negative effect on the body of a human being, so you are your inspiration, your inspiration, you are like I think that name is perfect for your life, I think you are a hero here, so when I saw it the picture so I really wanted to talk to you and you know I really want to show it to the world.
chatting with british army guardsman paul boggie author of heroin to hero smartcherrysthoughts
You know there are a lot of people who like, uh, not just the physical illnesses that they're suffering from. mental illnesses like they can't get out of their bad experiences you know someone hurt them or some relationship problem some financial problem and you said about physical illness body problem so definitely not only in this video you are doing , not only did you say the importance of the body and the importance of life, you also said, uh, anything is possible and you're also saying that anything can be done, yeah, and I think I think most, the mental side, the side mental is very difficult to break.
You know that for an addict to any drug or alcohol it is very difficult to break the mental side, so thank you very much for helping me share my story. I really appreciate it a lot, so finally I want you to tell me about Mental state that you experienced when you were taking the drug. What was your mental state? Are you ready to listen to the people? Are you ready to change? Are you aware or do you believe that what you are taking is correct? And you think you're right and the world is wrong? Yeah, I knew it was wrong, I knew it was wrong, but the problem, the problem with heroin was that once I got addicted, the reason why so many people do heroin is because um, it clouds, it clouds everything, it takes away the physical pain and it takes away the mental pain, so when I was addicted, addicted, I was ashamed, I was so ashamed and I had put my family through horrible times when they see me high, I was ashamed.
And I still have that shame today and I always will until the day I die. I will always be ashamed of what I have done, but I will use it in a positive way, but when I was taking drugs, no matter what it was. What was happening around me in my life as soon as I used heroin, no one mattered, no one, not my family, not my friends, not the police, not the government, no one mattered. I was so complacent with my own life, all I wanted was heroin, heroin was my best friend because I once took heroin I wasn't ashamed I wasn't ashamed I didn't have any of those horrible feelings that I would have as soon as I took heroin all that feeling disappeared it was just me and the heroine and my mind was three, the hero and it just put a big cloud, a big cloud over my whole head, all my anxiety, all my mental health issues, um, my anger issues, heroin took all of that away and that's why so many people take the drug because they feel pain. or embarrassed, you know, and they know that once they get their heroin fix, they'll take it off, but of course the downside of that is you know you get addicted, your physical body starts to break down the more you take it. . the physical self is just destroyed and you don't care because all you want is heroin every day, every day, you just know you don't think about family, you don't think about anything else, all you think about is getting your heroin.
And you know, once you take heroin, all that pain goes away and all the physical pain goes away, everything goes away and everything is bliss. If you want, you know your life is amazing, you sit there sleeping, you know your body has you just relax so much because of heroin that you don't think about anything and that's why it's such a dangerous drug, so dangerous for people, because you ignore the rest of your life, you ignore that it is not important, nothing bad. It happens in your life and you have some trauma, some bad things happen in your life, then when you take heroin, they take it away from you, but it's not the answer, you know, it's not the answer because you guys can't do heroin. throughout your life um you're going to die eventually you can't drink so you can't take those types of drugs um the same with alcohol alcohol is legal in this country people drink whiskey every day bottles of whiskey and it's the same if you drink bottles of whiskey every day your body will react in a bad way and you will kill yourself you know it with poison you are poisoning your body but your mind doesn't but your mind doesn't care yes I know it and that's why it's so important to try to help people. people to try to help people get off drugs and get away from alcohol to get away and find find something else in life to focus their energy on something positive um a hobby, a job, um, anything positive, no matter what I mean, as long as it's not drugs, you know you should stay away from it and it's important to try, that's what I want to do, I want to try to help as many people as I can, um. to stop, you know, and I hope I already have a support group on Facebook and I help addicts every day.
I do it, a video in my support group every day and I talk about what we've talked about and I tell everyone. You know, that's taking heroin right now, they're taking heroin now and they're asking me, Paul, please help, and I tell them to join my group and I talk, and I have some members who have been almost eight months drug-free. because I helped because I helped them for eight months without drugs and they have been on drugs for over 25 years. They have been doing drugs and now one of them is one of my friends. He now he has been eight months. drug three like me drug free he has been eight months and has never known his life without drugs he is a teenager he has always been on drugs and now he is drug free because he listened listened to what I had to say um my tips and tricks on how the Mind you, he took it into account and applied it to his own life and it worked and there are many other members that I have in my group that do the same thing.
You know they are reducing fewer drugs every day. day a little less a little less just take a little less every day, you know, and then before long you'll be able to get off so many medications that you could take a lot less medication than when you started and you just have to do a little bit each day and It all adds up, you know, as the weeks and months go by, that adds up and then you can break free, everyone can break free from addiction, um, you just have to want it in your heart, you won't.
You have to want it and you have to open your mind. If you can open your mind and really want a better life away from drugs, you can have it, you can take it, it's there for you and you just have to believe in yourself. I can do it, so that's why I talk, as you've probably noticed, I talk a lot, I talk every day about drug addiction because I want to help you know, and the more I talk on the radio, the more I talk. on social media in the news, you know, the more I share my story, there will be people outside of Scotland, outside of the UK, there will be lucky people who will hear my story and they will, they will break free from addiction.
I hope that's my dream, well that's my identity. 100. Your constructive thoughts will help them do something that will help them in their personal growth. Thank you, yes, thank you very much for giving your valuable time and sharing your experience. I'm sure. uh you know your book reaches a lot of people and your book makes a lot of people do something that works and they definitely won't take heroin or any kind of drug and ruin their lives yeah I hope so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, have you seen any of my previous videos on YouTube?
I haven't, although tonight I'll watch and I'll have my wife, she's going to make tea for me, so I'm going to have something to eat. and then tonight I will go to your YouTube channel and subscribe. I may have already subscribed when I first spoke to you many weeks ago. I think I might have if I haven't and I will tonight. I know I have you on Instagram because that's how we're talking right now and do you have Facebook? Yes I have Facebook. I have facebook. I'll send you my Facebook. And do you do Twitter? Yes, like Twitter?
Facebook. Do you know what you can? If you go through my YouTube uh uh at the end of the video I will put all my social accounts or image and where will all my Facebook Twitter Instagram accounts be and if not, I will send them to you personally. Do you do technology? talk yeah yeah well I will I'll follow you I'll follow you on all your social media and I'll certainly keep in touch with you anyway and I hope you enjoy following my journey yeah and because I put everything on my social media . the whole trip, so when you see me making a movie, yeah, you know, when I'm offstage making a movie and I'm filming and filming for the movie, you'll be able to see it on Instagram and Facebook and stuff, um, yeah, I will do that.
I will send you a friend request on Facebook and I am sure we will be good friends. Yes, I will follow you from now on. I will check out your content and definitely do my best. make people follow you and make people watch your movie at the same time your book your book I want your book to reach more people and uh because for my part I want to tell the world what is good through my YouTube channel I'mdoing the same thing you are doing through your book. I'm doing that through my vocal cord I'm talking to people from different professions who work in different professions trying to say what they're experiencing so one person's experience is completely different from another person's experience but this is the First time I did it, I did it with a person.
I made a video with a person from the army, but your story is very intense. Your story is very inspiring. You know you are a completely different man. You know you are there to inspire people. You are there to create some positivity on this planet. Thank you. zai, thank you, but without people like you helping to share, you know it wouldn't reach, it wouldn't reach the people you know, they would never know who


bogey is, you know that, so, you know, people like me need people. I like you to help share, so what you are doing is also very important.
You know what a very positive thing you are doing, so thank you. At the beginning you said that everything has a purpose, so there is a purpose that the creator made. I want to talk to you and show you through my medium, so yes, there is a purpose for me to talk to you and that is a very good connection. I really love talking to you and connecting with you and I'm sure I'll see your work and I'm sure you'll see my work in the next few days, yeah, and we can always do another update, we can always do another video, you know, yeah, whenever things are starting to get exciting, we can do another one and I can give you an update and yeah, and I'll let you know everything exciting that's happening in my life and yeah, I'll definitely be ready.
I will be ready any time when you say perfect. Can I put this video on my YouTube channel and on my social networks? networks on social networks and on the internet with your permission you share it everywhere my friend you share it everywhere that is what I need that is what I need so that you can share it wherever you want thank you hero I salute you, you know that you are inspiring, you make a lot of people change their way of thinking with your book and with this video, yes, thanks again, amazing, thanks man, thanks again, okay, thanks zai, bye.

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