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Chasing 500 Watts, Big Pelton Turbine

Apr 17, 2024
Alright, Spencer Langston sent me a care package here. Well, this is the package my alternator came in. He sells many of these himself. Yeah, look at that. Ready. I imagine this will have higher efficiency because it has a larger diameter. at a lower rpm and because the larger diameter should be more efficient from a water velocity interaction standpoint right now I have it running at full capacity on both of my brass nozzles, we see that we are getting a little over 400


on average here and I'm going to see if this will give us more efficiency with the same two nozzles.
chasing 500 watts big pelton turbine
I'd like to thank Spencer Langston of Langston's Alternative Power for sending me this in exchange for I'm not exactly sure what I sent him some boosters for. a low head


, so maybe that's it, check it out at Langston, an alternative energy communicator, this is a Pelton runner, by the way, I just measured the voltage at 209 volts, this is limited to two hundred four point six, so it's 209 and the change is fluctuating a few volts, so we'll see what our p.m. is. I guess around 4000 rpm and my RPM gauge here is really grip four and I can hear it from here the snow is actually muffling a lot of the noise yeah and that thing is loud so it's that quick and easy.
chasing 500 watts big pelton turbine

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chasing 500 watts big pelton turbine...

It's to disconnect this first I have the three electrical connections tada seconds mmm disconnect that, very good now I have to connect collect all these accessories and things here that's pretty good now after we run and take my hose which is a bypass for my pen no If it freezes, there's a little more ice there, huh? Will it thaw there? Although now I realized that my votes are on the


and not here, which is fine. I can fix that too. Now I could unplug this and put it here, but. I think the easiest thing will be to just put a lid on here now that's set aside and then this is the easiest thing in the world to just put that on there with the lid and that's it, it's probably thought out enough to keep going here we go and then I grab a concrete block, okay, maybe not the one that has some kind of rubble on top, let's try this one, let's stick this in there and I put a block on it that comes out and then I can turn.
chasing 500 watts big pelton turbine
This is okay, okay, looking at this after a few months of operation, I realized something that's interesting: this spoon here is half broken and then I was spinning it at 3200 rpm and I had a broken spoon, so I'm wondering if It may have broken when one of the 3D printed + Jets I made exploded and probably took it with it and it's been working like that ever since, so this is never my favorite tool, not really, but it works. I have some Loctite in there. it keeps everything from corroding and freezing and then this should come right out come on here we go yeah look at that spoon.
chasing 500 watts big pelton turbine
I can't believe I was having it like this. I feel bad now, but we can see where the other spoons are. and I don't really see any effective wear at all, they may look a little more matte than normal, they're not like a glossy sheen on the inside, but they are a little more flat, matte, like you've seen them polished or bead blasted. for a little trash in the water you know I'm going to put this back here so I don't lose it because this is a very special thread that I couldn't find except in one of all the hardware stores in town. and that hardware store has already closed so I don't know where I could get one of those other than online and we are going to replace this one with this one that has the same spoons but this one is much bigger. we can see that if we line it up here, the diameter is considerably larger.
I think it has a pitch diameter of about 5 inches and this one has a pitch diameter of 8 inches so it should spin much slower and have a lot more torque. more efficient, the only problem is that you don't fit, so I need to build another one of these off camera. I built a new casing here. I'm trying to remove the plastic from this plastic and then it has a haze. Sitting too much on a Bose shield and then I put it in the plywood box that I built and painted and then I connected the turbine alternator to the turbine itself with some spacers, then I install the Jets and then here is an end cap which is a adapter to fit into the existing turbine well, well, reconnecting it should be as easy as disconnecting it.
I hope to do it a little differently and believe this is disconnected. Connect the turbine to the hoses there and then reconnect it. Take that out. out of the way cable out of the way I know exactly where I put my phone I guess that would be fine so I need it to monitor the GoPro so first I guess I need to make sure it fits in the gap and that's it, that's good. I apologize if a lot of this is blacked out and you can't really see that it's going in that direction isn't it and that it should go this way okay, there we go that's on Henry trying to reconnect this looks like it should be fine , let's turn the first one cut the water, eh, yeah, okay, this looks like it should be pretty easy, yeah, there we are good, it's on, okay and they'll check the tightness for everything else, okay, I'll reconnect to electricity now I know I still need to connect them. better and that's on my to do list but I love these Wego connectors for their speed you can plug things in and out very quickly because it's three phase it doesn't matter which wire goes to which the rectifier converts it to DC okay those okay, actually let's turn on the turbine revision 0.2 in another temporary plywood case to verify that the diameter of the runner will be approximately correct by the time it goes to the turbo and a stainless steel casing again, all just temporary, let's see what turns it off, make sure they're both off to start with turn on the water slowly check for some dissolving yeah that looks pretty good now we can turn this on it looks like I'm taking a hit there so I've got some energy coming out of it.
I need to find more loads. Yes, I have more loads. That's a heating pad. There you see that the battery voltage is low enough to send some amps to it. We're at 450.


58 volts, so we've gotten about 50 watts now. I'm curious if perhaps the charge controller isn't best suited for putting a large amount of power into a 12 volt source because this will run up to 48 volts. and I need to get a full 48 volt system. I'm waiting for my friend to hook me up with some used telecom batteries for free, so I haven't done anything with them any further, maybe I'll have to talk to Spencer. about this and I see why the efficiency is not good, I let the bearings heat up and we are over 500 watts

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