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Charles Barkley Galveston, Texas FULL joke

Jun 29, 2024
Carter here by Kenny The Jet Smith what disappointed the Orans where are they going Chuck Gavon that dirty ass water they don't even go we are not even going to send them to Cancun we are going to send them to Gavon with that dirty ass water they will wash on the shore, you guys think you're on the beach, everyone's fine, we, we're going to send you all to C, you'll drive, leave, drive your ass to Gabon, come on, man, come on, them. They didn't even try, man, we're not giving them any tickets to play on the beach, we're sitting there like in Gavon Texas, right with that dirty water washing up on the beach so they can't even get in the water. man Oklahoma City 10 to 85 in the third game is three nothing you saw Ali leforce waiting for a postgame interview and try to win a game otherwise just do it with a bunch of Threes.
charles barkley galveston texas full joke
I'm looking forward to it GIS G, that's what it looks like that's exactly what it looked like down there the Rockets tricked me they told me we were going to the beach for training camp they took me to Gavon you could even go in the water dirty water who latched on to the conversation who was that Beyonce's mom Beyonce's mom Chuck we don't play about Galveston Texas sucks our water it may not be blue but it's still the beach and we love it Jay sent me this yesterday Angie B asked us if we would leave it talk about our city like that, everything's fine, we laugh a lot, so you never know you're going to shock miss miss, I don't want that smoke, I don't want the Beehive and the J out the Chuck, there you know our apologies.
charles barkley galveston texas full joke

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charles barkley galveston texas full joke...

I don't want to be high and J behind me so you like Galviston now it's beautiful we wouldn't go there would you go on vacation? You have an oh hell no, I'm not going on vacation. You have the opportunity to start with a clean slate. Here I tell you something, the water is so dirty, I prefer to go to San Antonio, I prefer to go to San Antonio with those old ladies, no, I'm not going to go, I mean, I want to go to the beach to walk along the river and see those big old ladies walking, you know what, so you know what turns him on, okay, so you know what we're going for, you'd rather go to Chuck San Antonio, that's what they, that's what they've been at Victoria Secret Jack, why? secret because the women down there can't wear those cute underwear they wear bloomers in San Antonio oh my god somehow Vector the secret down there somehow we're going to transition that guy what was he wearing since he was a inflatable um helmet oh the place in gallon don't be a shady beach chyy Wait man what's that? oh, you were there, oh, I had a great time.
charles barkley galveston texas full joke
I said first of all, hey, hey, hey, first of all, I had a great time at the place. on the local Hangouts when we played there when we were there for training camp you just can't go to the beach. I mean everyone was great to me in Gavón, but their beach was so dirty, did they rent? a bicycle, did you really rent a bicycle and leave? Uh no, I could. I walked hey, I remember that place was amazing. I actually went there almost every night, but the beach was still very dirty. That's not my fault, yeah.
charles barkley galveston texas full joke
We, that's where, look at it, that's where the Rockets are, Joseph. I remember that you guys took great care of me in Gavon. I just couldn't go to the beach. He didn't have boots of steel. Put on your boots if you go to that beach in gon, why do you need to steal? Oh, 'cause you know you don't want to ruin my pedicure, my rocks and, oh my God, you, Ste, old sand, dirty sand, oil, come on, you know, I have a Manny, too bad every week I can't ruin the pretty feet, eh, far be it from me to move on, but new customers on FanDuel can follow your

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