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Chaos & Moonshine: The Redneck Rave | Fringes

May 30, 2024
finish the sentence for me the southern


is music of mud and


we are like the southern world of Disney you can do whatever you want without rules here we are going to do what we want to do when I think of a


, I think of it literally sex with drugs and rock and roll, when you advertise it as the biggest southern party in America, you just turn it up to 11. My biggest fear is always that one of my helpers or one of our community members will get hurt. In this type of environment there is going to be some type of incident regardless, I mean, there are people drinking, other things are happening, accidents are going to happen, get them, go get them, someone got impaled, that's a record.
chaos moonshine the redneck rave fringes
Wow, I was at the scene for the impalement. I would. I never got that image out of my head, every major news story covered it, southern rave, descended into


, what the hell, I don't want to expose myself, my kids or my wife to the things I've seen and heard. at this event,


rave, if you got bad vibes it won't be a fun time, but if you just walk in with that smile ready for a jager bomb, we should be ready to go to the


rave, which is billed as the biggest party in the country.
chaos moonshine the redneck rave fringes

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chaos moonshine the redneck rave fringes...

Have you ever been to a place where mud music and chaos are guaranteed? This event happened before, back in June 2021, thousands of people descended on this very rural part of the state and the headlines were dominated by reports of crime, chaos and injuries. Injuries range from a guy with a crushed finger, a slit throat, and a literal impalement just in time is a country rapper, the founder and organizer of redneck rave, quickly announced that there would be another redneck rave in October 2021, that's why we're here to see what the redneck rave will be like this time your destination is on the right well first go to the jeep yeah look how this minivan holds up under the entrance to the blue holler jeep park there is a wrecked car as a warning . hello guys i hope i wore the right shoes i think i see justin oh hello justin it's okay here we go we do it like this wow oh that hurts so much oh you barely stay still this is this for me yes ma'am I assume this is like an iced coffee because it's the eleventh it's a mocha latte jagerbomb hey greetings thank you for inviting us to dance jaeger thank you jagerdan so your job is to see him give you a jagerbomb that's my favorite guy so far no offense no offense no it's okay no no I'm a lot of people's favorite, okay, just by the way, Erica, nice to meet you, Jeff, hey, how are you, man, this is a redneck, this is the day. before the day, so I know last summer thousands and thousands of people showed up, maybe it overwhelmed the area a little bit.
chaos moonshine the redneck rave fringes
Do you think the same number of people will show up? Are you ready if they do? Yeah, so, then. "You're totally prepared for anything, no matter what you do, it's controlled chaos, I mean, you Google, redneck, delirium, the headlines are mass arrests, impalements, uh, someone's throat was slit, quote to the sheriff saying they were overwhelmed, so none of that is true. that's true, yeah, the media tried to do it, you know, make it into something, but it actually excited everyone else to the point that it's like you know, oh my god, people are being impaled, come on, Hey, dars, we're going to an impalement party right now, I swear.
chaos moonshine the redneck rave fringes
Gosh, so it's like one of those things, can you show us around a little bit? Yes, ma'am, go find Jager Danton and bring us more Jager bombs. Hello guys, this is where the security cameras are that we can monitor. everything and then let's say an accident happens there was a pr the guy was impaled by the log he was really impaled by many why did you do that he was impaled no he was 100 traveling behind someone else and then the person in front of him kicked a log and as he was riding it went through him from side to side and it was like in his stomach but he survived, he survived, but like they took out part of his small intestine, large intestine, he lost his um, what is it?
That thing here in the appendix, his old lady was like she was so happy about how quickly we got there because those trails are 1700 acres, you get lost very easily, but we got there in about seven minutes. The southern rave takes place on private land, so local authorities. I can't come in unless you call them. Sheriff Doyle patrols this rural part of Kentucky, so he went to talk to him about what happened last year. I was at the impalement scene at the time. Nobody was well. I mean, no. Well, I see crazy things all the time and I don't want to see that I'll never be able to get that image out of my head.
What is your biggest fear for the next few days? Well, my biggest fear is always that one of my helpers or one of our community members or one of our visitors is going to get hurt or killed. I feel like some of these people are disrespecting our community when they come in with the idea of ​​"I'm going to go, I'm going to drink as much as I do." they can drink and smoke or ingest whatever else they want to partake in and then drive their 4 wheeler through narrow rough terrain with reckless abandon oh jager thank you very much thank you man jagerman I appreciate it oh these are dangerously good thank you we have We have to go to the caves, that's where we're going now, what's our vehicle because we have a minivan, but you're not going to get there, okay, the redneck rave takes place in the middle of a remote ATV park. , there is an open field for racing, parties and mud. swamps, a small concert stage, food vendors, frontier burgers, and miles of off-road trails that lead deep into the Kentucky woods, so I'm usually not going to lie, we hit these trails at about 50 miles per hour, like this. that that was from the last race and Now it's a landmark so these are the caves yeah one of them oh my gosh the terrain as we were driving was like some kind of muddy pass for us and all of a sudden We enter this beautiful cavern, where are we?
Now it's called a sand cave, okay, for obvious reasons, it has sand in it, yes, and it's a cave. Wow, is this a redneck shower? Yeah, okay, so when you run out of wipes, yeah, you just walk in there and you're like now. just a handful of us here what it's going to be like for the next few days this is going to be completely packed next to each other you're going to see some fall in there controlled chaos yeah it turns out I mean I know it's going to be some chaos, madness, mud and mayhem, but right now it's very peaceful and very nice, it's the first day the southern rave people started showing up and camping outside yesterday and I'm not sure what to expect but it rained last night so at least the mud part will be guaranteed Look at these cars, they are covered in mud, I feel like a fool in this minivan.
Today I changed my clothes because I was shamed for wearing Robin Hood boots, so I have my mud boots, not men's people. I like to go out and do something four-wheeled and make money here. Redneck Cemetery. It's one for all. You know everything by yourself. It's just that you have fun. You just know that you can go anywhere. You can do whatever you want. because yeah, we're doing it as a piece at the redneck rave, so is this your first time here? Yes, and how have you been doing so far? Oh, it's so funny, Justin was last night, uh, you're going to talk about what we did, we showed up.
BB guns and I had a good time drinking bottles You know he's the life of the party Do you like redneck delirium? It's probably the best thing I've ever done, but everyone is respectful of what color you are, we don't understand the redneck delusion. We just work hard and play hard, that's all, this is man, there's some symbolism here with some of these flags, he's a redneck, a brave politician. I would say that in a sense we have more suitable people, but we have people who come here. and they had a rainbow rebel flag where it was, you know they were like two lesbian couples and the other day when you come here, you can find a professional of this flag or a professional of that flag, you know, the rebel flag has always been predominant in what we've been doing and you know people have their views on it, you can be like my DJ and don't really mess with that flag, Joseph and I are brothers, but we have different mothers and we are different colors.
I haven't been through all that, so when he told you about redneck raves, what did you think of the first two raves? I really didn't go. You know what I say once, I mean, you have people who fly the rubber flag that I had. To get over it, Justin used to tell me all the time you just gotta come, you just gotta come, man, and that's what I did when I first came to the redneck race, I saw people with Confederate flags and stuff and, See the way they did it, they hugged me. and it's like they're not that bad, you know what I'm saying, so I tell people that they treat me better than everyone else, you know, I mean, I don't know if it's because I'm the black one or whatever, but They treat me very well, I tell people to fly the flag, I mean, do what you want to do, but if you Google the rebel flag, the confederate flag, or the Ku Klux Klan, that's their main flag, do you think?
What can you wear redneck? rave platform to educate people that's why camp wakanda is here redneck ray it was like my biggest platform to bridge the gap i asked you about your outfits look what camera this is camp wakanda what kind of camp is it for the justin dj he is very strong in the blm movement but also at the same time he is strong in his beliefs but also understands the concept that everyone should live their own life. Everyone automatically links the word redneck to racism and that's not necessarily all, for some reason racism seems to play a role in what people think of rednecks it's not like there are all races here there there there is yeah okay , mainly white, but it's not racism, it's not racism, I wish that would go away, I think we all wish it would go away and get out of people's heads, how would you define a redneck? and let's say you get a flat tire it's raining on the road on the side of the road everyone is still going to pass you but it's going to be that redneck with a damn shotgun hanging on the back window with a rebel flag sticker on the bumper and he's going to shoot there and change your tire in the middle of a damn storm, those are the people that come to the redneck party, if you do something wrong, they'll punch you in the mouth, but at the same time they'll help you back up and give you a beer, that man ended my life you're a southern city boy all the way city boy yes ma'am one hundred percent I was born in uh fort wayne indiana my father is a marine so we moved around a lot like when I was I was definitely a kid, you know, I liked hanging with the wrong crowd and I was young and dumb and I was out there while and but I was adopted by all these redbecks, they accepted me for what I was wow wow for sure, cheers again imagine getting a college degree and you're here drinking with a city boy, redneck, with Jagger pumps, on a dirty couch, where there are definitely 17 people.
Wow, thank you very much. I knew there was going to be some drinking at the Redneck rave, but it was a non-stop free party. flow with everyone fast to offer me a drink oh wow stan is coming again this is stinky


, is it strong? yes, okay, your dad made this


, yes, to your father, yes, cheers, we're here to have fun, break things and go home, it's definitely a I'm going to say vacation, but being so close to me home, I'm going to say staycation, it's close. I'm not leaving the state, you know, yeah, what are you getting away from?
What is your vacation? Our son actually has chemo or a brain tumor that he does weekly chemo treatments for and he has a lot going on and I know he's the one dealing with it but you know the parents have a lot to go through too so that this is our way of take a break, you know we take care of the kids, but we can only let go of what you've provided just in time to the southern community. I would say it's just a place to escape where you can be yourself, but you won't be. judged by your looks or how much you earn or something like that you know if you come here you will not only meet new people but they will also become friends and then friends will become family and when they come here they will just know that I will have a great time when I started , I didn't know what the hell I was doing, I was a single dad, we went through the trenches, there was no house, there was no home, like I got 29 bucks to buy a double cheeseburger and You know, let him eat the whole damn thing and I'm leaving to sleep with my stomach growling, basically crying myself to sleep because you know I'm being a bad parent at that point in life and it was the southern rave that changed all that?
Like, well, yeah, it was night, night and day. I've been making music for about 12 or 13 years. He was quite known for organizing parties. I'm the guy who charged you five dollars to come to an apartment party. Beganliterally just the day. a friend saying you should throw a mud bog i was like what's a mud bog he's like man people show up and they hit a mud hole and break his man i was like people pay to go with no expectations and man it just took off from there, all of a sudden, you know, I went from nine to five to thousands of people showing up and walking into Arby's it was like they didn't serve damn burgers anymore, this got to the redneck rave chaos part and like Our minivan didn't stand a chance, we hitchhiked side by side to start performing, hundreds of people had gathered to raise an extremely steep rock face known as the 1k hill, the crowd was excited as the two sides tried.
To get to the top, you got the don't be a and finally there was a winner, but it came at a little cost, I know. Some of the chaos is inherently maybe like some danger, I guess it's elements or I think that's what it gives you. People like it, but the danger is always worth it, even if it can sometimes end horribly, you never want to see anyone hurt, obviously that's not a good thing. You know, when you go out here and you're going side by side and you're dealing with machines and you go out and hit the wall, unfortunately accidents happen and we can't. control everything as you could potentially you're up we're heading to the sand cave where the after party is it's a rave happening in a cave my man ray here who's taking us ray are you excited for the rave absolutely what do you think we're going to do? see in the late night redneck delirium, a lot of wheat and a lot of tits, be my guest, my goodness, I hope your guest is right, so it looks like we've hit a little traffic jam on the way to the rave cave, check this out. traffic jam behind us and everyone wants to get to this cave so we can finally get to the rave part of the southern rave yeah you're coming it's up you're in right here in just a second oh my god we.
We're here, we're in the cave, so we finally got to the cave after hitting a slight traffic jam on the way out, but we made it look like Jager, Dan, it's you, Dan, I just wanted to say that I feel like you. You're the real hero of this weekend, at least in my eyes, so I'll try to do it, Jager Dan, you misspelled, but yeah, regards, regards, good job, who would you go to? Thank you very much, fight filled with nothing but liquor and beer. tits cocaine whatever you want tobacco you had fun although I had a really great time everyone has been very very friendly so we went to the cave party mostly just people hanging out drinking and dancing we saw some people fighting there crowded around a fire because it's actually really cold it's like 50 degrees outside it's getting late I'd like to go home but unfortunately that's our trip, they're literally trying to dig it out of a mud hole, buy another one, one next to the another, success, yeah, lightning bolt, uh We can get out of the cave, a perfect ending to the redneck delirium.
Are you afraid that the bigger you are, the more attention you might attract certain levels of similar negativity that will affect the success of this? You're welcome, I appreciate it, I mean, at the end of the day. I've had a lot of big corporations want to sponsor me and I said, hey, Justin, you just shouldn't have the rebel flag symbolism, like, can you do this and that?, and I tell each and every one of them to do it because At the end of the day, the people who sat here and did what redneck is and who changed my life and changed my family's life are supposed to just take that and throw it in the trash even though maybe not be their cup of tea, but If you just walk in there and you might not know what to expect, but if you do it with an open mind, then you will realize that you might be accepted by people that you would never think would accept you outside of this group. in particular.
I think the redneck rave would one day be as big as uh, what's that they throw at Coachella? Yes, like a big festival. I'm proud to come to the redneck rave and let people know how I feel about certain things, let people know that we can shake hands now. Now we can eat together, all you have to do is try to be a light in someone else's life, Sheriff Doyle, good afternoon, good to see you again, hello, okay, thanks, how was the redneck rave? It was not the apocalypse we expected yet. It was a very stressful weekend but everyone is safe, everyone is alive.
It was someone who was suffering from some seizures. I think once they took an ammonia tablet out of him and woke him up, he insisted that he didn't want to leave the party so he could see the prints. here a stack of papers saying the citation is as of this weekend all of these citations are just from the last three days we arrested four different people for driving under the influence over the weekend and served three warrants and probably the biggest drug bust we've had in the history of our department, oh wow, it was cannabis, how much did you end up seizing?
The best estimate right now is around 75 pounds, which is extremely significant for this area, so we seized all that stuff that seemed to break your soul when we took All Your Stuff, do you foresee a future where Winston County and Redneck Rave can they cooperate? I guess when it comes to Redneck Rave, I mean, I hope we can get along. That's my goal as sheriff, is to accommodate everyone who comes. in the county, the nature of this event tends to bring undesirable behavior in my opinion, but we will handle it well, it is officially a summary of the southern rave, people welcome me with open arms and we have a good time, I'm still leaving to recover from that party in the cave, so I have to go take a nap on the Chevy boat and you know what's there for the show.

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