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Apr 29, 2024
is that Caesar with a cat look this is me with a cat that's what it takes to be a pack leader I have the look I have snakes Durant a scorpion and she had one and now I'm holding a cat I'm moving forward in life people if I can change everyone can change Hey guys we're back with the vogs everyone looking forward to connection communication relationship let me introduce you to my back we have Nikita here uh making sure it's all the good angles being taken Careful, all memories are preserved because we move on in life and the back of the camera in front of me is Peter Peter is in charge of making sure you guys get the connection communication because he is in charge of social media on to my left we have Andre Andre and in the middle we have Arriana Ari Ariana and to my right we have Kaylee with our new pack member a new first cat in this pack honestly that's great news. for us, especially for me, because I wasn't a cat lover, it's not that I didn't like cats, but I just didn't know how to be with cats, but I think this cat is magical, so that's what I know. remains and, of course, we have. six different species walking with us, the herd right now is exploring the moment and as you can see all the animals are in what I like to call trust, respect, love, they feel safe, they feel at peace, they feel the love , we all move on. together as a family, which is exactly what a better human being, a better planet, is how we can all animal lovers move as one, we have learned to agree to the same formula, the same rituals and commit with them, right?
cesar millan the cat whisperer new merch ranch vlogs 1
I think we can do this if everyone learns to connect, communicate, have a relationship, let me show you my Caesar Ranch, what's new in your life, what's new in our lives right now, we have some good news because we're about to finish 24 episodes, amazing, biggest challenge ever, it's always good to challenge yourself, because that's the only way you can grow and of course now we have new


andise, we have new


andise because I want people wear merchandise that reminds them of what they like about the TV show, they should be like me. I get a good feel for the


, so if I walk you through the


you're going to, I'll tell you that the ranch is beautiful, structured, clean and this part of the ranch reminds me of Costa Rica or this part of the ranch reminds me of Japan. and the reason is because I want that part of the world to send me the energy that I need, everything I need to stay connected, so, for example, Adriana is wearing the pack leader's hoodie, so as soon as I use, you know.
cesar millan the cat whisperer new merch ranch vlogs 1

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You're going to walk the dog like noble silence calm trust love and joy do the pack walk uh make sure you follow the rules for limitations once you carry that position of being the leader of the pack it's Direction protection love that you have to maintain yourself at the highest level of loyalty leadership love and life, so it's not just about wearing the jacket or not just wearing the clothes. I want clothes to have meaning because I believe that if we remember what we are supposed to do or embody what we are supposed to do better for humans, a better planet is the right outcome, so here we have Cal Cali in stripes Confident.
cesar millan the cat whisperer new merch ranch vlogs 1
Calm vibes and that only speaks of energy. I always talk about energy. You know, the energy, the philosophy, the very calm action. It's very important for confidence to move forward, to calm down and to be confident, so it's different ways of talking to the people you meet so that people can feel that the merchandise that I'm putting there is to remind ourselves of what is supposed to be doing and Andre Andre is using no touch, no talk, no eye contact, we had a dog named Murphy and we called him Murphy's Law and this and this, no touch, no touch, eye contact is for everyone dogs that are behind the back. especially for the dogs that are at the back of the pack, continue no touching, no talking, no contact, those dogs are the most sensitive members of the pack and they will definitely, they will definitely appreciate that we all understand how to be with them, no contact, without a dog, no. contact let the dog come to you let him smell let him feel your energy let him gain your trust you gain trust earn respect and then you give him that beautiful gift called love so don't touch don't talk don't my contact and of course I'm using to the pack leader first, the one who has to wear the pack leader hat is the one with the cat and we have to make sure we listen, we are making this cat the pack clean up everything P, okay, so in a I'm going to have cat merchandise for a moment, but until then we'll make sure Cali uses the lead from behind.
cesar millan the cat whisperer new merch ranch vlogs 1
No, he's a little bigger than your head. Okay, and now your job is to show the leader behind. Behavior. Uh, well, you can, you can walk. this guy oh this is amazing to me this is seeing a cat between a goat and a llama and a donkey like not even the donkey is like what is this new species doing here okay let's go for a walk let's go for a walk it's well, so even the llas require calm and confidence, they need to follow someone who does not belong to our environment, so it is very important that we provide direction protection and then the rest will follow us all.
We all know that whoever wears the leader hat behind and we all just go back and just imitate and support, that's what it looks like to be the practice leader, walk calmly and confidently, without hesitation, continue to move forward no matter what you have position. you or those around you, what are you doing on the ranch? um, we can meet all the needs of all the animal species around us and they are all more or less the same, we follow, we play, we explore, we trust, we respect and we love, well, I am one of the animal care, um employees here, I helped take care of all the animals including these beautiful farm animals here, the dogs, the birds and every day I learn something new about myself, about the animals, about nature and yes, I really enjoyed my time here, the best thing ever I could do.
What I've learned so far is to take the time to connect with myself, you know, take the time to learn about my own emotions and process them because when I'm not calm and secure I can't pack up. I take care of everything. Animals, from farm animals to birds, dogs and reptiles, turtles, not reptiles, um, and my job is to take care of their physical, physical, mental and their health so that the new rear leaders are no longer just dogs, they are no longer just humans. We include all animals that can legally be with us, so being a pack leader means direction protection love means we will hold you to the highest level of honesty and loyalty.
You must live in the moment and be happy every second of your life. because that's the quest, it's just the fact that we have life is something that animals, uh, you can always feel how happy they are every day just because they have the opportunity to live and secondly, you know you have to be a responsible human being and human being is about providing direction and protection, not just love, not just water, food and shelter, which is very important, we also want to keep your high level of awareness on when to give love because I think a lot of Sometimes people give love at the wrong times and fortunately they end up fueling the wrong behavior and also we will keep you at the highest level of creativity because when you don't have money or you don't have a platform or you don't have money Fame and power your creativity, allowing you to go beyond what is an obstacle at that moment, good spirit, good instincts, good heart and good mind, that is exactly what a pack leader is all about and that includes all animals, could you hold the cat, would you do it? do it right Cesar hold on he's not going yet Cesar it's time to do it Cesar look he's there I know oh no with the shirt do you want to hold his leash what you want is that Cesar with a cat look this is me with a cat that's what I know need to be a backup leader I hold look I hold snakes tarantulas a scorpion and she had one and now I'm holding a cat I'm moving forward in life people if I can change everyone can change come here kitty first time I've touched a cat in my life oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god wait he holds me like I'm a tree don't touch me with your hand look at that first cat in my life there's a the war goes on yeah wow kitty that's right wait , it's a big bird, a big bird, come here, cat, wow, like a mountain lion, we go like a cougar, so don't touch, don't talk, contact, absolutely, um, it's for all dogs because I think All dogs should deserve this no touch, no talk, no, no contact approach.
I think all dogs deserve no touch, no talk, no contact, especially dogs you don't know or dogs that have become very excited. I absolutely recommend that you remember the ritual of no touching, no talking, no eye contact, but it is very important for dogs that are back in the pack or very shy dogs, very sensitive dogs, very nervous dogs, very fearful dogs, the entire canine world will appreciate that we humans adopt this formula of don't touch, don't talk, no. eye contact, especially for the back of the pack, but the front and middle of the pack will absolutely appreciate it, especially if you don't know them, never approach a dog you don't know, you should assess and evaluate the energy the dog has. dog. feel wait patience wait for the dog to come to you practice do not touch do not talk do not make eye contact claim your space do not feel nervous do not feel tense do not feel excited feel silence calm trust love and joy and that will solve many problems calm Vibes trust move forward that means calm confidence but also a different way of saying it this is comb confidence advance simply allows us to practice different ways of communicating with people we want to encourage people if you hold a bird if you hold a llama if you are surrounded by dogs and how you can achieve how you can achieve this beautiful harmonious moment and this beautiful place that we call the Dog Psychology Center It is Magic we have to create Magic we can make magic together but it is a formula there are rituals and symbols to achieve it, so the general objective of the merchandise is that Let's agree, commit and move forward as one human race with the purpose of all animals being happy, healthy, loving and new memories.
We cannot not recognize the right to the land because the land provides security peace love trails familiarity you know this this is our home this is where we help dogs this is where we rehabilitate dogs this is where we teach humans here It's where people come and take TCW and what's the reason for TCW? Well, for me TCW should be one, two, three, TCW, one, tcw2, tcw3 and we teach you about energy, we teach you about philosophy, we teach you about right actions and when I say community, they are not just humans, they are also animals , then these animals. they are the way we walk they are part of my community it is part of CS training it is part of uh trust respect love as part of the rules man limitations they embody exactly what we teach so when people come here and see this so beautiful Dynamic this beautiful moment, this beautiful interaction, they come to understand it because you cannot understand, you cannot understand that from the soul, from your instincts until you get to the DPC, take the C training in the way of this beautiful community, okay, so let us know what you think on the blog send us what you want to learn what I want to teach is connection communication relationship I'm going to teach about energy philosophy actions and I'm going to take all the questions you have and we're going to make sure you learn what you need to learn to become the leader of the pack.
See you soon, guys. I hope you enjoyed the video. Make sure you like, subscribe, comment and join me on my mission for better humans, a better planet.

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