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Jun 03, 2021
Thank you foreigners John, it is my pleasure to speak with you, members of the CBS Affiliate Advisory Board, in the next few minutes. I'll try to give you an informal report on CBS's film production activities on the west coast here in Hollywood, two production centers. owned by CBS Television produces a high percentage of the programs seen on our network. You've already had a rundown of activity at Television City and here at CBS Studio Center we produce movie programs for CBS representing a total of 164 hours of programming for the network. The network produces these shows, it takes all the combined skills of hundreds of people.
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I know that when the program is a success, the program executives get most of the credit, but the fact is that the craftsmen and technicians are just as responsible for a successful program as anyone else. For example, take the drama show, for every good scene you see on the air, there are probably at least a couple just like it that went wrong for one reason or another. The director keeps filming takes until he gets a good one, then it's up to the film's editor. to choose the best shot and edit it into the image to show you what the movie editor has to deal with.
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We have collected some films from the floor of The Cutting Room. These are sayings you will never see on television. First, the common Garden variety. This is what happens when an actor doesn't remember his lines. I thank you for your insight and with love, don't doubt for a moment that this public servant is going to give those fine verbal and diverse tributes. I advise you to leave the city on the next plane. , then you want to continue without a toe, we'll handle it fine, one more report of problems and that's the end of the honey, you bet your ass, Mr.
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Please, I've never stepped out of line with you in my life, sometimes There comes a time for everything. I would like to do that line again many years ago, Weiserman and I decided to try to eliminate the causes of injustice and inequality from this world of the arts, that was a big drink, well, now this simply cannot be done. be the only saloon and busy little Dodge City got it, you didn't pay for your drink in his own twisted and distorted lexicon, he calls it Faith, Strength, Truth, but in a moment, Peter Vollmer will apply his, but I miss your fork and I take it. there and push down on the meat so you have a nice host hood and then just run your knife down, that's all you have to do, have the song there, yeah, that's good, that's what you're doing well there, I mean, am I okay?
cbs outtakes bloopers
I'm dead, look, I got a bite too, okay, the man I want is a cattle driver after he left Tulsa, he headed west to Texas and joined a herd on the damn trail. I don't remember that son's name, where is your? evidence that he is right, he does not provide approved problematic words, the words were the evidence where it was approved, he is right paddling, you never proved anything, what are the words, well that is worthy evidence, he is right, you did not bring any evidence . Highland to make your line again, please put your hands. down the evidence where is the proof that he is right Paladin you did not bring any evidence nothing more than second-hand accusations that is what happens when memory does not work now sometimes the actor knows his lines perfectly but the setting or the props behave bad then this is what can happen Marcia I there is nothing for her, thank you, okay, let's go, but he goes fishing for more than three or four days, he arrives last night and he gets up and comes back this morning and Joe, I bought a little coffee here.
I have to kill you right now, you killed. he pulls out his wrench, well Marshall, I want to thank you for all your help, sure, and by the way, the way I'm giving you credentials, I could have Anita, oh, sure, you better come with me. Doc cuts and presses save, okay, go ahead if I do it. start screaming, just hit me with a piece of wood or something, you might want to start screaming, Marshall, but I bet you don't. Oh, once again, now a good actor can learn his lines and the prop man can make sure all the props are made. are working, but no one can doubt an animal, no offense to Mr.
Ed, but here in a western series we have our share of problems with horses, as you'll see in a minute, even live shows like Red Skelton aren't immune to these. four-legged bugs you are beautiful and your faith is beautiful but sometimes the essence of beautyism agility insect bear is not a good place to test it are you afraid of a test oh sister and take care of that and take a good look at her, where is my horse? on a rope hell hello could i ever talk hell Kelsey what did you say young man? I'll take it easy young man I'm harmless oh you're harmless I'm glad to meet you I'm clean my name is JP Rock Bar no joke say he's a very pretty cow he ain't no piece of meat to you boy that's a nice cow, not only does she give you milk cake, good morning, do you think of that colored ghost, stop improvising, where are your manners?
Anyway, on top of that you have bad breath, you know it well, sir, as they say it's psychiatry, get it out of your system. Well, there you have some examples of what can go wrong during the making of a television program due to the genius of the film editor who does everything. comes directly onto your home TV screen through clever scene cropping and clever use of sound effects and music. The movie editor can do amazing things when putting together a movie story. The editor is sometimes the most creative member of the production team. Take, for example, the dramatized commercial and we know the strong policies of television broadcasters on alcohol advertising, but in the hands of an ingenious film editor it is surprising how subtly the message can be integrated into a television program if needed. proofs, 90 proofs, here it is.
What I mean is that you feel tired and sluggish, is life getting you down? Do you have trouble making friends? Then taste the new drink, the feeling of the old happiness. Yes, today's Smart Set enjoys the soft goodness of old happiness. Terry Plant. All happiness is carefully prepared under strict supervision. from the master chemists and the old happiness now comes in the practical disposable bottle without deposit and without return try the old happiness and you will really go places, do things, join the swing of all the happiness and you will be surprised at the new and interesting friends you you will choose Recently, our inquisitive journalist went out to talk to people like you, you hear what they say about old happiness, what do you say?
I say yes 54 40 or 5 because of that good feeling that people rely on old happiness why is this man confident and selfish? -sure because he is loaded, that's why this woman is a social leader Lady, don't you think that old happiness adds an air of elegance wherever sophisticated people meet a real lady? Yes, the thoughtful hostess. The old happiness of the poor is the perfect refreshment for today's relaxed and leisurely way. of life once you start enjoying the old happiness you will say that this is real living, except that there are no substitutes. The old happiness is now available at your friendly neighborhood snack headquarters, where good friends gather.
Get the old happiness today. Now you think about that now because this is Twilight. In conclusion, I would like to pay a personal tribute to all the creative people who created our shows. I know that as an actor, I can rest easy knowing that I will always look and sound better because of these Geniuses, these men are The Wizards of The Cutting Room. I explicitly trust the character Matt Dillon. These behind-the-scenes craftsmen are the unsung heroes of our industry, so to the editors, the sound cutters, the music men, and to you, CBS affiliates, a toast. Foreigner, this is CBS television, oh God, damn it.

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