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Catching Predators on Roblox

Jul 01, 2024
the wall like, oh my god, I'm just going to walk there, you have to go in first. I'm nervous, do you want to go first? Can you go in first? I see it there, it's inside, oh. OMG, oh, oh, OMG, hello, skull emojis, oh my, buddy, what brings you to the cabin? Spider-Man, even better, wait a minute, even bro wants to do it with Chris Hansen, that's crazy, oh no, no, bro, oh my god, the tables have. It turned hey, no, don't run, no, don't run, no, okay, uh, I think we have to crash it. I'm here to interview you. destructive path that Spider-Man followed and this capture is a true testament to how famous can really corrupt you, speaking of corrupt people, you are about to witness the most disturbing capture we have had throughout this entire series.
catching predators on roblox
This capture is so graphic that I recommend clicking on this video. If these things really bother you before starting a game with Spider-Man. I messaged a Roblox condo on Discord. On this server, they have a channel called Partners. I sent a message there that didn't mention my age and within 25 minutes I received a message from a user named Nick before I got to what he sent me in my Discord profile bio. I actually said I was 15 and Nick caught me. Let's get to that real quick Hello princess, that pretty little body of yours is so bored, I bet she could use some help.
catching predators on roblox

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M I'm pretty bored, I bet you're that needy little 15 year old of yours, B, I'm probably craving it. I'm cutting. the TTS there after that disgusting message I simply responded with maybe he responded that there is no need to feel triggered with dad. I'll make sure you feel good. Get that warm, tingly feeling inside. Just trust dad and do EX L while he says. The messages after this point are so disturbing that reading even the following lines could result in this video being removed from YouTube. This conversation continued, although to Pages this is the person your parents were afraid you would meet as a child.
catching predators on roblox
This is the person your parents did everything they could to protect you without even joining the game. Cowa and I knew we were talking to a grown adult trying to groom what he believed to be a minor after I sent him the game. This quickly evolved into the most disturbing capture I have ever seen. i've had on this channel oh he's here he's literally here oh my god he's coming in yeah he's here oh he's leaving he's going straight to hello oh my god his name is Derek on Roblox but his Discord account is called Nick, for some reason, could I? join R now, when Nick ended up joining the game he mistook my friend for me and we ended up following the game.
catching predators on roblox
I just said, I just realized, uh, no girl says that, can you hear me? Oh, is that her voice? speaking on voice chat, friend, we don't have voice chat enabled. I'm too young for voice chat, only 13. Okay, okay, okay, you can just watch, I want to start, okay, she's saying, I can just watch, I'm literally like sneo. Right now I know you're already feeling frisky girl, oh my god, why don't you bend over this sink? Okay, um, here I just go, I'm going to go and then I'm going to get well, get ready, three, two, one. right now cow cow where are you oh there you go hello why not me not oh why don't you take a seat what brings you here today I'm here to meet a girl that's all that's all back and forth touching up where you met her just one friend, she is my niece, can you explain the messages you sent to your niece?
It's all Photoshop, where are the cameras? What do you mean I went to see your cute little face when I said my oh me? I'm going to have to censor that, bro, but yeah, he said you said that to your niece, yeah, yeah, what I find interesting is that usually up to here in a screenshot, you'd at least see them try to put some kind of excuse for this guy. Although he took a completely different path, it's almost like he was trying to meme his way out of this situation, but this behavior continued for a minute and he didn't really respond at all, so we decided to go ahead and have the cow show him around. . the sting house oh my god this guy is actually this one say who is he he's my idol it's like you're just saying that bring him to the favorite to the favorite he's really like you oh do you know who he is?
I wouldn't know I think you know Derek, who he is, oh okay, uh, I think he knows who he is, oh my god, dude, not only is this guy a predator, but he's also trying to say nothing is out. discussion for this guy, it's not even funny like that. guy who actually tried to do weird things, ask him how old he is, I just don't care what his answer is, this is an adult here, I'm 17, I'm going to jail sir, I'm pretty sure this person here he lies about his age. They were very obsessed with the decoy being 15 years old.
The messages that were sent were incredibly degenerate and worst of all I was okay with an 8th grader participating in this while he would have been a high school senior I call it absolute nonsense I mean I think that you need to talk to Young Thug Young, this is Young, I told you no, explain, no, how is Derek going to explain himself to Young Thug3? Would he be crazy if we put him in? Discord and talked to him in a voice chat, no, let's do it, look, would you be willing to call Young Thog? Just say that right now.
I think Young Thog needs to step in right now. What do you think, Derek, would you mind talking? with me Young Thug is officially stepping in guys you are seeing this first hand specifically through voice chat. Luckily I can't do that Miss, I don't want to wake up my family just listen to me at least sure, okay give them your Discord friend, this is so stupid I can't, oh dude, you just left the game, wait. I still have his Discord tag so you can use it, so after he left, I sent my friend his Discord tag and he created a new Discord account. named Jeffrey with a photo of Young Thug is a profile photo, he ended up accepting it a little later and the conversation goes like this: why did you do what you did?
What do you mean by being specific? I'm Young Thug. Oh, please stop saying this. I'm just a weirdo stop texting me please if possible after this interaction my friend did something crazy yeah yeah let's talk to him let's really confront him. What are you doing with the young bully? Who do we have here? I'll call you. netherex hello guys, you have too much free time, do you know who I am? I'm going to do something useful, weird, add it right now, here it goes, add it again, add it again, no, I'm not going to let this monster get away without me calling it.
We asked him this, we confronted him directly about the messages he said and said: being with a 15-year-old and being 17, being a predator. I already said that this guy is most likely lying about his age. I literally told him to show it to me. proof that you are as old as you are, this would be an incredibly easy thing to prove, but to no one's surprise, he ignored that what's up with your ad homonym attacks, literally bro, how are you trying to turn this on us? You are a predator. I've been praying constantly after the miners exactly, we caught him twice, literally just seconds ago, what happened to you?
You tried to play an active role with the person we met earlier. I can't stand them calling you because he found out you're from Agee, bro. It's like getting a job, well you were going to catch a Roblox, he go do something with your life, okay, we'll be removed from the group chat. Well, oh, that's going to be the last one I have in the video, that's perfect, that's perfect. This video has been in development for about 3 months and at the time of posting, Roblox moderation had hit an all-time low. Roblox thinks this is appropriate for kids while it isn't and literally gave moderation to the person who made this this week.
In fact, Discord has announced official integration with Roblox despite hosting a massive black market of gambling and condo communities all related to Roblox, not to mention also Discord's huge problem with Predators, people have started to abuse the reporting form that I talked about at the beginning of this video, people like PGC. On Twitter they have fostered communities to harass different YouTubers, including crecraft and Shark Blocks, in addition, rogue members of the Roblox completion community have targeted several Roblox influencers, including me. My Roblox account was deleted, but I managed to recover it in a few days. Roblox needs to refocus its moderation efforts towards those who truly deserve it despite informing all the people featured in today's video, only two of the accounts were banned even though all of them should have been canceled, this unfair moderation and inconsistent has allowed a safe haven for


to grow on Roblox and it is only getting worse every day while some people do everything they can to disrupt this community, there is only so much that individuals can do.
I think it's pretty crazy to go from my childhood memories of playing Armor Patrol on ROBLOX after getting home from school with friends to an account trying to sell me illegal material in 2024, what really happened to this innocent black man who has been dragging green Lego cats in the fifth installment of to catch a Robloxian.

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