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Catching A Serial Predator That Targets Young Women | FBI Files | Real Responders

May 04, 2024
In Kokomo, Indiana, an unsinkable crime terrified residents. A


woman disappeared, apparently kidnapped after several days of searching. A former FBI profiler narrowed the list of suspects to one. Some detectives followed the trail across state lines in hopes of finding the victim before time ran out. and a broken mosquito net for all that was left to tell authorities what happened to a woman in Indiana. The 21-year-old victim was kidnapped from her home on a bright spring morning. She seemed to have no


enemies. There was no clear reason. Jim Calstrom, leading the FBI's New York office on a kidnapping case, every second counts.
catching a serial predator that targets young women fbi files real responders
This case was riddled with false leads and dead ends, each of which used up valuable time as officers raced to find the victim. Late spring 1998, Howard County, Indiana, rural Midwest agriculture. The region was already enduring its first heat wave of the season. Non-farmers stayed inside to avoid the heat. Hello Anita Woldridge, 21, went one of them to have lunch with her grandparents and her boyfriend before her shift at work. late in a shipping company. company her boyfriend was supposed to pick her up around noon thanks I have to leave around 12 30 Anita's mother returned home from work she was surprised to see her daughter's boyfriend standing outside the car was gone but it wasn't like him daughter to miss an appointment or to leave the garage door my mother also noticed that the screen on the kitchen window that led to the garage had been removed maybe someone had entered the house the front door was open Anita was not around nowhere Anita Anita in the kitchen Mrs.
catching a serial predator that targets young women fbi files real responders

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catching a serial predator that targets young women fbi files real responders...

Wooldridge saw blood on the kitchen table and on the floor, oh my God, yes, she called 9-1-1. Howard County Sheriff's Chief Detective Steve Rogers responded I don't know if any of us knew exactly what we had at the time, we just knew. we had some very suspicious circumstances we had what appeared to be possibly forced entry as the screen had been removed and some blood indicated there may have been a violent act the detective issued an APB for Anita and her blue sedan and a team was called coroner's office that included offices from the nearby city of Kokomo.
catching a serial predator that targets young women fbi files real responders
Technicians recorded the scene while the evidence was still fresh. They recovered blood from the kitchen, but could not determine if it was from Anita without a sample from the missing girl found in the garage. They had been forced out through the kitchen window Investigators dusted the area for Prince None of those who were picked up yielded any clues Detectives interviewed Anita's parents to learn more about their daughter They described her as a responsible


woman who had a stable job and would never break her plans without calling we had a missing person who was responsible and would not have run away we simply did not find anything in our interviews with the Witnesses speaking with family members that Anita had some problem at home that would have simply been gone without any explanation ok, i think that's something interesting, this piece will make 52 layers viewable on mobile devices or the big screen, all free, no subscription required, download vlee now the detective questioned anita's boyfriend with who had been dating for several months and claimed to have arrived at Anita's house around 11.45 and had been there for 45 minutes when her mother before that had been with friends until around 11.00 which left 90 minutes during the authorities examined Anita's bedroom.
catching a serial predator that targets young women fbi files real responders
Mrs. Wooldridge noted that Anita's work clothes were still there. spoke to her daughter's supervisor but he said Anita had not arrived yet President Johnson five one two three four five the detective called again to see If she had ever shown up, her employer told us that she shows up when she has a cold, she works when she's not feeling well, she's very trustworthy and then the fact that she didn't show up for work that particular day was very significant, Mrs. Wooldridge said that the only thing missing from Anita's room was a red bathrobe that she had embroidered recently for his daughter.
Forensic technicians recovered hair samples from Anita's hairbrush to begin the long process of mapping her DNA in the bathroom. Anita had left her glasses and contact lenses. She couldn't drive without them, but her car and her keys were missing. Mr and Mrs Wooldridge had also discovered that the duvet had been removed from the bed and the sheets were wrinkled. Investigators suspected Anita may have been raped there. Forensic technicians processed the room. Looking for physical evidence, they examined the bed with ultraviolet light for seminal fluid on the sheets and blankets. The bedding was clean. In the garage, a detective found a wad of duct tape.
Long strands of hair resembling needles were tangled inside. The police suspected it. had been wrapped around the victim's head to hold a gag, if that were true it could have meant that Anita was taken alive from the house, detectives fanned out of the house looking for the Witnesses, a searching the neighborhood talking to neighbors and walking areas to see if she had been seen anywhere and at the same time we were trying to develop possible suspects by talking to people she routinely came into contact with an officer, I interviewed a neighbor who lived across the street from the Wooldridge house he remembered seeing. someone in front of his house that morning around 10:30 neighbors saw a man carrying a blue backpack heading towards the front door, he didn't see anyone else outside after he returned from his errand half an hour later, couldn't remember If Anita's car the agents were left with only hunches about what had happened, we assumed the worst could be the kidnapping, but we definitely knew we had a missing person, so we just wanted to cover at least from the beginning all the basics to preserve crime. get all the evidence we can and then start the next stage of the investigation, which would be to do all the background on the victim and try to identify a suspect in an abduction, if that's what happened after 24 hours and dozens of interviews. one had seen Anita or her car Detectives interviewed a man who was a friend of Anita's father, he did not actually claim to have spoken to Anita on the phone the morning she disappeared.
This phone number that you had called. Wooldridge's records confirmed this. Tell me about the phone conversation. The man said he called around 10.30am and asked to speak to Mr Wooldridge. Hey, Anita said her dad wasn't there and she was the only one home right now. Before she could answer a message. she asked him to wait someone was at the door Anita came back to the phone only to say she had to leave he didn't say who was coming to the house it's almost as if more and more the detectives were convinced that Anita met with Foul Play did you say ?
Who was it if it was a kidnapping? Investigators suspected that the person responsible would contact the Wooldridges. The technicians tapped the family's telephone line. They would be ready if a call came. Investigators also began searching for anyone who may have had motives to harm Anita. We had no immediate suspects, other than we began investigating all those people who had been in contact with Anita recently. Sure, the detectives interviewed Anita's co-workers at the shipping company and claimed that Anita didn't have any problems with anyone at work, but they did remember. something a few weeks before she disappeared at a place where employees used to go to relax and need her coworkers saw a man approaching me, she worked with him at the shipping company and he had several drinks before he started bothering and eat, thank you.
Anita was polite but clearly upset. Witnesses thought she didn't seem very happy that Anita had ignored him. They added that the man had not shown up for work the day Anita disappeared. The detectives went to question the employee he was with. at home he claimed that his encounter with Anita at the restaurant was an innocent exchange we are friends we are coworkers the morning she disappeared he said he arrived at work before his shift and explained to his supervisor that he needed the day he wanted to work on his car , his supervisor confirmed The Alibi. Sorry for the interruptions, but exact questions as the hours passed, family and friends posted missing persons flyers throughout the area, asked for anyone to call with information about her daughter. or her car from her car, they also contacted the media to spread the word.
Beyond the bogeyman, aerial surveillance can certainly be conducted and concerned citizens fanned out throughout the rural region to assist officers in this search. Many lanes and secondary roads are located at the extreme parts of this. In the county we had volunteer groups, civil defense actually went out and formed organized searches in wooded areas. We felt that if we could find her vehicle it would give us some evidence that would lead us in another direction 48 hours after Anita had disappeared, Detective Rogers. She received a promising tip from the mother of one of Anita's friends. The woman reported that Anita was having problems with another coworker at the shipping company.
Anita said the man had sexually harassed her at work. She was concerned enough to file a complaint. complaint against him Anita He told the mother that if it ended up in a dumpster somewhere you would know who did it. Investigators hoped they could find her before it was too late. They knew that every hour she was gone decreased the likelihood that Anita would be found alive. Did she say something? The detectives returned. To the shipping company, the supervisor told them that he had no history of a sexual harassment complaint filed against the employee. He added that the man had resigned three weeks earlier and left the state to go to college.
The suspect remained on the list until detectives could determine his whereabouts. At the time of Anita's disappearance, while the lead was being verified, investigators continued their search for suspects in the area, they asked Anita's boyfriend to take a lie detector test since his alibi could not be corroborated. morning that Anita disappeared, the test consisted of just two questions: Did she have anything to do with Anita Wooldridge's disappearance? And did he know where Anita could be found? The answer to both was no, but this was found to be misleading; He remained a suspect, although police had no evidence to arrest him after two days.
Search investigators were no closer to finding the missing woman and the chances that she was still alive diminished with each passing day, two days after 21-year-old Anita Woodridge disappeared from her suburban Indiana home. Howard County sheriffs had identified her co-worker and her boyfriend as a possible suspect in her kidnapping. She was found in her home. It suggested she had been taken alive. Investigators knew time was against them. Detectives talked to friends. from Anita to find out more, the majority conveyed that they did not know that anyone would want to hurt something, especially her boyfriend, a friend who had previously worked with Anita at a gym two years before, said that Anita was kind to everyone, even difficult people.
She recalled a gym member whose behavior toward


was rude. What's happening? His name was Victor Steele. He found it offensive is that steel did, but he didn't flinch. The steel bothered Anita in the same way, but she remained characteristically polite when she rejected it, according to Detective Steve Rogers. What did I do? Anita had a personality that was always very forgiving and willing. try to work with someone and that she had gone the extra mile to try to get along with this individual the man's behavior never changed and his membership was eventually canceled his friend recalled that Victor Steele was living in Howard County at the time he Investigators verified Steele's situation. background, when his name came up we were able to locate his name on the Indiana sex offender registry and learned that he had been convicted in Monroe County, I believe in 1984, for a theft, although Detective Rogers did not know if Steele had any contact .
With Anita for the past two years he believed Steel was the most promising suspect yet to support her theory, the detective turned to retired FBI profiler Steve McVeigh for guidance. He had three or four people that he had to consideras suspects and wanted to investigate. Let's see if we can narrow them down and give the case some focus. He has limited resources and certainly time was the most critical of them and if we could concentrate then it would be a little better for the profiler to examine the crime scene. The reports and background of each suspect The background of Victor Steele, 41, stood out The circumstances surrounding Steele's conviction 15 years earlier had many similarities to that of Anita needed in December 1984 Steele had detained a woman in an Indiana University campus where she was a student one night.
She waited outside for her boyfriend to leave like Anita, the young woman had previously rejected his advances. He approached the house when the woman opened the door. Steele forced his way inside, pulled a knife from a blue backpack and threatened to kill her if she did not submit to being raped. He had had contact with her. He did not live that far from her. He was carrying the backpack he had the same as in the first instance. which he used as a crime kit where he brought his tape his ropes and whatever else he was going to use and that is very, very distinctive after raping her he forced her to walk with him at knifepoint he told her to act as if they were lovers or otherwise he would stab her.
The profiler recognized that part of Steele's fantasy was to feel like he was her boyfriend. He had expected this girl to love him. His victim loved him. I didn't see it as rape now, 15 years later, if it were the same guy. It has the same signature but I would be more sophisticated about it, the most important thing is that the steel did not kill his victim, he freed her on the condition that she Not to call the police, she agreed and then ran to the nearest phone to call 9-1-1 Victor Steele. She was arrested hours later.
I think he remembers the 1984 case as a mistake, that he wasn't thorough enough to indoctrinate or win her over as efficiently as he thought and then when he let her go, she identified him and sent him to prison Victor Steele served eight years behind bars for first degree rape and kidnapping based on conviction Luke in prison Steele tried to commit suicide twice if he had kidnapped Anita he was not going to make the same mistake again Victor Steele wanted to find a lady who could actually make love to him and if he couldn't if It didn't work then, in my opinion, I was prepared to kill her and thus love me or I will kill you is a very succinct description of What happened in this case, description, the profile emphasizes the importance of not revealing the investigation to steal.
If the suspect felt that the police were after him, he would probably kill Anita and himself. Kokomo City Detective Michael Holzapple was calling to work undercover and helped locate the suspect. The task of finding him immediately involved us conducting surveillance of his last known residence, which was his mother's house, which was on the outskirts of our town here in Howard County, two and a half days after Anita disappeared, the police set up outside the steel residence no one was seen entering or leaving, they needed a way to find out who was inside without discovering who was inside.
Carr parked in front could be your way in. We noticed that there was a vehicle for sale outside his house and took it as an opportunity to establish contact under the pretext of being interested in making the purchase of the car recognizing that we would not have to compromise our identity by posing as undercover official potential buyers. Using wires prepared to make contact with whoever was in the house, they had no idea if Steel or Anita were inside. The suspect could do anything to protect his freedom. Every moment of delay diminished the possibility of Anita still being alive.
In June 1998, investigators They searched for convicted rapist Victor Steele in the kidnapping of a missing Indiana woman two and a half days after her disappearance Police set up surveillance outside her last known residence. Undercover detectives posing as used car buyers planned to make contact with the 41-year-old suspect. The


would enjoy a sense of self-assurance having left the scene with the victim held captive by her, which likely represented a window of opportunity for us as investigators that she would still be kept alive connected for her own safety. she. that approaching the house could put the victim at risk if Victor Steele discovers that he is a suspect according to retired FBI profiler Steve McVeigh.
I told him to tell his guys that they have to be extremely discreet, because in this whole investigation, although we must press. Because time is of the essence, we have to do it in such a way that it arouses absolutely no suspicion on Victor's part and if he had any suspicion that he had been suspected by the police then he would get rid of it, replied an older woman. No, no, she told the undercover detectives that the car for sale belonged to her son Victor. The detective said they were ready to buy it now and invited them inside to discuss the price on the vehicle's history.
The mother stated that her son had moved to Wisconsin a few years ago. Weeks earlier, without her permission or a court order, detectives were unable to search the home independently; They believed she was probably not involved, but were not convinced she would not alert her son about the search. He added that Victor had not yet connected his phone in Wisconsin so he had no way of contacting him. He would have to speak to him before he could set a price. The detectives promised to keep in touch and hoped to speak with the owner himself. The FBI profiler was still trusting that Victor Steele was the main I suspect that we were unable to eliminate him and, in fact, the safe place that I thought he would have taken her to and where he could spend a significant amount of time with her, which could very well be in a totally different area where no one knew him at all and no one would have any idea to look for him there and that most likely he had gone and prepared a place and in fact had come back and taken her without her mother even knowing.
The 24-hour surveillance by undercover agents continued as others. The team members discreetly gathered more background on Steel and discovered that he was unemployed and owned a red van, but they could not find out where he was staying with the pressure of each passing day. to find the suspect and the victim mounted on Howard County Chief Detective Steve Rogers. To find this young woman alive, people looked at us and said, "Well, my God, can't they do something?" and we weren't in Liberty to talk about what we were doing, what we thought we could do, we had to be very cautious.
With that information, Victor Steele's credit card statements revealed that he had rented a truck in Indiana a few days before the criminal company's records showed Steele had traveled 910 miles round trip. The researchers divided the distance in half and drew a 450-mile circle around Kokomo, Indiana. The city that was crossed was La Crosse Wisconsin. Steele's credit card records also showed that he purchased gasoline at a convenience store on the date he rented the truck. Detectives called the parent company to determine the location of the store. It was near La Crosse Wisconsin. They notified the FBI that Victor Steele had likely crossed state lines with a victim.
FBI Special Agent David Fitzgerald of the Eau Claire Wisconsin Resident Agency was assigned to the case. We were able to offer them the ability to bring in other agents if necessary to conduct an investigation anywhere within the territory. state of Wisconsin and if things were going to leave the state of Wisconsin, the FBI is one of those agencies that has a network where we can contact people all over the country to help them six days after 21-year-old Anita. Woldridge disappeared his missing blue sedan was found near his home on a suburban street in Howard County, Indiana, it was just a few miles from Steele's house, the car was unlocked and the keys were still in the ignition.
Investigators feared that Anita's body could be hidden in the trunk she was not there but her red bathrobe was underneath they found evidence that was more encouraging electrical ties cut this was something very important with the profiler it told us that if these had been used ​​to secure her arms or legs that when they were A cut of her would be to help her exit the vehicle. There was a good chance that she was at least alive when she was taken out of the trunk. Detectives found no blood, seminal fluid or other signs of a struggle in the vehicle.
They find fingerprints inside the car from the driver's side window. They were able to lift what they believed to be an elbow print. Technicians kept it in hopes it would match their suspect. Detective Rogers asked the profiler if they should allocate a portion of their limited resources. to the search in La Crosse Wisconsin Steve Rogers asked me if I thought it was worth it for him to take a troop of his people to Wisconsin to search, we even had the name of a town where a gasoline purchase had been made, that was


ly doubtful. in terms of that specific city being exactly where he had her, that part I wasn't sure about at all, but we didn't have anything else at the time, a contingent of detectives from Indiana headed to La Crosse Wisconsin, where they believed Steele had taken Anita, they met with special people.
Officer David Fitzgerald and La Crosse police at a command center in the city of Fifty Thousand really didn't have any specific information that Victor was here and was here now, nor did they have any specific information that the victim Anita was here. and was here now and they looked at us and said, you guys must think we're crazy for being here, but you know, they had been up for a day and a half and they felt pretty strongly that something was going to happen in our area and they were just there to help and Wasting no time that night, investigators split into several teams searching for Steele's red pickup truck on the streets of La Crosse until four in the morning without an address or even a general location of where Steele and his victim could The search returned. to be fruitless.
They turned to FBI profiler Steve McVeigh to help them eliminate the locations. They asked me if they were looking for a life, a victim or a corpse. I responded that most likely she was still alive and that she would be alive for as long as possible. he thought he could control her and that and that she was not under suspicion of the police uh that he would keep her for a fairly significant period of time he would keep her in a place that he had absolute control over and he felt totally safe the investigators were holding on to having the hope that a week after she disappeared, Anita Wooldridge was still alive, seven days after 21-year-old Anita Wooldridge disappeared from her suburban Indiana home, authorities believed she may still be alive, suspected that convicted rapist Victor steals by holding her somewhere in Los Angeles.
Crosse Wisconsin, but Chief Detective Steve Rogers had no evidence and no known address. We were hoping she was alive. We didn't know she was alive. This was our last effort to find her in the find-her-alive sense that we had. to get there, set up a command post and be ready for when we get the information, where you could be to get it. Undercover detectives wearing hidden transmitters returned to Steel's last known residence, his mother's home in Howard County, Indiana, posing as buyers interested in the suspect's property. A used car in the front offices hopes to obtain Steele's whereabouts through his mother.
Kokomo City Detective Michael Holzapple was aware of the danger. Our concern was that if we were caught doing our investigations on Victor Steele at this stage of the investigation, we could be contributing to the murder of this victim which could put his life in immediate risk - it was a risk they had to take - his mother maintained that she had not yet He had a phone number for his son in Wisconsin. He did have an address. The undercover officer repeated the address out loud to his partner so that the detectives listening outside could hear him.
He immediately called Chief Detective Steve Rogers at the FBI office in Wisconsin. La Crosse Wisconsin. The people on my team are on the streets with the La Crosse Police Department and the Lacrosse FBI and I am broadcasting. this information and at that particular point when I said do you have Clint Street in La Crosse and they looked at me pretty strange and said yes I said that's where it is in EI and the Lacrosse detectives arrived within minutes and identified the parked red van . outside as Victor Steel, as soon as Victor steals the vehicle and the residents were under surveillance, I requested help from the local authoritiesto go to a local court and a local magistrate and request a search warrant for the Clinton Street address and for Victor to steal. vehicle and person of Victor Steele while awaiting warrants, officers contacted the homeowner who lived nearby to find out if Steele had actually rented the home and confirmed that the suspect was his tenant.
Yes, Steele had claimed that he wanted to turn the house. building a bookstore the owner provided a sketch of the interior layout of the building he also gave the FBI a key to the front door outside the rental property investigators consulted the FBI profiler and asked him what the chances were that Steele was holding to Anita inside the building profiler Steve McVeigh warned that if she was there it would be difficult to get to her safely, they were trying to determine if they needed to raid the place or if that was the place where he would have her or not, so he was sure that in fact had she there she would be very well insured.
I told him I thought there was at least a 50% chance that if they tried to raid the place while he was there, he would kill himself and her too. Investigators had no way to confirm who. I was inside if they waited to enter, perhaps it was too late we were once again calculating what the resounding strike of this clock was marking in the back of each of our minds and our hearts as to whether or not we make an entrance, shall we wait? We set up surveillance and waited, went ahead and forced entry. That decision was made in part by us as we witnessed Victor Steele emerge from the MRI after a week of searching, investigators first saw the suspicious truck and drove away, the surveillance team followed. but he decided it would be unwise to detain him for questioning one of the risks we faced, let's say he had Anita somewhere other than the residence and decided he didn't want to cooperate with us and just left.
We may never return to that place and we may never find any. Agents traced the steel to a lumber yard. The detective followed the suspect inside. Steel seemed interested in long wooden planks. I watched him buy lumber, which in itself was a chilling observation. A little information to convey to the surveillance team because we had thoughts in mind what is he using the wood to make a cage for to make a coffin. The detective informed other investigators that they observed Steele return to his truck at the Foreign Steel lumberyard. going back to what Rudy had taken from their rental property had to decide early on if they were going to risk arresting him without knowing for sure where he was going or where he had hidden Anita if he had kept her alive and she was somewhere else he would have been. gone. her now, but since he had not left the residents to any other location, we felt strongly that if she were alive, she would still be there at that residence.
Steele returned to the red lacrosse detective radio with a uniformed officer to stop the pickup. The decision would mean the difference between life and death eight days later. A 21-year-old Indiana woman was kidnapped from her home. The FBI and local authorities arrested the main suspect in La Crosse, Wisconsin. They believed that Victor Steele was holding Anita Wooldridge in a nearby rental house, but they had no evidence that she was there or that she was still alive, as they did not have enough to arrest the suspect, a police lacrosse patrol stopped the van on the side of the road under the pretext of a routine traffic stop of the body.
The FBI reached out, yes, Special Agent David Fitzgerald asked the suspect if he would help in the investigation of him, he was not under arrest and he didn't want to make him feel like he was. He did not have any probable cause that I knew of at the time to arrest Mr. Steele and only wanted to have a conversation with him. Steele agreed to cooperate and accompanied the agents back to the FBI office. The sex offender claimed to know nothing about Anita Wooldridge's disappearance and lied about where she lived. Mr. Steele indicated that he thought law enforcement officers had detained him for failing to register as a sex offender in the state of Wisconsin, indicated that he had been in Wisconsin for a couple of days and was staying in his van at the rental property by Steele.
The researchers prepared to enter. They would be ready when they found out the order was signed. by a judge it was difficult to protect the most anxious moments of the investigation that I would describe occurred while we were physically awaiting the arrival of a search warrant that was being prepared in our Command Center. We had Victor Steele, he was no present threat to anyone. I did not know what condition or circumstance Anita was suffering from at that time. They obtained the court order. The entry team used the key provided by the owner. They took extreme caution, aware that the place had me as an explosive trap.
The officers toured the rooms, including the basement announcing their presence was a foreigner here they had made a mistake at the FBI office in La Crosse an agent and a detective continued their interview with Victor Steele no, the suspect admitted that he once met a woman named Anita from a gym, but did not meet her had seen for a while without Steel's cooperation, the investigators realize that they may never find Anita and that they did not have enough to arrest him again. Mr. Steele indicated that he was unable to assist law enforcement officers. He talked about the fact that he was not under arrest. stopped and basically said: do whatever you have to do to get me out of here in the back row.
Authorities saw a large metal cabinet lying face up on the floor, its doors appearing to be secured with a broken broom handle and a butter knife. We didn't communicate verbally at that particular time, but the communication was clear, we wanted to be cautious about booby traps, we wanted to be cautious about disturbing evidence, but we needed to reveal that the cabinet team members believed that the search for Anita, alive or dead, had come to an end. They didn't see any suspicious device attached to the box nor did they hear movement from inside they carefully released the handles of the cabinet yes the necessary thing was alive it was hard for me to believe it was really going to end and they opened the box and there are like five or six police officers standing there and like thank god they took me home, even though she wasn't gagged, Victor Steele had conditioned her not to scream, he told me I could make fake noises so if I screamed for help he would come help me.
At the door I was still afraid to scream because I thought he might be playing a tape or making it up. Delivered to medical emergencies. Damage except dehydration. She remained healthy even after her long experience. Victor Steele was arrested for kidnapping and sexual assault. He remained unfazed and Victor really wasn't sorry for what he had done. It seemed to me that if there was any remorse it was in the fact that he had been captured at the Health Club. Anita had little to eat during her captivity. She ate her first meal while explaining to the others. investigators the events that began eight days earlier.
Victor Steele arrived at her house around 10:30. She recognized him from the gym and invited him in. He told her that she had been riding her bike and asked if she could. coming to get a glass of water it didn't seem like a big deal to me that he came to the door. He knew that he rode his bike everywhere and I mean it was very hot that day and I never thought twice that he was going to buy her a glass of water. A glass of water sent him on his way Anita asked Steele to wait while he cleaned the blood from the kitchen floor where he had cut himself earlier when she was on his back of steel she pulled a stun gun out of her backpack.
He didn't know what was happening. It all happened so fast and realistically they were attacking me and I started screaming even though I knew no one was going to hear me, all the windows were closed and the air conditioning was on and then when it hit me in the stomach it just I missed. all the control of my legs as if they had simply gone limp she disguised herself in Midland's clothes before leaving the house first she grabbed the quilt then I need her robe to cover her tied wrists she tried to push her out the kitchen window but He decided it was easier to walk her to the car Keep your mouth shut He locked her in the trunk before taking her to Wisconsin He took her to her mother's house and raped her I always thought I'd rather die than be raped And then it was almost as if survival mode took over my body, it was okay, we're going to get through this and I'm going to do everything in my power to not die like this and have my parents with questions without answers, don't you understand me?
Crosse Wisconsin carried on her shoulder a metal closet that would be her new home. He threatened to kill her while she was trying to escape from him. Anita agreed not to try, but I still didn't trust her. She left a coin on top of the closet to tell him if she was trying to do it. going out as opposed to being confined like that, but at least if he was there he knew he couldn't touch me, but it also made it very terrible every time he heard the box open because he knew I was going to hunt to play with him or get raped or be here to see it Anita returned home to the warm welcome of friend and family Detective Michael Holzapple was surprised that the case ended as well as he had worked on it so many broken bodies so many fractured stories so many times it didn't It didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, what you expected, Although this young woman suffered incredibly devastating victimization, she is still alive and people are working together to support her and bring her home alive.
Victor Steele acted as his own attorney. at his January 1999 trial and was convicted of kidnapping, carjacking and weapons possession, he was sentenced to life in prison without parole and is serving his sentence at the United States Penitentiary in Beaumont, Texas, as a U.S. law and now that's something I'm researching and would like to do. that's helping other people and it just gives me a goal, you know, I want to get other people like him off the streets and that's a little different than my original plan in life, the life changing experience would have broken many others, but Anita.
Woldridge transcended his ordeal because of his strong individual personality and faith. Now she hopes to become an FBI agent to help others like they helped her.

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