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Casually Explained: Video Games

Jun 04, 2021
I recently had a conversation with someone who said, "I've never actually played



. I don't understand why people like them." And although I feel like she responded to her own statement, I felt compelled to talk about it because they have always been a big part of my life and since I was a kid I thought there was no better way to make friends than by inviting Someone Come Watch Me Play.


game. Now, if we go back, one of my first gaming experiences was when I was about four years old and my dad gave me a Nintendo 64, and what really made me fall in love with Nintendo was how they made me feel like I was someone.
casually explained video games
It could never be in real life; an Italian man. Now, the time my dad didn't really know what video


were and I remember he was just watching me play for a while, then after a while he said, "Wow, I can't believe how much content they can put in these." games." Then a year or two later, when I was still playing the same game, he seemed to think something might be wrong and asked me if I wanted help. I told him I could figure it out for myself and it took me four years, but I got there and When Christmas came, he gave me a new game and then my brother gave me the strategy guide and said *whisper* "I hate watching you fight, though," the joke is on him; that since I was 9 or 10 years old, one of my favorite game genres has always been RPGs, because you don't need friends to play, and one of the first RPGs I got into was Runescape and Well, what What I liked was that you have all these different skills, like cutting wood, making fire, fishing and all kinds of things that you can level up and make your character really unique.
casually explained video games

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I thought I can completely reinvent myself here to be whatever I want. that makes me happy. You know, it didn't work, but you know. Live and learn. ...which I didn't do. Now, I don't want to paint the picture that video games are always the answer to life, because when I was 13 or 14, like most kids my age, I was pretty self-aware and had a lot of emotions that I didn't know about. . how to deal with. I remember there was a real turning point for me when I came home from school really frustrated with the other kids, and I needed a way to vent that anger, and of course I knew not to take it out on anyone in real life except shoot. a computer gamer with a bow and arrow wasn't enough, so I left fantasy games behind and found something more realistic and first-person.
casually explained video games
I got online, found someone, and even though my aim wasn't very good, I remember saying "Take that bitch" as she shot him in the face. But yeah, that's how I discovered porn. So after working with my emotions in POV, I mean FPS. One of the best years of my life was when I was 14 or 15 and everyone was so excited about Starcraft. Like most real-time strategy games, Starcraft was pretty brutal because you can never relax; Not only do you always do something in the game, but you always try to improve your level of play by practicing outside of the game, and every day when I came home from school, all my friends were on a Skype call discussing our reps and how play. improve, and being one of the first big esports, I thought I wanted to be really good.
casually explained video games
So, I played it about six hours a day for over a year to the point where my life practically revolved around the game, and eventually, after putting in a few thousand hours, I got to the point where I was very briefly in the top 10 first in the classification. and I got to play with some of the kids I idolized. Unfortunately, that didn't last long and I was never good enough to go to tournaments to win money, but after I quit the game the first time I didn't regret the time I had wasted because I actually achieved a goal I set for myself, and I I realized that even more because of that experience I would have missed some of the most valuable lessons.
I have ever learned. As if sex could wait. And no matter how good you are, there will always be a million Koreans better than you. And so since my Starcraft experience, I haven't really played any video games because I can never play anything the same again and I barely touched a gamer controller until a few weeks ago when my dad moved and he had some old stuff in his attic that I had to go through and I found my Nintendo 64 in all my games, so I took them home, I had a good experience reliving some of those memories, but not only that, I even found my own Donkey Kong. strategy guide, and just as he remembered it.
I barely used it *End music* So before I remember better times, I've recently been building the website with Squarespace, and I'd be very happy if you'd visit and let me know. I would like to see there in addition to videos and products. I was thinking of organizing an MS Paint contest. It was also very kind of us to sponsor today's video, so if you want to create your own website, but don't know how to code anything, you can be like me and quit software engineering, then visit Explained to start your trial free and get 10% on your first purchase.
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