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Jun 08, 2021
So tell me a quote from Hitman right now so I can tell me like he told someone else, that you think he'll beat him that day because he'll perform better if everyone talks about who's going to do the most clowning and acting and he'll win every round. I don't need a hawkish performance because I'm Mike Tyson coming in and knocking him out in 10 seconds going against me. They don't bring the best. They bring me worse. When people say: How? I think he is going to decide who is going to win these rounds, for example, how is he going to win the round on April 3?
cassidy vs hitman holla intense faceoff   rbe
I'll make sure Cassidy never gets reprimanded again if you find yourself suddenly knowing how to set his bars the right way or whatever the problem is, you know what I'm saying, that's why they're going to hit me back because whether I do that or not , it won't be enough, you know, to disrespect the old red but original step, too full. sports watch uh, listen to a bunch of grown men make excuses for everything, stop making excuses for these dogs, I saw the old red choking, I never drowned, I saw that man drown before, so don't talk to me about anything good or red, you're not talking about anything bad, cool, I'll drag you in front of your dad and then you'll sit and watch your dad get dragged by him, clearly lost in this era where I had a pop over blue.
cassidy vs hitman holla intense faceoff   rbe

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cassidy vs hitman holla intense faceoff rbe...

Like he's a boy without a gender reveal so I have, I hit your baby mama's stomach until the gender reveal shooting these kids are sprays. I'm going to follow the races you know, shake well before you use who said your jersey worth a pen, redhead, just a rap battle see the fans return to the water sure 30 hope to reverse that 30 coast awards fans of I go back to watching the rap battle just to hear red shirts it hurts because I'm the stupidest two arms on both sides of the chef like I'm waiting for the meal to end it's going to be I think it's going to be the battle of the night to be honest you know what I'm saying is the end it's a matter of energy you know what I'm saying like I've been wrestling I've been wrestling in the yard It's marshmallows in my hands.
cassidy vs hitman holla intense faceoff   rbe
These two guys ended their stitching careers. I should shove you in the face. You look like you want to fight. You should have fought against the door. The dog hits again. Buy your ticket to be in the building or catch. is live on the pay per view stream it's me arp and rare entertainment is the move April 3 max out is going down go to secure your live pay per view your tickets be in the building for witnessing history be on the stream we're watching right now is arguably one of the biggest main events in battle rap history.
cassidy vs hitman holla intense faceoff   rbe
Don't say it's possibly a man's issue. You know how we do it, so first of all, how are you doing? about the records we broke, man, uh, the ad alone, yeah, we're doing it, we're talking about trending nationwide the first time it happened for an ad, two different battles of uh, no one tested, no one questioned that the car has been trending, the launch of the battle has been trending, but one announcement two. Battles of the same ad never happened before. I'm glad, I'm glad you said that. I'm saying you know his energy like it always starts, but if it's not happening right, it may have been an arsenal.
What happened with Hit. man, that seemed like another energy colliding with that right, that's what it sounded like to me, I don't know what it sounds like to me, I don't know what it's trying to say, like I said before, this was replaceable when we when we closed it and you know that you had me, that was all you needed, you could have put anyone there, it was my third choice, you want my first choice, bro, why do you make it seem like you have this choice? I had the option of being in the car, I was going to be the main event, real gold, you weren't going, it doesn't even matter, I could fight one from the street and you could fight the biggest guy in the world and me.
I'm still going to be dead, don't you, you don't have a battle with more numbers than mine, so stop talking like that, first of all, second, I was the main event for the last seven years, brother, I'm none of them . you're talking to brother, this


, I'm just not any of them, brother, I don't know if you're the starter or not because you don't know what noise, you don't have a cousin that you'll be fighting, I don't. I don't even care about you, recently I had a battle, it got the most views on this channel, what are you talking about, what do you mean?, my last battle got five million views, right? about my latest battle on the Internet, which just lost those five million.
I didn't find out, although it's your fault. I don't know you were having five minutes like every time I'm about to have a battle. You have a battle with five million pandemonium. Do you have a battle with five million each? blog talking about this it's chaos you have a battle buddy you have a battle so wait that actually guides me perfectly when I fought the disaster it was um youtube it was youtube the first night for millions and millions of views that were eliminated. because there is no more the first day proves that I don't have to do it, I don't know, listen, although I'm not going to argue about opinions because I'm much more successful than you, so we're not going to go.
To talk about views, how are you doing? how are you? nothing more than a battle front as we are not going to talk about views we are going to talk about do you think you have more money? did you get a line? do you think you have more money? say anything when i was on the show i was actually drunk you said something i have um what are you talking about? what you're saying they pay me to be there a lot of money yes you messed up in class talking about you messed up in the classroom and they kicked you out but you won't get other lines you were just in the classroom it's okay they pay me That's why every day, brother, you can't talk bad about me, brother, wait, so wait, jump on me. brother, wait, wait, no, we're talking, here's the money, talk all this, while, how do you get the money?
Where is Rogers, did he leave the TV? Millions of dollars worth of trucks I just did last month What are you talking about? What are you talking about? I'm talking about you not getting paid more than the battle after me, no no you could add up all those batteries. I've been to 70 of them, a lot more money than you. I'm willing to bet everything I talk. I had to have a money contact. I don't have it. And I pushed a baby. The biggest bullies in this, they know best. Don't look at the dragons, they don't touch the stage, no, you're not looking, don't play with me, man, you're looking, they put their hands on you like a lot longer than you and nothing ever happened to me, brother, nothing.
They didn't even shave me bro, are you talking bro? I'd never been in that before. I'm really there and I've been on the streets really talking about the arsenal. I'm really a battle rapper you mentioned. I been on the streets with real people, you grew attached to me, you mentioned, you talking about battle raps, you raised hard, bro, no, I'm talking about really, bro, you talking about battle rap arsenal, I was sittin' there, No. I don't understand myself when I talk to you because you act like you don't understand English. I do not understand English. I am speaking to you in perfect English. redirect the conversation you're talking about money you're talking about you brought them all this you're not talking you'll need everything you can get cool bro you'll need help on stage all that won't help you bro talk bro I'm talking about rap with you you raised hard and you fought, brother, yes, I am known for that, but I am known for that, I know you for that, I am known for I don't know, you investigate.
I don't know you do your research I don't know you that's why you're going to do your research I don't know you that's why I don't care with you your research you know I bet you don't play with me no, I bet you know and I don't know how to look, grab you, you're trying to look, you do it, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, everyone, calm down, let's keep it. battle rap now oh battle rap my this oh battle rap now look what you do bro look what you do bro 'cause I really hurt you man I don't care which way you go and I'm sorry whatever it is I don't like it threats, I don't like it, okay, I'll give him a second, I'll give him a second to calm down, I'll give him a second, you should have done it.
Everybody listen, relax, relax, just crazy, relax, relax, relax, relax, man, relax, relax. Relax, it's okay, yeah, man, relax, come on, just come talk to me, you're going to cry, you'll find out the hard way, you held yourself down, you still hold down like that, don't play with me like that, bro, all I need is one. person to leave that's all I need is one person to leave that's what I'm talking about I'm talking about rap I'm just looking at the pictures I'm talking about rap I didn't mention anything he mentioned fights he brought pick up all that bro I'm not going to do anything that wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I just need just one.
I'm looking over here, so I want to let it say oh. I came in here, that's good, I'm going to finish this, let me sit right here, tell me a


line right now that he can tell me like he told someone else and that you think they're going to win the round. him because he will perform better if they talk about who will clown and act the most and he will win every round. I don't need a huckster act because I'm Mike Tyson coming in and knocking him out in 10 seconds. I don't give my best, it makes me worse when people say how do you think it's going to be, who will win these rounds, how he's going to win the April 3 round.
I'll make sure Cassidy never gets reprimanded again. found himself and suddenly knew how to put his bars there the right way or whatever, it could be a problem, you know what I'm saying, that's why they're going to hit me back because whether I do that or not , it will not be enough, without disrespect to the old red but original step, also complete sports watch. Listen to a lot of grown men make excuses for everything. Stop making excuses for these dogs. I've seen old red man suffocate you. I never drowned. I've seen that man drown before, so don't talk to me about anything good or red.
You're not talking about anything bad. Great, I'll drag you in front of your father and then you'll sit and watch. your father is dragged around here now, clearly I haven't lost in this era where I have a pop over the blue like I'm a genderless child, reveal, well, what I have, I punched your baby mama's stomach to the gender reveal, shooting these kids. spray I'm going to follow the races, you know, shake well before using who said your pen is worthy of a t-shirt, red head, just a rap battle, look at the fans, back off, water, sure, 30, wait for the reverse, that hairy shore, awards, fans, watch the battle, rap, just to hear the red shirts.
It hurts me because I'm the stupidest one, one with two arms on either side of the chef like he's waiting for the food to be ready, this will be, I think it will be the battle of the night, to be honest, you know what I'm saying, It's the end, it's a matter of energy, you know what I'm saying, like I've been wrestling, I've been wrestling in the garden, there's marshmallows in my hands, my two guys are done with their pie races, boy, I should push you in the face. You look like you want to fight. You should have fought in the game.
The dog attacks again. Buy your ticket to be in the building or watch it live on a new broadcast.

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