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Cash or Trash? Crayola Acrylic Pour Kit! Testing 4 Crayola Craft Kits from ToysRus

Jun 12, 2024
It's great, ready, yes, go, okay, it's very little, just because it's close, yes. They smell exactly the same, so maybe on paper, I guess it's okay, here you go, can I eat it? No, no, I know we're supposed to feed the Zika hashtag, but I fed it, you ate steak, you ate potatoes, you ate potatoes, and we sniffed a couple. of them off camera and they all legitimately smell exactly the same. They have nice smells, like a big yes, like a fruity scent, but it doesn't smell anything different from the other one, but we'll see that once it's on paper, so let's try marshmallow, which is very. light gray oh, it's a nice color although it's not a very good colorpencil like it looks rough like it doesn't come out yes, the pigment the pigment is absolutely atrocious, let's sniff it, it smells like pencil lead, yes, licorice, you can't mix the scent from licorice, this pigment is more pleasant, yes, it looks much better.
cash or trash crayola acrylic pour kit testing 4 crayola craft kits from toysrus
I'm a little sad, I'm really sad right now, this is very disappointing, try lemon, it's hard to make it with lemon, if there's a lemon in there, I mean, it's hard to miss the licorice, yeah, lemon, yeah, I could do more for them, yes, maybe more. in cases for those of you who want to say but Jackie you're doing it wrong stupid well stupid the answer is yes I know it doesn't smell much this is so sad so nice since the packaging was so exciting as the concept was. This kit for us goes in the


cash or trash crayola acrylic pour kit testing 4 crayola craft kits from toysrus

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cash or trash crayola acrylic pour kit testing 4 crayola craft kits from toysrus...

Goodbye, I'm very upset. I know I'm really upset right now, but at least we have a second hope, which is a crayon version that we'll see today, not Crayola day. We have had three


. away and the three of them walked in, the three of them walked in, I knew I didn't need to take care of your mouth, look at it ah, so I have no hope for this, well, I'm thinking maybe because it's like waxy it'll be more perfumed than the um I. I don't want to smell them yet, so this is what they look like.
cash or trash crayola acrylic pour kit testing 4 crayola craft kits from toysrus
They look exciting. I hope they can put the scents in the pigments, but we'll see. Zika. What do you want to try first? root beer root beer what color is that one brown brown very good, as nice as the packaging looks, we noticed that trayla up whoa whoa what what they ruined, ruined, ruined, ruined how they didn't put the aromas in them, so the wooden pencils had names on them. now these are plastic yes, they have written on the plastic but don't look, we are showing the grains right now there is nothing written, you didn't notice, I know you said plastic, I can hear it very well, you ignore me, I do it. why because I'm focused on these things now we don't know which one smells like what so hopefully you'd have to keep this intact if you wanted to know what's what because then these colors are very similar yeah like here's one two three four five like this which would be a little difficult to know which of these two is a specific scent look these two are quite similar quite similar so you have one two three four five six now I know obviously this one and this one can be differentiated, but how can you differentiate part of these three?
cash or trash crayola acrylic pour kit testing 4 crayola craft kits from toysrus
Because these two together we are going to smell them. So you said you wanted root beer. Yes, I wanted to try the roots. I guess root beer is brown. Dark brown. Well, possibly this one. I'll go for watermelon, which is like uh half green yeah, it's like half of the three, okay, so there's four, I'm not sure, so I think the lightest one is lime, so I think this should be watermelon, Are you ready, yeah, okay. sniff first I don't smell anything, neither do I nor do you know what dwarf candies smell like you know those candies that are shaped like bananas the apple oh I forgot about them and the grape those oh they give you 25 cents if you have them and they are very hard and they hurt your teeth as you can see on the screen, those are the ones I'm talking about, I think they're called cumshots, I'm not sure, but that's what they smell like, right?
Yeah, okay, what if we try another color? I'm taking around the corner. Oh, this one smells funny. This one has a slightly different smell. Why Jackie? I'm going to try Jackie with popcorn. Smells bad. Your nose vlog? No, I won't. like look at this one here look at the color why is it like that because it hasn't been used it smells like nothing why did that one smell bad I don't smell it it's in my nose it's sharp so let's go ahead take a root sample b oh these are disgusting , wow the color is really bad, yes these are old, I think that's why it looked like I told you it looks weird, it looks old, it literally looked like it was sitting in that box for a long time.
Maybe they are not soft and be careful with your mouth, they are not soft at all, let's try one more I have one in my hands which one I am a person sometimes I don't smell anything what is that supposed to be I don't know, I guess the beach, the blue one, yeah They all smell the same. Well, actually I'm very upset. I was also very excited about it again. I'm going to reference the marker maker's silly scents because they really smell good, nothing like this. one oh you picked this up off the floor yeah I did that or that so for us this one too unfortunately goes in the


I think this is a new drive for us and Crayola nothing worked as it should or the quality was poor, it was really terrible. Honestly, this video is what brought you down. It's not Crayola. Now I will never call it Crayola again. It's Coppola permanently until they show us otherwise. Yes, no, no, no, no, they've had enough opportunities. No, no, you're fine, no, me. I'm not okay, are you okay? No I'm not okay no no don't forget to add me on tick tock instagram and twitter and you can find sika at nerdy sister underscore sneka on instagram if you want to see the


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