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Carving wood, wood carving, wood, wood working, wood spirit, fence wood, dremel, dremel carving,

Jun 01, 2021
okay, make it look like something old like a cabin, I just make some lines like this and then curve them. I don't really enjoy doing ceilings either. These bird houses require a lot of work. Our nest boxes, the same on the other side. Yeah, oh yeah, okay. the tear, so I'm going to cut when I cut these lines, I'm going to cut the bottom of this line just right, I'm going to cut deep there and not cut here, so that it looks like it's raised like a shingle effect, you know, like shingles you know what I mean so on this side I'm going to cut all of thiscut all of this cut all of this so that it stays up so this will go up overlapping this this will go up overlaying this and the same for both sides so I don't think that I need to film myself doing that and then I cut deep here so this also looks raised with my uh I'm just going to use the feed sorry all the cuts are on the flexible shaft of the


so cut everything around here and then blend it out to make the cut mark deeply. there roughly, I'm going to cut as deep here all the way down and then I'm going to smooth it out so it looks like a smooth transition, you won't see a cut mark there, like a big lip, I'm going to take that lip and I'm going to cut it all out hello food, thanks, okay, so I'm back to screw on the face, I carved the ceiling and you see how this is high and this is low, so I'm going to take my torch and burn underneath out here, okay, so it looks like this is higher, it gives it a shadow effect and uh, it's almost over, oh, before I screw the face back on, I carved these whiskers quickly, so I'm going to quickly use my milling cutter and carve. these to match the same with the other side, so let me turn the dust, click that they found, we'll do that quickly, two, okay, I'm going to take this outside now and I'm going to burn everything down here with this. little propane torch, you can use whatever you want, I need to forget the name of the thank you, but you can find it like canadian tire, your big box stores you have there in the states, so yeah, I'll do it and then I'll come back. and I'm going to touch everything lightly, get rid of all the lint, the torches burn the lint like, um, you see in there, it's a little blurry, just touch it lightly with the torch, okay, I took it outside, turned on a little light. in the beard to get the mustache in the mustache and the beard to get rid of the little fuzz that's there there's still some, but it's not a big deal, it's an outdoor piece anyway, you can still see some of my cuts, a lot of my cut marks on the roof but it doesn't matter, it's the roof, everything will add character, anyway it's an outdoor piece so I carved it, I don't know if it looks like a little cap, so what am I going to do now that do you have that? some cheap dollar store painter or any type of craft paint, black smart paint and I'm just going to uh, excuse me, I'm at another dollar store, a disposable brush, I have the black on the brush, I was going to paint on the nostrils, okay and paint in the nostrils, yeah, okay, let's just put some paint in the pupils of the eyes, don't worry about making this part perfect, those lights are shining right in my face, put a little spinning, as I said, which does not have to be that way. be perfect, okay, maybe just a little bit of paint here, there's your finger mixed or do what's called dry stroke, dry stroke, yeah, you see different missing parts when you're in different parts of the lighting, the important people of the correct lighting, okay, we're going crazy.
carving wood wood carving wood wood working wood spirit fence wood dremel dremel carving
Ready, we're fucking ready, it's about two hours of


for me because it was really deep, right. There's another guy who gave me the idea. He sent me one of his


boxes. He was in the new, the new YouTube car, the new. ah he was in the new


carver carver video and he used the thickest two inch


so here's a shout out i forgot your name i don't want to be rude but wow this is a mess look at all this sawdust , that's the What happens is that all the things were absorbed by the table too.
carving wood wood carving wood wood working wood spirit fence wood dremel dremel carving

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carving wood wood carving wood wood working wood spirit fence wood dremel dremel carving...

I have videos on my desk to collect the table. Guys, it's in my previous videos, so here it is, let's see if it holds up and even stands up. It is an old Japanese spirit wizard box nest. box oh yeah, hey, yeah, Janice, I think this might be a little, this might be a little difficult for the kids, but you know, maybe you could start making spoons or whatever. I was happy to think back to my childhood when I made this video doing the


I thought about it when I was younger and stuff like that and I was always the kid that had to stand in the corner for being bad for being a bad boy anyway this will probably last like a hour. video I'm going to make it all into one video and I hope this helps someone and I hope everyone is doing great and I'm not going to treat this with anything right because if you treat it, the


, the birds Smell the treatment.
carving wood wood carving wood wood working wood spirit fence wood dremel dremel carving
You'll have to let it sit for a couple of years before the birds will probably even want to move in. You know what I mean. Makes sense? So I'll leave it as is. There you have it, my friend who made me this birdhouse box, this nest box, thank you so much for making it for me, this will be the last one I carved because this sucker is going to my front yard. I'm going to have to do it. get a 2x4 cedar post and carve it too so you can screw it to the


and put the birdhouse up there so my cat doesn't eat all the bad birds welcome to my house little birds welcome to my house meow hey you .
carving wood wood carving wood wood working wood spirit fence wood dremel dremel carving

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