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Cartoon Logic That Makes No Sense

May 06, 2024
I love


s and I think they serve as primary entertainment for people of all ages, but one thing they don't have is


. So today we're going to look at some of the craziest and most ridiculous examples of



, so let's do this, the little three of us. the pigs have their father hanging on the wall, it's a little morbid, but it's not the craziest thing, because if you think about humans, we always have portraits of deceased relatives on the wall, so just because it became a pork sausage that will now be eaten in a German restaurant doesn't mean you can't still commemorate it, it's not the worst logic there is.
cartoon logic that makes no sense
Next we have the headphone logic, explain this and it is Arthur who is not using the headphones correctly. What is overlooked here is that anteaters have an anatomy that none of us do. You're probably aware of how some insects taste things through their feet, he might be hearing things through these little holes that are on the side of his head and then the ears are right up there to throw you off. Honestly, this one is a fool. time for The Flintstones they celebrated Christmas before the birth of Christ, when does The Flintstones take place, but Christmas is a secular holiday, it doesn't necessarily have to be religious, so maybe they just celebrate it literally?
cartoon logic that makes no sense

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cartoon logic that makes no sense...

I don't know, so is Barney's wife. a little sexy, okay, she says you're the love of his life, she forgets what you look like and has to put a shoe on all the girls in the Kingdom. I think what's even worse in terms of Cinderella logic is that no one in the entire Kingdom is the same size. shoe like Cinderella, they are both dogs, one is a pet and the other is the owner, that's fine, I mean, humans own other humans, not like that. What I'm saying is, if you have a child, do you ever see those parents who put their children on leashes, no. that's unusual also sometimes dogs carry their puppies by the neck they like to bite them and then drag them on the ground I don't know the animals do crazy things that they can't get out and it seems like the smurfs who clearly could get out, but the question is more important is why they are there, i think because there is a massive conspiracy around the smurfs that they are racist, so it could be that maybe they are locked up for hate crimes or something good.
cartoon logic that makes no sense
Next is Minnie. and Pluto and says Eek A Mouse because Minnie is a mouse, but Minnie is a fully functional personified mouse, while that mouse is clearly up to no good, what kind of science is this and then you have bubbles, I think, and she's using chopsticks no fingers. I don't really have a good defense for this except maybe I have glue on both sides of my hand to hold the chopsticks, but if not then I don't know, I want to make it clear that two characters are married and that they are see like this. brother and sister, this is something I've always noticed in cartoons because these people look exactly like each other, especially Mort and his wife.
cartoon logic that makes no sense
Okay, this is what I said before. No one in the entire Kingdom has the same size shoes. Oh really. I know it finds a random number. The corpse in the forest kisses him, so he clearly has a bit of necrophilia. I don't think you can make this movie with Rapunzel today, maybe because you're locking someone in a tower. Same thing with Sleeping Beauty, because this is not like the same thing and then also Beauty and the Beast, which is literally like bestiality. I still love movies. Do they have hair or not? So it's Bart and Lisa Simpson.
I guess that answers us. I guess they never had hair and stuff. It was just this structure of her skull, what doesn't make


is that the hair, at least on Lisa, I'm pretty sure is a different color than her skin. Learn English from an English girl who has an American accent. I don't think she's the oldest. She needs suspension of disbelief in Tarzan though, it's a very good point, why does she speak good English? To be fair, where does the movie take place? Okay so I just looked it up and it takes place in Equatorial Africa so there's really no excuse for it to have an American accent ripping logic ducks eating chicken Sometimes you have to eat your own no definitely don't do that but definitely eat others species, right, we eat cows, chickens, pigs, etc., so I'm on team ducks here.
SpongeBob, physicist, blowing a bubble despite the fact that he has a glass around his head Mickey L says it's some quantum effect, which could be the case because it takes place in Sandy's Treehouse, which is like a center science. Disney teaches you not to talk to strangers unless they are hot, yes, hot. people get away with a lot more than ugly people, how come his parents didn't know about the secret lab? that electric bill must have been higher than Wiz Khalifa's. So my theory on this is that they know what's going on in the basement, they don't know what that is. a whole lab but they know he's up to something that's like playing video games or whatever he says he's doing and they just justify it, I don't know, that would be an insane electric bill, okay, stop me here, a sponge washing dishes. well yeah he's an animated sponge so he's not going to use himself let's face it that would be incredibly degrading to the kids watching if you teach a lesson that you have to use your body to do things if Beauty and The Beast teaches us one thing.
It's just that appearances don't matter as long as you keep her locked up long enough I don't support Father wielding a powerful Trident Amazed by a fork Sometimes the micro world is more impressive than the macro world I think it's a better Mark of artistic skill that they made something small versus something big because it requires more Precision Does it make


if the shoe fit perfectly? How did it get out? I have always asked this question. Cinderella is plagued by all of these logical fallacies. She can build an advanced laboratory. Equipped with time machines and lasers he can build a security system to keep a sister out of this just classic sibling stuff I don't know how to find an abandoned cabin clean it up she's a Duelist there's nothing wrong with us needing some people in this world So she's like Mr.
B, she goes to the beach, cleans like 20 million tons of trash, it suits you. Snow White is naked all day but she is afraid of being seen while she bathes, no one wants to be seen in the bath, no matter what she is doing. I don't think I've told this story before, but I'll tell it now. I was staying at an Airbnb in Virginia about four years ago with my friend and we were at Super Smash with, which is like a Smash Bros. event and towards the end of our stay we noticed that the surge protector that goes over the outlet had a camera and it was in the bathroom and in the bedroom and it was in front of the toilet and the shower because they were next to each other. and then we took it out and then we took it out and there was like a little USB chip, so there was like a recording mechanism going, long story short, we contacted Airbnb, we got compensation for everything, uh, that person had to de- include their property off the Airbnb platform we were considering legal action but were happy to get the place for free but that's all to say you have to enjoy your bath time just trying to steal a useless Pikachu for 10 years don't call.
He's useless, he doesn't give a damn about the only talking Pokémon in the world, that's true, they do possess such an asset in Meowth, but he's also not the only talking Pokémon because Ditto could, in theory, just copy me and then talk unless I don't do it. I don't know Pokémon and that's not the case, rock, paper, scissors because scissors beats Paper and everyone just pops their bump Virgil points out that was the joke, yeah you can't take this too literally sometimes how do you Are your glasses still on? no nose or ear support, maybe it's glasses because we've never seen the back of Arthur's head, what are spongebob's sleeves attached to?
I would say she uses bobby pins to maybe keep them in place, but it's a very good question because when you see her suit on the rack it doesn't include the sleeves, which means she puts the sleeves on separately, but where I don't know, maybe Maybe they're stuck in one of the holes in the sponge, maybe he likes it, he's met Jesus several times and I'm still an atheist. I think that's Brian's irony because Brian thinks he's smarter than he really is and despite having empirical evidence presented in front of him, he still flouts his secular worldview, which is clearly wrong according to the show, He never wears a t-shirt, he always has a tan line.
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe I have a medical condition like alopecia or albinoism or what's that one where people's skin is different colors? It starts with a V and I'm not going to think about it because I'm in the place right now, I think it's called vigil or something, if I had to guess, but yeah, the point is that it can lift a rhino, but it can't lift a rhino. a lion cub. I've never seen the Lion King, but that seems pretty silly, kidnapped by a monster, make friends with his furniture. Have you ever stopped to think that the furniture is a direct representation of Bella?
They are also servants who were locked in a castle against her will under her spell and that is why they were able to empathize with her. How the hell is Zubat holding Squirtle? He laughs. Okay, that's funny. logical shouting


you stronger this is true we know this is true actually there is a lot of evidence about this too like if you stub your toe and start cursing then you will feel less pain and therefore you are stronger, you can survive at the bottom of the ocean without air drowns, yes, Pinocchio. I don't think you have lungs to begin with, so if anything, logic should stick to the left side, so this inconsistency doesn't really make sense.
All holes are portable, not all holes. The powers that be cannot. passing through gloves can pass through shoes easily so I guess this is frozen and that's how Elsa Mcleo sums it up the moment she got the gloves her powers were too weak very true Mclio the logic from Disney, a mouse walking a dog, well, we already covered that. this before, if Goofy can walk with Pluto, then why can't Mickey have different species? If anything, this


more sense. Clothes become rags again at midnight. The glass slippers remain the same. It's almost as if glass slippers are special.
The crazy stepmother wants her heart in a box, what do you do when things go wrong? Oh, of course, she sings a song. Sometimes when you're stressed, you just have to sing and get into a musical number. No, I'm not going to sing, wait a minute, why didn't they? Let's say wait a minute, how do you hold the cigarette? It's between your fingers unless you want to say why it's not in your mouth it's in your nose which means you're inhaling it which means there's probably something else in that cigarette you ask if it's safe to travel does it have a pet tiger, well , one is a pet and the other is a flying carpet.
I would say there are levels to this and I think a flying carpet is actually a lot scarier than a pet you grew up with that you could theoretically beat in a fight, but no you can't beat a fight by falling 2000 feet in the air from a magic carpet with the stranger goes to outer space without any helmet lives to tell the story I have no explanation for this this one gets me maybe he ate something like that chewy candy maybe it was like that oxygen thing he could use? Why am I swimming alone? I'm like five just bad dinner for parents.
Her parents also die so she lives with her sister, who was probably at work when she did this. I do not do it. I don't know the exact story, but she's safe, look, she's with a turtle, a fish, oh, there's a shark, okay, it doesn't matter, the most powerful Pokémon in the world beats him up, Pokémon are fun, the logic of the anime is actually pretty funny, I mean, Mewtwo still has a body so it's not like he wasn't affected by the hit at all unless he was really thinking about it now. I think so.
Has anyone noticed that this guy's mustache is in the wrong place? Maybe it's not a mustache, maybe it's just upper lip hair. It's that Doug Dimmadome, owner of the dimsdale. dimidone without his hat is fine, sure Rick and he's putting a fire extinguisher in his jacket we've all been to the movies sneaking in candy sometimes you'd be surprised what you can get away with Shadow breaks away uses soap is just one of those five thorough tricks to craft life and then the endings of The Lion King The biggest predator that eats insects is a baby let it go people are too strict sometimes anyway thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed watch this video watch this video and see you next time once peace

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