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Carla Makes Meatball Subs | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

May 31, 2021
It's like having a sausage and pepper sub, but you taste a little. I guess you could use pepper if you hate yourself. it's a low low Melissa P ice better oh I should have put on powder for the VA it's better this is for me good it's


sandwiches with sausage this is when you want a sandwich for dinner this is how I think of this recipe


sandwiches with sausage that are made with pork sausages spicy pork sausages if you don't like spices, use a sweet Italian something I really like about this method and I'm about to open the casing of this sausage so you can see how to get the inside out outside is that you are making meatballs but when you use a spicy sausage as the base of the meatball all the seasoning that you normally have what you have to do to make a meatball is already done, it is not the prettiest thing I have ever made in my life, but now You know, life isn't always pretty and cooking isn't always easy either, I mean, I have to get my hands a little wet for each one of these. we want to weigh about 2 ounces.
carla makes meatball subs from the test kitchen bon app tit
I'm very bad at estimating things, but that means we're going to take 3 balls out of each sausage and I'm not going to pack them very tightly but just stuff them into the classic meat, the I-shaped ball. I'm going to eat 12, they're for sandwiches, which means three meatballs per sandwich. I guess, how's the math going? I have done multiplication and division in the first two minutes, the one in our class, look what is happening, great, so we can do three if this was happening to me at home then I would send someone I would make someone run out to get more sausages that's it what's going on we had I don't know I weighed them and then I weighed them I need to get three balls out of each sausage, so you should forget about measuring them if I was like my great-grandmother, who I barely knew, but she fed everyone and then stood in the He cooked and ate the little scraps that were left over, like the opposite of My real personality, which is hoarding the best pieces, I know what I did, yes, when no one is around, I think that they will never know what I ate because no one else was here , so I'm going to place the sausage balls. at that point ten cloves of garlic already cut, if you can get someone to do it for you, I highly recommend it, there is an onion, so it is very feasible for me that all of these ingredients are in the house because it is built on the pantry.
carla makes meatball subs from the test kitchen bon app tit

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carla makes meatball subs from the test kitchen bon app tit...

Some basil and mozzarella is coming soon, so you might have to pick up a couple of things on the way home. Fennel, one of the great vegetables, if you don't like fennel but you like celery, I would just make that swap. Celery is a fairly classic sauce preparation. I wouldn't put a carrot in this place, it's not my fault that I have recently discovered that fennel heart is perfectly palatable and should be enjoyed, so by eliminating that step that the recipe says to cut the heart, sometimes you just do things during years and years and years. because the recipes tell you to do them and then one day you wonder why it says to do that and then you find out there's another way and that's a great thing about food and cooking because you're constantly discovering things you didn't know.
carla makes meatball subs from the test kitchen bon app tit
I don't know before this, I'm going to need a minute to use half the garlic in the sauce, half the garlic in our little pesto sauce and basil mixture. This will happen later, so I just have to remember that when I'm making the sauce. half the garlic don't put all the garlic but I'm going to start by browning these sausages 12 of them 13 as it looks good so the other ingredients of the sauce is a can of whole tomatoes a little olive oil to start, the sausages in yes they have a good amount of fat, but just to put some in the pan to make it work, we are ready, not all of them will fit, that's the fun part 12 of them are going to fit that last meatball is the 13th angry meatball, it doesn't fit, I'm sorry, Tommy, so now these are going to brown.
carla makes meatball subs from the test kitchen bon app tit
I'm going to give you a minute. There is a good amount of space between each meatball. I just want to move them. While cooking, get them brown, you know Chris is a super taster, right, he can smell. I love the flavor. I don't believe it. I know. You know your first sign of being smart is thinking you're stupid. perhaps with this, the first sign of being a super taster is knowing that there are so many flavors that have not been implemented, yes, that is the perfect amount of time for my sausages to brown, as expected, the outer ring of the pan is hotter than the medium. because it's lined up where the ring of fire is below so ideally I want to get some of my guys from the middle to the outer ring and as they're getting smaller the irony is we've created space for the search field little kpop , can come.
Going to the party anyway, Christmas is a great taste, but I've been going out a lot lately and it's made me think I like that, like I've never tried anything. Actually, I do not know. I thought, yeah, well, I'm going to just heat it up a little now that we've gotten up to temperature and things are sizzling. I just don't want it to burn before these guys turn uniformly brown, so really turn it down a bit. I have reached a level of I am satisfied with the gold. I'm going to start taking them out so you can make the dish, just transferring them to a small tray, so right in that oil I have the garlic, remember only half the garlic goes in, so that's a good amount of garlic, five cloves plus my chopped onion and chopped fennel, so this is really the base of the sauce, so I'm going to let them cook down a little bit, they'll soften, they'll turn translucent and they'll get nice and pliable. and the end point we're looking for is tender and softened with a little bit of browning, so it will take about five to ten minutes, so I'm pretty satisfied with what I'm seeing right now: the vegetables are really soft, I want to try it for see if it needs salt or anything because I'm going to add the tomatoes and all that pit, so let's see how they taste.
You could definitely go with a little bit of salt a little bit spicy, you know with chili flakes that ended up. in the walnut oil that was left over from browning the sausages and very good, now I have these canned tomatoes and I'm going to let the sauce and the juices go in first to make a big mess and then just separate them. and if you squish them as they go into the pot, they'll disintegrate more, but if you start with a whole peeled tomato, they'll never get anywhere and you'll spend half the cooking time squishing them with a wooden stick. with a spoon this just gives you a head start so it's going to simmer and then cook just to get the ingredients in this pot for these flavors just start to come together so the sauce thickens a little bit and then I'm going to come back Add the sausage balls.
I think it's very important with things like this that are cooked in stages and have different phases that are seasoned along the way. I really like the sweetness that the tomatoes bring to the table. It was really tempered like that, the way the vegetables tasted before I put the tomato in there was like something very vegetal, spicy and a little bit oily, not bad, but now it's starting to combine the acidity and the sweetness of the tomatoes they will make a really delicious sauce so these guys will come back in they will all dress up they will have a little diaper this pot will go away and while that happens I'm going to do I'm going to get my heroes Ready, prepare my basil sauce and let it sit aside.
We've been debating whether this sauce is pesto or not. I think it is, except for the fact that it's made in a food processor. It's got basil fresh basil the rest of the garlic we're going to blend it well like I said the rest of the oil so I used a little bit at the beginning and I'm just going to blend this into a paste or a sauce. ugly word as it turns out that pesto is any kind of mixture with a bunch of ingredients so I think this is a pesto we'll call it right and we have to try this flavor without inflicting bodily harm so don't get stuck. put your finger in with the blade.
It's amazing the vegetable and garlic flavor without any seasoning, salt, pepper, oh great, that was open. I wouldn't do this too far in advance because the basil will oxidize and the garlic will become extremely pungent, so that's good. In the meantime, by the time things are boiling, you might not want to cut these here, these are the hoagie rolls and read the rest of you before doing it or just watch the video because they are in a higher division instead of going along . I'm going to cut the sausage and the stuffing, but not all the way through, so this is for all my New England lobster roll people, you know what's going on right now and these are not fancy rolls, not necessarily a bakery bun.
If you want some delicious fresh hoagie rolls, cut them yourself so the sauce is for two things, the sauce is to go inside the rolls and we will grill them and soften them until they are toasted and that will also take away some of the rawness of the hoagie flavor. garlic and then I don't want to use it all so I'm going to save some to drizzle at that time so it's like you're making garlic bread but with basil and it's Very like I said this is pretty spicy and I'm going to use it raw on top so no I need to use a ton inside, just enough to cover, don't burn the buns, well don't you dare, oh my god. okay for a little heat, guys, and you know, we were only there for a minute, so guys, this is a great time to pause and just talk about grills.
Every Brailler is different. The boilers are also incredibly hot, so we last about half the time. amount of time on the recipe and I must say this guy really took the brunt of it so we're going to change it up just for the benefit of everyone's enjoyment so now it's time to make these beautiful sandwiches everyone gets three scoops plus one extra. I want all the meatballs to get some sauce. This will insulate them when they go back into the oven to melt the cheese I'm about to put on top. It will also soften the bread more.
It's like giving you that meatball sub experience, then a draping of fresh mozzarella. I'm great with meatballs, yum, okay and then sprinkle with basil to get them back on the grill. Take note. The recipe says five minutes. I'll be checking on them later, so back at the grill they're going well, we've been watching them like a hawk, they're ready, they're melted, yum, okay, so we've got great coverage on the moths, very melty and delicious, coming out of the edges that I burned. a couple of rolls, what are you going to do? It'll be fine, there's plenty to go around and then everyone will get another little drizzle of our pesto that will give it that kind of melty mozzarella and all the flavors will open up again.
I just think this is something delicious to eat, it's a delicious dinner that we can have for dinner, it's also a lot of fun if you feel like this is cool, like watching a party sporting event, some kind of casual dining you know. sausage, you saw spicy sausage, delicious tomato marinara, but like anything else that happens in the marinara, fennel, onion, garlic, well, no, I'm not going to tell you to find out so as not to get all Blasi, but I want to finish this with a fight, you know, like pulling up a chair, I know, but at the same time I'm wearing an apron, so whatever happens, hmm, yeah, Tommy, that's a word: cankle, okay, mm-hmm, it's like caving, but that's when the sword falls. from your barrel or squozen, yeah, that's my, that's my favorite, that's a word at this point, every once in a while, there are certain words that, as if they were there, should be counted as valid forms of communication because everyone knows about what are you talking about when you say it and squozen is one of those words say it enough times it seems real

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