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Carla and Ina Garten Make Chocolate-Pecan Scones | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

Jun 02, 2021
in this episode of drunk baking hi, I'm Karla and I'm here in the v8s


today not only with a queen but with the con


ants here today and she's going to





with your new book, cook like a pro who you were going to do no, I'm just going to stay on the sidelines, it's going to be awesome, it's like one of my favorite things to do, actually because there's a little technique in the middle that


s the difference between a slow hockey puck and a light, flaky slag. Yes, we have to do it. talk about why this hasn't become a cookie and why people talk so much crap about Scott Oh people, it's terrible, it seems like it usually tastes like hockey pucks, right? and they like their giant balls of flour as their doorstops, but these aren't going to be Okay, so let's start with things first.
carla and ina garten make chocolate pecan scones from the test kitchen bon app tit
One of the points that you can highlight in the book and that I think is very intelligent is that people do not read the recipes from beginning to end. That's a very important thing, especially with baking. People don't read recipes. point Rick, all the time it's another prop, well, people actually have ingredients and then they put together, yes, but also how to measure, so one of the first ingredients is flour exactly, so show us how or show me how, like this that this is a high measurement flour. you know, your mother or your grandmother used to sift it so that each cup of flour had exactly the same amount of flour and yes, but what I do is I just lighten the flour in the flour container just like that and then take it out very carefully. and just level it with your finger, it's a lot easier to level your fingers, and that's the difference is you're not packing it, you're not packing it, because if I were like that, right?
carla and ina garten make chocolate pecan scones from the test kitchen bon app tit

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carla and ina garten make chocolate pecan scones from the test kitchen bon app tit...

Look, you could put a lot more flour in that if it was packaged and that makes everything different, so we need four cups of flour. Great, okay, cool it right in the mixer, well, do that. I'll do the same thing with there's a flower that goes into this nut and


mixture, and you know what that does? No, I wanted to ask you, keeps it from sinking to the bottom, okay, so that's four cups of flour, great, so you're in church with


s, okay, so this is Something else, so the recipe says one cup of chopped


s .
carla and ina garten make chocolate pecan scones from the test kitchen bon app tit
I like it, says a cup of chopped pecans. Uh oh, you're right, which is interesting, so one cup of chopped pecans means that you level out the cup of pecans, yeah, and then you chop them up. which is actually different than a cup of chopped nuts and then I have to measure the measurement after cutting them exactly and how you want these kids just coarsely chopped, you know the way you want them on a chunky bun, yeah, Yeah. Okay, now I'm going to put two tablespoons of sugar. I like them a little sweet, but not too sweet, so two tablespoons of baking powder and four teaspoons of salt, the most important ingredient.
carla and ina garten make chocolate pecan scones from the test kitchen bon app tit
Okay, then I'm going to put the mixer on. I'm just going to mix the dry ingredients here, just mix them on low, this is more like a puff pastry where you have cold butter and flour instead of yeah, so I couldn't butter that cream, exactly, exactly, chocolate, You know? I've used lean to bittersweet chocolate for a long time and recently we thought that if we still love Lent as much as we did and we got like six different types of chocolate and did a blind tasting, the fluff that was still curling was just the right balance between sweet and sour, you can still see the butter in this and in large chunks, yes, we want to let it continue at low speed until the butter is the size of peas, but it's not incorporated at all, that's how it should be.
If the butter was too soft, it would be a Sebastian design, okay, exactly, okay, and in the meantime I have a cup of heavy cream and four extra-large eggs. I always use extra large eggs for that, which also interests me. use large only here and I feel like people don't know how much more liquid, yes, it's involved in an extra. Actually, I didn't know. My assistant once told me that once you start using extra large eggs, your bacon would improve. I thought you need to know, okay, exactly, so I'm going to stop this and see how it goes.
I'm just looking for the butter to mix in like the size of the peas is easy, it looks pretty good, maybe a little big, but by the time you get there. this cream I think is better in this sense smaller you can't go back while the mixer is running I just pour this in and that's it until it's mixed well, that's really like there's barely any flour in your pocket, yeah okay, you could be? faster no it's interesting because all modern


designs have a counter and then with the cabinets they go down and I think you've missed the point of the counter if there is an overlap you can do like this exactly in the front . your drawers okay so I'm just pulling that in with my hand to cover and actually that's the extra flour that I needed and there was another phrase in this recipe that really got me was stopping and taking note of which one was the one you mentioned, puddles chocolate, yes.
I don't think those are two words I've ever heard in a row, but they were pretty appealing, yeah, you want little puddles of chocolate in this chocolate, okay, that's the dough, just mix the nut and chocolate buns together to make the dough easier, that simple, yes. Well, yes, before the buns come out, yes, we are going to flour this surface that is not marble, but we spread it on this, that's right, it's cold, so are you a professional at doing that? What is it? I'm a professional, but I learned how to do it. do it instead of just the silly thing, yeah, do the same thing, oh, that's really, that's really good, so this is very wet, very wet, you really want to go to the amount of flour and then you like to flour your pin also.
I like that one. Do you use that one? So I used to always use this one, which is technically a French pen. It has conical edges. I feel like I have it more uneven because I feel like I use it, no, but you, if then we're going to use our thing, you do, I feel like if I use the edge of the pin, yeah, that's really fast and you want to shoot this too, yeah , okay, okay, so I'm going to jump off the dough, how good does this look? you just eat your tail like that, like that, like that, but then we wouldn't have puddles, oh yeah, that's right, we have to get to a puddle stage, so we'll use an amazing good appetite, okay, here we go, so you just know that there's always a part of the dough right at the bottom that doesn't get mixed, yeah, so I always turn it just to make sure it's mixed well, here we go for the dump, are you ready?
I'm ready, well look, there's a lot on the bottom, so we're just going to mix it in and we want to do this quick because you don't want the butter to get hot, right? Are you a cold person? Not particularly now. Hello to culinary school with a guy who had it. Technically he had hot hands digging, it was like trying to learn how to, you know, the poor guy was trying to learn how to do like Pat Sucre and every time he turned into soup and we finally found out that he was just hot, that's what. thanks, okay, so we need it to be about three-quarters of an inch thick, okay, and we need a precision, yeah, right, I love a ruler that's a little bit more than a little bit more than an inch, okay, like that Let's do it a little more, okay, great, then we'll get more.
Bun cutter, three inch cutter, right? And do you flour this? I flour everything, including myself, okay and then you have a baking sheet, yes, lined with parchment paper. Yes, ma'am, these are a little sick, but you know they will be very good. right, more petals, okay, you didn't twist it, is there a twist? I don't know, you're pressing down and faking it to loosen, but I've read that if you twist what happened, it pinches all those nice layers that you want, I wouldn't do that either because it's like almost a straight compress, those super delicate back and forth ones.
I think I got too enthusiastic and they're a little thicker, but I think they'll really warm up. Is anyone complaining? No, do not do it. I don't think so, if the buns are bigger, no, I have never complained until now, the phones are too big, well, they are puddles of Tony, yes, and this little crack is like it doesn't concern you in any way, no , no, great, he showed it to me. nor no, I think it's good to see that the dough doesn't have to be homogeneous, yes, and I like what it really means when it is not homogeneous and maybe it will give a steeper surface, exactly, they will have character, yes. now a small child or an adult would definitely be in the kitchen eating well okay one of gummies it doesn't come out okay fabulous cool so let's make this bench scraper first are you a metal bench scraper bird exactly that one, yes? some people like plastic, we've written about plastic, everyone's fine, but I think Meadows suits it better, step back, now I'll get into the magic, that's cool.
Trash Can, right where it works, so the next thing I do is want. to make sure the top is nicely browned when it bakes yeah and a little bit of beaten egg which is egg and can be cream, half and half, milk or water mmm just do a little bit and that's for brownies for little ones, yeah and since it makes it look delicious and there's a little bit of sugar, a little bit of sugar on top just to give it a little bit of a sweet crust because there's not a lot of sugar in this, there's only 2 tablespoons in the whole recipe and all that. salt and all the salt, yes, exactly, but you know them, without sugar, right, if I had sugar thick like sugar in the rock, I would do it, I would do that, it would be wonderful, yes, kind, it's okay, it's that simple , okay, in the oven 400 degrees for 20 minutes and we're going to change the pans halfway through so they bake really well evenly.
I don't know if I can wait that long, a minuscule minute that's almost the exact length of a show exactly set up in a show and you want to separate them if they're right on top, okay, okay, great, I'm going to rotate from front to back, top down, perfect, okay, and I feel like this is another thing that people think, ma'am, are they big enough, not puddle enough, aren't they? enough puddles of chocolate overflowing Wow, okay and why are those the biggest buns I've ever seen? You can see that it's brown on one side and the one that wasn't was facing the back, so it really makes a difference and then these are much paler, exactly, and that's because the heat is coming from the bottom of the oven.
I think I'm pretty sure they look pretty good, uh, look at the faucet, okay, look intense, so what's going on here? Turkey, my God, that. It smells so good so I wish you were here this is what you guys do for a living it's the best job in the world and you eat your homework that's the best part I make Thanksgiving dinner and then I make another Thanksgiving dinner Thank you for taking her home yes, the note of the wine is very strong I wonder if she eats something else like a little sweetness really the


icles are like that Mauro Mauro and and you held up very well Regards if I drink more than that I won't be able to drink this it comes out of the oven, okay, let's check this out, okay, so I'm looking for Grand Rounds in brown and puddles, but you're also looking for when you touch it, it comes back oh, that's it and that's it.
They look very good, don't they? They are very pretty, we are talking about big puddles. I feel like this is a cute house, oh yeah, they don't hold, yeah, product, the rotation really works like they're evenly browned, they're superhuman. Brown and front You also know on both sides, yeah, fantastic, I think we nailed it for sure, okay, which one do you want to try? Whistle, this, what was the type that you love, eight, yeah, its elevation, okay, it's going to be very hot, a flaky, that's a sign. and there's like the perfect cross section of the walnut - exactly yeah, how is that?
You're going to try, you know why wait for them to cool down. I don't know any man, young lady, who works with me, always like this, the best language. I can eat anything, right? Wow and chocolatey and you don't have it today, sorry, but it's perfectly seasoned, it's very light and it's like the best part of a hot chocolate chip cookie with a nutty, but the texture is moist and light at the same time, yes this would change anyone who thinks she is gone she is dead or ledin mm-hmm converted there are no door stops here there is no door puddles of chocolate steiner thank you very much dr. bun reveal, thank you, I like buns with you anytime, come back anytime, okay, your buns for Yom and these are all for Carla and I, we'll make some more for you later.

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