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Carl Jung's Life Lessons We All Learn Too Late In Life

May 05, 2024
If the path before you is clear, you are probably on someone else's path. Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to understand ourselves. Where is your fear? That is your task. If a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely. thinking is difficult that is why most people consider that even a happy


cannot exist without a measure of darkness and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness children


from the example of an adult, Not with his words, you are what you do, not what you say.
carl jung s life lessons we all learn too late in life
I will do what you did when you were a child that made the hours pass like minutes here lies the key to your earthly pursuits the shoe that fits one person pinches another there is no recipe for living that fits all cases so that it comes the best the good must remain apart the greatest tragedy of the family is the unlived lives of the parents you are not what happened to you you are what you chose to be asking the right question is already half the solution to a problem the privilege of your


is to become who you really are the man needs difficulties they are necessary for health the soul needs your recklessness not your wisdom loneliness does not come from not having people around you but from not being able to communicate the things that seem important to you or from having certain views that others find inadmissible, I was afraid of needing dependence, like a weakened man needs support, life really begins at 40. until then, you are just investigating, if you are a talented person, it does not mean that you have something, it means that you can give something away, people will do it.
carl jung s life lessons we all learn too late in life

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carl jung s life lessons we all learn too late in life...

Do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing your own Souls. The smallest of things with meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it. Shame is a soul-devouring emotion. Your vision will become clear only when you can look inside yourself. own heart he who looks outside dreams he who looks inside awakens middle age is the time to let go of an overly dominant ego and contemp


the deeper meaning of human existence every form of addiction is bad, regardless of whether the narcotic is alcohol, morphine or idealism, plenitude is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one's own being but by integrating the opposites.
carl jung s life lessons we all learn too late in life
We were born at a certain time in a certain place and like the vintages of wine we have the qualities of the year and the season in which we are born until we become conscious. the unconscious he will direct your life and you will call it another's destiny he does not torture others generally it is the tortured who become torturers a man who has not gone through The hell of his passions has never defeated them people grow like plants some in light others In shadow there are many who need shadow not light we cannot change anything until we accept it condemnation does not liberate oppresses woe to those who live by example there is no life in them if you live by example you live the life of that example, but what?
carl jung s life lessons we all learn too late in life
Who will live your life but yourself? So live your own life. Man cannot endure a meaningless life. Moving away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal that robs the second half of Life of its purpose, where love rules, there is no Will to Power and where power predominates, love is missing, one is the shadow of the other, the biggest problems and most important of life are all fundamentally insoluble can never be resolved but only the overcome man can endure the hardest tests if he sees meaning in them lies all the difficulty In creating that meaning, what we avoid, ostensibly avoiding forgetting, is dangerously close to us and will eventually return, but with Redoubled Strength, knowing that your own darkness is the best method for dealing with other people's darkness, there is in each of us.
Another whom we do not know, depression is like a woman in black, if she appears, do not scare her, invite her and offer her a seat, treat her like a guest and listen to what she means, where wisdom reigns, there is no conflict between thinking and feeling, knowledge is not based only in truth but in error also every human life contains a potential if that potential is not fulfilled then that life was wasted if an attractive woman is single it is because she is more intelligent than everyone else the meeting of two personalities is like contact of two chemical substances, if there is a reaction, both are transformed, do not cling to those who leave, otherwise you will not find those who come, do not rush to help those who have not asked you because not all those who are drowning need a hand, some want to drown.
Most people consider themselves very knowledgeable about Psychology for one simple reason. Psychology for them comes down to what they know about themselves. Any change must begin somewhere. It is the only individual who will experience it and carry it out. The change must begin. With an individual, it can be any of us, no one can afford to look around and wait for someone else to do what he himself hates to do. We have chosen these quotes from Carl Jung that we hope will help. help you understand yourself better was one of the first psychologists who introduced the idea of ​​analytical psychology and popularized it in the world thanks for watching this video

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