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Canon 15-35mm RF - The ONE AND DONE lens. Stabilized Wide Angle!

May 29, 2021
Hi, it's been a while since we've


a vlog, but I thought I'd do one today. I'm in Los Angeles for a video summit, which is a creators' conference, people are talking, interesting things are happening and there are a lot of friends here, so I'm meeting a friend of mine downstairs and it's 5:30am. It's probably a horrible idea, but if I don't do it now I never will. I'll end up sleeping until 11:30 and wake up. I wake up having a coffee and then I'll say I'm not vlogging, forget it, this is like five days old, right, it's perfectly there, so we're doing a little dawn mission in the Jeep Gladiator, let's take this.
canon 15 35mm rf   the one and done lens stabilized wide angle
I don't know, apparently there's a m'q place in the middle of La. He says: "Oh, we can do something off-road, this a bit like in the middle of the city, off-road in the middle, okay, let's go, so I got up very early to try to get off the road before having to go back to the conference and talk, apparently it's 50 minutes from here in downtown Los Angeles, which means like an hour and a half, the traffic here is really ridiculous, which is nice in such a sick Jeep. the bus is passing right now this camera and my hand is gone too this vlog has a dual purpose because I want to try the new 15 to 35 RF


that I got from Canon, it's


, I mean, I don't think I've ever seen a



, let's say we have 15 thousand,


, that's wild.
canon 15 35mm rf   the one and done lens stabilized wide angle

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canon 15 35mm rf the one and done lens stabilized wide angle...

I've never been here. I've been to other places that I like, but I had no idea there's a spy here, right in the city. Yeah, I just drive past skyscrapers. and they are genes that receive directions, so he will take us to the entrance of this path. We'll follow it and have a good time testing the stabilization of this


there. Yes, it feels good. I go back to vlogging every time I come to California, the California light, the sunrise is here, they're just different, I mean the light has a certain look, it's magical, like a photographer like anyone who carries who cares What are you doing, that's nice. light universally loved come on okay I'm going there it's point see there are no doors look at this I'm sorry Canada our microphone I hope you brought a change of clothes we have to go take care of your dog later you are decoded because I have So much sand in the cylinder of this lens that has like a legit compressor that we're going to use to remove all the sand.
canon 15 35mm rf   the one and done lens stabilized wide angle
It really got like that, it was fifteen seconds and only eight. I just have to review this lens. and now, one thing about the new fifteen to thirty-five, the zoom on the old 16 to 35 was internal, so now the barrel zooms out the words, it's a zoom out as if it were an external zoom, my bad, my bad, sorry, that's my bad Jean spline madrone again, you know, drone master, another one, remember the neck


, look at it, but seriously, why are the California lights so good? Do you like it? This shot looks so good. I need to change the CD from the Jeep to the Jeep.
canon 15 35mm rf   the one and done lens stabilized wide angle
I can not do it. I'm not worthy Sam Colder I could do that with my eyes closed the man detects these seats sometimes I like to try to shoot you have to turn off all the sensors brother he still doesn't like to be around yeah I have to avoid obstacles what else I need to get off Oh , vision down, okay, there you go, just for the record before Gene does this. I would never, I would never do this, I would never do it, it's such a bad idea, such a horrible idea, Gene do you have this? man, you got this thing about the dust being crazy every day, okay yeah, no, I'm in a hurry, I've got my adrenaline fix, do you have any words you'd like to say to Maddie?
You know, Maddie? I really like you, but you suck, this is what it does It doesn't make sense Every time you stop filming that's when the craziest things happened, the drone was coming full speed, full speed, I just look up in jeans, standing there, looking down, he just looks up, boom, he catches it right, yeah, BAM like with four subha and then. it just goes off how what just happened happened, well that was an accident. I completely forgot. I turned off the lower senses with just the palm. I wish we didn't. That was much better than flying a drone through the Jeep.
That was crazy. Okay, so we arrive. some good drone footage here, had some good times, the light looks amazing, productive time on top of a random mountain in the middle of nowhere in the middle of Los Angeles, really what a random place. I want to keep talking about this land because I want to see how good the stabilization is compared to having used the 1635 for so long without ever feeling like I needed it. Is this really something that will help a lot of people and make a big difference? That's what I'm eager to find. I think a good test for stabilization is just following you, like jogging, like running after you, yeah, I mean, people do that, let's do it, it's like it's a vlog thing, but I didn't say go yet, okay so this is whip stabilization just a little slow, slow forward, forward, the positions are good and


, it definitely works pretty well, man, wow, this is a


lens, 50 is wide, yeah, 16, probably been there, you get that little extra punch.
Wow, no. It doesn't even look like the cameras are pointed at me but I'm here you see me that's crazy yeah super cool for vlogging this kind of stuff your friends standing around in Jeeps hey gene why don't you explain to them everyone what's about to happen here? vertical wall in front of us we're going to try to get up because we're stuck here if you go down a super steep hill it turns out we have to go back out and we're in this little valley and every direction we go there's a cliff so we look at how steep it is , don't forget that you're the keynote speaker in about five hours, so if I do this now, we'll only be in the hospital, but Vinson will be the least of my worries is no better time than trying the stabilization of the new 15 or 35 and then run after Gene's Jeep, yeah, okay, I guess I mean, sure, just do it.
I guess easy, easy, I thought I'd feel that way, really, yeah, it was an escape. the scariest part is like driving there and you're just like eh, okay, I guess we're going there. I have a lot of sand and disgusting nests everywhere, everything is fine, we stopped at Jeanne's house for coffee, clean our equipment since we have a lot of dust everywhere, this is, uh, I don't want to let these little ones out, what's wrong , welcome, this is your place, this is mine, this is where I spend 98% of my life. here, yeah, no, Andy Foger is happening, man, I need the little, I need the tour, well, it's here, okay, it's smaller than you expected it to be, yeah, that's a lot bigger on camera, yes, everything does.
It's a good thing, the magic of a wide angle lens, see if you put this nice and low, like right here, wow, the studio looks good, look, there you go, the studio looks good, it's big, right, but really it's like even when I'm standing here, interesting, thank you for making this coffee, yeah. I just press the button on the Keurig pretty good, fantastic, it's great, so I mean coffees, coffee, sometimes I just need it. I don't really care where I get it from. I got 48 edited putts at cheap prices like $22. I do not love it. Damn 42 bucks, okay, you've been using the new 15:35 like I have.
I thought we could chat a little about this lens here and we would like a nice, controlled situation where there isn't as much dust, this is much cleaner. Initial thoughts when you took this out of the box. I'll tell you which one was mine. It feels much bigger. I think it's like all the RF lenses seem like they're big, big, and heavy, yeah, but when you put the adapter to work. it actually ends up being pretty similar in size because yes, this is smaller, but it can fit there. The other thing I mentioned to you outside was the zoom on this, but when you zoom in, they're all internal, right?
You don't move and then on the new 15 to 35, when you zoom in, you get a little bit of extension, so what do you think about those things that you like and that bother you? Only dust gets in there, obviously, you can see it. I think the most important thing is probably the gimbals as you have to rebalance them if you move them slightly, it doesn't move as much as this one. I mean, that's going to completely unbalance your bow. I didn't think it was the best thing to vlogging with this lens would have to be the fact that I will be vlogging with a 16 to 35 it's amazing it's always been amazing it's my go to lens for any time I'm filming myself holding the camera, but now the fact that its image stabilized is incredible, have you ever seen a wide angle lens stabilized with this kind of 15 to 35 stabilized to 8?
Yeah, I mean, that's awesome because yeah, these were the lenses that we were using, so I usually have to do well. Do I want the f28? So we'll use this target. If we want stabilization, we have to go for this f4, but now it's like the best of both worlds. Yeah, what I mean is that's also why they're expensive. The price. This thing is How is it? As we are? I think it's below. Let's look for this. Please wait. I'm going to look for it. Let me check my bank statements and I'll tell you right now.
You know, you could just like Google. instead of logging into your bank and scrolling through everything here, okay, this is 2299, okay, we. yeah it's like almost 3000 Canadian and then it trades in taxes so it's an expensive lens no I think it's okay the good thing is it's a little bit future proof so you know you'll be upgrading the body yeah , definitely at some point, but it will probably be like an RF adaptable body, like they keep moving forward with this line, so this lens will fit in line with that, yes, but in general, I have traveled as I have.
I've been to a few places with this. Now I throw it in and out of my bag. You saw how the dust got completely covered in dust today. Emily, yeah, compressor to blow it out, so it looks like there's a little bit of dirt in there, but I'm not. There's no squeaking, it looks super solid, the image is still super sharp and clear and that stabilization actually makes a big difference and if you're shooting at 60P and you're slowing things down to get some of that footage, it's It's just going to help make 60 P even slower or 120 or whatever you're using, it's just going to make everything slower and smoother and faster and that's a big win for me, that's all.
I have nothing more to say, okay, yeah, can you come back? Not to the hotel, so I won't miss my talk, let's do it, yeah, you'll like to just go on stage with all that dust. Dillinger, yeah, what's up guys, these jeans fall down if I look like a skate, yeah, so what do you need? What you do is when you stop your talk you do one of these like Oh leave a trail of dust coyote so I just got back from hanging out with Jean Mobbin in the jeep gladiator thanks Jean for inviting me to shoot some great footage with drones, everything is super dusty, so I.
I'm going to be the dirtiest guy on the plane, but right now I'm just here with my boy Chris Ramsey. If you don't know, Chris Cole follow him, he is the only fun fact on this channel that convinced me to upload a video to YouTube. and pursue it as more than just a hobby, really try it, it was probably a good decision on your part, yeah, I'm very grateful for that push you gave me, yeah, eight camera tricks in 90 seconds, idea like this, so yes. Thanks for that too, yes, but my talk is in ten minutes. spray, put on the microphone.
I have 18 text messages that I haven't responded to, probably everyone wondering where are you? I'm just nervous, I'm always, I'm always nervous. before a talk, yeah, I heard that nerves mean you care, but I can't, you don't know, yeah, I'm like my palms are sweaty and I have to pee and I just peed, you know, but I think that's a good thing. , Yes all the time. but I think one of the things is the fear of rejection, so yeah, if you think about that, hey, they already hired you, they already blew you away, so they already love you, yeah, yeah, you're with friends and family when you're in this kind of thing like people are excited so you feed off that emotion you just keep going so speaking of that I'm going to do that and I'll be right back.
Another successful trip with the bag. Can we talk about that Kickstarter? I met people. I would like it, I never thought they would like it so much, I mean, sort of, I mean, I'm impressed, it's just outrageous and as I went up on stage to give my talk tonight I hit four million subscribers. An absolutely incredible day, super tired taking the red. -I'm looking home to Toronto now, so I basically wrapped up a round trip to Los Angeles in about 24 hours speaking at a video summit, which was absolutely incredible. Everyone I met there was a pleasure to know.
Their stories are incredible. They inspire me. It's the first standing ovation. I've come to that, it was super exciting, so overall what a great day. I'm ready to sleep.

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