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Can You Trust Animals Without Sight? ft. Blind YouTuber Molly Burke

Jun 01, 2021
mean? It's like they're trying to balance, separating their head from their neck, you know? Or their shoulders get too close to their ears, as if they don't know how to


, and they let go and surrender completely, so they can experience what I'm talking about, which is simply looking from within yourself. - And that is another gift that I feel


ness has given me. - Yeah! - It's not just


ing a dog, but I have to trust society all the time. I have to ask complete strangers when I have to order a coffee: "Is it my turn to come up?" "Can you help me?" I always ask complete strangers for help. - Yes. - Just the other day I went on a first date with a guy, and the moment we met, I said, "Hey, I'm going to teach you how to guide me." Control so quickly, Molly? - Yes! - Oh my God! - Let's go! dates, and he acted like that with me, and then (claps) - Disappear? - Ghost Where did you go? - Oh, I didn't know what to do with you - Okurr ) (claps) Molly's in the house! well, Molly, I'm glad you have levels of confidence in...
can you trust animals without sight ft blind youtuber molly burke
Yeah, so if a guy... - Most guys tell me I'm intimidating, which is funny because I'm 4'10". - You are, Molly. Are you. Yes, it's not your size. It's your energy. Are you. You give the impression that you own the world, which you should, which is why not many guys own themselves or know themselves. So it's true. Women mature faster than men, because it's about... - And I think my situation made me mature very quickly. - Yeah! I would say that. I mean, you're leading yourself for a long time, and there are guys who don't have what you have and they still don't know where they're going. - Yes. - You know where you're going.
can you trust animals without sight ft blind youtuber molly burke

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can you trust animals without sight ft blind youtuber molly burke...

You know what you have. You know who you are, you know what you want and you already have a mission. Listen, if a guy doesn't have a mission, leave him. Just leave it like he's hot, like leave it. (blows raspberry) If a guy doesn't have a mission, he'll waste your time because he'll be on a "game, exploration." (laughs) Remember when I said, "Follow, play, explore"? He will be in a state of mind of play and exploration, and a woman like you doesn't need a guy who is the teenage type. - Uh-uh. - You know what I mean?
can you trust animals without sight ft blind youtuber molly burke
He is in a state of play and exploration. You want a guy who is in that leadership state and knows how to follow. - Dog tips, dating tips, you get it all here. - Yeah! Well, it's the same. I learned that to be a good partner for a woman, I learned that from a dog, because dogs are great listeners, they make you laugh, and if you need leadership they give it to you. That's three positions in one package, Molly. In a pack of dogs, it is the back of the pack. Those are the most sensitive. They listen to everything.
can you trust animals without sight ft blind youtuber molly burke
The middle of the pack are the guys who are happy-go-lucky, and this is like HR for the human world, right? (laughs) And then there's the front of the group. Those are protection, direction. So one thing I've learned is that I need to be a great listener, so that a woman feels like she can trust me and that she can express herself, and know that I want to get to know her, and if I feel like she's a little sad, and then I make her laugh. Carefree, and if she doesn't know what we are going to do, then I take the position of direction, protection.
Obviously, as a man, it's my instinct to protect, right? But I have to learn when to give instructions if necessary. So, listener, make women laugh and give them direction if necessary. Otherwise, return to the back of the package. Being a good listener has given me a lot of in


into what I do for a living. It's not that I tell the dog what to do. It's just that I listen to the dog, what he wants me to help him. So what makes me a good dog whisperer is that I'm a good listener, not that I tell dogs what to do.
That's really the key. - Well, thanks for inviting me to The Ranch! This was so much fun! - I love you, Molly! So next time, Mexican food. I will do it. Swim. - Mm-hmm. - Walking with a herd of


, migration and hopefully we can do some search and rescue. (person speaking weakly) - Yes, and you take a photo with a bird. So, we have to make progress here, okay? - There is more to do. - No more fear of birds, especially with Rio. Rio is a... She is a goddess. (laughs) She's like a Beyoncé. - This is Beyoncé. - This is Beyoncé.
B. (laughs) YouTube family, I will always ask you this question: what did you learn? Don't forget to subscribe. Don't forget to tell everyone that we can all become better humans, on a better planet, if we all understand how to connect, communicate and have an amazing relationship with Mother Nature, and don't forget to watch this video with Molly. Burke when she leaves. I love her and we are both amazing people! That's why. - Wow! I agree! (laughs) (upbeat pop music) - Guys, thanks for watching my YouTube channel. Make sure to subscribe, like and comment, and most importantly, thank you for helping me achieve better humans, a better planet!
If we can!

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