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Can You Guess The Price Of These VIRAL TIKTOK DIY LIFE HACKS?! (GAME)

Jun 03, 2021
eat them, so I probably wouldn't recommend trying it once it's a waste of food, if you crush the eggs they're like the ones we had, we're already bad. How do I get the dollar or not? Did it work or not? I mean, more or less yes. I'll give you a dollar. I think we could actually both win to be able to split these eight. No, no, that's not how money works. It's okay, really. I've been splitting all my money with an eccentric girl. I like what you mean, so we have a bunch of one-third bills and half bills from Tina's room.
can you guess the price of these viral tiktok diy life hacks game
How do you mean you can't use them anywhere? All I need is to go talk to my account who's your accountant Hey okay now you just know what you think we paid for that egg-footed hat, well that's a lot of eggs so I


five bucks , okay, let's vote on the next trick right now, which is this chocolate melting hat, why okay? I saw this on Facebook, it's actually very popular, so all you have to do is take a chocolate bar like this, huh, they crush it, okay, microwave it for a minute and then it becomes in a decorative milk chocolate glaze, yes, but you could do it. is it safe to microwave in the packaging I


we're about to find out okay let's do it okay oh I forgot to bring chocolate dad no problem okay cool I have a bio how long were they over there?
can you guess the price of these viral tiktok diy life hacks game

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can you guess the price of these viral tiktok diy life hacks game...

Actually I don't even have the same type it's like verbal okay cool no you have milk chocolate oh and caramel yeah we have caramel so maybe these come out even in Kuwait wait I saw some people. roast us because we pronounce it caramel is caramel or caramel is like potato papa yes but no one says papa yes I do fries are made of potatoes do you think it's caramel or caramel caramel Oh caramel Oh so first what we have to do is Crush this chocolate crushed that you use, break it up, yeah, I'm going to break up the regular one, you're going to break up the caramel one and then we put them in the microwave, yeah, like you cut a little slit here and put it in the microwave and you can use it however you want. decorating things okay, okay, I ripped some of mine off, okay, I'm going to cut mine like this, okay, now let's just micro these for a minute and see what happens, okay, come on when I put them in the microwave to make a crackling sound.
can you guess the price of these viral tiktok diy life hacks game
I feel like it's because there's aluminum foil on the packaging oh, we didn't try this, yeah, right? I like this, okay, I'm going to pick up the one I had. I'm going to try to squeeze it and see if I like to decorate like a spiral, oh wait, that totally works, oh, okay, oh, I'm going to be much more dental. I don't like Adam, mine has the Koran, oh, and it's hot, it's hotter. Oh, I'm trying to write a J just for e, yeah. Okay, wait, maybe we should try decorating it like real food instead of just our plates.
can you guess the price of these viral tiktok diy life hacks game
Okay, that's the knowledge you think we paid for that chocolate melting trick. I mean, that was a lot of chocolate bars. I would say that 15 dollars. Okay, let's moan. on to the next trick right now, which is this magic straw, uh, I actually saw someone do this with ticking and I worked for them, so let's see that all you do is drink two glasses of water, one that has water in it. and another that is empty. you take a straw and cut it in half and it's supposed to do that, which will make the two levels of water equal communicating vessels.
Yeah, okay, so we need half a straw. Okay, so we have our two cups here. I'm going to take this. straw and cut it, hold it tight, I'm going to put some color on it to make it look better, oh, okay, okay, good idea, okay, now I guess what you're supposed to do is take half of the straw , you pinch one end, right? yeah, so you cover one end, you fill water into one end of the straw and then it rains on you, wait dude, it literally goes from this cup to that cup, it actually works, that doesn't make any sense, it will end up the same.
Dude, that's crazy, wait, let's try it one more time, okay, okay, one more time, three two one, oh okay, this actually worked, that's crazy, wait, that looks like a faucet. I don't understand how it goes up and down because I like it defies gravity, yeah, no. We're an anti-gravity chamber, dude, this is what I mean, hey, that actually works now, how much do you think we paid for this DIY straw hat? Well, this is just a straw and some cups. I'd say this is a dollar, okay, that's it, let's get into the answers for the hacky pregnancy ball - that was $10 that was $10 for the hacky burger those two dollars though found a cutlet got hack ya you know that $15 that 15 I put the straw hacky the nose one oh that was $1 for the egg that five dollars that was great I think you did well that wasn't good enough I won let's do it all my prizes drop and the prizes you want to put around your neck, wait, I'm going to put my children's bar puzzle on the screen, okay, okay, what's so funny?
Matthew did it. you do this riddle yourself can he spin the wheels banila yeah okay bag witzy will have to do it with what dance okay yeah I'll do renegade because I've been bragging about it for my ticking oh yeah okay , here we go renegade? renegade

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