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Can You Break Into Superman's Fortress of Solitude?

Jun 01, 2021
Can you


into Superman's house? If you're the most powerful person on the planet, you're certainly going to create some very powerful enemies, and you can't just keep things expertly hidden forever. In the end, you'll need a place to hide all your stuff. super stuff Superman's Fortress of Solitude is the perfect place for this and keeps it under lock and key, but I'm not sure it's as safe as Superman thinks. Can you enter Superman's house? Oh, who could say that today's question was brought to me? At Fire Wizard 1000's attention on Twitter and it is specifically about the Fortress of Solitude as portrayed in Stellar Superman rather than some incredible security system.
can you break into superman s fortress of solitude
Superman has only a simple house key placed under a rug, but that key, according to him, weighs half a million. tons because he crafted it from a quote from the dwarf star Superman claims that therefore he is the only person on earth who can lift and use the key or let's do the numbers first. Superman's key is made of dwarf star material, so what is a dwarf star? star in astronomical terms a dwarf star is simply a star with a relatively small size and power or luminosity compared to the rest of the stars in the universe, technically then our own Sun is a dwarf star, but I don't think this is the type of star that Superman means Oh, with sunlight it feels good once again Superman not only says that it is dwarf star material, he also says that that material is super dense and if that is the case, I think he is referring to To white dwarf stars, white dwarf stars are smoldering stellar cores that are what's left after a star dies if it doesn't have enough mass to become something else and they're ridiculously dense.
can you break into superman s fortress of solitude

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can you break into superman s fortress of solitude...

A white dwarf star can have the same amount of mass as the Sun in the same amount of volume that the Earth has and the Earth is a million times smaller than the Sun the densities of a white dwarf can therefore range between 10,000 and 10,000,000 grams for every cubic centimeter of volume and this material would indeed make a very, very heavy key, but it all depends on how big that key is, it's hard to say how big the key to the Fortress of Solitude is. from Superman, so I measured the key to my own house, which looked pretty similar.
can you break into superman s fortress of solitude
My key was about a cubic centimeter in volume. Now some of you might see the problem. We already just said that white dwarf densities range from 10 kilograms per cubic centimeter to ten thousand half a million tons, which Superman claims is 500 million kilograms. Do the math given our range of white dwarf densities and you'll get a mass for the key to Superman's


. between nine kilograms, nine kilograms, and nine thousand kilograms, if Superman was really talking about white dwarf stars, he was a far cry from Cal, he wouldn't even be within 1/100 percent of his stated value of half a million tons. it's the equivalent of me telling Lois hey Lois look at this maka here she literally weighs as much as a blue whale and then she only weighs as much as a Kent house ooh Superman oh you're so strong oh geez if Superman really created his key from a white dwarf star At best, you could pick up the key yourself and open the door; would weigh less than 25 pounds or at worst you could just use any decently sturdy piece of heavy machinery to pick up the key and open the door 9,000 kilograms isn't much, it's the mass of a large elephant and we can transport those pachyderms by air to almost anywhere if Superman really made his key out of white dwarf star material, that would be a huge oversight and The guy has x-ray vision or what we call, if the key really is made out of what Superman says, then any bad guy with heavy machinery could easily devise a way to pick up the key, insert it into the lock and enter the




can you break into superman s fortress of solitude
So what if the key was actually half a million tons? The Titanic is here. If the density of the white dwarf star doesn't work, we can do the calculation the other way around, taking Superman's value of half a million tons and dividing it by the volume of our key. and just see what the density turns out to be, do that and you'll find that if the key has to fit 500 million kilograms in its volume, it has to pack half a million kilograms into each cubic millimeter, expanding the density required for our key a bit. the equivalent of stuffing an entire mountain of mass into this box, literally, this thing is so dense that maybe Superman was wrong about the type of star he used to create his key instead of a white dwarf star, what if he meant a neutron star?
Do I breathe or move here? The famous neutron stars are made of the densest matter that can still be considered matter in the universe. They are so dense that they are basically just the insides of atoms so close together that the laws of quantum mechanics dictate. that if they got closer a black hole would form if Superman made his fortress of


with neutron star material by accident it would have 5 billion kilograms of mass this is more than the entire route for fish and the most important thing for our calculations is 10,000 times more than that half a million tons that Clark said again, it would be very far away and I like to expel mass.
How am I moving now? I know what you may be thinking. Why don't we look? Why not? Why not? Don't we just use the calculated density value we just got and apply it to the dwarf star Superman was using? We just stipulate that whatever star you have has that density, that's the problem: a dwarf star, that density inside a white dwarf star is not. thermal energy like in our Sun which is avoiding further collapse due to gravity, its electrons and what is called electronic degeneration pressure, those electrons inside the white dwarf star do not want to occupy the same space as their neighbors and that is why they fight against gravity that way, but This doesn't go on forever: if the core of a white dwarf star has or reaches one point four solar masses, one point four times the mass of our Sun, it reaches the Chandra Sekhar limit, which is the limit at which the electron degeneracy pressure can no longer. it fights against gravity and then collapses into a neutron star with the neutron degeneracy pressure holding it against gravity and can be a hundred thousand times smaller and therefore much denser due to this collapse limit.
Superman's key density has to be either Again, the Man of Steel's numbers aren't ideal. Let's give Superman one last chance. If he really is right about the mass of the key to his fortress, how would he have to change the shape of that key to accommodate it? Well again, let's assume that Superman is actually using white dwarf star material to create his key and that the key still has to look like a key, how thick does that key have to be to have the correct density and value of half a million tons? , well, let's start with the thickness of a single key and now see how thick the key would have to be hmm really yes, yes Wow silly Hey, for the fortress of solitude key to have the correct indicated mass and the correct density of white dwarf stars and still look like a key, it would have to be 87 meters thick, almost as thick as a football field, come on Kent, get part of this right just to be thorough, let's see if the thickness changes if smart guy


really uses neutron star material and the key would still have to look like this. a key, then the key would be this thick, oh sorry, if you were having trouble seeing that, that's because this type of key would have to be micrometer thick, your eyelid is 200 times thicker than that, Come on, Clark, it doesn't matter.
How we interpret the famous Superman key there is a bigger problem: you can't make a key from neutron white dwarf stellar material or never mind make a key from a dwarf star like our Sun which is just plasma and would evaporate the atoms y The parts of the atoms that make up white dwarfs and neutron stars are so close together and so tightly packed due to their own gravity that they are bound together, so Superman may be strong enough to enter one of these stars and create a key there, okay? that's fine, but if you were to remove that key from this environment, gravity is no longer holding all this pressure that wants to come out, bring a key like this, even if it were solid here on earth, and you would want to resume a process more uncompressed form imagine half a million tons of material expanding instantly and violently in your face would be like a nuclear bomb going off yes it would be bad at this point even using Superman's original fortress of solitude ki would make more sense, it was a giant thing That required a hundred men to lift it .
Now I sound like he is being very discredited. I listen and I don't want to be. I think this key concept of fortress is very interesting and very clever, so let me offer just a suggestion, just one line of dialogue that I would have to change Superman could show his key to Lois and say hello Lois. I created this key out of neutron star material and it weighs a billion tons and Kryptonian technology keeps it from exploding in my hand, how cool is that, but as it is. Right now, I guess I have a


at Superman's house, this weighs less than my cat, so given the famous images of the stellar Superman, Kal-el is really the only person on earth who can lift and use the key to his fortress of solitude, well that depends on if we take Superman's word for it because if the key is really made of dwarf star material then at the low end you could pick it up without help and at the high end you could pick it up with heavy machinery that you could reach almost anywhere and if it really is half a million tons, then it can't be dwarf star material and one Superman was wrong, the key would have to stop looking like a key and more like something completely transparent or stupidly thick , oh well. if he had a secret ice palace with a cool key, he'd be bragging too because numbers are so weird here, maybe in front of Lois Lane Superman was just trying to sound like a brainiac because science, but who would know if he said? such a thing hoo hoo Who am I?
Here's something that would probably look absolutely correct given the range of masses we're looking for for the key and the surface area of ​​the key and the compressive strength of the stone that the key could leave an impression of itself on the stone. just as seen in the comic thank you so much for watching Kaitlyn if you want more from me come back to alpha which you can do at project alpha comm if you go there subscribe sign up for free trial even you can get this show two days before anyone else and other premium content for me.
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