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Can You Beat Pokemon Red and Blue Using Only a MISSINGNO?

May 04, 2020
Can you


Pokémon Red and Blue


just foul? Lately it seems like all of my YouTube recommendations are these videos where content creators challenge themselves to


a Pokémon game


a very weak Pokémon. I think these types of videos are super fun. and I decided to challenge myself to see if I could beat a Pokémon game using the glitchy guy. Honestly, going into this challenge I wanted to see if it was possible because finding and playing with the missing can do some pretty weird things to your game. Hall of Fame data can become corrupted.
can you beat pokemon red and blue using only a missingno
The Pokémon you fight can fail and even this can happen to your character, and on top of all that missing weirdness, it also has some really interesting base stats. On the positive side of things his base attack stat is 136 so he hits like a dragon islands but it's another for HP stats special defense and speed oh they are horrible I mean come on his defense is literally zero , a Caterpie will take hits better than a missing one, no, but knowing that I decided to accept this challenge anyway, am I going to go? I regret doing this, well, now let's find out the rules.
can you beat pokemon red and blue using only a missingno

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can you beat pokemon red and blue using only a missingno...

I'll keep the challenge pretty simple in battles. I'm just going to use lack, no, and try to avoid catching any other Pokémon if possible. Secondly, I won't do it. I will be using any of the I start with the game here Professor Oak's total welcome to the world of Pokémon talks and he met his grandson on YouTube, who would name his son YouTube shortly after this. Professor Oak gives me the option to choose a starter Pokémon. Now I originally tried to use a cheat code to make my starter Pokémon missing no and it worked at first, but after receiving the missing starter from Professor Oak it mysteriously transforms, so that's why I'll have to get my missing starter a little later and just choose squirtle for now right after choosing squirtle. youtube challenged me to a Pokémon battle and my squirtle lost, so I ran as fast as I could from the lab to Viridian City, but I wasn't in Viridian for long because as soon as I got there and entered the PokeMart, the men who worked there mistook me for his UPS guy and wanted me to deliver a package to Professor Oak after walking back to Pallet Town and delivering the package.
can you beat pokemon red and blue using only a missingno
Professor Oak gave me the Pokedex but no pokeballs so again I had to return to Viridian City so I was finally able to buy some balls since they don't sell you any until you deliver that package now that we have pokeballs let's go find a note that missing, so you usually can't miss it. I know this early in the game, so I didn't use them. a cheat code to find a lost no in the wild after discovering a lost no once again turned into a walk now the reason this happens is because there is a very strange bug with the lost no where if you detect a no lost and you haven't seen the Pokémon Cubone yet, you'll actually get a Pokedex entry when you discover the missing No.
can you beat pokemon red and blue using only a missingno
Then, after trying to register the missing note in the Pokedex, transform the missing No you caught into a walk. Luckily for us an easy way to fix this problem is to just catch another missing non after we catch the first one, now we finally have our missing initial non and also a random walk and a squirtle which I'll try not to use, take a look at our new friend and lose the no, it's definitely very rare Pokémon, it's the bird type and normal and yes, you heard me right. I said that the bird type was a beta type that was left in Pokémon Red and Blue, but I think it eventually became the Flying type.
The interesting thing about the bird type is that there are no movements. he uses that and he doesn't have any strengths or weaknesses either, but then you look at his move set and he knows that the water gun is the water gun and the sky attack. I don't know why you need the water gun twice, but I guess it's nice to have. The most annoying thing about using this is missing is not that it needs 386 exp to level up to level 4 386 for a comparison, my level 5 squirtle which is one level higher than this level 3 is missing not


does it need 44 exp to leveling up, this is going to take a long time To train and talk about training, your moveset isn't doing you any favors as the water gun comes out of those incredibly low special stats.
The water gun basically doesn't damage these servants and pidgeys, so that means it's the


good move I have for Training is Air Attack, but Air Attack has its own set of problems. Yes, the air attack is a very strong move with 120 base power and uses the missing nose physical attack, but it takes two turns to use it, so that means for me I have to use the air attack to train. I'm going to have to survive at least one turn of a wild Pokémon now for most Pokémon, that's not a problem at all, but remember that Missingno has terrible defense, so it dies very easily and is also slow, so what many of these wild Pokémon will come out.
Speed ​​me up, but let's say everything works fine for me and I can defeat a wild Pokémon. Well, the air attack only has 5 power points and the missing notes will probably take as much damage when fighting a wild Pokémon as it does after basically every battle I have. to heal, but you know who needs training, we're going to keep moving forward in the game anyway, so I go to Viridian Forest and fight a bug hunter who sends a level 6 tweedle. I try to perform an air attack and he uses a poisonous sting in me. and it only does five damage but they poison me don't fear next turn he uses a rope shot and since I'm already slower he basically doesn't do anything to me and I knock him out with an air attack then he sends out a level 6 Caterpie and uses rope shot again and now I'm ready to win this battle with air attack, but on the second turn he uses tackle, reduces me to 2 health and survives the super effective air attack and with one HP left, Caterpie uses tackle and knocks me out, Uh, hello, after all, I wouldn't have to train a little, since the air attack is super effective against insect-type Pokémon.
I decided to do my training in Viridian Forest, now most of the Pokémon in the forest are a bit annoying to fight. The Caterpie and Wheedle could do a lot of damage to me very quickly, however, every once in a while I would get very lucky and find a Metapod or a Kakuna in the wild, since these Pokémon only know Harden. I could knock them out for free without having to worry about being knocked out ends, they also give very good experience compared to other Pokémon at this point in the game, finally, after painstakingly trading my non-missing until level 7, I was strong enough to Defeat the merchants in Viridian Forest and make my way.
I went to Pewter City where I got to fight my first gym leader, Brock. Now going to Brock's gym was very interesting for me. I was definitely below level 7, but I honestly didn't want to train anymore because it already took me a long time to get there. I was thinking that I might have a chance to take out Brock even though my special stat is absurdly low. The water gun is pretty super effective against this Geodude and his Onix, so I went in there and tried to fight him with my missing level 7 through my first mistake, I was so excited to fight Brock that I forgot to heal myself afterwards. to train and my missing one did not have full health.
Surprisingly, I was able to shoot two water guns at the Geodude since he was using defense curl and it gave me a free hit. Turn, but he went on offense with tackle and eliminated my foul now as much as I want to eliminate Brock with my foul not at level 7. I knew at this point I needed to train a little more, so I left his gym and returned. At level 12, this time the old block fired more water guns and while they still didn't do much damage, Geodude was enough to take him out and survive an entry, then when Brock sent out his Onix, he used a screech on me. which was basically a free turn and I got a critical hit with a water gun and recovered more than half of his health in one hit.
All we needed was one more water gun and the badge was ours, but Onyx took a critical hit with a tackle and knocked me out. but being so close to defeating Brock at level 12 showed me that I didn't need to do any more training, I just needed to have a little more luck, so I went right back and fought Brock again and this time luck was on my side. On the Geodude's side, I used defense curl twice and was able to use water guns and defeat him without taking any damage. Onyx, on the other hand, came out swinging.
I went for the water gun and used tackle and it cut me down to about half. of my health here I decide to use a potion to cure my lack, no and I was a bit cornered until he used the move Bide, now I see that Bide was great because that means Onyx won't attack me for a few turns and then at the end. of those turns he'll do twice as much damage as I do to the onyx, but since my water gun does so little, I don't really have much to worry about and it's only a few turns free to attack after the onyx unleashes energy.
I have 12 HP left and I'm just one hit away from taking out the onyx. I could use a potion again and be safe or I could use a water gun and be a bit risky, so you know what I do. I go for the water gun Alex goes for Screech and I get my first gym badge for lack, so after I get my gym badge from Brock I'm free to leave Pewter City and go east towards Mount Moon on the way to Mount Moon, there are many and many trainers now the first trainer, the bug hunter, was a piece of cake with Sky Attack, but the second trainer in the routes, you know, the one that everyone loves.
I like the shorts, they are comfortable and easy to wear. That guy was a nightmare. He has two. Pokémon, a Rattata and an Ekans, now Rattata is just horrible for missing Noda's fights, they were fast tatoes and he is strong, so he will be able to take advantage of my weak defense and do a lot of damage with these attacks, but luckily he decides to use the tail whip . and I suffer no harm. Will I fight now entering this Ekans? I feel pretty good, but then he has to use my least favorite move of all time.
The spawn ones involve a Pokémon that attacks you with it and then for a few. Turns out you're just stuck in the rap and can't attack them at all, so I just have to sit there watching helplessly as my missing slowly dies - this snake on my second attempt at fighting young Ben. I tried to get away with my Fault no and use the air attack again, but he does a quick attack before I can start my attack and then tackles him before I can do any damage to him. Usually when I play Pokémon games, I laugh at their funny short dialogue and keep moving. after I defeat him easily without failing, no, this guy is becoming a serious pain, so I have to return to Viridian Forest again, train up to level 16 and only then will I finally be strong enough to defeat this young man , other than that, the rest of this route.
It was easy and I went to Mount Moon. Now I was super excited to go to Mount Moon for several reasons. First, outside of Mount Moon gave me a lot of new Pokémon. The Train gave me a lot more experience, like Geodude. Seconds, there was a MT in Mount. luna I really wanted mega punch now missing I can't learn enough TMS in red and


what surprised me teaching missing mega punch was not needed not on a monster first mega punch is a fairly powerful normal type move I think it has 80 base power and then it gets a boost since missing is not a normal type and the seconds now many battles become much easier for me because I no longer have to spend two turns charging the air attack and there is also something that I find fun. mount luna, you could find the water gun TM 4, but even though it's missing no, you already know the water gun twice when you try to use the water gun TM 4, I'm missing no instead of saying Oh, missing no, you know the water gun, TM is just incompatible with missing, no, so missing, I can't learn water by leveling up, but can't learn water through TM, so after getting the propeller fossil in Mountain Moon, I left and went to Cerulean City.
I picked up a rare candy hidden behind a house and then left. go to the Nugget bridge, but before I could walk on the bridge, my rival YouTube attacked me, we went straight into a battle and honestly I was a little scared because he is a lot of Pokémon, but his first two Pokémon went down with a mega punch. quickly but all his Rattata did was for a quick attack which did a lot of damage and my mega hit missed, then he went for a tackle which reduced me to 13 health and I gave him the mega hit which was enough to knock out Rattata and I.
I was also able to take down his Bulbasaur, uh YouTube, you're okay buddy, the combination of megapunch and water made the Nugget Bridge and all the trainers on routes 24 and 25 very easy to defeat, so I went to Bill's house and saved him. From being trapped as a Pokémon forever and he gave me a ticket to go on a boat, I then returned to Cerulean City to face my second gym leader, Misty. Now Misty's gym was definitely a fight. I was very afraid of Staryu and Starmie. They are both fast and very strong special attackers which again is something I am lacking, no I just can't deal with it, luckily with her star she decided to use a tackle instead of a water gun and became a glitchy mess and it barely hurt me. my mega punch which is starting to get really annoying but luckily on the next turn she decided to use an ex defense and I was able to knock her out with another mega punch even with her defense improved now with the star fights, this fight was literally a coin toss in the first turn she went to tackle and missed I went for a mega hit and I missed the next she goes for an ex defense again I go for a mega hit and this time it doesn't kill so Stormy speeds me up and goes for water gun and my lost note survives with two HP we barely took her out with another mega hit apparently her star I also know the bubble beam so if I had used the bubble beam instead I would have lost this fight in this battle.
It could have gone so wrong so quickly and I I feel so lucky to have been able to beat him on my first try with Misty Defeated. Our adventure takes us to Vermilion City where we go to the SS and on the boat a dog I found called me. some people played the


sword and shield cooking minigame and ran into my youtube rival again when this battle started. I realized I was significantly overleveled compared to him sometime in my mid-20s, lacking, I didn't stop needing a lot of experience to level up compared. to most of the other Pokémon in the level and he started leveling up super fast so I looked at this and thought this battle would be easy because I'm much stronger than him but I had a little problem with the Radek 8 which is more faster than me, he did a little damage to me, but I was able to knock him out with a mega hit, eradicate YouTube sent my new least favorite Pokémon, Cadabra now Cadabra is super fast and very strong with those special attacks and a confusion.
I was able to take out my lost gnome and you know me, so of course I went back to the ship and tried to fight him again, where he's Radiance shot me with critical hits, even though I was a much higher level than him. It seems like I need to train more so I went to route 11 and trained up to level 31 now you would think that at level 31 this rival fight would be easy for me well I'm back and the first thing I do is miss the mega Raid Strike after an entrance and a quick attack.
I have 21 health left for Kadabra, so I used a super potion and Cadabra used confusion to take me down to 27 health. I just wanted this battle to end at this point. so I tried to mega hit again but Kadabra countered me and used disable so my move was no more so now I'm losing this fight against my rival and I'm low on health. I used a super potion to restore my health. and the Pokémon God smiled at me and Kedavra used teleports, basically giving me a free turn mega punch that is still disabled, so my only attack move worth using is the air attack, which takes up two turns on my second turn , again it is a coin toss and Kadabra situation. uses teleport which allows me to disable the airstrike and take out that pesky evil monster with a super potion in another airstrike I managed to take out the Ivysaur and finally defeat YouTube again now with YouTube out of the way it's time to go visit Captain of the boat that is seasick, I give him a nice back massage and he gives me the hmph or cuts that are surprisingly missing, no one can learn and now that Missy knows she can cut down trees, it's time to go fight and Lt.
Surge now enters in this fight. Against American Lightning I was extremely scared because as usual its fast special attack Pokémon can easily exploit the weakness of my missing nose, however for some reason Search felt the need to start the fight using x speed on his Voltorb when he was already faster than me. so I went ahead and mega punched him in öktem outs, then he sent out a Pikachu who knows my least favorite move, dash attack, however he didn't do much damage and I took him out easily, finally the surge sends his level 24 big bad.
Raichu was sure a beam from that would take down my unlost and ruin my day, but wait, no, he used X speed again and I killed him. I don't know how that man became a Gym Leader, so with Lieutenant Surge defeated, it's time to head back to Cerulean City, head east, and go to the rock tunnel. However, we have a problem. I don't have the hm4 flash so the tunnel will be too dark to get the flash. I should have at least registered. 10 different types of Pokémon in my pokedex, which is against the rules of the challenge and even if I could lose it, I can't learn it, so to get through the tunnel I took it back, went to Google and looked for some maps that actually guide me.
I made my way through the entire cave, although I have to say it was pretty strange running into some random trainers in complete darkness. Then once I was through the tunnel, it was time to go to the creepy old lavender town. The first thing I did was go to Pokémon. tower where once again I came across YouTube. I feel like I'm constantly fighting with this guy. This fight actually went very well compared to the last one, but I came close because I kept missing the mega hit and almost got killed. his Garrett Oh, that's why after I beat him, I tried to explore more of the tower, but my unlost is afraid of ghosts, so I couldn't go there yet.
Instead, we went west, to Celadon City. Now the first thing I did here was go to the department store and go to the roof after giving some sugar to a whiny girl, she gave me the MT for triple attack which is basically a mega hit but much better and so much better, I mean it only has 100 accuracy so it shouldn't fail. As much as it is a mega punch, it shouldn't all be missed, but there is a bug in generation 1 games that makes 100% accurate moves have a very low chance of failing, so I showed it to my missing, who now It looks like a Snorlax and boom, we are. ready for Erica's gym now I tried to be sneaky and stepped aside to avoid fighting with her gym trainers but some of them saw me after I defeated them it was time to face my fourth gym leader and now this fight It was really a piece of cake, none of his Pokémon could cope with my lack.
No and we unleash the power of the pyramid and eliminate them very easily. Also look at the running sprite. That thing looks weird in this game, so after getting my fourth badge I went to bet in the game corner, but I quickly noticed a mysterious man after beating him in battle. I found the entrance to Team Rocket's secret base and entered after spinning like a disk. I finally found myself right in front of the head of Team Rocket, Giovanni. now this fight was pretty easy bubblebeam took out his Onix and his Rhyhorn and kangaskhan scared me a little because he was very fast and the comet hit did a lot of damage but with my tri attack I took him out without a problem now I was very lucky with this kangaskhan, just It hit me three times, if it hit me four or five times and maybe I even got a critical hit.
In fact, he would have lost this battle after defeating Giovanni. I obtained the item, the Silph scope, which allows me to return. to the Lavender Tower and tell the ghosts, but I immediately got into some trouble. I got into a fight with a channeler who sent his awful level 23. I sat at my level 44 not thinking that this wouldn't be a problem at all until I looked at my move sets, three of my moves with mega slash and the triple attack just can't be touched at all and my last move, Bubblebeam, barely even hits it. does damage because my special stat is very low at this point, my non-missing is confused and So I missed it in confusion and it lost its full health.
It was at that moment that I knew I needed to teach him something else. Fortunately, on the left side of Celadon City we were able to get the hmph or fly and once again. Surprisingly gone, I can't actually learn to fly. I want you to imagine that right now you are flying through the Kanto region in this glitched block. Pokémon anyway go back to the lavender tower with the moonfly maiden defeating all the ghost types there is extremely easy and I managed it. to the top and rescued mr. Fuji as a reward mr. Fuji gave me a flute that he could use to wake up a sleeping Snorlax, so I took the bike route and headed to the Kogas Gym to fight for my fifth badge.
Kogas's cough died immediately in a triple attack and it was nonsense. He lived long enough to use poison gas on me, then had a second cough that died immediately and sent big, loud wheezing out of him. Now wheeze has some pretty dangerous moves in his moveset, like sludge and self-destruct, but instead of using them, he went. for the big green play of using an ex attack and I killed him immediately to try to attack before he could make any move five badges down, three to go before I left future city. I made a quick stop at the safari area so I could Go ahead and get me the HM to surf.
I also found the pair of teeth that I gave to a man outside the safari zone and he gave me the HM to strengthen me. Now we'll head to Saffron City before I can fight him. Sabrina, Gym Leader, I need to chase Team Rocket out of town, so it's time to go to the Silph Co building and guess who's waiting for me inside the building. YouTube, now your Pidgeot Gyarados and Growlithe all fall pretty quickly to a triple attack. I remember Cadabra from YouTube giving me so much trouble on SSN, guess what it's about now so now it's even more annoying to start the whole fight with Alakazam, he used disable and it disabled my slashing moves, however the disable immediately disappeared , it's not like it mattered since I was going to try to attack anyway, what did matter was that my attack attempt failed on the next turn.
He uses confusion, critically hits me, and I pass out on my second try. When I got to Alakazam, I tried to be smart and predict the disabled, so instead, I went to fly but for some reason he decided to use recovery when he was at full health. I don't know why he did that but I'll take it and fly killed him and after his Alakazam sent a Venus aura which quickly died to fly. Also, when I finally reached the top floor of the cilco building, Giovanni was there waiting for me once again, except this time, although his team was stronger, it was much easier for me to defeat him after rescuing Giovanni's president, he rewarded me. with the master ball that I quickly sold to Polka Mart's for zero dollars and now it's time for Sabrina's gym, this was another scary gym for me because throughout the run the Pokémon that have given me the most problems or Kadabra and Alakazam and what You know? she leads with a Kadabra and is faster than me, so after taking a psychic beam from the Kadabra I am left with 17 health and luckily I can take it down after taking out her sr. mime and venomoth and a punch he sends at Alakazam and I bet you can guess how I did on my second try.
His first Pokémon, Kadabra, used psychic and directly shot me. Now on my third attempt I had a little more luck. Kadabra using psybeam I knocked him out and healed myself while he fought mr. mime later when I got to his Alakazam, she decides that you recover to full health and I was able to finally get him out by getting Sabrina's gym badge now that it's missing, I can't learn the H-ends for strength or surfing. I taught him squirtle and headed to Cinnabar Island. I think it's fair enough since the game gave me squirtle otherwise I wouldn't be able to reach Cinnabar Island at all, so after a bit of surfing I finally anchored at Cinnabar Island before I could challenge the 7th Gym Leader I need to enter in an old mansion and find a secret key now with the key we could go to Blaine's gym and start answering some quiz questions.
Has anyone else ever gotten this question wrong? Did Caterpie evolve into Butterfree every time we see this question? I take this very literally and think no, it evolves into Metapod and then Butterfree, however I see what they were going for and since Caterpie eventually evolves into Butterfree, the answer to this question is actually yes instead of find out after asking a few more questions. I finally get to the end of the gym where I see the missing man hasn't been turning into my menu, his growlithe and his pony come down immediately and then we'll get to Rapidash.
He is faster than my level 62. Missing no. but he goes for the fire spin and misses, then with his arcanine he goes for the roar, which does nothing to memissing, no, and I would knock him out immediately after Sabrina Jim fights too. I really appreciated how easy this was with one. The badge left me lost. He didn't fly me to Viridian City so we could go to the finals. Jim surprise. Surprise. It is Giovanni, the self-proclaimed strongest trainer who begins the battle. Bubble Beam quickly takes out his Rhyhorn with my super low special attack and then sends. a Dugtrio who is faster than me and has some dangerous moves in his moveset like dig and slash, but he decides to go for a grunt and fails, both his Nidoqueen and his Nicean king died in one attack attempt each and they finally clashed to his latest Pokémon. level 50 right now, this trip odds moveset is pretty interesting, know Fisher Stump Tail Whip and Horn Drill, two of their moves will attack you in one hit if they hit, so I'm going for the bubble beam, but it doesn't eliminate the Go ahead immediately, keep going, goes for Fisher, but it doesn't work and so I'm free to go for one last bubble beam and eliminate Giovanni, earning our eighth badge using just missing, no , now with the eight badges, we only have one.
What's left to do, let's go to the Pokémon League. Here I feel like I'm on top of the world and YouTube comes up again and he challenges me to a battle. Now the first four Pokémon of his fall without any problem, but Alakazam. I hate Alakazam Alakazam starts the battle using reflect and I think Oh, that'll be easy, it's a free turn, but with a reflect up he can survive my test attack. Now I'm going to fly here because I thought it was going to be used disabled later. using reflexes, although he is strong enough to survive my fly and then use psychic, a psychic one and I have become moral of the story here, no matter how high your level is, no, he will still lose against a Alakazam now.
The second time I didn't mind using disabled at all and just went straight to trying to attack and even through a reflection it killed him. YouTube's latest Pokémon Venusaur once again had no problem flying and here we are. on the way to victory and after pushing some rocks, we finally made it to the Pokémon League to fight the Elite Four. The first is Lorelei, her first dugong Pokémon goes down without any problems, then she sends the cloyster out of her, which can actually survive a try. attack then goes for the Aurora beam and knocks out my non-missing and immediately the four elite are already giving me some problems on my second attempt to fight Lorelei.
I leveled up when I fought her dugong and then when I tried to use a test attack on her cloister, her health was low enough and instead of attacking me, she used a super potion because of that mistake. take out the cloister of her with another attempted attack with her third slow growing pokémon. She did the exact same thing again if she couldn't use super potions in the middle of battle. I feel like this would have turned out very differently. Her fourth Pokémon spell was. actually faster than me and did a pretty decent amount of damage to me with a body shot, however Jinx has terrible defense and I knew I could knock him out with just one slash and finally she sends out her Lapras which easily falls to a triple final attack below.
Above is Bruno from Elite Four and oh my god, I've never fought a trainer who was this free. Bruno's entire team is also super weak. I lack nose movements. It starts with Onix, who dies easily with Bubblebeam and then sends Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, who get destroyed by a fly for some reason, he's a second Onix, you know how that goes, and his latest Pokemon champion mah can't stand the opportunity against my flawed fly. I wish I could say that Agatha was that easy, like in the Pokémon tower. It was a battle of normal guys and bird guys I guess, against ghost guys, as soon as the battle starts, Agatha's gang members are faster than me and go for the confusing beam.
I try to go for the fly, but failing, she doesn't get hurt in the confusion and barely survives with 20 health. I go for a full restore and Gengar goes for Dream Eater when I see next turn that Gengar has the move Night Shadow which he would have been much smarter to use. I got out of the confusion and went flying which took out Gengar and then she sends out a Gold Bat that dies easily trying to attack her third pokémon it's a Haunter. I cure him in case this turns into a confusing lightning bolt and he goes for hypnosis instead, but after playing a nice low tune on my poké flute, I wake up again and then the Haunter. decides to go for the confused beam and catches me, but missing doesn't rise into the air and although missing knows it's confused, it still finds its way back to the ground and hits Haunter with a fly, knocking it out, its fourth Pokémon comes out Arbok and I heal a little while she uses Screech again in case I get hurt from confusion and then misses she doesn't say confusion I don't believe it and fires off a triple attack again even though she's confused.
Agatha sends out her last level 60 Pokémon. Gengar and goes for confused, even though I'm already confused, you can't confuse me twice, Gengar, that's not how it works and it fails, no, it just doesn't care about the confusion and flies into the air anyway, then, while the nose fails. up in the clouds I guess he clears his head and comes back down snapping at the confusion and leaves Gengar with such a HP swipe gang gar goes for a dream ear won once again and wide awake and I go for a bubble ray and I hit it Agatha falls, that leaves me with the last member of the Elite Four Lance Lance starts the battle with his Gyarados, which easily goes down to try to attack, then his two dragon heirs do the same, his fourth Pokémon Aerodactyl gives me some problems already which is like that. faster than me he goes for a bite, which takes almost half of my health and I'm going to try an attack that unfortunately doesn't kill him.
Next turn he bites me again, which almost knocks me out and I switch to bubble beam. trying to save some PP to try and attack, however Bubblebeam doesn't remove it, it's super effective, it barely has any life left, but Bubble Beam doesn't remove it, so I use a full restore. Lance uses a hyper potion and we're back to However, thanks to the bubble beam that slowed down Aerodactyl, I was able to beat the speed with my lack, it was no use trying and getting a critical hit to finish it, the amount of luck I had there was crazy, which just leaves Lance with one more Pokémon.
Dragon Knights I don't try to attack Dragon Knight and almost knock him out, but Dragonite lives and goes for Hyper Beam and just like that, my elite 4 run ended after that battle. I used some rare candies and had to fight through the entire Elite Four again which got me to about level 91 when I got to Lance's Aerodactyl he used to knock me down he got a critical hit and I lost so once again I have to go through for the Elite Four to land again and do all that. took me to level 100 like I said before I got lost, it's not really strange when it comes to experience, since I was at level 100, I was able to eliminate the Dragon Knights in one hit and that left me with a final trainer, now it's the moment to take On the YouTube champion, we beat his Pidgeot without any problem and then he sends out his second Pokémon, Alakazam, even with a level 100 missing.
I know his Alakazam still speeds me up, but it does a terrible move and recovers instead to attack. luckily for me, alakazam didn't kill me here, third, send straight and let's go for the bubble beam, you know the super effective quad move, but once again we had a little reminder of how terrible it is to not have any special stats and not It's like that. Instead, I didn't knock out the vehicle just in those for the read move and was able to knock it out on the next turn. His fourth Pokémon is Gyarados, which we all know is not a problem if he sends out Arcanine, which is destroyed by an attempt attack and Last but not least, YouTube sends out his Venusaur and by using the move fly, which once again I'm still surprised that it's lost, I can't tell, we defeated YouTube and became the champion of the Kanto region by defeating the red version of Pokémon using just missing, no, I can't believe it.
I honestly thought that Agatha or Lance would give me so much trouble that I wouldn't be able to beat the game but it turns out that in the end if you reach level 100 it is possible. I wonder how much psychic damage to everyone. -Qassam would have done it to me. I'm sure that would have eliminated my non-missing and made me have to go through the entire Elite Four again. I really hope you enjoyed watching this video. This took so long that you have no idea. How long did it take me to play this game and edit everything?
This is probably the video that took me the longest to make on my entire channel. If you made it to the end of this video, write cookie dough in the comments section too. If you haven't already, be sure to like this video. I would really appreciate it on screen right now. I have other videos of challenges I've done. Look at them. You enjoyed this one. You'll definitely love those two. If you want to see more challenges also let me know in the comments section. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one.

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