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Can You Beat Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Without An Oz Kit?

Jun 10, 2021
The Borderlands series is known for its numerous ways to play thanks to the different classes, weapon types, and self-imposed challenges that stupid people can come up with. For example, you could delete an important part of the game. Can you


Borderlands: The Pre


without an Oz kit? There are 2 ways to approach this challenge. You can be insulting and choose Claptrap because he doesn't need air, which means he doesn't need an Oz Kit, or you can choose a human who does. I chose Handsome Jack because…why not? I spent some time looking at the skill trees for each of the characters and saw that Jack has a health regeneration ability, and that's when I stopped my search and picked him up.
can you beat borderlands the pre sequel without an oz kit
The beginning of the game is nothing remarkable because there is air to breathe. I woke up to a Claptrap giving me orders and taking me to my first instance of combat. Some people may like weapons that get more accurate the more you shoot, but I don't, which is ironic I guess since they're Hyperion weapons and I play as Jack. After killing a few more Lost Legion soldiers, I met Handsome Jack, saved his life, and finally got a weapon I don't hate. He gave me a shield, explained the plan, I examined my rear, destroyed the turrets and began heading towards the evacuation station.
can you beat borderlands the pre sequel without an oz kit

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can you beat borderlands the pre sequel without an oz kit...

Zarpedon looked creepy and the Question Mark guy is powerful enough to stop bullets but can't get through a cheap steel door. We go outside, but not outside, because there is still an atmosphere with air, and we fight against the flight crew and the Legion soldiers. I leveled up and finally got my action skill, allowing me to summon my digital selves to bring Jack's total count to unprecedented Handsome levels. After two newer and better weapons, I encountered the first mandatory boss with Knuckle in the name of it. With the impossible amount of Jacks on Team Jack, Flameknuckle never stood a chance.
can you beat borderlands the pre sequel without an oz kit
Back inside a building, I cleared an elevator, got into a mobile home, and got shot at the damn moon. Janey Springs gave me a few seconds to prepare to enter the vacuum of space that lacked oxygen. Without an Oz Kit, your health gradually depletes unless you enter an oxygen bubble or find a small hole in the ground to breathe. I explained my situation to Janey, which reminded me of my still-very-dead dog named Janie, and ventured out to find an Oz Kit. You might be thinking that after so much time on The Pre Sequel, I'd know how depleting works. health.
can you beat borderlands the pre sequel without an oz kit
Well I do not. My guess is that it drains at a fixed rate based on your total health, because later in the game it drains much faster than 1 hit point per second. To continue with the main quest, I had to pick up a broken Oz Kit and give it to Janey to fix, who then returns it to me and it equips itself automatically. You can't


The Pre-Sequel without using an Oz Kit, but you sure can rip it off your face, throw it into the lava, and do your best to suffocate yourself as often as possible.
With my Oz Kit now irretrievably lost forever, I began a side quest that led me to making inspirational posters for Janey. It's an easy mission. Just jump on the platform a few times, shoot some things, do a hit. Take a hit? Okay, you can't slam without an Oz Kit. Unfortunately, but I'm sure this won't bother me again later. Then I did another side quest that involved falling into the lava on purpose, finding some children's stories, killing the Son of Flamey, and returning everything to Janey. That leveled me up and I got my first skill point that really mattered.
The ability I'm looking for is Take Freedom from Her, which heals me and my holograms for 2.5% of my maximum health per rank every time one of us kills an enemy. That's a level 2 buff in this story's Hero skill tree, so I put the point into Reinforce to increase my total health and make my holograms deal more damage. With my goal now clear, I could go ahead and take the fight to the deadlift. I killed quite a few Kraggons on the way to the Regolith Range, where I encountered the Space Bandits for the first time. This is where the lack of an Oz kit can be problematic.
When there is no air to breathe, your health is constantly depleted. If you're not careful, your shield will run out and enemies will be able to damage your health, which is still depleting. However, this also applies to bandits. If there is no air to breathe, blowing up your Oz Kit will cause damage and deplete your health. It's kind of risk versus reward. There are oxygen canisters that drop from enemies, but they don't work if you don't have an Oz kit, it's not like you can just pump oxygen up your butt to breathe it that way. After using my body as a fuse, I used the jump pad and met Deadlift.
No matter how many times I play this game, Deadlift is always a bitch to fight. Between finding him and him electrocuting the ground, it's just an annoying fight. Although it's not that hard. So I murdered him, took the key to his bathroom, and went to Moon Zoomey Station. Many Kraggons died along the way, I found a corpse with a message inside, I transmitted the message to the dead guy, I found Squat among a crowd of Scavs and channeled my inner Hitman carefully performing a perfect execution on Everyone, found Nel, insulted Nel, I got my reward from Zarpedon, collected my reward, activated Moon Zoomey and fell into the lava.
The fun thing about Moon Buggies is that despite being completely exposed to the frigid vacuum of space, your health doesn't deplete while you're in a vehicle. Normally, getting into a Buggy would refill your Oz kit, so I guess there's an oxygen exhaust tube, the second best type of tube, that you can suck to stay alive. For those of you who need your hand held, that was NOT a drug reference. This is a family channel. It was a suicide joke, since the saying "go suck the tailpipe" is a way of telling someone to commit suicide. Before heading to Concordia, I thought I'd pass the time with a side quest or two.
I bought myself a special shield, lost my buggy in a freak lava accident on a cliff, ran to the security room, and quickly decided this mission wasn't for me. I don't like puzzles. So I jumped another gap with my buggy, got angry with a family of Kraggons, grabbed a light reactor, and got a cool laser rifle from Janey before finally heading to Concordia. After interrupting a prostate exam and not following nurses' orders, Merriff hid in his office, forcing me to interact with Borderlands sex appeal Claptrap. He showed me the vault and the pollution chambers between characters, I got a buff from Earl, who is the spider that lives above my front door, and I started doing some stuff on the communication tower for Moxie.
Go here, press the button, kill a turret, nothing complicated. I learned about Merriff's sexual past, which wasn't as horrible as the erotic Mitten Squad fan fiction I heard on the Mitten Squad Discord server in which I got fucked. I'm out of line. Moxxie showed me the back entrance to her, I got a class mod that reduces my action skill cooldown from 40 seconds to 35 seconds, and I started moving towards Crisis Scar. The main entrance was blocked, so I had to kill a group of Darksiders and collect prisms to prove my worth. That "fighting without air" thing nearly killed me when I took on Fair Dinkum, found Claptrap's secret entrance, and fought my way through a small army of Scavs until I reached Crisis Scar to search for the source of a signal.
Because my IQ is on par with that of a block of cheese that's been sealed in a jar for 15 years, it took me a little while to figure out how to cross this lava. It turns out that you jump over lava by jumping over lava. Oh Gearbox, what will you think next? RedBelly taunted me several times as they sent group of Scavs after group to kill me as I traversed Crisis Scar to find the signal. Fighting half a dozen enemies at once can spell disaster when there's no air, because you're taking damage from all directions. Luckily, this sick laser gun wipes the floor with all but the meanest of outlaws.
Back inside a building where I wasn't constantly suffocating, RedBelly showed up and the boss fight began. The holograms are good for stopping Red and Belly from shooting at me by distracting them with fake me. Belly died, Red died a few seconds later, and I finally leveled up to level 9, allowing me to put the first point into Take Their Freedom, in theory. I had managed without it until now, so I thought it would be smart to give my digital babies a copy of my shield every time they spawn. There were plenty of turrets and Scavs protecting the signal jamming relays, which almost made me immediately regret my skill point decision from 2 sentences ago.
In a twist that everyone saw coming, it was Merriff who was blocking the signal, and I returned to Concordia to meet up and deal with Merriff. It took some detective nonsense to get us to the Merriff's office. Also, real quick, Jack's running animation is fucking weird and bothers me more than it should. Merriff tried to get rid of Jack, Jack attacked him within a few hours and Jack explained that his plan is to create a powerful army of robots. I can only see this being a huge success. To get an AI to create the army, you would need a Stingray, also known as the biggest vehicular failure in video game history.
With my boring hovercraft, I went to Outlands Canyon to find Davis Pickle, who may or may not be involved with the sea pickles invading the waters of the Pacific Northwest. Turns out Pickle is a boy, though thankfully he's not an annoying bastard like Tiny Tina. Pickle explained that to get an AI, he would need to get to the Drakensburg, a ship that the Zarpedon crashed on, I believe. The enemies here are above my pay grade, so much so that they have creepy skulls next to their names. This was a good opportunity to get used to being fucked by skulls, because they have a role to play later.
The skulls didn't last long, because I leveled up to level 10, put a point into health regeneration after a successful assassination skill, and the boatswain blew up the bridge to Drakensburg. To cross the bridge, I had to find a bomb and drop some methane to cool the hot lava with a cool island song. It took me quite a while to complete this boring task, and I got lost at least once, but I finally let the methane flow, crossed the path, and entered Pity's Fall. It was here where everything changed for the better. I bought a class mod that has health regeneration, so lack of oxygen is irrelevant.
Well, no, actually it's not. It turns out that health regeneration has no effect when I'm in a vacuum, but it still helps when there's air in my lungs, so I guess that's something. Some time ago, I bought this laser cannon that deals an impressive amount of damage, making the Scavs and Raiders guarding the path into the ship not much of a threat. The grenades I have can also launch people into orbit when the stars align. Most of what he could muster was sent to stop me after I entered the ship by the boatswain, who managed to nearly kill me a few times.
The Captain, however, decided to help my cause. She used her voice to take me to the engine room, where I did some technical things that ended up launching the bosun's favorite engine into the depths of space. He wouldn't take that sitting down. I continued to fight through waves of enemies, almost suffocating until I reached the boatswain, who is either crippled or just really likes that chair. Either way, I was wrong, because he would take it sitting down. The boatswain was a complete joke of a boss. I timed it, he died in about 20 seconds. The Cripple was out of action, I rescued the Captain, who is the AI ​​I was looking for, and was able to start building the robot army.
Almost. I imagined another side quest. This one came out horrible, as did the others. There is a secret chamber that requires 3 Echo Recordings to access. Since I have no shame, I'm more than willing to admit that completing this side quest took me 20 minutes. How the fuck and why you're so dumb don't matter, the only thing that matters is that I got a new weapon, turned in the side quest and went to the train station. Monsters from hell tried to stop me from getting on the train, but they failed. I took a train ride, immediately left to return to Concordia to purchase some upgrades for the ammo types I used, returned to the train station and took the opportunity. to fight against a lot of bugs.
The good thing is that I have a shield that damages melee attackers, which almost kills basic level Torks. The Captain, now called Felicity, doesn't like the Torks. I forgot where she was going with that. I leveled up again and chose the Jack's Cache perk which effectively gives me a free grenade for every 4 kills I or my holograms get. This is a very useful benefit; You'll see why later. After deleting abunch of Scavs, I saved Gladstone, who was revealed to be the mastermind behind the Constructor Bots, and my goal was still to reach the Titan robot production plant.
The stolen Dahl suits were a complete joke thanks to my corrosive laser shotgun. I accidentally spent half my money on a shield which, after shoving my heart into my throat, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So guess what, more Scavs! This time there were many of them, and I even managed to die once. With the glass broken and a bunch of Scavs dead, I could get to work building the builder. Between holograms and my son's grenades, worker robots never stood a chance. I created the Oculus eye, put it in the machine, followed the body, spent a while being attacked while she waited for the turrets to calibrate, placed the turrets, Felicity bragged about her sensitivity complaining that she didn't want to spend.
An eternity spent inside a construction robot, and I upped my grenade game once again. The On My Mark ability gives me the ability to have my holograms each throw a copy of my grenade once per action ability. This, along with the other grenade benefit, becomes invaluable later when you get life-sucking grenades. I accompanied Felicity for a while, enjoying her listening to her beg for mercy while her memory was erased, and she became enraged at us who saw it coming. Between my holograms and their grenades, my damn near-infinite grenades, my corrosive laser gun, and my health regen, this was another easy boss fight.
With what was left of Felicity trapped forever inside the Constructor, constantly wishing for death, I returned to Concordia with my robot army, got some new equipment from Moxxi, and we all joined hands as we were broken down to the atomic level and remade to the atomic level. big H in the sky. Back in space, there were soldiers of the Lost Legion everywhere. They're pretty much the same as Scavs and Raiders, just with more suffixes in their names, some are medics, some have capes, some have giant power suits. What am I saying, they are nothing like the Scavs or Raiders.
To get into Jack's office, I had to find a Claptrap and let him do his usual annoying nonsense, then he died, I laughed and met Jack in our office. A group of scientists from the Helios R&D Section needed to be saved, the first of which was good old Gladstone. In a stroke of game design genius, each of the three scientists is trapped in his own area, guarded by his own type of enemy, be it Stalkers, Torks, or Lost Legion. Find something for them, open a box containing equipment I can't use and that's it. It takes a little time, but there's air to breathe, so this is pretty much what you'd experience in a normal match.
Some enemies have skulls next to their names, probably because I've been mostly avoiding side quests like I avoid interacting with other humans. All the scientists were saved, I was reunited with Roland and Lillith, and the other me undid all my great work by pulling an Elmo and launching the scientists into space. Expecting the worst, my next task was also to go out into space in an attempt to reach the Eye of Helios. To get to space you have to go through a tunnel. And that tunnel is full of skeletal heads of the worst kind: high-level enemies.
It was a little difficult to get through there. In space, most of the problems associated with suffocation have been completely eliminated. 12.5% ​​of my health regenerates every time I get a kill, my grenades home in on enemies and absorb their life force, which also applies to grenades thrown by my holograms. Suffice it to say that the lack of an Oz Kit now means nothing. The biggest problem is how low I am. I fought through the Legion defenses, destroyed several regulators on 2 plasma drives, passed through the Helios Veins, and reached the Lunar Command Station. I spent a lot more time than I should have looking for a FIX Loader to activate the Gun Loader program, found it and once again ran into Jack.
Moxxi interrupted my private time with myself by explaining that I will have to turn off the laser the old fashioned way. I somehow managed to not blow up the first force field power source, the enemies were now level 23, I fought my way through a lot of hard cookies on my way to the other force fields, I handled them so well like someone. he could, and had to defend the big boy while Moxxi drained him. Business picked up after I ran out of laser ammo, luckily I had the most generic looking gun in my arsenal of tools, it went out, Jack and the other Jack entered Helios's eye, we passed through an electrical barrier and arrived Zarpedon.
This was very… not easy. The first problem is that she is 5 levels taller than me, which is generally not a situation where you want to encounter any enemies, much less a boss fight, unless you are raiding a boss. Just one of her attacks is enough to bring me to the brink of death, which is why I channeled my inner Jimmy Neutron and sent out the clones. The longer they are alive, the more damage they deal, they provide a distraction, they kill Legion soldiers which gives me health and gets me closer to a free grenade, and they can send their own grenades that suck Zarpedon's life.
I came pretty close to defeating her on my second go-around, tried to use electricity, failed in a way you know, bought a new weapon, and came back for more punishment. The Frosty the Snowman laser shotgun was much more effective against her than it had any right to be. She chewed ammo like a son of a bitch, but it was worth it. Zarpedon was eventually sent to an early grave and she is not dead. Not only is she not dead, but she brought with her new enemies, the Eternals, from beyond. Eternals are like the Goliaths of Borderlands 2: if you damage them but don't do it quickly enough, they become more powerful.
The good news is that Zarpedon was much more concerned with killing the real Jack than the fake Jack, allowing me to bombard her with snow from the side. Jack killed her, inspired me at the best possible moment, and Jack showed me the true destructive force behind the Helios laser: the eye of the Destroyer. My attempts to destroy it with rockets proved futile. Moxxi interrupted my private time with me, again, with a way to shut down the Destroyer. The eyeball turned all purple and sad, then turned sort of green. Space Pink Eye is certainly scary. But it wasn't Pink Eye, it was a betrayal, Moxxi, Roland, Lillith and probably Claptrap were in cahoots the whole time too.
Jack wasn't happy, but I got a good shot of my butt and got the last main story mission: The Beginning of the End. Let me show you some numbers: This is recording number 7 of 11, and we are already 80% complete. The total playthrough of this game is approximately 198GB and at this point we are approximately 62% complete. You might be wondering how the hell we're on the last mission and not even 2/3 of the way through the recordings. Well, I'll tell you. I screwed up by just doing a few side quests. I was able to manage facing higher level enemies for a while, but I hit the wall.
The Lost Legion soldiers in Vorago Solitude are 4-6 levels higher than me, and the Eternals are now commonplace and a pain to fight against. I tried to run past the enemies, but they did too much damage quickly. Also, if I kept going without killing almost anything, it would only become more difficult because my level would stay the same while the enemies became more difficult. So I backed away. I spent a full hour doing side quests to level up enough to stand a chance against the Lost Legion. I'm not going to go over those two hours because nothing was too difficult.
Most of it was indoors, so the Oz Kit wouldn't have had any effect, but like I said above, it hasn't mattered for a while anyway. Also, someone said my Far Cry 3 video was too long, so this one's for you. If anyone really wants to hear about my side quest adventures, please leave a comment or take the poll on your screen now. If anyone wants to let us know about this for any reason, I can post a side video about it on Mitten Prime or something. After leveling up a few times, I returned to Vorago Solitude, made my way through the Lost Legion, the Guardians revealed themselves, and it was time for another boss fight where, damn, the boss is still 4 levels higher than me.
The bright side is that I found a solid cheese technique. Hide in the elevator and he won't be able to hit you most of the time. It takes a long time, you have to wait for him to be visible to be able to hit him while avoiding his attacks. Slowly but surely, I reduced its health enough to kill the mechanical beast. All the loot he left behind is worthless to me because of his level, and I entered Tycho's Ribs. This was also a headache. Many high level enemies, guardians are agile and deal a lot of damage.
I spent a solid 30 minutes fighting through the shit at Tycho's Ribs until I reached Eleseer. I was lost again and backtracked to spend another hour doing side quests to level up. Same as last time, I'm not going to go into that because the quests were a few levels below me so they were mostly trivial. Although one I couldn't complete because I didn't have an Oz Kit to slam. During the second round of sidequest adventures, I got a Class Mod that helps two important skills: Persistence, which gives me health regeneration when my action skill is on cooldown, and Take Your Freedom, the skill that regenerates a percentage of my health every time I get a death.
I was as prepared as possible and returned to Eleseer to finish the fight. I also got a proper shotgun that did significant damage to the Guardians, mainly because the unorthodox pellet spread made it easy to land critical hits on the Guardians, but also because it deals impact damage, and impact damage is incredibly effective against shields. . Guardians don't have much health, but their shields can be difficult to deplete, and that's where this shotgun shines. After dispatching the Opha Superior rather quickly, I made my way to the entrance of the Vault, entered, and entered the Realm of Shadows.
It was here that I faced the final boss, the Sentinel, the Guardian of the Vault. Shortly before this fight, I leveled up again, allowing me to get the maximum buff in the Hero skill tree of this story: Promote Ranks. It guarantees that one of my Holo Jacks will be a badass and gives the other a 33% chance of being one too. They are bigger, tougher, deal more damage, and are orange. The Jacks seemed to deal fire damage, I dealt shock damage with my shotgun, and my grenades dealt corrosive damage, making every instance of fighting The Sentinel much easier than I thought.
I would go so far as to say it's disappointingly easy. He then took out a Rolf and emerged from the ground as the Empyrean Sentinel. A mega evolution, oh wait, that doesn't exist anymore. What is the new thing called? Dynamaxization? That's what he did. It was definitely harder to kill, mainly due to the fact that it desecrated gravity and shook the ground. Once you hit him with an elemental weapon that counters whatever element he's using, it's simply a matter of letting the holograms distract him while you attack from a distance. It's a 3 round fight for the Empyrean Sentinel.
I finished his life without dying once, I returned him to the static where Rolf came from, I was quite disappointed that no legendary weapons dropped, Lillith punched Jack, he became the Handsome Jack we all know and love, and I beat Borderlands. Pre-Sequel without using an Oz Kit. And that will be enough...

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