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Can We Melt a $1,000,000 Gold Bar With a GIANT Magnifying Glass?

Jun 08, 2021
Do you want to win


? Great question, really good, yeah, well then watch the end of this video. Oh, and we'll explain how, yes, we will, yes, that's good, well done, thank you. Okay, I guess so, let's get into the videos that everyone knows you can. light a fire or burn an ant with a small



, but what about a big heron? I don't think it's what you've seen now, this video is sponsored by kiwico, but more about them later we stamp and you know what else we have. Let's find out about Derek. This look is 400 ounces of solid


can we melt a 1 000 000 gold bar with a giant magnifying glass
One million dollars. Excuse me, a million dollar gold bar. Who confided in you what the Perth Mint did to Derek? We are here at his refinery and they have kindly allowed us. try this, frankly, we don't own this, no, but we're going to try to


it. Can we


this bar of gold with just that



and that big ball of gas burning at Stanford? We actually put this out yesterday and did it. Yes, we're about to tell you that right now, so I can tell you with great confidence that it's incredibly hot. I think we're headed for 40 degrees Celsius today, that's over a hundred degrees Fahrenheits you want them to be hot when We have a day with a


magnifying glass, we can't even reveal it, but it's just as dangerous as in broad daylight, yeah, you got I have to cover it with a sheet so as not to laser fun facts, you know?
can we melt a 1 000 000 gold bar with a giant magnifying glass

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can we melt a 1 000 000 gold bar with a giant magnifying glass...

I'm saying old bed because this ray is very similar to this, we must remember the focal length of the eyeballs, all when light passes through a lens it converges, okay, Mark Grover, and there is a point where it converges and that's its focal length, I haven't really done that. fat check I'm just having a week just winging it that's what I'm doing what are you doing what's okay there's a fat Stamford if I've ever seen one if I keep going there he's the sweet spot y'all ain't the floor they can't take you, oh, there's a focal point right in the middle, well, there's an end, look at that, oh friend, run.
can we melt a 1 000 000 gold bar with a giant magnifying glass
The first thing I think we'll do is throw wood in there and see how long it lasts. It lights up, okay, so I need to find fokie oh oh oh yeah, we're on stage, that's fire, we're on fire, yeah, that's okay, turn around, damn, what do I do now? That's almost creating art right there, we should almost draw spells from racks. Funny, there was a competition a few moments later, right in a segment where we tried to draw the best Rexy with the flame on the damn side of the wood. I probably don't think he'll be the main bed, but he'll be a member, so if you want to join. extra memberships behind the scenes check it out, we just found out we were doing it completely wrong, this was on the wrong track, dim edge first, oh that's beautiful, so we put in some new beauty arrows so we know what to do correctly with the power of the sun. very inflated ball, solid as a rock football, here we go, oh it's going off, really surely I just want to apologize, that was a little bubbly, but we're on to something that won't bubble, fire extinguishers, yeah guys, they're magnifying glass .
can we melt a 1 000 000 gold bar with a giant magnifying glass
That can go through a fire extinguisher. I feel like he's quite psychotic. Three, two, one. How long do we wait? He's definitely smoking. We could be waiting all day. My heart is racing. Nerves are high. Oh yes, he did. We have an explosion. Well done. a magnifying glass so hot it can explode a fire extinguisher that's going crazy what's next that can explode the cork of a champagne bottle oh yeah, champagne Stanford never really talked about all this? It's actually quite difficult with these fascinating things, isn't it? Yes, it's not beauty. Do you shake it, yeah, that's it, yeah, a little more, oh no, it's just because it's so hot, champagne that was good, yeah, what's next, let's go to the golf ball, choo choo, oh yeah, look at the smoke coming out, I think it's very marshmallow, west, ah, get off? he doesn't want to leave oh that's oh that's really cool what the hell is going on look at that marshmallow he's putting up a good fight guys oh he's turning black that looks sinful what the hell do we have next i feel a little like sid from toy story bye ha squawked his last rubber ball oh yeah, there you go, there you go, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, it smells like it's on the rink, y'all, popcorn, oh, it's rising, no, that's black, Hey, gather around the campfire, here comes the bowling ball. we're smoking smokey joe if that's not an ad to put on sunscreen i don't know what it is oh ooh it's actually pretty sturdy oh that's brilliant it was your controller is here so oh it's melting fire i don't think we're playing any more turns of chicken or cheese, which is your favorite?
This laptop edited like our videos from about 2015 to 2016. And then it stopped working so now I'm going to kill it see you later, bye Dell, it stopped working. Bye, okay, everyone. It's going to get interesting now as we're getting into the metals that will lead us to gold, which we'll do tomorrow. We've got Tinny Boy oh aka sn Aluminum, a nice little 44 in the middle. These were sent to us by dennis to our post office box oh good cheer dennis legend of california the only dentist in california i have also been told different melting points 660 for aluminum 330. yeah around there so they are about half here and then the gold ran out to put it into perspective a thousand degrees so if we can melt them then we'll have a chance to get gold so the screen is definitely there oh it's melting yeah it's like it's integrating into itself, oh, that goes, wow, oh, melted, that's sick, looks so cool, double aluminum. melting point but surprisingly light oh good working with us and now we play the melting game oh I mean I think I can see it's working it's working it's working it's so hot it's starting to bubble too oh it's bubbling yeah, We are an Opportunity with Goldberg, welcome back since yesterday.
Everybody, Stanford, let's get to work because people want to know what the verdict is that we need to take this over a thousand degrees, but we have some plants, we also have the sun and we live in it. The best place in the world to do it, yes we barely have an ozone layer, we also have a one ounce gold bar, it's a size comparison, there's my finger, if the size of the gold bar is an inhibitor of the melting, then I have a smaller fp, where are we or higher? I haven't done much research, but I think the more time passes, the more heat it will get to a point, yes, it's going to be out there concentrating it directly on the logo.
Very good, now we wait for everyone. The Perth Mint stores six billion dollars in gold. They have like 40,000 different customers who want their gold store here. Menu. They both hold Guinness World Records. The longest putt in the world. It's probably best to hold it if you can. The largest gold coin in the world. How big is a ton? Yes, a one-ton coin really hangs from the nose. Quite an impressive coin. In fact, you can go see it if you go to the Perth Mint in the city here. Perth, I have a bit of a bold idea.
We have a 20,000 lumen flashlight. This could add a few more lumens to the mix. Look where your beam is, buddy, your baby isn't even there. Oh, you're right. I am. By casting a shadow, you're taking away a little bit and then I'm adding a little more. I have a theory guys, if we have a small magnifying glass, can we enlarge the magnifying glass? You know what I'm saying, like a bit of a start, it actually seems. Better, the bun drop is going to lead to some exciting times here for a couple of reasons: one, I'm eating the delicious black pepper lime chips, we're actually going to spin the lens to see if it works better, just curiosity captures the attention. better of us sometimes yes, but that's hotter, a breakthrough, we think we had the magnifying glass in the wrong direction, which we thought yesterday, so we put arrows, but those arrows could be wrong.
They stitched us up twice, the kids are awake and that's terrifying. Very bright I can feel the heat coming off of it It's a seven dollar job Let's go in turbo mode Are we ready to try the little one? I think it's an ounce of gold. This experiment is really in the name of conductivity. I'm saying Scott, what is conductivity? It's very simple. Think of it as breaking it down. Conduct. It's just melting. Guys. I think we are doing it. We're making it? melting, we've melted, girls, yeah, we're flipping, oh dinner, well, we're just going with the wrong side of the lens, maybe maybe we won't take such a thick bar, ah, that was some ambitious work, I mean, the million dollar bar has been saved by its girth.
I think it's finally cooled down enough to touch, but there's our custom gold piece and it's beautiful and Stanford has decided that this is what we're giving away, Stan, yeah, this part here could be yours, could be yours and more. Details about the giveaway will be coming very soon, but for now we're talking about the video sponsor, which is Kiwi Code. They are now a legendary company that creates hands-on projects and cool toys for kids to expose them to the concepts of damn steam. we've got the guys here just getting into some of the projects. I'm step three, now three, you're flying.
I'm going to step two, so kiwico is a subscription service every month. I'll send you a box with everything you need. to make a super cool project, yeah, like this one, but it's got everything you need, Stanford, everything you need, what age group is yours, I've got nine more, just rocking a bottle rocket, it'll be good, I think you can do it. I believe in my supervisor to help this is from zero to twelve this is three plus I know because in fact I made two of them with my daughters this morning super cute look at this oh there are a lot of fun things there lara you have to open this first nice bonfire , now it's a camping cookout and some mustard, your mustard mommy, I'm making a big backpack, oh wow yeah, kiwi rock color and a big campaign right now called small today, big tomorrow, which These are small lessons learned now. because our little ones will lead to big ideas that will change the world tomorrow when they grow up which as a parent is super exciting so kiwico dot com slash how ridiculous we will do the work and that will give you 50 off the first month.
The first one you want, so join support Kiwico, they help us support us, we love them, it's a great company, super cool and now guys, the moment of the goal draw that everyone has been waiting for, no, what do you have to do to be in the race to win? There are three things you have to do, you will like the video, then you have to comment what your Instagram username is so we can text you if you are the winner and lastly all you have to do is share the video which can be in the form of email via WhatsApp or can be via text yes and it closes seven days after uploading so you better get it in quick and then when will we notify the winner in a week?
Have a chance to win. some golden friends how good 44 club thanks for watching greetings

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