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Can These Chefs Create This Kid's Crazy Dish?

May 30, 2021
Hello my name is Aiden Reese I'm eight years old today I'm adding two


make my


extreme wish Hello Aidan Hello everyone I'm Alexis Hello I'm Claudia Hello Claudia Zepeda Wilkins here from San Diego California Executive Chef Partner at El Jardin Restaurant I've always been in restaurants but I didn't know I wanted to be a chef until my son was born and I thought, you know how I could tell him to chase his dreams if I'm not chasing mine? We're so Aiden if you were a pirate at sea, what would you eat? I'd eat dead man's fish stew.
can these chefs create this kid s crazy dish
Dead man's fish stew. So what's in the stew? Good question. Some dead fish. Dead food. Anything dead from the sea. Guts, bones and stuff. yes, do you like seafood? Well, no, I really like salmon. He doesn't like seafood, which I find problematic. I don't eat meat, rice, I like healthy food. It's good for your brain. You know, he uses some squid or maybe it could be a jellyfish. I'll leave him dead and he started mentioning squid. I know he won't like it. I've never had calamari before, but it's worth a try. I mean, there would be dead bones of real humans, sure, yes, as I would say. school, that's the important part, it's got more flavor, I get it, I'm just going to choose to skip that completely, they're a little bit of a drug dealer, it got a little dark on us, any vegetables you can find in the ocean, well, there's a vegetable they call seaweed.
can these chefs create this kid s crazy dish

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can these chefs create this kid s crazy dish...

I've never tried it, but it's worth a try. What a pirate would normally drink when he eats


dead man's stew. Normally they would drink beer, mixed coke, and maybe a little bit of root beer, like root beer. Yeah, I usually save the cherries for my moms, that's all. Do you think we can make



come to life? It's worth a try. The only thing I have going for me is that I've done this twice. I feel like I know now. If a child says he wants something it doesn't necessarily mean he wants something I'm not going to make a stew I'm going to make pizza top it with béchamel cheese salmon salmon roe shrimp I'm going to fry some squid I'll add a little dill and basil and then some royal seaweed, so it's kind of a mix for him, so I hope it's like a seafood mix pizza, so for my dish I'm going to make a tomato soup soup, I'm going to carve the skull and the ribs. the toes I think there's also a pelvis in there somewhere with potatoes.
can these chefs create this kid s crazy dish
I'm going to make a seaweed jungle with fried basil for the drink. It is easy. I'm going to make a floating fanta with orange sorbet and two cherries on top for your mom's. Claudette, I'm so excited to cook with you or against you, you're a chef and a mom, you have a lot going for you, you're making pizza so you win, but I literally don't know what kids like so let's see. I'm going to sauté the onions real quick so they float. This will be the base of the blood and plasma soup. I'm just trying to caramelize myself a lot.
can these chefs create this kid s crazy dish
At the end I will develop the sugars from the onions. I'm going to make the tomatoes raw since a lot of water is going to be lost, so I'm going to make a bechamel, which is one of the mother sauces and you can make many other sauces based on professionals. I feel like maybe it's a catalyst for him to like us, yeah. You know this might be deaf guys, that's the easy part, you say something really gross and you're like, yeah, this little burner is a little weird, so I might be doing this again. I can see Alexis is struggling with her burner, so I just give her mine. and she needs constant heat and induction gives you that you have the reputation of being the worst competitor claudette is not only very talented but also very nice this isn't really a competition it's like hanging out with a friend she's turning this kind of pretty color nutty brown and then I'm going to add the milk. nice fish thanks if I had a pirate ship it would be called a brown carrot it would have like machine guns and stuff that pirates don't have now I'm going to make brains made out of tomatoes I marked the tomato hoping that when it starts to decompose it will look like a decaying brain Let's see how it's cooked.
I'm going to make a super super simple salmon that I'll bake and then flake. I feel like I've learned my lesson about being too harsh on the spices, so I'll try to tone it down. Okay, let's start making bones right now. I'm working on the poor dead man's femur bone with this potato. looks really convincing so far leg or thigh bone oh, I have to do the toes, the toenail, eh, okay, I'm actually feeling really excited about something. I just ground up potato chips and I'm going to dip the squid in them and fry it so it's kind of like a chicken nugget, so I think that might help hide the calamari.
It feels a little damp. Are you going to combine it with some egg? It's going to slide out of there. Okay, I'm sure I shouldn't be. talking to her about it again that's why I never win, I think a lot of times because I'm a restaurant chef and I mentor my cooks, when I see someone fight my instinct is like that protective mom with the claw, it's a great suggestion. I'm going to dip the squid in the egg and then in the ground potatoes before frying them. Yes it is very good. No, those are not chicken nuggets.
I mean, you can tell it's not chicken, but it looks really good. You might actually like it, I don't mean to toot your own horn, but yeah, but it's pretty good. Now I'm just going to blend it to get the consistency of tomato urine. His brain is still intact. Well, it's not mine, but that one is mine. I've been filmed for years because we're kind of limited on time and using a pre-made pizza dough by just rotating the dough like this is a really easy way to stretch it, you twist it in the air, do the challenge, politely decline, I'm.
I'm going to put bechamel on the pizza cheese, a lot of cheese, God, I'm really going to shoot this one a rib, every two bones, okay, I'm just making a herringbone. I feel like you should feel honored to get one that is amazing. I'm going to add my heavy cat cream. I feel like yours will be something we really want to eat. I'm just going to brush that with a little bit of oil to make it a little bit shinier. I'm going to bake this and then put it on. seafood dressing after you're smart just babysitting you look really proud of yourself I mean you're doing what you asked and I'm not so that's what usually happens although then again that's being a parent.
I'm looking at the Claudette station and she's there. carving a skull out of a potato and I have pizza. I've seen healthier looking skulls, but I think it will do. That's the best you'll get. Good night, did you say good night? Let's sleep with the fish. Do you know what a rock fish is? A rock fish is like a fish with a stinger that stings you when it gets scared or angry. I just had an idea to fry the basil seaweed and see if I can make it almost like an anemone. She's got pizza so I gotta go all out, oh what's my vision?
Some shrimp will just crumble with Santa. You're going to hate this Aiden doesn't like seafood, but I think it might be fun to add some pink salmon, it's definitely an acquired taste. but I just want to add a few when you put them in his mouth he gets scared. I think it's kind of genius that Alexis wants to make a pizza because even if you make a mistake on the drawing, you're going to give the kid what he wants Glaudette has made a masterpiece, she's made exactly what Aidan wanted and I No, I just don't, I don't feel good, my teeth, my toe joints are rotten, my skull, I mean, it's unbelievable, it's


, I was so focused. on the pizza I totally forgot about the drink, I'm just going to improvise, although I couldn't think of what else could be purple and orange, yeah, she was like, okay, a purple orange soda called today, uh, well , let the best woman win, yeah, yeah.
Let's see what Aiden thinks, so my pizza is ready and you know, I feel pretty good about it, but he ordered stew, so I really hope he really wants pizza. I'm happy with the way the dish turned out visually and I think I believe it. It tastes delicious I'm extra and so is my plate so I know you'll like it bring the dead man's stew it looks like sushi with chicken fillets with seaweed I have everything I wanted okay, it looks like a pizza oh, it's a nice pizza good , it tastes like something slimy, something like edible slime, it's pretty good in this part, oh, okay, that's weird, I don't like that part, so go ahead and try the shake, ah, finally, it tastes like all the types of soft drinks combined and it's good. okay let's do it here we go now that's what I call a stew this is all I needed I like the way my drawing looks oh wow that's weird I want to try that first what does it taste like root beer and fanta mixed together? and it also has cherries on top, they are for my mom, it's here, go ahead, take a spoon, dig in, I didn't like it, in the seaweed mmm, the seaweed is good, it's not like normal seaweed and now, for the rotten fish, probably It tastes like mango.
I want to leave that aside it seems like a brain had to give me a brain that tastes like tomato and I don't like tomato you know something else yeah, go ahead and have some more of the smoothie okay Aidan, you just ate two very different dishes which one did you eat? Do you like stew or pizza better? That's a difficult decision but it's like pizza. I told you it was a cheese. It was a cheese. It was true. Alexis. Because you won, you keep the drawing. Thank you very much. I mean, drawing this is really exciting.
It was a very exciting competition. funny, Claudette was amazing and honestly really helped me so I couldn't have had this without her cooking, it's not like a failure for me, I think failure is not trying the pizza, the cheese, the carbs, it always wins, It doesn't matter. That stuff on top is slimy,


, thanks for my dead man's stew.

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