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Can the New Air Fryer/Instant Pot Duo Replace Your Entire Kitchen?

Jun 06, 2021
Today is a very exciting day in the studio because I'm trying out a new device. We don't have just an


pot here, but wow, we don't just have an


pot here, but a combination of air


instant pot and what's exciting about it. This is that you are combining two appliances that have a lot of functions in the


, so the possibility of putting them together and having the power of an Instant Pot with an air


is exciting to me because there are so many potential foods. that you can cook with both technologies together and that's what I'm going to try today to really see if you can





can the new air fryer instant pot duo replace your entire kitchen
It's possible? Obviously I'm not going to


my stove, but if you know, we're living in the woods somewhere and all you had was this machine right here, could you survive and cook an amazing meal with just the Duo Crisp Instant Air Fryer? I don't know about you, but I'm really excited to put this to the test and you know how. These air fryer videos are out now, it's just complete experimentation, especially with this unit that I've never used before and the way I'm going to structure this video is that it's going to be broken down into eight recipes, but they're all going to link together. another because I don't like wasting food with professional home cooks this is not the food network for


recipe trying things like six times and just throwing them away I'm eating everything or my family is eating it or I'm giving it away So For example, the first recipe is whole chicken and I felt like I had to try whole chicken in this.
can the new air fryer instant pot duo replace your entire kitchen

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can the new air fryer instant pot duo replace your entire kitchen...

It was the perfect machine to cook this chicken quickly using pressure cooking, but then crisp it up, get the skin and exterior nice. and crispy on the air fryer setting, but once I have a whole roast chicken, I have to use it, so that will tie into recipes in the future, so the first thing we're going to do is season this chicken and pressure cook it. to shade an instant pot for this guide right here instead of a recipe booklet, they just give you each ingredient: meat, vegetables, fish and then tell you how to cook it, so whole chicken eight minutes per pound, it was about three and a half. we pound the chicken so we're going to do 30 minutes on high, let's do 28.
can the new air fryer instant pot duo replace your entire kitchen
I feel good about that 28 minutes and we're going to let this pressurize. Wow, I just gave the studio a nice shower of chicken steam and it smells delicious in here, but I'm really excited to see what happens under the lid. I don't know if it's cooked, but oh yeah, look at that, oh yeah, it looks amazing. I'm a big idiot. I just realized I could have used this thing and put it on. at that point I have to use these things to get the chicken out now I have to find a way to get it out of there, well I've never pressure cooked a chicken.
can the new air fryer instant pot duo replace your entire kitchen
You can see it's like it's falling off the bone in some places, but this looks amazing. What I'm going to do is remove this and we'll save it for later, I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with it and I'll probably cover it with a little bit of oil and salt to make it crispier. Because of my mistakes, I'm using this guy on this here. I didn't want to like put the chicken in there, so the first time I air fry, the new lid goes on air fry, okay, it only goes to 400. Well, that's what we do.
I'll do it, I'm just punching numbers, I'm not reading any kind of manual, uh, we're figuring this out together, guys, we just got done there, let's look very interested, oh, okay, so we're getting the crispy skin. It definitely needs a little more time. I would say another 10 minutes, maybe less. I'll set it to 10 at the same temperature and we'll get it done. Here we go, what's amazing. I mean, this looks like roast chicken to me. and it was very easy to make, but the question of course is how does it taste so the real test is comparing a wing with white meat or dark meat with white meat because that's the hardest part when you cook a whole chicken. doing both right, so first we'll do this little crispy wing, wow, crispy and tender, now the chicken breast is very easy to dry, let's separate the tender one right there, that's almost perfect.
I'm very impressed with this here. I never cook chickens in the oven because it's just difficult, it's a chore, they never come out like that rotisserie chicken you buy at the store, but this one tastes almost identical, has all the elements you want and was extremely easy to prepare in this Combo package here and now. I have perfectly roasted chicken. I'm going to prepare to make a Mexican dish that's great in the air fryer, but there are a few in-between items to pair it with, one of them being black beans, a staple of Mexican food. cooking, but usually with black beans, the way I prepare them is: I soak them overnight and then simmer them until they are perfectly tender.
You definitely don't want to take black beans out of the can if you've never made them with dried beans. Try This will blow your mind, but my brother told me about a technique where you can take these beans and put them right in the pressure cooker without soaking them and they come out perfect. I've tried it before with quite a bit of success. so we're going to try that again right now and I have an idea how to use some of this chicken juice so this was a layer of flavor that came off of the roast chicken and the fat that came off so we definitely don't want to to get rid of that extra bean flavor right there and then for this boom, remember that was from the water that we added to the instant pot and all that fat from the pressure cooking chicken that goes in there so it was about two cups of liquid, do we need more microphone?
That's the question, yes, we need more, just to be sure, another cup of liquid in there and we'll pressure cook them on high heat for, I think, about 15 minutes, let me check the chart. In that it says right there dried beans 20 to 25 minutes soaked beans six to eight minutes, so the instant pot is way ahead, they knew this technique, that's right, that's probably where Josh got the technique from, so let's go to high pressure cooking, let's do it. 21 minutes, let's see, oh, they look good, but are they tender? Let's try it a little undercooked. Actually, you know, I have a better idea, since it's quite liquid and can be reduced.
I'm going to leave the lid open and I'm going to put this on high sauté and that should bring this liquid to a boil and I think if I boil it for I don't know 20 30 minutes we'll be perfect and I can check the beans, look there you go, we're already boiling. this thing can really do all kinds of pretty awesome cooking technique okay look at that now that we're fully cooked and reduced to double. Let me show you perfect beans real quick, right there, this is what you're looking for and you don't want. They're broken, perfectly whole, but you want them nice and soft on the inside, they're beautiful, so like I said before, I really want to put this machine to the test to see if it can replace all your appliances, so what am I going to do?
Right now you have to make a roast sauce to go with this chicken, so see how the air fryer setup works by simply roasting some vegetables for the roasted vegetables. I'm going to take half an onion, this is the other half that came from the roast chicken. and I just cut it into small pieces and then added it to a bowl along with a container of cherry tomatoes and covered them with a little bit of oil so they roasted well in the air fryer, so I took a piece of aluminum foil and cut a whole piece.
A bowl of halved garlic I added to the aluminum foil and covered it with oil and then I just added a little bit of water to help the garlic not burn in the roasting process, so a layer of aluminum foil because we don't want the tomato juice to drip out and then we're just going to put this garlic right in the center and that's going to roast there as well and then in the pressure cooker, air fryer, air fry, we're going to go to 400 again, that's the maximum, let's do it. 13. minutes and we're good 13 minutes, let's see what happens, okay, not bad, we're getting some sizzling action and it looks pretty good, I think just five more minutes and we'll be perfect.
I'm proud of your pressure fryer. It cooks well, let's check it now oh, I'm really happy with that garlic, I'm not sure, let's check that real quick, okay, it can be roasted a little bit longer, but it's still fork tender, that's all I need there, like that that this is a very exciting sauce right here. I have our peppers rehydrated, I'll deseed some just to make them a little less spicy, roasted garlic, roasted tomatoes and onions, cilantro, lime, salt, mix it up, let's do it, the thickness could be thinner, you could add more pepper liquid , but let's try it. moment of truth, yes, yes, that's all I can say about it, I've made a lot of sauces in my life that are among the best in spice levels, it's not easy to nail them down, especially when I was just adding a bunch of sauces to the random. peppers oh that's perfection there it's time to put these elements together we're making taquitos which is a crunchy rolled taco and I'm going to use the beans I'm going to use the chicken and I'm going to use the salsa with just a little bit of cheese, that's how it's going to stay, we will throw it in the air fryer and we will leave it crispy and delicious chicken sauce, beans, cheese, this is like some corn tortillas with pepper jack style cheese, let's make some taquitos I make a lot of Mexican food but I am not an expert in this dish, so I don't know what the traditional fillings are, but I can tell you that this filling looks great, so I'm going to take this and put it here. roll them up and prepare them for the airfryer, as I say I'm no expert, well yes I certainly am not.
These are already broken because I didn't heat them before you can see they just pop open so what do I do? What I'm going to do is I'm going to heat up the tortillas first in this pan really quickly just to soften them up a little bit and then they'll hold up a lot better so the taquitos are fried in oil of course so what I'm going to do is make sure to baste them . this gives them a coating and then I'm going to put them here you're only going to be able to get four and I want to give them a good spray this is just canola oil and that's going to help crisp it up so I don't just dry it in the air fryer I think I'm going to stick with 400 , which has been the lucky number, the highest 400, we'll start with 12 minutes and go from there, oh, they're done, they're crispy, I love it in an ideal world.
I would serve this stuff on a really nice, fancy plate with a little sour cream, a little lettuce, and a little sauce, but I don't have that stuff on top, so I'm going to slather some of that sauce on it to give it the taste of official flavor. I think the last time I had one of these was like at a 7-eleven and it's even a little taquito those things that are on those spinning wheels a horrible version of this are great, I can't complain that the airfryer made a Great job getting this tortilla nice and crispy without having to fry it, which is always a plus because frying is a pain, so overall, great recipes come together for a delicious final dish.
I'm making bao buns for two reasons, one because the next recipe is crispy pork belly so I'm getting ready to enjoy that pork belly to the fullest and it needs some kind of vehicle and two, there's a setting on that pressure cooker called steam. We all know what steam is, but I have never used the steam setting. So I wanted to put that to the test and see how the steam setting works and some steamed buns seemed like the perfect way to do it, so first I have to make a dough which is really simple. I'm going to get out my stand mixer, but of course you can do this by hand and I'm going to add a cup of warm water two teaspoons of instant yeast one tablespoon of sugar one teaspoon of salt two tablespoons of neutral oil I'm using avocado oil and then three cups of all purpose flour and a teaspoon of baking powder and I just let it knead in the mixer for about 10 minutes and if you're doing it by hand, knead it for 10 minutes once the dough is nice and soft.
I took out a bowl and put a little more oil and dumped my dough in there to let it rest for about an hour or two until it doubled in size. Now that our dough has doubled in size, I'm going to scoop it out into a bowl and roll it out to about a quarter of an inch thick and then I'm going to start cutting out rounds that will eventually be folded in half to make our bun buns once the rounds are made. are cut. I have some square pieces of parchment here that help create a non-stick barrier in our pressure cooker and I just put a layer of oil on the inside of the bun so these things really open up and don't stick, I just fold them over and let them sit a little more. so they get nice and fluffy so they've been running for about 45 minutes and you can see they've puffed up a little bit and the instant pot comes with this thing here that I'll put right on top of that as my steaming tray and see how many I can put in there, these are going to swell, so I need to leave a little bit of room, so five is my limit right now since I don't have a double pan, let's see if I can.
Do this with one hand, okay, so let's go in, I put some water in there, about a cup of water tosteaming, that's what I do for you guys to film this, so when you're cooking under pressure, this thing here, this valve. it's locked in keeping all that steam in, that's why the food cooks so quickly, but when we're steaming we want some of that to come out because we don't want to pressure cook these buns, so I'm just going to press this. and that opens the valve and lets the steam rise so there's still going to be steam coming out there, but it's not going to pressurize, look at those, that was a guess and I mean, they came out perfect, let's investigate, I have to try one of these fresh out from the press, wow, fluffy and bouncy, oh my goodness, this thing continues to impress.
Air fryer pork belly has always been on my radar. I've seen a lot of video recipes online, but I'm always a little hesitant to incorporate it into older videos because there were so many steps involved in getting it first tender and then crispy. only in the air fryer, but now that we have this combo pack I feel like it's made for pork belly because you have to pressure cook it first to get it nice and tender and then we can use the air fryer to brown that skin and get a really nice crust on this, so first things first, let's season this and let's put it in the pressure cooker, okay, seasoned pork belly close up, let's pressure cook this on high heat, let's do it, it's a pretty pork belly thin, let's do 32 minutes, okay.
It smells amazing, let's check the cuteness. It's quite inflatable. It looks pretty cute. I'm just going to take them out. I just have to make sure it's nice and tender before moving on to the crispy layer. It's perfect. 30 minutes in the pressure cooker. The work is done, so one thing I want to do before it gets really crispy is turn this into a sauce using a very simple trick. I'm going to make a quick cornstarch mixture to thicken the sauce two tablespoons of cornstarch two tablespoons of water, you make this mixture so that your corn, damn it, so that the cornstarch doesn't build up in the sauce.
I needed a much better lid so I put the instant pot on saute and you can see we're already boiling and then we're just going to add our mixture and let it thicken and that's pretty much like an instant hoisin sauce that's going to be an amazing topping for our baobabs. wow instant thickening oh my gosh it's like a general food sauce okay final step. I've scored the fat on that and I'm going to air fry this pop this on air fry 12 minutes 400 so we have four minutes left look at this so we actually have a little bit of a problem here because I want to make it a little more and a little crunchy, but it's starting to burn well.
I'm going to lower the temperature to 340 and continue air frying, I gave it a few more minutes. Oh I burned my finger on the side so the skin was already cut into the pork belly so I didn't get that traditional looking crispy skin pork belly look at the juiciness of that oh my gosh I'm going to Wait to try this until you get the full treatment, so what I have. here are some pickled radishes that I had in the fridge, the salsa, some cilantro from the Mexican food from before and the intestine buns, that's really all we need.
It's pretty impressive that all the elements except the radish were made into that thing over there, says nothing, wow. It might be the best pork belly I've ever made. I know I've been saying that a lot for these recipes, but results are coming. The only thing missing is some peanuts. I'd love some peanuts. Okay, the question is. How can I not eat these three other intestine buns right now? Okay, so my goal for the next two recipes is to use as many ingredients as possible since I have some leftovers and two I still want to continue pushing this, see how.
There are many different cooking techniques that the instant air fryer can handle, so I came up with a recipe a moment ago, well actually yesterday to use the leftover dough from the intestine buns mixed with the leftover filling from the taquitos to make a Mexican sticker and pot stickers are The best meatballs are those that are first fried and then steamed. I thought it would be perfect to try them in the air fryer because you can actually fry things that we haven't done, so first I'm going to roll out this leftover dough and just a little bit of oil so it doesn't stick very well and it's thin, about an eighth of an inch, a little thinner than the intestine buns, then I'm going to cut out a bunch of circles again and start adding my taco filling and then just folding the edges to make my pot stickers, you can wrap them however you want to make your meatballs or pot stickers. pots, so they didn't really want to stay closed, I think because the bread was yeasted, it's just a little harder, but they will definitely work, so I have it on sauté mode, it should be pretty hot.
I have some avocado oil here. The one thing I always hated about these Instant Pots was that they weren't actually flat in the center. it pops up a little bit, but I think it'll be okay in this case because I can place the dough balls around the outside where you can still see the oil dripping down to the outer ring. I'm going to leave it there and I'm just going to look at this for a moment, okay, you can see the type of crust that you're looking for on the bottom, so we're ready to steam, so what I'm going to do is gently pour in some water and cancel. a little bit of that pressure. cook on high heat, let's do nine minutes from done well, this thing just went to zero, so I'm going to release the steam oh, okay, oh, I'm an idiot, okay, I have to try this again.
Sorry, I completely forgot to release the steam valve like I did with the bun buns because we are steaming them, not pressure cooking them. I kept all the moisture in there through pressure cooking and they turned into a bit of a mushy mess. So I'm going to do them again real quick. I'll extend some and see if the other method works well. They were both crispy. I could only make two measly balls of dough with what I had and a little water. pressure cook eight minutes and we're going to make sure that this is locked so this comes out so this is great it's telling me that my food is burnt right now and it just came off so let's see what's going on. look a little better if they burned no they're fine no water left so that thing really knew what it was talking about that was a good indicator that they were done right.
I'm over this experiment, but I'll give it a try and see what the results are. You know the actual pot glue technique worked really well when there's no more water, there's no more steam, and then you continue frying until the end, but everything is cooked through, which worked, except for the actual dumpling. It's mediocre, so yeah, at least it's worth a try, so there was a dish I bought at a sushi restaurant about two years ago that was delicious: it was this crispy rice block where the chef took some rice, which He cooled it and then covered it. with a lot of things and I thought it would be a great way to finish this to use up the leftover pork belly, so what I did this morning was cook up some rice and I cooked it in the pressure cooker for four minutes.
Let's go well, it's not the best rice, but it will do now that I have some rice. I took a small baking pan, sprayed it with a little oil and packed it in a layer of rice and then spread it on some pork belly. I just cut it into small pieces followed by a little bit of that sauce that solidified when I put it in the refrigerator and then a few slices of jalapeño just to give it an extra kick and then I put a little more rice on top and I actually used one of those cappuccino things to pack this nice and tight, so I sprayed this plate, put the rice in the steaming thing, whatever you want to call that pop on the lid of the airfryer, let's try not at full power 375 for 15 minutes, of agreement?
It's been eight minutes, let's see what happens, okay, so not much color, oh yeah, super crispy. Wow, I want to increase the temperature to just 400 so you know the end. Don't know. Four minutes. I want to see if I can get a little bit of color on that, okay, a little brown but super crunchy, crispy rice cake taste test, look at the crunch in that corner there, wow, I need that corner in my mouth, really nice and what I like most about this is the potential for innovation here. adding different fillings adding different sauces toppings there are so many directions you can go with this dish but the air fryer definitely worked on those crispy levels wow okay that was the instant pot crispy in the corner you are a beast and I'm sure it will go There are many more brands that are joining this trend and are adding the deep fryer and, in general, the advancement of this technology is really exciting and I think the good thing about this type of appliance is that if you don't have a fully functional kitchen, You can really get away with this if you're in college if you have a dorm this baby you can do a lot of things as you saw today I didn't use anything else and I produced some amazing food so it definitely works Great and it's also easy to use which I love these types of appliances, air fryers, instant pots, so I hope you enjoyed the video, if you want to see more experiments with this, let me know in the comments below and make sure to follow me. at life by mike g on instagram to see all the recipe testing and behind the scenes action in the studio and until next time, get cooking yourself.

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