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Can I Beat Subnautica with Just a Cyclops? (Part 1)

Jun 06, 2024
This is as sustainable as possible. We have to equip it with everything it needs. needs and we're going to head to the Aurora because the Aurora has an engine efficiency module and we want we really want that because it makes this thing much more efficient when it comes to consuming power, but it's on Aurora so we're going to have to go for the entire subplot of the Aurora game, so I need my trusty stasis rifle. Hey


, okay, name biggie cheese because of course okay, okay, biggie cheese, hell yeah, now I need to work on Trying to get into the Aurora, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need jet cannons, laser cutters, tons of stuff, so we're going to have to get a lot of stuff.
can i beat subnautica with just a cyclops part 1
It really feels good to be stacking the


, now I'm going to use this Bigg E cheese cyclops with all my belongings are a shipwreck I'm looking at, that's a shipwreck, okay, any piece of shipwreck that has a cyclops upgrade will do it I need, so oh Canon, I knew you were here, I knew you were very smart, nice and I need, I need a laser cutter, damn, okay, I also need a habitat builder so I can equip the psychopaths, so no, we're not ready god I'm getting too ahead of myself right now and we need a jet cannon and a laser cutter we're going to explore more Rex because Rex might have useful


s for the Cyclops like a modification station we desperately need it for the Cyclops and I don't know where any of these recks are, so we're basically going to search the entire map.
can i beat subnautica with just a cyclops part 1

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can i beat subnautica with just a cyclops part 1...

Basically, I'm going to go face down all over the map and look for Rex. I guess okay, first and foremost, we need a Hil Builder, we need a Laser Cutter, and we need a C-Boost Cannon. I'm not overjoyed because we have to equip the Cyclops with everything that could end up being the most annoying experience ever. my life, oh my God, that was something moving outside Jesus, I don't know if you heard that, but there was like a truck. When it backed up it made a very loud screeching noise and I thought I was in a game that scared the hell out of me, don't do that oh oh oh oh oh oh or creepy noises from there's the habitat builder okay now I


need to activate a crashed fish yes, it was it was one that arrived earlier thank you Game for not respawning that one in that's good I have diamonds that's a diamond it's


a diamond this fills me with so much incredible sadness this is annoying because we I haven't even received the efficiency module of the engine still, so we're consuming so much power from the submarine right now that we don't even have to.
can i beat subnautica with just a cyclops part 1
I said to myself if I ever go back to, oh my God, that was right in my ear, oh hey, there's a big cave on the surface. Do you have shoot crops? Actually, you make them with diamonds. Thank you. You will get greedy very quickly. More diamonds. Look, getting greedy is good. I really should have built a manufacturer in the um in the. ship actually because I have all the stuff for a laser cutter but I can't build it until I get back to the life pod that's annoying here we go now we can build the laser cutter and that's the propulsion.
can i beat subnautica with just a cyclops part 1
The canyon is fine, now we're heading to Aurora, which may be a little scary, but I've never doubted my abilities before. Now I won't do it. It's okay, we have pretty much everything we need. Propulsion cannon with laser cutter. Yes, the main thing is that we are going to get the engine efficiency module, we are going to put it on the ship, the engine will be more efficient in motion, it will consume less energy, good things all around and then when we are done with the Aurora segment , let's just go explore a ton of Rex, that's the mission.
I think I'll put you here because I really don't need you to be attacked by a leviathan, okay, we're in the Dawn, okay, I'm going to need God. Damn, I'm going to need my jet cannon to get rid of all this, okay, I'm just trying to get everything I can, R-plane and all that flowing bloodlight, sure, I don't know why I scan that. I'm not going to need it kill module gear I don't think I'm going to need this Jesus to give us a lot of batteries okay I don't know if I should have taken the oxygen tank now that I'm actually thinking about it I don't know yeah , things about the professional suit.
I don't really need pro suit stuff right now. Okay, for this room I had to look up the code because I don't think I was supposed to get the code until much later, we have to do this challenge as quickly as possible, so I'm trying to speed everything up, ah, yeah, the driving room and the efficiency of the Cyclops engine, well while we're here that's what I came for but let's fix this so we can stop the stupid radiation and I can use my Reaver, oh my god these annoying leeches I really don't need this Now, go away, come on, okay, we'll fix it now, let's get out of here and give my cyclops the engine because that's really all I came here for because we also needed the Neptune rockets to escape the damn planet, so at least We have those plans.
Oh, it's night. I actually hate that because there are reapers around here. you know that


of the whole thing, but you should be able to jump up and get out of here, hey big cheese, I've got something for you, here we go, engine efficiency module, so you should be using less energy just by moving and all that. . To put all my batteries in here, my goodness, the boat gave me a lot of stuff, in fact, we almost filled all the storage. We'll also need lockers if we want to do anything so next I'm going to head to the gassi shipwreck on the floating island because there are farming beds on said shipwreck and I like sea bases and stuff so I'm going to go there and then we'll have to go to every shipwreck. on the map and search for all this cyclops stuff, but I'm not going to put down Sol to ask Google where these things are because I'm subnotica extraordinaire, the best subnotica player ever and I guarantee you I don't even need Google for all of them these things I think there are a lot of them on the big Reef Sparse Reef Dunes I think we should head to the dunes first, that sounds funny, holy stop, ah yeah, the island here we go, okay, now it's time to explore the island in look for these stupid destroyed marine bases. but it shouldn't be that bad because I'm going for a thing like my plan is to just get the purple tablet and then the grow beds and then never come back here again.
I don't care about the story line. If it's not, if it's not necessary to win the game, I don't care, yeah, okay, here we go, we have the outside bed. What about the interior? I need you, I need you so much, actually, the purple tablet needs it to even get into any of the bases because after I'm done with all the wrecks and stuff, we have to start going to the alien bases and that will be so that's going to be a whole video in itself, yeah, grown indoors, here we go, this is what I was. searching, we need you too, I also want the marble melons to stop and come back, that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be okay, the first thing I'm doing is building this, we need the cyclops to be self-sustaining here too I'm going to start building lockers okay now we just need to explore around 40,000 reck to look for Cyclops upgrade parts and stuff, and I think there's one under me so this is going to be really annoying because this Honestly , it could take hours.
No, I don't remember where things are and we need to explore Rex a lot. Okay, this is going to be more tedious than I thought. Look at those guys. I found a shipwreck. I wonder if he has any Cyclops pieces? We also need to get the mod station. This is going to be the most irritating part of this type of challenge. Oh, there's a Cyclops fire suppression system modification station. Check, yeah, here we go. It's the part I've been dreading for so many years: the power cell charger. In fact, I can't get any use out of it because, uh, because the Cyclops doesn't charge the power cells without consuming the same amount of power from its own power cells, so that's completely useless.
I don't know how many times I just want to make more power cells, which will also be an annoying part. I can't really use the power cell charger, so the reinforced life tube is fine and the mod station. Correct modification station at least we have it. I think I just realized how precarious this situation is probably going to end up being. I'm literally looking for like five items on each shipwreck and there are like 20 shipwrecks on the map, but again, I just managed. I don't check Google because Google is for the week and all that kind of stuff and because I'm the best subnotica AC player.
If I could let go of my arrogance, we could do this much faster. I'm going to swim down to get it. this life maybe have something useful I'm really not sure you're a high capacity tank, you're useful but you're not a cyclops piece, honestly. I don't feel like recording anymore because this is going to take forever trying to get to every shipwreck and then every alien base to try to complete the game and only one cyclops and we still have to decorate the cyclops yeah I think I'm done for now. I'll be back later in a week to finish this. challenge, the continuation of this should be over in a week, the next part should be even more painful than this because I have to go to Every Wreck and then actually, you know, try to


the game after that and winning the game is subnotic.
It's already tedious enough when you've already been in the game for 15 hours. I've been in the game for two hours. I also have to do things like college. I need to complete some tests I haven't done yet, so, yeah, maybe I should. Not only am I recording subnotica right now, okay, see you in a week.

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