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Jun 02, 2021
um I um come on man, take the ball, take the ball, let's go guys, we got the youngest one out of the way, which is Marshall, now it's time to face Tiago, who is two years old, are you ready? So three, two, one, let's go horrible. horrible boy boy attacking his tiago oh no, look good, remember it's the first or second tiago passes over oh no oh, you tackled the window hey, that seemed like a handball to me my arm went over it yes, yes, that was good still one to zero for Lorenzo, although Lorenzo let's play man, come on and you're out of the competition unfortunate, well done, high five, high five, yeah guys, so far, very good, it's against the next one, now he survived, he's nine years old, let's get into this, so are you ready, yeah, are you ready. that's right, if you have any doubts, just kick his legs, come on, come on, three, two, one, oh, the pressure is on the result, the pressures are, you let it in, I don't think you knew that, well done, survive one to zero, oh come on. let's do it all he needs one more oh no oh it's over the player runs away he's gone he's gone surprise ball gets up ball come on oh she's trying the rent is over I followed you friends Lorenzo you just shot oh no just shoot and score looking good now what's going on okay come on survive we can do this you know we can do this let's play let's surprise play oh lorenzo what's going on man this is a game this is a game oh no oh no , ah, that's one, just about Lorenzo.
can i beat my whole family in a 1v1 football match
You're taking your time guys, I'm acting poor right now, man, I'm slacking, man, you think it's going to be too easy, Milo wants this, you know, it's not a joke, I'm too calm right now, for that, okay, that's one. come on oh bad bad bad oh no where is the ball well let's play let's play oh my days don't be afraid of the ball my air was afraid to warm my eyes oh no yes getting almost man almost man oh if you do it what against sienna she the he's going to punish oh dear okay okay calm down calm down if he plays like that against you I think you'll do it to me now yes, I really think you will yes, what do you think anyway? sales has a good chance you know I don't know he's just joking he's just joking I think it's too easy that's what it is yes and the receiver is fine, let's play, let's play well oh, he's strong oh no oh no ah sergio radarenzo that's not your ball that sienna bought now i didn't see it send us more game oh my days oh it's a fast quixiana pulse it's a meal oh my god it's okay this is not a joke you're not playing there are no games lorenzo one nil to cnn it's okay playing games here we go one more for santa it's just one ah that's too easy where is it going where is it going ah one one one oh come on just come on stay calm you have this man you have this let's play one one oh sienna's balls were always past the rent so play oh Lorenzo's ball oh oh it's too easy two one two one oh it's not right then hey divide it divide it hey calm down do you know what you've done right? you have done very, very well you have done very, very well elise yes, all the girls so far I have a goal against I know, I know it's a shame it wasn't a walk in the park you know how mom just To say that all the girls have a goal, let's get up now, she's next, obviously, it's hopeless here, so you know which way you're playing right now.
can i beat my whole family in a 1v1 football match

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can i beat my whole family in a 1v1 football match...

I've had melanoma, don't you know? I tell you. I have to face Mellow He's stronger than you He's faster than you Yes, I mean, yes and your mom is going to be super strong, super strong, I think you could do it, no, do you know what she expected? Don't fall. That's it, just don't fall, then simple, yeah, but I have to use your body, man, he's not as strong as you, I don't want to hurt you, really, I'll get out of here, no, I watch the race, could you I need do that three two one let's shoot it shoot it again oh come on tyler oh my god one zero let's go man you gotta use your body to hit the ball man jeez if you


him he'll just play with me and


me and his pace everyone join in me, let's go one to zero, that's what I'm talking about, try and get the ball here, try and reach for the wall, try to reach for the wall, oh my days, get a ball behind the shoe, shoot it, oh my days, there is something?
can i beat my whole family in a 1v1 football match
No, if I were you, I'll try to get it, he's got it, hey, that's who's out of the game, I don't know about that, okay, let's play, then let's play still one to zero, okay, oh, let's do this, use the body, man, I keep telling you. use the body look at the torch the touch is a shame the touch is a shame oh no oh too easy too easy omg yes hey oh that's nice that's well done well done I don't have that one, right? I don't need teamwork don't embarrass him from his friends oh yeah that would be right now you want a foul here listen listen now you have to play with me listen you have to play with me it's nothing it's not okay he thinks I'll be That easy, bring to your mom, yes, we'll see first or two.
can i beat my whole family in a 1v1 football match
Are you ready kid? Yeah, let's make this joke. Yes, I am very afraid of him. Ready, let's do this. I have this. Come on, let's walk along my wall. What do you think? Oh, that's it. oh, come on, knife, oh, you'll be faster than this river, oh, it was almost close, oh, it was close, oh, you two are playing, you're playing, I just realized that the father, yeah, he brought too his old soccer shoes for this, yes. playing, he's sick of the old coaches, you know, like everyone else, he brought out the old school, oh, okay, we're kidding, yeah, I'm playing, come on, come on, now you look a little tired, off track and on this okay, now if you need to turn off the background, it's a fluid, no, no, you push first, you know what hats off, oh no, hats off, hats off, it means it refers to a big mistake, If I were you, yeah, I'd press that.
Back off because that means it's time to go to the skull, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, it's getting tense here oh, oh God, Chris saw around the ball sitting on the ball and almost scored, almost scored, great , Junior managed to save that. Here he goes again, he's getting a little air in, his lungs are starting to tighten a little, now he's starting to get a little fatigued, but he's still showing the footwork and Lorenzo goes with a slight tackle, but it's not enough to stop him. . his father didn't score it's not enough it's officially 1-1 and nathan needs oxygen paramedics bring the oxygen here give me a minute here a minute okay come on do it for the old man old man knife oh no missing . foul foul you have the player first don't give in you have the player first come on hey hey hey hey wait wait, keep it up, emily, stop, stop, stop, was that a bat, talk to the referee, hey, hey, listen, yellow card, teammate , yellow card, you have a goalkeeper on you. here guys, yes, the dog was in the way, I would have saved him, yes, beast on Lorenzo's team, obviously, oh dear, Lorenzo's four, oh, and he misses the open goal, he missed the open goal, don't kiss the camera, I have to clean it, oh and the face oh no let's go Lorenzo let's finish this now don't be scared now if you really haven't skipped your leg there look at those crafts ladies and gentlemen look at those cars okay let's go Lorenzo let's go I realize what you have done here, you have gone from the youngest to the oldest knowing that he will get more tired when he plays with you you think he is smart, come on, Lorenzo has the ball and he tries a cheeky one, but daddy doesn't mix oh daddy does Lorenzo oh oh my days um, the ball passed and came back, how are we down here?
We need a stretcher, your wrist has nothing with your feet, now get back up, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, yes, but you passed by the player. first, these are some old school defensive tactics here oh, i took your foot off oh god and he's turning around oh, he's turning around lorenzo lorenzo lorenzo oh lorenzo what were you thinking with that foul without the ball and Then you cut off his arm, yes, but him? he was off the ball the ball was yours it was your ball and then you had to do it right that means you've seen him do that yes that's a red card no, it's not a red card automatically listen just take the penalty put the penalty penalty penalty a penalty Will Nathan finish his game?
What do you think their votes leave now? Would it be Nathan or Lavender save him oh and he saved him what a waste? Okay, let's go oh oh oh, did you see there's no fancy footwork? Oh my god, okay, I'm not going to lie, I didn't see that coming, yeah, I didn't see that coming, oh look at this too, but that's what you just did to me, let me see that's a dirty boy, look at those hashini , so even though under 12 in the academy they still haven't gotten around to beating me maybe about five more six years, thank you, so now you have to go like this for 45 to 55 minutes, yeah, because you can't breathe, right? , you still can't beat your father yet soon. no, I don't know what yes, that's the right one, that's all when I grew up, good Genoa, you did well, you did it, wow, you did it, wow, but you didn't win, I'm new from the beginning, hey, listen, the The problem is that you didn't do it.
I won't even play Metal Jeremy. Yeah, next up, I think if Mello was here, we would have seen some broken ankles and definitely some long limbs on the ground. A few red cards on each card, so guys, there it is. I'll be everyone except my dad who is a big cheater yeah anyway guys I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to like and subscribe see you guys texting.

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