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Can I Beat EVERY April Fools Update?

Jun 19, 2024


year for over a decade there has been an April Fools


for Minecraft that lasted just 24 hours. They started simple in 2010 with just a tweet about a fake Minecraft 4D and the next year they had locked chests that would lead you to a fake. Minecraft store where you could buy supply crate keys to open locked chests, obviously none of these items could be purchased but this was the first time Mojang added something to the game as an April Fool's Day prank and it just became craziest from here since 2013. There have been a total of seven full April Fools


s that you can play, each of which added a ton of new features that drastically change the way you play.
can i beat every april fools update
I've always loved these updates, but I realized I'd never tried to do them.


them, that's why I decided to be the first to take on the challenge of


ing each April Fool's update and let me say, it was brutal. The first April Fool's update released is called Minecraft 2.0 and it came out as long ago as you can. I didn't even play on a normal Minecraft launcher so I was in for a tough time right when I loaded into the world, it instantly started raining the moment I thought this was just unfortunate but it was actually a sign of the impossible challenge ahead. was coming.
can i beat every april fools update

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can i beat every april fools update...

A few seconds so I grabbed some wood from the nearby trees and realized the blocks talk to you oh wait what is the tickling block talking to me? Oh, I'm sorry, bully, stop hitting me, it's not my fault, I need the wood I used. wood, wood to make a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe, then while I was digging for some stone I took five hearts of random damage, turned around and saw a billion mobs surrounding me and I died instantly, what? are you serious? Did


one just show up? I, oh, and now they're gone. At first I assumed that getting struck by lightning and having mobs spawn was just something that happened during thunderstorms and that I was just unlucky because the world started raining, but I quickly learned that this is The Impossible. version every 60 seconds or so I would be hit by lightning that would take half my health, my Sprint would be disabled and a horde of mobs would appear around me basically guaranteeing my death, this happened over and over and over and over and over again , so after about 30 tries, so after about 31 tries, I realized that this was not going to be an easy, fun video.
can i beat every april fools update
This was going to be the hardest challenge I had ever done, so to avoid belonging to Win Hut General, I decided to start from scratch, but this time I played. on hard mode which means if I die the world is deleted and I have to start over and in case this doesn't sound hard enough I gave myself only 2 weeks to beat all seven April Fools updates and if not I manage to do it. I'll buy my brother Subway sandwiches for a whole year, wait really, yeah, if I don't pass the challenge I'll buy you Subway for a year, okay, so now with the deadline on the clock I had to get serious, I was doing enough tests.
can i beat every april fools update
I'm running around trying to find a strategy that might work to get through this update, so while I'm at it, let's move on to the next update and we'll come back and check this one later. This is the update of love and hugs, the colors of this world are. super saturated and there are heart shaped clouds, the most important thing, although I only have one heart and no food while crafting my stone tools, I also noticed that instead of getting a stone sword I got a stone heart, I tried to use it in a pig and instead of By harming the pig, I gained a heart.
Now I had two, two, count 'em two. I quickly discovered that when I deal damage or take damage, I simply gain hearts, so I'm essentially invincible, which is literally the opposite of the last update, so I started. I thought this was going to be very easy to beat, but everything changed when I went into the deep end to win the game. I need to collect fire rods to create eyes of ender and go to the end. The only way to get fire rods is to kill a Blaze but I can't deal damage uh how do I get fire rods?
So after racking my brain a bit and wondering if this update was unbeatable because I have to kill the Blazes but also the Ender Dragon, how am I going to do it? to do that, but let's focus on one problem at a time, I need to deal with these flames, wait a second, okay, actually I think I have an idea. I headed back to the Overworld and grabbed a pumpkin and some snow, which was easy since in this upgrade regardless of biome, snow will appear randomly for some reason. I used them to build a snow gold and collect a bunch of snowballs because, although snowballs don't deal damage to most mobs, the keyword is pretty much the only mob in the entire game. deal damage to the flames, so although I can't damage the flames, I hope the snowballs can and they did, and with just a couple of snowballs I was able to kill the flames and collect fire rods.
Oh after collecting nine I headed back to Overworld, the next step to finishing the game is to get at least 12 Ender pearls but like everything else I can't kill Enderman to get the pearls and this update was before Since piglins were added to the game so I can't trade gold for pearls, what's in the game right now is villager trading and the villager cleric can trade final pearls once they've leveled up enough , so after traveling a bit I finally found a village that had a village cleric, but the trading options to level up are going to cause another problem okay, so I can't really get rotten meat because I can't kill zombies, but I can get gold so it looks like I'm getting to the caves so I needed some build ups. of gold, but I ended up mainly grabbing some iron.
I discovered that lava does not burn items in this update. I discovered a zombie spawner built with quartz instead of cobblestone and got some diamonds, but after a couple of hours of mining. I had only found 11 gold, which wasn't even enough, so I decided to head back to the Village to try to think of another way to level up the villager the fastest when suddenly I was literally hit, apparently in love and The hugs. The upgraded witches will throw health potions at you instead of damaged ones, which seemed pretty useful since these potions can actually damage zombies, which would be perfect for getting rotten meat to trade and level up the villager.
This would take a long time to put all that together. on the surface, but luckily I found the zombie spawner in the cave, so I made the witch follow me and left it to the spawner. One of the chests had a name tag on it, so I put it on the witch so it wouldn't disappear, I trapped it in a box and then I dug down and built a small room that would use water to push the zombies to a place with a hopper and a chest underneath so that when I stop here the witch can throw her potions at me.
I'll beat up the zombies by dropping a bunch of rotting meat, this would still take a bit so I decided to AFK here overnight and just let the items pile up, okay it's the next day. I let this farm run overnight. Oh, very good, it should be perfect. quantity is fine, let's get out of here, this farm worked much better than I thought, so with our newly acquired rotten meat I returned to the village and was finally able to trade with the villagers to obtain the Ender Pearls. Thank you for your donation, yes. apparently Mojing didn't really want anyone to get past this update and they even thought long and hard ahead to essentially eliminate villager trading.
Any item I trade simply becomes paper thanking me for your donation. I wasn't trying to donate, so even after all that work. I had to think of a different way to get Ender Pearls or beating this upgrade was simply impossible. The only option left was to find a way to kill Enderman and the only thing I could think of was with TNT in this update. It doesn't hurt me or break blocks, so I have no idea if it will hurt Enderman, but this was my last resort, so at least it was worth trying to create TNT, although I need five powders for each, so I have to deal with it.
First with some creepers I had the idea of ​​killing mobs with Suffocation using sand blocks, which wouldn't work for Enderman but could work for creepers and it ended up working. I got my first gunpowder and then I realized that instead of just Choke I can just drop them and have the fall damage take care of them by constantly waiting for the night and only being able to find a few vines at a time that would only drop from zero to two powders each really made this a time consuming process to determine if this would even work, work and see how much TNT I would need.
I decided to do a test with an Enderman. Are you serious? I trapped him in a box and got a TNT as close as possible and after the first explosion he was still alive so I tried again. and okay, I killed him because one didn't drop an Ender Pearl because of course, why would he be lucky enough to get an Ender Pearl? But okay, that's the first dead one, so this works with two TNT per Enderman, we need at least 12 pearls, so at least 24 TNT. I receive such a small amount of gunpowder per night. I was going to be in this for a while.
Oh, and if you're wondering what happens and you hit the heart limit, which is eight rows of hearts every time you take damage. After that there's a mind sweeper game, which is cool I guess, and if you beat M Sweeper it takes you to the credits, so I could have said this counts as beating this update, but it seemed to me Too cheap so I decided to get it. After literally hours of farming vines, I had all the TNT I would need and was blowing up every Enderman I saw, I finally collected some pearls and after getting a decent amount I decided to head out in search of the fortress, as well as the ships that were around.
They were sinking. Because of this heart-shaped hole in them and a pair of my eyes being broken, it didn't take me long to find it, what are the three books of the four breaths, what is that, now I can finally turn on the portal and reach the end . What I have to do is defeat the dragon and this April Fool's Day update is ready. There were a lot more pillars in this older version of Minecraft than I'm used to, thankfully, although the dragon was a big help in getting me to the top, oh no, oh. Okay, but since the final crystals are entities, I can't hit them to break them, so it's a good thing I came prepared with snowballs to help me out.
I also came prepared with materials to create the beds and blow up the Dragon to damage it, since I assume these won't be able to hurt me and since this is the old version of Minecraft, the dragon will lunge to attack me and every time it does, I can do it and that worked as long as it didn't fall into the void. I knew the rest of this dragon fight would be pretty simple and that's exactly what it was, come on, that took so long, that was absurd, so that was the love and hugs update, but before we move on to the next one, Let's revisit Minecraft. 2.0 is fine, after all the trial and error, apparently the ovens explode in this update.
I think I discovered a strategy that could work every minute. I dig myself into a hole and cover my head, sometimes this lessens the damage the lightning does to me. but the most important thing is that it protects me from the mobs that appear, they disappear after 10 to 15 seconds, so it leaves me about 45 seconds to be on the surface between each beam. What made this race promising was that there is a desert temple in here. I found iron diamonds and a ton of gold for once, I felt like I was making real progress and then after waiting for the lightning to strike and the mobs to disappear I needed to find a lava pool to make a portal and now it's probably a good moment. to explain that this update has horrible graphical issues, like fragments not loading, my skin not loading and whatever, but instead of letting this make my race harder, I used it to my advantage, vi a pool of lava underground, I dug straight to it and finally made my first nether portal in this update, but this is where things started to go wrong.
My portal appeared right next to another Fortress and I was even able to stay quite hidden inside the walls of the Netherrack to protect myself from the rays w w w w w wo, but as I was digging trying to find the flame generator. I ran into a real problem. I have no food and there are rays every 60 seconds if I can't heal, of course, oh my god, it turns out food is very important. I have died so many times. In this update, I legitimately didn't know if this was possible to overcome after daysto try. I had barely reached the abyss, it had already been almost a week of trying, so I was running out of time, but I decided to try one.
More time and well, I did it because this attempt might be the one, but we'll come back to this and see if I can finally get through it for now. I have to get through the next update, the fashion update, the fashion update started strangely. I created a whole new world and started with random items and stuck on the ground, smothering which I created another new world and this one worked so we are good now this is the trendy update that adds trendy technology to Minecraft such as glasses virtual reality. so I started by just collecting wood and getting some tools and food as usual and then headed to a nearby desert.
I needed to find a lava pool to make a nether portal, but the most important thing is how the special technology is added to this update. It is by killing the mobs that use them, they only fall sometimes and since the desert is the flattest biome, it seems the easiest to hunt mobs and when night came I found my first mob with this special technology, apparently the mobs can't see. Me, when they were wearing VR goggles, which was convenient, none of these mobs dropped VR, but this zombie was wearing a smarter watch and dropped it, so I equipped the first piece of technology and just like real life smart watches, I felt this.
It was going to get a little annoying, a constant clock showing the game time is always on the screen which isn't that bad, but it also beeps and notifies me every time I use weapons, tools, blocks or take damage or literally anything. but for the sake of the challenge I'll leave it on and then a zombie dropped the VR goggles with these equipped. You see a hologram of the world around you as a 3D map which actually looks pretty cool, but it wouldn't be fun to have them on all the time so I'll take them off for now.
I headed to a nearby cave to gather some iron for a pickaxe. A complete set of armor. The rest of my tools and a bucket from a lava pond in the desert. I made a nether portal and headed inside. This seemed like the perfect time to equip the virtual reality glasses and open the 3D map. Walking through the chasm with these on made it much easier to spot a nether fortress. I crossed a bridge and found the flame generator and the smartest watch made sure to let me know. Every time I took damage from Blaze's fire, I got all the fire rods and was ready to leave the Fortress, but a withered skeleton decided that I should leave Earth, but with my son and I having dinner in hand, that could never be done. happen, so I made my way back to the real world and all I had left to do was collect Ender Pearls to go to the end and fight the Dragon Dragon.
I already had a couple of Enderman pearls that I killed before entering the abyss, so I decided to turn them into Ender. eyes and make my way to the fortress right now and get the rest of the Ender Pearls. Once I made the trip, on my way I found a zombie villager with the last remaining item from this update that I haven't found yet. ankle monitor now let me stop here and tell you if you decide to play this update don't equip this you can't take it off it doesn't even help you it does the opposite every night it tells me I'm breaking curfew for not being home and it makes me slow, I set my generation here, which made it stop since I'm technically home now, but as soon as I got too far away, I was violating house arrest again.
This full update didn't change much from Honestly, vanilla Minecraft and I guess with the exception of the VR glasses these are all just troll items, although the other updates have been harder and much more time consuming this one has She's been by far my least favorite because she just wants to mess with you. but now it's time to fight the dragon like the big, strong, tough guy that I am, but even in the end the trolling didn't stop, in the end you can't sleep, if you try you'll die, consider this your warning, but that one means that I'm always too far from my house, I'm literally in another dimension and the ankle monitor wasn't going to let that go as I broke the final glass, the ankle monitor was giving me final warnings and I started to worry about it. this monitor could end the warning Run bless you now you'll die you better not kill me boom boom literally nothing happened and during the whole dragon fight the monitor kept asking me stupid questions hello are you in there basically trying to flirt with me and I'm pretty sure? hanging out with an ankle monitor would count as eating and that's not for me so I ignored it, got the last few hits on the dragon and finally got through this update.
Yes, that's another update. This is definitely the most generic update yet, but trust me, those are coming. I'm getting crazier and crazier before moving on to the next one, although let's check the progress again with Minecraft 2.0 just as I created the world, lightning struck and a bunch of mobs spawned. I could barely get away with less than four Hearts. but luckily I spawned right next to a village so I was able to collect some wood from there, but more importantly the food that spawns next to a village seemed like exactly what I needed to have a chance of beating this update.
I was able to make stone tools and then got iron armor tools and ingots from a blacksmith chest. Now leaving the village I gathered even more food and as soon as night came I was already making a nether portal, I almost reached my last attempt but in this version of Minecraft if there is another obsidian touching the portal you won't be able to light it . I don't know if I was kidding myself at this point or what, but my first idea was to use my stone pickaxe and break the obsidian, I'm not sure why I wanted to do that. do that, but I gathered my ax and redid the portal like a normal person would have done and headed into the Nether and now I have to hide in the walls to avoid the lightning and slowly scour the Nether in search of a nether fortress, so while I do that, let's take a look at the next update 3D MineCraft, this is Minecraft 3D, it has visuals based on games from the 1990s, which are before our time, but it looked like this.
I guess the whole active bar looks different and honestly, kind of like it's not as fried. It seems like this whole update all over the world is these flaming barrels that have some nice random loot in them which is a nice change from the current Minecraft where you usually turn out like a dead Bush or something and this update may seem like It was recorded at 20 FPS, but actually this update was made to look like it's a little flashy, but don't worry, this will be the fastest update in the entire video and here's why I can see at the top of the screen that part of the trick about this update is that they call it an unregistered version and treat it as a trial of Minecraft, which means they only give me five days of Minecraft, which is only an hour and 40 minutes of life time real before the trial ends and you can no longer play in this world.
The time limit may make it seem like beating this update is impossible, but that's where the secret of this update comes into play. Based on this April Fools update, it has a bunch of secret cheat codes that you can type in the chat and those are my only hope to beat this update. Before time runs out, you'll see them all as we go, but the first cheat code is " What I'll use is how do you activate this thing that summons a horse, but not just any horse, the fastest and most powerful horse in all the time.
Oh and this update keeps getting these messages telling you to press enter and just stop the whole game because moin couldn't just let an April Fool's Day update go by without it at least being annoying and ruining your game. day anyway. I rode this super horse until I found a village where I immediately used the following cheat code plus DCA, which I don't even know what that means, but it gave me upgraded tools and armor. I also made sure to grab bundles of. hay, but not to eat, as you might be thinking. This update is even before pig trading was added to the game, so the quickest way to get Ender Pearls will be by trading from villagers and eating them.
I have a strict time limit here, I have to start immediately with all the loot barrels around the world. The world turned most of these villagers into fishermen and there is a bug in this update where even if I break the barrels the villagers won't lose their jobs so I have a very limited number of villagers to work with because I need farmers to trade the wheat of hay bales for emeralds. Night was approaching. so after sleeping I took a brewing stand to become a cleric villager when I'm ready to trade for ender pearls, but none of these farmer villagers had wheat to trade so I had no choice but to leave and try find another village. this horse was too fast and a little awkward so I decided to activate the following Pigs on the Wing cheat code and now I can fly still surviving but this will make it much easier and faster to move which is good because time has arrived.
I have been flying and have made very little progress. I spent the next few minutes flying until I found a spruce village. There was only one unemployed villager here that I could turn into a farmer to exchange my wheat, but he didn't even arrive. wheat trading and since you can't reset them in this version I immediately had to leave this village as well to find another one, one day two had officially started so I was already 20% out of time and still had zero emeralds and zero ender. Pearls, this was starting to seem harder than I thought.
I finally ended up finding a villager in another Spruce village who actually became a farmer with a wheat trade. There was another villager here in the same village that I could do the same with. So now I finally have some emeralds and I've made some progress, but not enough. Each villager only trades 5-6 emeralds to me and I don't have time to wait for their trades to update, so I had to leave this village. again looking for a new one, that's how I spent the next time looking for a new Village waiting with all the villagers I could find and then moving on to the next Village.
I did all this until the third day came and then I ended up in a snow village and I thought now was the time I needed to start leveling up a village cleric to unlock trading for ender pearls while waiting for the cleric to upgrade and unlocked more trades that I traded with the only other villager here to get some more emeralds and now going into day four of five I was starting to get a little worried that I wouldn't have time to get through this. I still needed to get all the ender pearls and also have time to get fire rods in the nether. creating the Eyes of Ender, finding the fortress, reaching the end and defeating the dragon, all with so little time left, but I still wasn't ready to give up and things started to take a good turn, the cleric was finally brushing up on his trades me too.
I finally unlocked the ender pearl trade but of course things couldn't stay good for long. Are you serious? The price went up and I'm missing an emerald. I quickly left to try to find another village to get more emeralds so I could come. I went back and traded for that final Pearl, but while searching I ended up finding a pumpkin patch not too far away that I can also trade with the farming villager and of course the wheat trade was discounted now so I could have gotten another Emerald from anyway, but whatever, now that the trade side quest is over, it was time to enter the abyss.
I'm deep enough into this race to not take any chances, so I enter the following cheat code from this update with overwhelming power that makes me literally immune to damage. I'm basically in creative mode now, except I don't have infinite items to unless you type the following cheat code. No I'm just kidding but Nether Fortress and Blaze spawner are here so I can quickly grab the fire rods I need so when the last day starts I have less than 20 minutes to find the fortress, enter the end and beat the dragon. This is going to be hard.
I don't know if I'll have enough time as quickly as I could. I located where. The strength was that I started digging downwards, somehow I grabbed my first stone of the run and the eyes of Ender took me right where I needed to be. I ran and found the portal room filled with eyes as quickly as possible and now it's all I can left over. What I have to do is fight the dragon with only a few minutes to spare because the second flight and I take no damage. I can fly to the end of the crystals and break them and now, with time really running out, I was kicking myself at this point for not thinking. about grabbing beds from all the villages I was in and using them to kill the dragon quickly, but I can't focus on that right now, I would have to use my sword to slowly reduce the dragon's health and since this update makes all the mobs look in 2D it was hard to even land a hit so I turned on the hitboxes which made it a lot easier but what really helped me was remembering that I got this 12 multi shot crossbow from a previous cheat code and that was pretty much operational now with just a smidge of health left on the dragon and a smidge of time left on the timer, it was now or never please yes come on so it was minecraft 3d and as soon as the time was up, the demo expired and I was able to buy the game or create a new world.
I couldn't place blocks, break blocks, or literally anything other than just moving, so now before we move on to the next update, let's review the progress in Minecraft 2.0 after wandering the abyss as safely as possible. I found a NE Fortress oh come on Fortress Blaze's generator was very close so I immediately dug a hole to hide from the lightning and then spent the next many, many minutes hitting the flames running back, hiding, eating and doing it all over again and I didn't even almost die a lot of times. I returned making sure to stay inside the walls as often as I could to avoid the mobs and was finally back in the Overworld.
I decided to cook some more food, but only one. at one point because I didn't want the furnace to explode on me like last time, this is as far as I've gotten in this update and it actually seemed like I had a chance to beat it, but the hardest part was still ahead. I need to find and kill enough Enderman to get 12 Ender Pearls, find the fortress, and then somehow defeat the dragon, since the lightning was still happening in the abyss. I guess it still happens in the end, so fighting the dragon will be difficult. We'll come back to this later in the video, let's see the next update.
The final content. This update adds approximately 40 octillion New Dimensions and not basic Dimensions like the nether or the end. These Dimensions can go crazy. There's even one I'll go to. Later in the video, where the entire world is literally made of Netherite blocks, so this update is going to be crazy, you access these New Dimensions by writing in a book and Quil everything you want and throwing it into a nether portal that will change the color and instead of the abyss being inside it's a world full of diamond blocks and some hoglands but they are okay but with this dimension I can get a full set of diamond armor and tools and it's only been a few minutes. of most OP updates and I'll show you the best Dimensions before that, although I want to have a more stable home than just the middle of the desert, so I gathered some obsidian and went out to find a village I'm taking. about the librarian's house I'm the Village's new librarian.
I immediately started demolishing this house to install a new portal and then made some repairs because I'm not a degenerate. Now it's time for the next Dimension Seven. This Dimension may seem pretty basic even though it has some nice things like lapis lazuli that I can use to enchant, but the real secret of this Dimension. It comes when you explore just a little because you will eventually find a Final City, but be careful because these are no ordinary final cities, these are covered with many more shulkers than normal, so entering the final ship can be a little difficult. and we're in oh my god there was some kind of glitch in this Dimension that caused there to be like 100 elytra, hey I'm not complaining, I also got a little gear upgrade from this chest and then I flew away.
My way home now, a fully enchanted diamond team and an elytra may seem like the end of the game, but this Dimension will actually put us on top of an entire Dimension full of Netherite blocks. My team is about to receive a massive upgrade, but this is not the case yet. Even with how strong I'm going to be before I leave this Dimension, I noticed a structure and when I got up and entered I realized that it's the basement of an igloo and, like the elytra from before, a bunch of weakness potions. and the zombie villagers were duplicated.
I climbed the ladder and found the roof of this Dimension, which was mainly bedrock and a box of mushroom blocks, but also had more end cities. I checked it and this time the elytra were not folded so I only got one. which I needed more, but there was a looting sword here that might come in handy later and all these chests on the ground are the starting loot chests, so they have like wooden tools, but I was able to collect a bunch of apples to eat. Overall, this is a pretty good dimension. I went back to the Overworld and upgraded all my gear to Netherite, but the enchantments aren't the best, so I'll need some shelves to get an enchantment table out of Max and eat everything. otherwise there is a dimension for which this Dimension could look like a normal Minecraft world but yellow with strange shadows, but instead of stone underground, it is bookshelves exactly what I need.
I already have a real enchanting table but what I don't have is XP and that's where the final Dimension comes in, this might look like a basic nether themed biome but with a honeycomb, but the entire bottom layer of this Dimension is made of ore from quartz. I don't mind actual quartz, but this drops so much XP that it could Well, it'll be an infinite XP farm. I built up my enchanting build and kept enchanting my gear over and over again until I got great enchantments. Even netherite hoe enchanted, not sure why but who cares. I have infinite XP on netherite so I'm pretty much maxed out now. team, I'm finally ready to fight the dragon and win the game.
Oh, I made a nether portal and headed inside to gather all the final pears and fire rods I need for the Eyes of Ender and that three-loot sword I found earlier actually went in. practical I followed the path my eyes took me, found the fortress and the portal and only fell into lava once I filled my eyes and headed to the end, are you serious? And with the elytra and rockets taking out the crystals was super easy and maxing out the Netherite armor and weapons made me deal massive damage to the dragon and it was basically impossible for me to die.
Going to the right dimensions in this update makes this a super easy dragon fight, but surprisingly, this won't even be the easiest dragon fight I have in all the April Fools updates, but you'll see that later, for Now, let's revisit with the hardest Minecraft 2.0 update to finally beat Minecraft 2.0, the hardest update Minecraft has ever made. All I have left to do is collect 12 Ender pearls find the fortress and we can finally fight the dragon. This area I'm in is pretty flat, which seemed like the best place to try farming pearls in Enderman, so when night came I built a platform above my head and lured.
Enderman finished and I got my first Pearl. I was getting a little cocky at this point and forgot about the lightning bolts and mobs that spawn every 60 seconds, so when it happened this time I barely made it out alive. This is a reminder. I needed that, even though I had come this far, now is not the time to let my guard down, so I spent the next two hours spending every night looking for Enderman. I got the Ender pearls I needed and went out to find the fortress so I can finally go to the end, but before that there are only two more April Fool's Day updates left, so let's try to get through the next one block by block.
This update makes you use both hands. Removed the quick access bar. He eliminated the food and all your inventory. I have to keep everything like this and only one block at a time since I don't have inventory which immediately raises the question of how I can create something since I can't make a crafting table on my own. I'll have to find one that spawns naturally, the only places in the game that spawn with crafting tables are the witch huts, the igloo raider outpost, and some villages. Villages are the most common, so that's what I'll try to find while searching.
I learned that you can pick up anything, even these grass things, you don't need a specific tool, just your hands will do. I also learned that instead of attacking mobs, you pick them up, but you can't just leave them on the ground peacefully, you have to throw them. Sorry, but then I stumbled upon the village, if I can't craft items, I can't beat the game, so finding a crafting table here is very important, so it was pretty bad news when I realized, after checking all of them. the houses, of which there was not a single one. one of them had a crafting table, so I left the village in search of another village, but that one didn't have crafting tables either, so I went in search of another village and well, this is getting ridiculous that night, although I found one village in an acacia biome that finally had a crafting table, oh my god yes a crafting table but since we don't have an inventory I can't just right click and open the crafting table so it took me a little to figure out, but you have to do it. throwing things on top of the crafting table to create things is a little difficult to do, so having several crafting tables on the floor made it a little easier, but now that I've figured it out, I need a cube to make a nether portal to finally started progressing instead of trying to figure out how to mine iron and somehow smelt it.
I just picked up the Iron Golem from The Village and since I can't damage it directly and it doesn't take fall damage when thrown, it seems like the best idea. It would be to throw it into the lava pool and let the fire kill it so I can get the iron drops, but I screwed up the timing a little and everything burned down. I thought I'd go back to one of the old villages I found and bring it. an iron golem here, but that's when I figured out how to open chests and inside that chest was apparently a bucket, although you can't just fill a bucket with water like normal because I guess that would have been too much to ask.
I've been playing these updates for too long. I'm finally losing my mind. I thought I'd try using the cauldrons the villagers have and that really worked. I took that bucket of water to the lava pool and tried to put the bucket of water down, but I couldn't. I accidentally knocked it over, yeah, so even though I messed it up, I stayed positive and decided to try to break the obsidian with my hand and yeah, this felt like an eternity. I decided to start making the portal here since there was already some obsidian in place. from the water, but to try and speed this up a bit I decided to try crafting a wooden pickaxe because although it's still slow, breaking OB obsidian is significantly faster with a wooden pickaxe than with your fist, but once I got it I made five pickaxes so it was a nice surprise so I took the wooden ones and started peacefully minding my own business and extracted the obsidian and then a zombie appeared, attacked me, stole the obsidian and I didn't even give it back even after Burn.
If the obsidian didn't fall, I literally couldn't take a break today if I knew something like this, but even worse, was going to happen later. I decided to return to the Villa to sleep, spend the night and get rid of these mobs. The first bed I tried had the corpse of my old pet chicken, my hen, so I couldn't sleep there. The second bed I tried had so much bread and seeds in it that it literally hurt, but the third bed was right when I closed the door. just under 30 minutes but I was finally able to build the portal but now I have to power it on somehow.
I don't have an iron for flint and steel and I don't even know if I can get flint, so I went to try. I threw some gravel and it started a fire. I was able to use this fire and light the portal, finally giving me access to the abyss. It turns out that we have a nether fortress right next to our portal? Because that would be fantastic, I don't see it. one oh my god wait no way let's go I swear on my life this isn't a seed set or anything but now that I'm in a nether fortress this is where the update gets even stranger than which was already in this April Fool's Day update.
I don't need to get fire rods for Eyes of Ender, in fact I don't even need flames, so why do I need another Stronghold? Well, the chests here have some interesting loot. Yeah, okay, that's what I was thinking, we'd get an end portal frame with an Eye of Ender, this is what we need, yeah, so I don't need eyes of Ender. Needfind 12 of these end portal frames to build the end portal myself, and watch out for the withered skeletons, because they will steal the portals and you won't be able to get them back and this is the part I thought I should tell you if you decide to play this update, this is the part where you just won't have any fun just getting these 12 portal frames it took me 3 hours and several different nether fortresses to be able to find enough chests.
Oh, and let me give you a tip to avoid a mistake I made, apparently you can't just build the portal in the Overworld like I tried. I have to build it in the fortress, which you can only find by following the direction the end portal frames are pointing when you place them, so it's even harder to find normal when using Ender's Eyes, so I had to collect them all the portal frames taking forever to break and take them one block at a time, so after more hours the portal was finally built before I went through it, although I needed to find a way to fight the dragon.
I have weapons or armor so I have to think of something that first came to mind was taking a skeleton and using it as a turret to shoot the dragon. This will work, but the arrows don't shoot high enough to hit. the final crystals and it's not like I can just bring a bunch of blocks to form pillars and the only way I know to get high is to fly with a chick, that's right, these guys won't let you float safely if I spam them. space I can fly with them I can't carry the skeleton and the chicken at the same time so I have to throw them in the portal before entering and I hope I have a good ending and we all survive so there goes nothing, no, the skeleton disappeared, okay , so I'm stuck here without a way to attack the dragon.
I don't know how I'm going to do this. The Enderman here have random objects and I even found one that is holding up a bed. so my plan at this point was to wait for Enderman to place the bed so I can pick it up and use it to bomb the dragon and kill it, hopefully that will work, but while I wait for Enderman to place the beds, I need to get to work breaking the crystals finals. The Enderman also places a lot of water around it so I can fly to the crystals with my chicken.
Throw the chicken to a safe place and then I can grab the crystal and jump before the Dragon. You get my point, so now I have a working strategy I can use to clear all the final crystals. This pillar doesn't have water close enough to jump on, so I found a web that an Enderman had placed and brought it. to the pillar so I can jump to it. I'm such a big brain and with all the crystals gone, I went to look for any bed Enderman might have placed and it looks like they placed every block. diamond blocks and portals, even beacons, but not a single bed or even a workbench to try to make beds without beds.
I don't know how to attack the dragon, oh, there goes the chicken, okay, and now I'm really stuck here. I chose I picked up the body of my dead chicken and tried to throw it at the dragon to damage it, but that didn't work, but I finally tried to hit it. Oh what, just by hitting it I had tamed the dragon and it was all mine, which counts. As we defeat the dragon, the health bar disappears and the final portal is open, so the upgrade is done block by block. We're nearing the end, so let's see how Minecraft 2.0 goes with the Ender Ice I farmed.
I was able to find my way to the fortress, well, most of the way to the fortress, even with my eyes. I was having trouble finding it, but once again, the world not loading in this version really got complicated. I dug down and landed in the portal room. and I placed my eyes, the portal already had a pair, which left me only two more to locate myself. I walked around the fortress looking for ender pearls and chests and was a little slow to remember to hide from the lightning, oh my god. I was too close after that, I had all the Ender Eyes I needed and I made sure to grab some snowballs from the surface to destroy the final crystals, so now with the portal turned on it's time to head to the end and fight the dragon in the most impossible Minecraft update.
Before this final fight, we are going to beat the last remaining innocents update the vote update this is the last and most recent update of the innocents the vote update from time to time a message will appear with some different options to vote each usually changes the game in a pretty significant way, there are almost 200 changes to vote on and they all stack on top of each other, so let's see if I can beat Minecraft as this world gets crazier and crazier as we progress immediately after. Upon getting stone tools and some food, a vote appeared that would unlock compressed air and allow me to ride cows to the moon or do nothing, obviously I'm voting to be able to go to the Moon.
Things are going to get crazy with this update, so I'll go to the moon later. Everything I vote for has a countdown timer until the vote goes into effect. That timer is so that other players also have time to vote, but I don't have friends to do it. alone, so it's my votes, so we have to wait anyway. I dropped into a nearby cave, picked up some iron, dealt with a zombie and then cooked my food and iron to get an iron pickaxe and bucket, then the next vote came up that would add something. I called the other portal but also increased the player size by 0.5 times for some reason.
At the time I thought this meant my size would be halved so I voted for it thinking it wouldn't really be a problem but it actually meant I would be three blocks tall instead of two, this became a shoe problematic and you'll see why very shortly after collecting some more iron to use as armor another vote came up that would replace an item in my inventory with something more random and this would replace my bucket of water, which wasn't the best deal, but it would also make the world haunted which seemed pretty fun so that's what I voted for after I looked up what it does and apparently it makes buttons and levers and all that triggers randomly in the world but I'm not going to build no redstone contraption, so this basically did nothing, it was kind of a disappointment.
I was hoping to see some ghosts floating around after that, I found a huge pool of lava in this cave and decided this would be a great place to make a portal and head into the abyss, oh right next to a fortress while collecting Netherrack for blocks To unite The Fortress, the vow from before activated and made me grow three blocks tall, oh. Great, this is so strange, so I accepted that I would be suffering like this for the moment, headed to the nether fortress and was immediately ambushed by a group of withered skeletons, but since I am very talented at Minecraft, I completely escaped.
Now I'm sure, I just need to do it and use fire rods, and being three blocks high actually made it easier at first to catch the flames that tried to fly, but it was hard to get crits in the Blaze spawn room, see how big I am, so I created a shield to make killing them a little easier, then I collected the rest of the fire rods I needed and that left me with the task of getting Ender Pearls, which wasn't too difficult since we're in a pretty modern version of Minecraft and I was able to find Enderman in the blue biomes that are right next to our portal and I was able to vote a little while collecting these pearls, like voting to turn off the rain and make the cherry saplings They will release anvils.
I voted to make all cow entities ridiculous and I voted to make my head giant. Everything was going very well, or so I thought. This is where being three blocks high became an issue that could legitimately end the race and make me fail this whole challenge when I'm so close to the end no I'm literally stuck Are you serious? I'm stuck. I can't break a block. The portal caught me because it was big. I can't open my inventory. I cant go out. Can't. dig, yes I accidentally trapped myself in my own portal, normally having just a bucket of water would be a perfect escape as you can just place the water on yourself and it would destroy the portal, allowing me to dig, but remember earlier when I voted to have my own portal. bucket of water replaced with another item yes I didn't have water either my only option was to sit here and wait for new votes and hope to get something that would free me and after more than 30 minutes of waiting I finally got something oh my god I reset every scale from the player oh my god yes so I voted for that, I had to wait 14 more minutes for it to activate and I'm finally free, how come this didn't go through a portal?
After all this time, I was able to return to the surface and felt like a breath of fresh air. I saw some glow bees that I voted for. I got to try out the evil eyes which basically makes my fist shoot everything and has infinite range and then I paid the price of creating players. Undead because I got burned in the sun, but I was able to vote to get rid of that almost immediately, so it worked and since I voted for chickens to lay random items instead of eggs, I even got a free diamond chest plate and then , immediately after which netherite chest plate.
I don't care if I do, are you serious? And now I'm pretty much ready to go to the fortress and try to beat the game and this final update, but not before we see the moon, which since we voted for it, is pretty easy to do. I collected some sand and melted it into glass to make glass bottles that can be created in the air. Is there. I promise, so if I give 10 of those to a cow and ride it, oh, come on. the baby moon here on the moon we have much lower gravity and there are a lot of space cows throwing glasses of cheese and bottles so as long as there are these cows around we will never run out of air because we can always create more from here on the moon we need Watch our oxygen levels or we will suffocate.
I decided to explore a little and ended up finding this little machine that I guess is called a self-build moon base, which I thought was pretty interesting. so I stepped on the golden pressure plate and watched the chaos as hundreds or thousands of automatically building copper blocks surrounded me. The moon base had some chests and even Sher boxes with some basic materials, which was honestly pretty cool, but at this point. My oxygen levels were dropping quite a bit. I was about to run out of breath and I didn't really know how to fix it. I had air in my inventory but I didn't know how to use it.
I thought you could just eat. that or something like that, but that didn't work and now I was in my last bubble and started to panic a little. My last thought was that maybe I needed compressed air instead of normal air, so I made a block of that and sealed myself back into the room and was able to put the backpack in there and finally breathe again after filling up with air. I decided to leave the moon base, I ate some of the moon since it is made of cheese after all and then I decided it was time to return to Earth and I finished the game so I gave a lot of air to a space cow and I took off, suddenly I was leaving trails of dirt behind and I was one of those kids who wears a fox tail.
I don't remember voting for it, but at this point I don't even care anymore, it was time to try to finally beat the game and finish this crazy challenge once and for all. I followed the Eyes of Ender and had a hard time finding the fortress and portal, so I jumped in and read. by the final fight at this point I had almost forgotten that I still had my evil eyes which meant that from infinite range I can instantly break the crystals in this obsidian to get the really high ones and finally completely destroy the dragon in just a couple of seconds. punches and now for the end, okay, this is the final update, the final fight with the dragon, the toughest April Fools update.
At first I didn't even think this was possible and now it's time to find out if I was right or wrong, there were pillars everywhere so I started throwing snowballs everywhere to destroy the crystals, the very tall ones I had to stack , although then I thought that lightning would come soon, so I dug into the ground and covered my head like I always do, but the dragon broke the block almost immediately, luckily I noticed and was able to replace the block in time before it fell lightning, but having the dragon break my blocks would only become a bigger problem.
I had to keep leaning to get the high crystals and Oh my God, and immediately after that crazy clutch I had to dig to avoid the beam and while I was there, the dragon flew across the ground and hit me, causing me a ton of damage, Now I had even more to worry about and I didn't. It will get easier, but now all the crystals are taken care of and somehow I have toSurvive by killing the dragon. My main strategy was to shoot the dragon as soon as it lunged at me to attack, then hide and wait for the lightning.
This was working. for a while and I got the dragon down to very low health, but the lightning had broken all my armor and I was out of arrows, the only thing I have left is a bed, if I can use this to blow up the dragon first. I win if I'm wrong and the dragon hits me first I die and I lose everything is written in this here goes nothing yes yes oh my god and that's it finally every April Fool's update passed I can't believe I accomplished this It was incredibly difficult. I made a 100 day video of the Infinite Dimensions update and you can watch it here, but the most important thing is to subscribe.

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