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Can American Guess The Accents in American (New York, Atlanta, California, North Carolina, Ohio)

May 03, 2024
Oh my god, this is hard, hello everyone, my name is Hunter and I'm from New York, of course not. We often call America a melting pot, many different cultures, different groups of people find home and refuge there, so naturally there will be


from different places and different people mixing. I think the most different would be Texas because my mom's family is from there, so I'm ready for this. I think I could do a good job. Hello, my God, you are so pretty, my God. you're so pretty what's your name I'm chelsea what's your name hello chelsea I'm hunting I love that name I mean it's a pleasure to meet you it's a pleasure to meet you too I'm already trying to figure it out I know it's like laser beams going through my brain fighting you can do it good Girl, see, girl, you're from America, right, I'm at your stage, would you say the weather is warmer?
can american guess the accents in american new york atlanta california north carolina ohio
I think in my state the weather acts accordingly, normal, okay, so what are they? some things that are popular um what is this? I got it from my cat so I just started don't do it again. I'm sorry in my wait, what was the question, oh wait, I remember, what's popular, why are you so far away for me? Come here, I mean, because you're scaring me, I might be exposed for who I really am if I get any closer. The popular things in my movie are popular, okay, the movie is popular, the trees, the trees, the trees are popular, the traffic, the traffic, the traffic is very popular, you know? like the nursery rhyme Peter Piper Peter Piper pick a, pick a pickle, pickle, yeah, you can, you can, you can, you can say that for me, Peter, pack a, pick,, pick,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, I, of course, please excuse my dear Aunt Sally, please excuse my dear Aunt Sally, so in your state, yes, your mother's sister, what would I call her, my Auntie, oh, Atlanta, I got it, I got it, no, I should get it, okay, so my question. for you it's do you think I sound like someone from Atlanta at first glance, like hearing your accent, no, but I think as you talk a little more, I'm picking it up, yeah, it depends on the word I think of for myself too. e Although I grew up in the inner city, my mother was very strict in the way we spoke at home, so although I can change it when I need to, I usually speak this way, especially when I work in my profession.
can american guess the accents in american new york atlanta california north carolina ohio

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can american guess the accents in american new york atlanta california north carolina ohio...

I speak very clearly and precisely, so I'm an actor, honey, hey, well, I also taught English for a while, but also in theater. I don't do musical theater and things of that nature, but yeah, okay, Atlanta, Georgia, okay, okay, Southern Peace, oh, hello. I'm Ian Hi Ian, I'm Hunter, nice to meet you, Hunter, I'll meet you too, Ian, where are you from? USA, do you know where it is? I'm a little conscious a little bit, so how do you pronounce pizza, pizza, pizza, okay, Ian? When you thrive in a car, do you drive with two hands or one?
can american guess the accents in american new york atlanta california north carolina ohio
It depends on how warm the weather is. uh, two inches, sometimes you know, oh yes, you know, sometimes I want to see, okay, you know, please excuse me, dear Aunt Sally, please excuse me, dear. Aunt Sally when you talk to your father's or mother's brother, particularly a woman, do you say aunt or aunt Auntie? I'm moving more toward the Midwest, interesting, not so much. I don't understand anything, oh my God, this is hard, this is harder than I thought. was going to be yeah, what are some famous things? um, what's famous is the weather is very, very famous, okay, Zorro is from my farm, you know?
can american guess the accents in american new york atlanta california north carolina ohio
Zora, okay, you should educate yourself, oh, weed, weed is legal, very illegal, weed is very legal. very legal Nevada Nevada ah we're getting closer we're getting closer it's not California it's California it's California good job thank you I sound like a typical Californian oh my goodness to hear you're from California you do it I do it well Now I get it interesting. I've heard the opposite, you actually speak slower, that's people, yeah, I think it's like non-native English speakers, like you speak slower with them and it's natural to us, yeah, like living abroad for so long time.
Now I feel great, it's a good vibe, okay, good luck, good job, very good, thank you, thank you, hello, hello, what's your name? Shannon Shannon, nice to meet you. I'm Hunter, nice to meet you. You're just throwing it out there, where are you? are you from the United States where in the United States are you from a city a city in your state how do people say the word p-i-z-z-a Pizza Pizza can you say this sentence for me please excuse me my dear Aunt Sally please excuse me my dear Aunt Sally oh so your mom's sister what would you call her or Lee, hey Aunt Lee, Auntie?
I think it actually changes when I say Aunt Lee so I think it depends on the name maybe so Shannon in your state what sports are popular basketball basketball what other things are popular uh barbecue but we. They're famous for the beach chain, okay, you're from New Mexico, no, in your state, people wear cowboy hats, unfortunately, people say yeah, if they're drunk, if they're drunk, would you see people doing, would you see people making cotton? Be careful Joe, the fact that you are aware of this is revealing. Oh, are you from North Carolina? We'll have to center it, but yeah, that was pretty cool.
Yes, I'm from North Kakalaki. Come on, how did you know who I was? from North Carolina, so your accent has a southern tinge to it, but I think that's when you said people say Auntie and Ox, it's okay because I experienced that too, yeah, with the people I know, we come and go Auntie Auntie So-and-so of such, yeah that's for sure and then yeah the cowboy hats were a dead giveaway so that made it southern pretty quick yeah I can feel it now it's coming out a little more but I sound like I'm saying North Carolina instead of North.
Carolina and we tell everyone and stuff like that, yeah, that would have been a good question, yeah, I was trying not to tell everyone because I know that would be a dead giveaway, okay, awesome, thank you, bye, hi, hi, what? what is your name? My name is Shaolin Shala, nice to meet you, I'm Hunter, nice to meet you, Hunter, oh Shaolin, you're from America, right, yeah, yeah, okay. I have lived abroad for almost 10 years. Wow, okay, maybe the accident will be a little more difficult. Telling him apart is going to be difficult, so Shalin, your mom's sister, what do you call your aunt?
What is your state known for? Neil Armstrong and John Legend are from my state. Okay, the size of the state is similar to the size of Korea. Okay, it's also famous for baseball and soccer. Baseball and soccer. Be careful. I don't know much about baseball, but. Are there any popular foods? Well, I don't want to give it away because there's one that's kind of famous, but I don't know if I say which one it is, then I'll give it away, so I'll do it. I don't do that, but the town I'm from is famous for chili chili and oh, could I be like Tilly?
How about clam chowder? No, okay, not that one, not that one. Okay, are you from Ohio? Yes, yes, friend, I was going to say. Buckeye because we are the book I say, so there are these like that would have been like probably like Reese's. I don't know they like peanut butter and chocolate and I made them and sometimes it was a good decision because yeah I would have been like yeah and then immediately I would be like oh she got it I should play with her in the room thank you so much it was nice to meet you it was really fun today I think it's always nice to connect with people live it's nice to hear from people from different places here just to talk and everything Charlotte would probably say um just because I have the least experience with people where she's from, like she's met a lot of them, of course.
California people I don't even know where Ohio is today. I tried to


where people are from based on their accent. We had a lot of fun today. Luckily I


ed correctly and yes, I'm proud of myself. If you like this video, please leave it. a comment, like and subscribe and we'll see you next time, okay?

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